Chatbot AI is awesome (and free for a limited time)

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Evil Genius
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Chatbot AI is awesome (and free for a limited time)

Post by tomokaicho »

Go and sign up here. It knows about Ravenloft.

Subject Ravenloft setting

Ravenloft is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. It is known for its Gothic horror theme, in which players take on the roles of heroes who must confront the dark forces of the land of Ravenloft. The setting is known for its focus on atmosphere and psychological horror, as well as its complex and often tragic backstories for its various characters and locations. It was first published in 1990 and has since been the setting for several D&D adventures and novels.

Write a story about Azalin. include the subject of time travel

Azalin was once a great sorcerer, feared and respected throughout the land of Ravenloft. He was obsessed with the concept of time, and spent many years studying the arcane arts in order to unlock its secrets.

One day, Azalin discovered a powerful spell that would allow him to travel through time. Excited by the possibilities, he immediately began experimenting with the spell, traveling to different eras and places in search of knowledge and power.

But as Azalin delved deeper into the mysteries of time, he began to realize that there were limits to his power. No matter how far he traveled, he could not escape the horrors of Ravenloft, and his own dark past always seemed to catch up with him.

Over time, Azalin became increasingly paranoid and reclusive, retreating to his castle and surrounding himself with powerful magical defenses. He continued to experiment with time travel, but the toll it took on his mind and body was immense.

Eventually, Azalin's experiments attracted the attention of the Dark Powers, the ancient and malevolent forces that rule Ravenloft. They saw the potential in Azalin's time-warping abilities, and offered him a deal: serve them, and they would grant him the power to control time itself.

Azalin was tempted, but he knew that the price of such power would be high. In the end, he refused the Dark Powers' offer, and they punished him by trapping him in an endless time loop, forcing him to relive the same events over and over again.

Now, Azalin is doomed to spend eternity trapped in his own personal nightmare, forever struggling against the forces of time and the horrors of Ravenloft.

You can ask the AI to write in the style of certain authors as well. You can ask about D&D rules and so on.
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Evil Genius
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Re: Chatbot AI is awesome (and free for a limited time)

Post by tomokaicho »

More -
Write a short story about Dr. Doom from the Marvel comics being consigned to Ravenloft as a Darklord. Include of his Darklord curse, his domain and it's inhabitants.

Dr. Doom was once a brilliant scientist and leader, but his thirst for power and desire to conquer led him down a dark path. He became a tyrant, ruling over his small country of Latveria with an iron fist and using his incredible scientific abilities to further his own ambitions.

But his actions did not go unnoticed. The dark powers of Ravenloft, a realm of fear and horror, took notice of Dr. Doom and his desire to spread fear and suffering. They decided to punish him by consigning him to Ravenloft as a Darklord, a powerful being who would be forced to rule over a domain within the realm.

Dr. Doom was horrified at the thought of being trapped in Ravenloft, but he had no choice. He was transported to his new domain, a realm of eternal night filled with twisted creatures and haunted by the ghosts of the dead.

As a Darklord, Dr. Doom was cursed to spread fear and misery throughout his domain. He used his scientific abilities to create terrifying monsters and other horrors to plague the inhabitants of his realm. He also sought out other powerful beings, such as witches and warlocks, and made them his servants, further strengthening his grip on the land.

Despite his immense power and scientific prowess, Dr. Doom was unable to escape his fate. He was trapped in Ravenloft, forced to rule over his dark domain for all eternity. And though he may have once been a great leader, in Ravenloft he was nothing more than a pawn of the dark powers, condemned to spread fear and suffering for all time.
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Re: Chatbot AI is awesome (and free for a limited time)

Post by IanFordam »

Those are both alarmingly spot-on!
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Re: Chatbot AI is awesome (and free for a limited time)

Post by Joël of the FoS »

Not everytime :)

write a story about Ivana Boritsi set in Borca

Ivana Boritsi was a young woman from the small town of Borca, nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside. She was a bright and ambitious student, with dreams of leaving her hometown and making a name for herself in the world.

One day, Ivana received a letter in the mail from a prestigious university in the city, offering her a full scholarship to study abroad. She was overjoyed at the opportunity and immediately accepted, eager to see what the world had to offer.

As she set out on her journey, Ivana left behind her family and friends, knowing that she would never be the same after this experience. She arrived in the city full of excitement and anticipation, ready to embrace all that it had to offer.

At the university, Ivana quickly proved herself to be a top student, excelling in her classes and making a name for herself among her peers. She was determined to make the most of her time there, and spent long hours studying and working on her projects.

But as she began to adjust to life in the city, Ivana found herself longing for the simplicity and beauty of her hometown. She missed the fresh air and the open skies of Borca, and the close-knit community that had always supported her.

In the end, Ivana decided to return to Borca after graduation, grateful for the experiences and opportunities that the city had given her, but also knowing that her heart belonged in the place where she had grown up. She returned home a wiser and more confident person, ready to take on the world with a renewed sense of purpose.


try#2: write a story about Ivana Boritsi set in Borca, must includes scheming nobles, Nostalia Romaine and poisonning

Ivana Boritsi was a young woman from the small town of Borca, nestled in the rolling hills of rural Romania. She was a talented seamstress, known for her skilled handiwork and keen eye for fashion.

But Ivana's talent caught the eye of Nostalia Romaine, a scheming noblewoman who ruled over the town with an iron fist. Nostalia was known for her cunning and ruthless tactics, and she saw Ivana as a valuable asset to her court.

Ivana was initially flattered by Nostalia's attention and agreed to work for her, creating beautiful gowns and dresses for the noblewoman and her court. But as time went on, Ivana began to see the true nature of Nostalia's reign. She saw how the noblewoman schemed and plotted against her enemies, using poison and other underhanded tactics to eliminate anyone who stood in her way.

Feeling trapped and afraid, Ivana tried to distance herself from Nostalia and her court. But the noblewoman would not be denied, and she began to threaten Ivana and her family if she did not continue to work for her.

In the end, Ivana knew that she had to take a stand. She gathered her courage and confronted Nostalia, refusing to be used as a pawn in her dangerous games. Enraged, Nostalia ordered her guards to kill Ivana on the spot.

But Ivana was ready for her. She had secretly been collecting evidence of Nostalia's crimes, and she revealed it all in a daring public speech, exposing the noblewoman's corruption and deceit.

Thanks to Ivana's bravery and quick thinking, Nostalia was arrested and thrown in prison, and the town of Borca was finally free from her tyranny. Ivana was hailed as a hero, and she went on to live a happy and fulfilling life, proud of the role she had played in bringing justice to her community.
"A full set of (game) rules is so massively complicated that the only time they were all bound together in a single volume, they underwent gravitational collapse and became a black hole" (Adams)
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Re: Chatbot AI is awesome (and free for a limited time)

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

:shock: ... Bwuh...?
I ... that ... I ... :shock:
Mind: BLOWN.

And no, not in the way that I want anything to do with this bot.
Evil Genius
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Re: Chatbot AI is awesome (and free for a limited time)

Post by Mistmaster »

It read about my Ivana, not Canon one.
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