A halfling walks to church (3)

The Halfling campaign
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Post by VAN »

Feeling dizzy and very weakened, Kimuriel opens his eyes. His vision hasn’t clear yet, but he can pull himself towards the wall and help himself to stand up. Looking around, he feels more lost than before. Lord Pieter’s corpse is lying only a few feet away from him, with a dagger at his heart. Artemis is beside the man and is speaking to him. Nostalia seems giving a real battle for remain alive. Heinrich is hugging her, trying to help her as he can and Ixevim is standing beside a man that Kimuriel doesn’t know, both of them seem very surprised. Then the psion’s look fell to his father.

OOC> What is happening to Kimuriel’s father and where is Lurzred?
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by Coan »

OOC: Lurzed ran off through the outside exit. As for your father...

IC: Kimuriel looks around -above the mist still rages and distant thunder from it drowns out the screams nearby. Kimuriel's father Jonathan collapsed just before the attack on his son's mind but now it seemed he was no where to be seen, however he could be heard. Underneath the veil of mist that still covered some of the floor it had concentrated on the area near the thrones. From that direction Kimuriel could hear his father's weak pleas.

"Please..." he seemed to be speaking to himself and pleading "I need more time."

And then something quite strange happened. Another voice, this one harsh and somewhat nasal and with a tone as if it were talking to a child, spoke out from the same direction. Indeed as if from the same throne.

"You had your chance. He doesn't want to help you."


"No. Your time is over old man."
[size=75]-Wake up... wake up and smell the ashes-[/size]
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Heinrich attempts to lift himself and Nostalia from the ground but only hims himself collapsing once more to the hard surface, he winces in pain from the deep cut across his stomach. Placing a hand against the wound he lifted it away again, looking down he saw his own hand drenched in blood. He would regret dying now before he saw Falkovnia liberated, but if Nostalia would live, it would mean it was worth it, he was certain that her or someone would continue the fight in his place.

Pushing himself back across the floor, still cradling Nostalia, he lent against the seat that Pieter had occupied only a few minutes before. With his other gloved hand, he pushed strands of hair from Nostalia's brow so that he might see her better. So much this reminded him of when he lost his wife, but now it was worse to think that it could happen again.
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Post by Coan »

His life blood leaving him Heinrich looks up mournfully only to notice the storm above is slowly clearing and returning to normal.

Nostalia however barely moved and what strength was left in his heart went out to her. As if responding Nostalia stirred ever so slightly, her chest rising as faint breathing became more noticeable. She was at least alive and Heinrich felt at peace.

Looking at the two Artemis swings his head around in curiousity towards the twin voices at one of the thrones. Digging into his deep pockets absently the diplomat turned once more and carelessly tossed two vials towards the dying pair.

"Don't be so melodramatic, its not like you let your idol kill your lover again." he mutters as the vials roll to Heinrich's feet.
"Anyone would think you were in actual danger. Though I would let Nostalia rest before you bed her in victory -I told you she shouldn't have come." his muffled words rang in Heinrich's ears. But before he could take one of the healing potions and respond Artemis was walking with Kimuriel towards the psionic's father.
[size=75]-Wake up... wake up and smell the ashes-[/size]
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Scooping up the vials, Heinrich scowled at them, he knew they would be magic, he was tempted to cast them at the ground and smash them, but that would mean that both he and Nostalia were certain to die. Carefully he gripped the cork of one vial between his teeth. pulling it out to save his injured hand and poured the liquid within carefully down Nostalia's throat, helping her swallow the foul smelling substance. He then repeated the process with the other vial, choking on the taste, which was even worse than the smell.

He then grumbled to himself that if Artemis wanted thanks for his gesture, he would have to wait a very long time.
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Post by VAN »

OOC> I play instead of alhoon

IC> Ixevim looking at Nostalia and Heinrich, tells Simone,

“Wait a moment”

Then, he walks to the pair to see if he can provide any help at all.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by VAN »

The voice’s words generates a strange feeling to Kimuriel. The half elf without knowing why, is feeling pity to his father. It has passed only a day since their last meeting, at which Jonathan has tried to kill Kimuriel and his friends. However, the psion feels that the only thing his father wanted was to get him with his part and maybe forgiveness. The detective had never a special bond with his father and many times at the past was happy that his father had abandoned them. But now, seeing him like this, crumpling to the ground and almost implore him for help, something changes. After all, Jonathan was always his father.

Without a second thought Kimuriel draws his gun and heads towards the voice .At the same time yells:

“Father, where are you? What is happening? I’m here.”
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Heinrish looks up to see the mindflayer approaching and gives one of his lopsided smiles and speaks with the occasional pause as pain lances through him.

"I don't think I am going to die just yet, Artemis have me a couple of potions, though I do not trust him completed as to what they really contained. I am more concerned of Lady Romaine's condition."
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Post by Coan »

"I only need more time."

"You are strong willed I'll give you that Jonathan. But no one stops the inevitable."

As Kimuriel and Artemis approach the throne the voices stop and then a loud scream echoes through the room as the man twists in agony. Moving quickly now Kimuriel races around to face his father -or what should have been his father.

The half-elf could barely recognise the man's face -contorted as it was. His eyes bulged and lips were drawn back into a rictus grin showing all his teeth. This man was no longer his father, it was something else. Moving his pistol up so to begin asking one of the hundreds of questions which now covered his mind the creature kicked out a leg and disarmed his son as the pistol went off without effect.

"Greetings and salutations." the creature said as it moved its other leg in a circle motion to pin Artemis' arm to the throne as he too tried to ready his pistol. The diplomat's face had turned very pale
"It can't be!" Artemis exclaimed
"Come now Artemis, you should know better..."
"But.. his father.."
"You've been a very naughty boy" the dead man said not breaking his own conversation
"My god."
"Not here yet. But we both know better." bringing himself up by almost seemingly almost floating the man stood on the arm's of the throne and on top of Artemis' hand before jumping across the room and dashing towards the door the group had come through.
[size=75]-Wake up... wake up and smell the ashes-[/size]
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Heinrich stared on in shock of what had just happened.


This was all he was able to stammer in his current state.
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Post by VAN »

Kimuriel is furious; a strange creature has gotten his father’s body, probably killing his spirit and denied him the opportunity to save him. It’s the second time Kimuriel sees his father dying in front of him and even if he knows that Jonathan was already dead, a strong feeling of anger and revenge feels him.

Kimuriel’s eyes become a line as he frowns; his face is a mask of pain mixed with hate. With a yell which express all his desperation and anger, the half-elf gets his gun, spins towards the door and making a great effort manages to concentrate and manifest a power. A mist appears which makes a cloud in which appears a scythe. The cloud covers the creature.

OOC> Kimuriel manifests “sever the tie” a 2nd level power, which deals 3d8 damage to undead in 10’ radius, S.T: will half, power resistance: yes. Kimuriel’s DC is 19.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by Coan »

The creature bounds to the door as Kimuriel pursues him. The mist just touches him as while moving out of range, however while the flesh contorts and obviously hurts the creature it doesn't seem to hurt it that much. Now near the door it makes a mocking bow.

"Sorry to have to 'cut' this short. But I have other plans my sony son son. But ask yourself how you intended to save your father? By killing him or 'laying him to rest'. I've only saved you the trouble, afterall what kind of son would kill his own father?" and then it pounds its fist down into one of Ixevim's dead guards.

The body quivered and then groaned but suddenly the undead being once Jonathan dives into the body causing the guard's chest to swell and then rip apart. The creature is gone having evidently inherited Jonathan's abilities and the question rests in Kimuriels mind, has it taken his father's memories as well?
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Watching the commotion, Heinrich noticed that the pain in his abdomen and wrist had lessened. Looking a tthe wounds he found they were no longer bleeding and looked as if they had bee nhealing for several days. He looked at them as if in a daze for a moment before checking on Nostalia. Sadly he fuond her in the same comatose state and took a moment to brush his gloved hand against her cheek, wiping away some of his own blood that had dribbled onto her. They were both a mess, covered in blood and their clothing torn. This time, when he tried to stand he succeeded, if with considerable pain. He lifted Nostalia into his arms and grimaced as he crossed to the others.

"This is no time for more conflict, we were almost killed then, each and every one of us almost met orur own makers. Do you really think it wise to go after someone else now?"

As if Kimuriel did not already realise, Heinrich was looking directly at him.

"Whatever that thing did to what became of your father will have to be contended with another time. We need rest and time to heal, especially Lady Romaine."
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Post by alhoon »

As things turn out in front of the stunned mind flayer, quicker than his troubled mind can react, after all undead are the bane of the mind flayers, Ixevim turns back to Simone He sends him a telepathic message.
"How are you and how were you brought here? You seem . . . alive again. I hope you're not like the creature Kimuriel's father turned into."

Ixevim sent the others a telepathic message. "Do you see a middle aged man, standing there looking very surprised? If yes, he is Simone and he is a friend. If not. . . then the mental shock that light created was too far for my mind and I'm hallucinating."

Ixevim shivered as he remembered the images. He hoped it was just an effect the light created. After all, his kin that has just departed said something about contamination. His kin. It seems far more than a few weeks ago that he has killed his "friend" and fellow Creator in Bluetspur's cavern.
Yet, the way his kin treated the whole situation, not caring the least about humans, killing his thralls on a whim, was a painful reminder that he didn't belong to that place. A place that he sincerely hoped still existed and would exist forever.
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Post by VAN »

Kimuriel remains still and silent several moments looking the dead corpse from which disappears the strange creature. His face is expressionless and despite his eyes seem focused on the corpse, it’s obvious that his mind is driven away. The half-elf is lost in his own thoughts, his own nightmares. No one can imagine what he is thinking and most of all how he is feeling. Many emotions get his heart, disappointment, despair, hate, anger, love and loneliness.

Kimuriel barely listens Heinrich’s words. Only when the bodyguard touches slightly his arm, the psion responds:

“I don’t know what are you going to do from now and then, but I’ll search for this creature and believe me, I’ll find it. I don’t really know if remains anything from my father in it, but I swear that if it does, I’ll get it free even if that means that I’ve to kill my own father.”

Receiving Ixevim’s telepathic message, Kimuriel nods and says:

“Well, Simone, do you know anything about this entire situation?”

Understanding immediately that he was very rude with the surprised man, Kimuriel gets a few deep breaths to calm and corrected himself:

“I’m sorry. It’s a bad moment for me. I’m Kimuriel, the man beside me is Artemis and these are Heinrich and Lady Romaine. How did you enter here? The door was locked and if I remember correctly, I saw you standing beside Ixevim.”
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!