Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror: O is for Ominous!

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Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror: O is for Ominous!

Post by Mangrum »

Done! Odem [Denizens of Dread]
Done! Ogre [Monster Manual] Pic
Done! Ogre mage [Monster Manual] Pic
Done! Omnimental [Monster Manual III] Pic
Oni, common [Oriental Adventures] Pic
Oni, go-zu oni [Oriental Adventures] Pic
Done! Oni, me-zu oni [Oriental Adventures] Pic
Done! Ooze, common, black pudding [Monster Manual]
Done! Ooze, gelatinous cube [Monster Manual] Pic
Ooze, common, gray ooze [Monster Manual]
Ooze, common, ochre jelly [Monster Manual] Pic
Done! Ooze, common, white pudding [Frostburn] Pic
Done! Ooze, exotic, bone ooze [Monster Manual II] Pic
Done! Ooze, exotic, ethereal ooze [Fiend Folio] Pic
Done! Ooze, exotic, flesh jelly [Monster Manual II] Pic
Done! Ooze, exotic, grave ooze [Denizens of Dread]
Done! Ooze, exotic, shadow jelly [Planar Handbook] Pic
Done! Ooze, exotic, void ooze [Planar Handbook] Pic
Done! Owl, giant [Monster Manual] Pic

Odem: Medium Undead (Incorporeal), CR 5, chaotic evil. Invisible, intangible spirits that possess living hosts, using their bodies to commit terrible deeds for no reason beyond their own deranged enjoyment. [Denizens of Dread]

Ogre: Large Giant, CR 3, chaotic evil. Big, dumb, ugly giants that enjoy eating humanoid flesh. In Ravenloft, ogres are most common in the deep wilderness of the southwestern Core. Ogres generally avoid settled areas, but Malocchio Aderre has managed to recruit quite a few to serve him. [Monster Manual]

Ogre Mage: Large Giant, CR 8, lawful evil. Distantly related to ogres, these creatures are actually a type of oni. As such, they’re most commonly encountered in the Scattered Lotus Archipelago. An ogre mage resembles a massive, demonic, horned human. It regenerates damage, can fly, and possesses potent spell-like abilities. [Monster Manual]

Omnimental: Gargantuan Elemental (Air, Earth, Extraplanar, Fire, Water), CR 15, neutral. Originally magical creations intended to act as liaisons between the Elemental Planes, they better serve as warriors. Massive elementals combining traits and powers of all four elements. When killed, an omnimental bursts into one Huge elemental of each element. Not native to Ravenloft. [Monster Manual III]

Oni (all): Monstrous, supernatural giants native to Far Eastern lands, such as the Scattered Lotus Archipelago. Like common ogres, they savor the taste of humanoid flesh. Like ogre mages, oni possess significant spell-like abilities and can regenerate damage. [Oriental Adventures]

Oni, Common: Large Giant (Spirit), CR 7, neutral evil. Big, hairy giants with anywhere from one to three eyes. Once a day, they can spit molten copper at a foe. [Oriental Adventures]

Go-Zu Oni: Large Giant (Spirit), CR 9, lawful neutral. Go-zu are even larger than common oni, and they have the heads of bulls, so they may be mistaken for minotaurs. Powerful warriors, and they can see the invisible. [Oriental Adventures]

Me-Zu Oni: Large Giant (Spirit), CR 10, lawful neutral. The largest oni, they have the heads of shaggy horses. They have continuous true seeing, and they cast spells as wu jen. [Oriental Adventures]

Ooze, Common: Amorphous monsters, mindless and neutral. They generally attack by engulfing and absorbing prey. Think the Blob.

Black Pudding: Huge Ooze, CR 7. Big black acidic blobs. Note that circa 735, sages generally considered black puddings to be extinct in the Core — but, in fact, there were still a few around (Scholar of Decay). [Monster Manual]

Gelatinous Cube: Large Ooze, CR 3. 10’ semitransparent cubes. Several villains in Ravenloft have had gelatinous cubes trapped at the bottom of 10’ square pits, essentially using them to dispose of corpses. [Monster Manual]

Gray Ooze: Medium Ooze, CR 4. Transparent oozes that are nearly invisible in water. They dissolve whatever they touch. [Monster Manual]

Ochre Jelly: Large Ooze, CR 5. A big, yellow amoeba. It envelops and crushes its prey. [Monster Manual]

White Pudding: Large Ooze, CR 6. White oozes, related to black puddings, but adapted to frozen climes, such as the Frozen Reaches. Most active at night, but like all oozes they never sleep. [Frostburn]

Ooze, Exotic: Like their more common kin, exotic oozes are mindless, amorphous creatures driven by their relentless appetite. Fortunately for the good folk of Ravenloft, however, they are far more uncommon, perhaps partly due to their strange, seemingly supernatural natures.

Bone Ooze: Gargantuan Ooze, CR 21. An undulating mass of goo the color of bleached bone. They feed on the calcium in bones, and can literally suck the bones right out of engulfed prey. Because of the semi-digested shards of bone suspended in their bodies, they can slash creatures apart even as they crush them. These creatures are thankfully rare in the Land of Mists, simply due to their immense dietary needs. On at least one occasion, however, a bone ooze was sighted emerging from a cavern in the Burning Peaks to scavenge from the battlefields between Cavtitius and Tovag. This creature may have survived the cluster’s destruction, to emerge from the Mists at some unknown time and place. [Monster Manual II]

Ethereal Ooze: Huge Ooze (Extraplanar, Incorporeal), CR 10. Oozes native to the Ethereal Plane. Its appearance is somewhat similar to a gelatinous cube, but in the zero-gravity of its native plane, it grows into strange, almost crystalline shapes. Similar combat tactics as a gelatinous cube, except that it can materialize on the Material Plane, engulf a victim, and then slip back into the Near Ethereal, taking its engulfed victims with it. [Fiend Folio]

Flesh Jelly: Gargantuan Ooze, CR 19. A nauseating mass of boneless, reeking flesh, usually found in tropical regions. Along with the usual threats of massive oozes, its touch spreads disease and it can sicken victims with the sheer wretchedness of its stench. A few occult scholars believe that flesh jellies arise when a mass grave occupies a sinkhole of evil. However, even they do not know whether the macabre taint of the sinkhole affects the corpses directly, or whether the flesh jelly was originally a grave ooze drawn to the rotting flesh and then mutated by the evil energies embued in its meal. [Monster Manual II]

Grave Ooze: Large Ooze, CR 6. An amorphous mass of putrid flesh that can smell rotting flesh through the earth for miles around. It burrows through soil and fills coffins as it feeds on their occupants, presenting a possible surprise for grave robbers. Along with its reek, it is both acidic and poisonous. [Denizens of Dread]

Shadow Jelly: Large Ooze (Extraplanar), CR 6. Undulating pools of darkness native to the Plane of Shadow. It lurks in the shadows and drains Strength with its touch. [Planar Handbook]

Void Ooze: Large Ooze (Extraplanar), CR 8. Imbued with negative energy, void oozes often cohabitate with undead — the creatures tend to ignore each other’s presence. Its touch drains energy, and it is always surrounded by a mass of flitting shadows. It is essentially weightless, and floats through the air toward its prey. [Planar Handbook]

Owl, Giant: Large Magical Beast, CR 3, neutral good. An owl as intelligent as a human and significantly larger besides. A power for good, despite being nocturnal predators. [Monster Manual]
Last edited by Mangrum on Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:57 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror: O is for Ominous!

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Owl, giant [Monster Manual]

Hulbig ducked, but not in time--the great dark shadow had seized him by the arms and carried him up, up, up into the night sky!

It would have been wonderful to rush through the dark at that speed if he had not been so afraid of what would happen when he landed; the thing that held him was very large and strong, and he could feel its claws prickle him through his nightshirt.

At last they came to a great old tree in the heart of the forest, and he was set down gently on a branch as broad as his own kitchen floor. As he caught his breath and his eyes adjusted to the dark, he saw all around him...owls. Dozens of owls, each much larger than a person, perched all over the tree!

"Hulbig Hairfoot," one of them said. "Welcome to the Parliament of Owls."

The Parliament of Owls, traditional halfling
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Post by cure »

I have forgotten the appearence of a black pudding in Scholar of Decay. Could you please remind me of the context?

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Post by Gemathustra »

Oni, me-zu oni [Oriental Adventures]

"The fires continued to burn unabated, even as the thunderstorm raged on. Some of those fleeing soon noticed a towering figure walking through the great flames. The giant creature had the head of a shaggy horse, and was bedecked in green armor. It waved the massive spear in its hand, and extinguished the fires in a deafening boom.
""I am Meifushin Sureipuniru," the creature roared. "You, the people of this wretched city, wallow in your sins! The governor and his samurai prey upon the subjects as though they were wild beasts, and the commoners are naught but thieves. The Great Kami have tasked me with bringing Shinbatsu upon this wicked place, and exterminate you all! But before that..." And the governor's palace burst back into flame, once more. "I shall grant you a reprieve so you may repent your sins. Your destruction shall be deferred until this last fire is extinguished: be grateful that I shall give you time to shriek the pleas for your miserable lives and shiver in fear, as you await your miserable deaths!"
"With that last act, the horse-headed creature vanished, and the storm ceased."
-excerpt from The Demise of Kashiwa-No-Nami
Last edited by Gemathustra on Wed Oct 25, 2006 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Arrogant mortal! You are in my world now and you will never leave this attic alive! I will destroy you, and then I will possess she whom you love the most. And there is not a single thing in the world you can do to stop me!"
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Re: Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror: O is for Ominous!

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Ogre [Monster Manual]

Fee, fi, fo, fun
Nails of iron, teeth of stone.
Fan, tan, ran, ren,
With which to crack the skulls of men.
High as a cottage, wide as a barn,
Hairs as thick as weaver's yarn,
Man's flesh is his only meat,
Children's flesh his only sweet.
Fee, fi, fo, fun,
Nails of iron, teeth of stone.

Traditional Invidian children's rhyme
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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Ooze, Gelatinous Cube

"There!" exclaimed my local guide, Dvash. "On the floor of this shaft, there lies the Amulet of Rakh Nagar. Can you see it glint in the firelight?" Indeed, far below was something of a metalic nature. But our poor torches could reveal no more, other than a faint shimmer in the air perhaps ten feet above the object. A mystic field of some kind? Or a very still pool of water? I found it hard to believe the object of our quest lay unguarded at the bottom of a pit, but saw no other way to be sure than rappel down and check. As I neared the depth where I saw the shimmer, suddenly the rope no longer bore my weight and I plummeted, landing thankfully on something soft and yielding. But my thanks were shortlived, as I felt my body go rigid and begin to sink. My eyes were fixed open and high above I saw Dvash, knife in hand, remove his "religious head covering." The light of his torch flickered against the mark of the hawk that it had concealed, as he shouted down to me, "I'm sorry to decieve you, Monsieur Devane, but my orders were explicit. Herr Kramer sends his regards. Goodbye, sir." His mocking smile burned in my eyes as I sunk, and my vengeance upon "Dvash" and Kramer became my sole motivation to escape from this unfortunate predicament.

-- from Lost Artifacts of the Ars Nagari by Dr. Harlon Devane of the University of Port-a-Lucine
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Post by Mangrum »

cure wrote:I have forgotten the appearence of a black pudding in Scholar of Decay. Could you please remind me of the context?
Without pulling out the book to doublecheck, I believe that is the context. While the main character is exploring the catacombs beneath Pont-a-Museau, I think he comes across a slimy trail, or some other sign of a black pudding's recent passage, and finds it remarkable that such a creature still exists down there, despite scholars thinking them extinct. There's no black pudding "encounter" in the book, however.
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Post by cure »


-"Vail, if the violent reaction of animals establishes that the responsible party is not brother Thomas, then some likeness of him, say a doppelganger which has dispatched the poor fellow, has taken his place and amuses itself?"
-"Motive Pendleton, motive! The crimes have been perpetrated in such a way as to be not only as harmful as possible to their victims, but moreover and chiefly to the good brother himself. They are anathema to everything he stands for, the perfect betrayal of all that he built and loves."
-"No, loves. You see Pendleton, he assuredly lives. We may yet save not only his reputation, but his life, and perhaps even his mind. The deeds are done in their every gruesome detail with him as their unwilling and helpless witness. They are conceived of as torture, a torture the likes of which few men have ever experienced and that not one has merited."

The Case of the Captive Conscience, Colonel Oliver Pendleton

Last edited by cure on Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:06 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Ooze, exotic, bone ooze

Post by cure »

Ooze, exotic, bone ooze

Our nearly hysterical biologist had not overstated in the least the unnaturalness of the sight. In the span of a handful of hours sea lions, dolphins, sharks, small whales and even a pair of immense ones, the likes of which we had never seen, swam listlessly into the shallow bay and threw themselves upon the mass of undulating goo that blanketed the beach. The bleached stuff would seize upon the unfortunate creatures and set to ripping their very bones from them, the searing pain rousing the prey too late from the stupor that was its undoing. Perhaps worse still, waist deep in water, witnessing the spectacle or presiding over it, were fishmen, some coming, some going, some spell bound, others chanting, if you could call it that, as though at High Mass. At last Ensign Campbell pondered aloud whether a rifle shot might be in order. Saving the bullets seemed the wiser course. We crawled back from the hill crest, then ran for our lives, desperate for the imaginary safety of our ship.

-From Bristol to Mordentshire: an outsider's tale, the autobiography of James Duegon

Last edited by cure on Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cure »

Ooze, Exotic, Ethereal Ooze

"Mere vaults of stone should not hold it. But this place is painted thickly with a grim history of fear that its predations have only darkened. And that is the stuff of which ethereal resonance is made. The thing is as imprisoned in the ethereal as it is here, with the difference that there its chains are partly of its own making. Were it to go for a decade or two without claiming a terrified soul those chains might well fade to nothing. That is to say that the better we brick it in the more certain it is to escape. We must find a way to destroy it instead."

-Rudolph van Richten, investigating the 'haunted' cellar maze of Gauldamon Manor
Last edited by cure on Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cure »

Ooze, Black Pudding

"Leave it be for now. As you Dementlieuse are fond of saying, Bon chat, bon rat. But you will find for me a means of directing its movements."

-Jacqueline Renier to her court magician
Last edited by cure on Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by cure »

Ooze, Grave

-"Nothing, and I mean nothing, is as disgusting as grave ooze.", snarled Hare.
-"Not Ezrighties?", asked Burke.
-"They don't eat us out of house and home.", Hare answered sagely.
-"Mornin'lordies then?", Burke persisted.
-"We only know one and he is dead, buried and eaten long ago.", snapped Hare.
-"Dwarf entrails!", Burke answered brightly.
-"Not if you shake them out well like I have shown you a dozen times.", Hare shot back.
-"Ok, ok, nuffin' as digusting as the ooze," Burke conceded with a shrug, "but what we goin' a do about it?"
-"Well for starters, you are not going to throw our tools at it like last time.", replied Hare with the profoundest irritation.

William Hare & William Burke back in the heydays of Il-Aluk when they were in the undead minority
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Post by Mangrum »

The grave ooze is nice, but the black pudding is a little... vague. It could really refer to anything.
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Post by cure »


"Why should we exterminate them? We can outrun them. We are their equals at climbing. It is us who are the masters of the maze, we won’t let ourselves get boxed in. We know not to wield claw, sword or rapier against them. To us they are but a nuisance. To our enemies they are an implacable foe. You do recall that delectable story that grandfather used to tell . . . The Pudding and the Pakas . . . not so much as a furball remaining . . . . You should know better than most that a friend is a foe's foe. But go get your tail singed if you must. I won’t stop you. Just don't foolishly expect me to waste good rats on your folly."

-Jacqueline Renier chiding her twin sister Louise
Last edited by cure on Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cure »

Ooze, Exotic, Void

The Mists are not in nothing,
Flee who must into the the void,
But in return seeps something,
Absence that we pray avoid.

-From the much debated 'portal passage' in the Third Book of Ezra
Last edited by cure on Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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