Strix and the Nightmare Lands

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Rock of the Fraternity
Evil Genius
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Re: Strix and the Nightmare Lands

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Oooh, I like that idea. If he manages to manifest himself in the Mists, he could be actively hunting people in hopes that ingesting their souls will grant him reality.
Evil Genius
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Re: Strix and the Nightmare Lands

Post by KingCorn »

I've decided to expand on my Nightmare Banemaw idea with a kinda high level adventure: Baneful Dreams.
The dream construct of Banemaw within the Nightmare Lands has haunted the dreams of everyone in Nidala, but that is not enough for it. Finding a patron within the Nightmare Court, the hag Mullonga, he believes he has a way to become real, involving spreading his influence across other domains.
The adventure would bring the players to the Van Richten society, into the Shadowlands, and the Nightmare Lands. Other ideas include entering the Nightmare Lands fully via a mirror in the Morgoroth's home, meeting Stryx both in the waking world and the Nightmare Lands, exploring the dreams of the Darklords of the Shadowlands [Morgoroth, Elena, and Addar], and helping Dr. Illhousen fend off a siege on his dream asylum.
Having a final showdown with Banemaw as it absorbs the souls of the sleeping in an attempt to become real. Should they succeed, Banemaw is made a Darklord within the Nightmare Lands, cursed to never be real. Should they fail, he rampages for a while before being cursed by the Dark Powers and given a domain within the Shadowlands: Uther.
No matter what happens, Elena is forced to face her lies and sins, and the Shadowlands and the Core become aware of each other (look out Gondegol)
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: Strix and the Nightmare Lands

Post by KingCorn »

Looking at lore, I realized a better example of a dream dragon is actually Tyravinorr, from Forgotten Terror, being merely the reflection of the nightmares Chardath had as a child. Him I could see still remaining, having wormed his way out of the gem and into the Nightmare Lands. Ruling from his Ruby Palace, he plans to devour the souls of those who use the Dagger of Aggarath in order to become a real dragon.
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