Rumours in Richemulot

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Rock of the Fraternity
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Rumours in Richemulot

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

1. In recent months, sewer workers have reported large numbers of dead rats, some of them of unusual size, in a certain part of Mortigny. All were apparently killed with large, blunt instruments, and the sewer workers report significant damage to some of the underground tunnels. Almost as if something bulled its way right through them...

2. Mlle. Louise Renier has declared her intention to move away to a house she has bought in Dementlieu. Already, her rooms at Chäteau Delanuit are being packed up for transport. Mlle. Jacqueline Renier has apparently been looking for ways to keep her sister occupied, but Mlle. Louise appears to be fully determined to leave...

3. One of the residents of the Baynesbrook Home for the Aged was found wandering the streets in the dead of night, dressed only in his nightshirt and raving about 'beast-headed gods out of the dust'. The man is clearly out of his mind with fear, and has been detained by the gendarmerie. He appears unwilling to return to his rooms at the Home, but Mssr. Baynesbrook is petitioning with the gendarmerie for his return with great passion.
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