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Re: New to Ravenloft? Or new to our forum? introduce yourself!

Post by LeMaxul »

Hello! I wasn't sure where to start with this, so I decided to introduce myself here first! My name is Michail Vartholomaios, and I'm a recent Fraternity fan. I'm also a confirmed lurker in the FoS Discord. I played some Ravenloft back in the days of 3.X and now again in 5e.

I've been writing a D&D adventure. I plan to publish through the DM's Guild in the following months.
The focus of this adventure is Richemulot and to a lesser extent, the Carnival. I've been trying to include as many elements from the setting, including official works, but also material from the Fraternity of Shadows and the Karganate. The intention here isn't to import the work of others, but try to include as much of the setting as I could find. For this reason, I've been avoiding including focal characters and quests.
To make sure no issues of plagiarism come up, I've decided to directly contact every author I've referenced from the Fraternity and Karganate, to get their explicit permission (hopefully).

Unfortunately, a number of the referenced material comes from authors whose contact information never appeared or no longer works ("broken" email address). I've decided to post in the FoS forum, hoping that this message will catch their eye! :)

So, the people I'm looking for are: Alhoon/Andrew Pavlides, Andrew Snow, Cure, DarkSoldier, Mikhail Rekun and Joseph Zettelmaier.
- I've referenced Alhoon and Cure's work from "The Vault: Domain of The Month: Richemulot" to create two factions that participate in a sort of gang war in Saint Ronges; The Family Gang, and a group of serial killers.
- I've referenced Zettelmaier's and Snow's characters for the Carnival. Albert (Human Morningstar), Black Jake, La Petite En Pointe and the Runt, all appear. Each character appears as part of a specific Carnival venue; their backstory doesn't appear in the adventure. However, I've reintroduced La Petite En Pointe to first join the Carnival as the characters are exploring it, during a time that Isolde is missing.
Doctor Mingus appears in a location called Perfumers' Society, where his lab is located in the adventure. He has been given additional backstory and is connected to a few other cases in the adventure. I've considered a narrative device that will "move" him to Pont-a-Museau later in the adventure.

I'm still writing/designing Pont-a-Museau, so the information about the following references could change:
- I've referenced DarkSoldier's group of characters called the New Outcasts. The adventure focuses mostly on Anna and Silas. Kerad and Amaaera appear and can be recruited into an insurgency with the rest of the New Outcasts, but the characters will interact less with them.
- I've referenced Rekun's character Monsieur Dior from the Midnight Market. Dior can't access the Midnight Market in the adventure, so he's been abducting and enslaving in the capital instead. He's working with Henri Milton (from Werebeasts) and may end up kidnapping Anna.
- I've considered adding Zettelmaier's characters Xavier D'Arcey and Gaston in Pont-a-Museau, but I'm not sure yet. The general plan is to allow the players to discover each one's dark side. "Solving" their cases leads to a possible outcome of recruiting both into an insurgency.

If you read your name here, then please know I'm looking for you! You can contact me here, via email (, or via Discord (username: micelen). Sry for the long post, and thanks to Rock for prompting me here!
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Or new to our forum? introduce yourself!

Post by Bride of S »

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! I think I had an account on here a decade ago but I wasn't really active and have been away for so long I completely forgot what it was, so... here we are again.
Ravenloft is a land worth living in. It is a land worth fighting for. Don't surrender it to the night.
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Re: New to Ravenloft? Or new to our forum? introduce yourself!

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Merry Christmas and welcome back.
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