Campaign Poll

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Nathan of the FoS
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Campaign Poll

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

I don't think there is a multi-choice option for our polling station, so I won't make this a "real" poll with the radio toggles and all. But, as your (somewhat) friendly Dungeon Master, I'd like to know what you guys would like to see in this campaign.

Which of the following are most important to you?
1) PC interactions
2) PC interactions with NPCs
3) Intrigue
4) Puzzles
5) Fights

As an extension of this, what do you see your PC doing to influence events?
1) Gathering information on the Doomsday Device
2) Helping to locate van Rijn's current hiding place
3) Infiltration of the enemy (very, very difficult in this case, but...)
4) Duking it out with Death's minions
5) Something else

I'd like to get the campaign moving forward again, and if you guys could give me your input it will greatly help me figure out what angles to develop. Thanks!

Nathan of the Fraternity
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Post by VAN »

Thanks for the poll Nathan! :D

I consider PC interactions very important in a camapaign and I always liked fights and intrigue.

Since Dadrag is Draxton's bodyguard, depends mostly on him. But I think it will be easier for Dadrag or gather information or helping to locate van Rijn's current hiding place.
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Post by Pamela »

Interactions with PCs and NPCs are equally important to me. Really, fights are my only weak point of interest, but this game has hardly ever threatened to turn into a hack and slash, so a fight now and then is cool by me.

As for my PC's role: gathering information on the Doomsday Device and van Rijn's location are the most IC for Gert. If she's cornered a la Halloween, she'll fight of course. She won't be prowling the streets looking for one though. :P
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

Interactions with other characters (PC or NPC makes no difference) is the payoff I play online games for, even if I sometimes take forever to get back to posting. So long as people can forgive me for being a slowpoke -- and a blabbermouth, when I do get around to it :wink: -- I'm fine with chatter and player-engineered conflict. My Crow makes his own intrigue, so I'll get my share of that no matter what; fights aren't his strong point, but I'd like to see enough danger (not necessarily combat) that players who want to advance their PCs' experience levels aren't disappointed.

No contest that finding (and destroying; no way would the bard give those back to the bloody Frat! :wink: ) the Doomsday Device plans is top priority for my character. If trashing Van Rijn is a part of that package, he certainly won't complain; if going "triple agent" and pretending to sell out the loyalists' interests to Van Rijn's faction will get him close enough to the lich to steal the plans, and/or sabotage a nascent Device while it's still under construction, he'll try that too. Fighting the UOotG isn't the best use of the bard's abilities -- he's a talker, not a butt-kicker, which is why he's infiltrating the VRS's opposition instead of slaying monsters like the Weathermays :wink: -- so he'd prefer to stay out of that side of the war ... unless Buchvold or Kingsley happen to need his help, that is. On the sly, he'll also keep tabs on the FoS's own activities, and will give a covert, anonymous "heads-up" to his real allies, should the Fraternity revert to type and try to trick well-meaning monster hunters into being cannon fodder.

OTOH, I don't mind if the search for Van Rijn and/or the plans takes us a good, long while, IRL. Drawing things out until the next in-game Winter Solstice would make for a cool, progressive buildup of tension, and would allow more time for PCs to gain levels and to interact before a climactic finale. That being said, I would like to see something exciting that reunites all our PCs happen during the IRL summer, while I'm not teaching and can devote as much time as I'd like to this campaign. 8)
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Re: Campaign Poll

Post by alhoon »

Nathan of the FoS wrote: Which of the following are most important to you?
1) PC interactions
2) PC interactions with NPCs
3) Intrigue
4) Puzzles
5) Fights
1) Intrigue
2) PC interactions
3) PC interactions with NPCs

Not really interesteded in: Fights

Really NOT interesred in: Puzzles.

Nathan of the FoS wrote:As an extension of this, what do you see your PC doing to influence events?
1) Gathering information on the Doomsday Device
2) Helping to locate van Rijn's current hiding place
3) Infiltration of the enemy (very, very difficult in this case, but...)
4) Duking it out with Death's minions
5) Something else
1) Something else: Learning more about necromancy
2) Something else: increasing Serd's influence on the world in general
3) Hunting undead and Death's minions (To learn about necromancy and undead)

However: Don't think that Draxton is just wandering the same Demi-plane as the rest pursuing his own goals only!
He will share information about undead and their weaknesses with the Fraternity and about death minions etc.
He will use his influence and ears through out the Core (and Darkon in particular) to find Death's minions and those that plot against the Fraternity.
The problem is that being a bad, egoist, self-centered person Draxton Serd only goes where personal gain is. He is not helping the Fraternity out of friendship, kinship or even loyalty! He is helping them because he believes that being a member there will help him understand and learn more secrets thus helping him advance his own agendas faster. So since he is a member there, he wants to win :)
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Moral Machivelli
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Re: Campaign Poll

Post by Moral Machivelli »

Nathan of the FoS wrote:Which of the following are most important to you?
1) PC interactions
2) PC interactions with NPCs
3) Intrigue
4) Puzzles
5) Fights
All of the above, with fights being the Least Important.
Nathan of the FoS wrote:As an extension of this, what do you see your PC doing to influence events?
1) Gathering information on the Doomsday Device
2) Helping to locate van Rijn's current hiding place
3) Infiltration of the enemy (very, very difficult in this case, but...)
4) Duking it out with Death's minions
5) Something else

Nathan of the Fraternity
1 and 2 without a doubt.
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