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Post by Coan »

Hiro claps his hands together.

"I thought you were all connected somehow. Now perhaps I should introduce myself." he says standing to move behind the others and closing the door to the private room.

(OOC: For simplicity Hiro had the innkeeper clear the room so that we can talk as freely as we would like to without strangers listening in).

"I am Hiro Harako." he bows to the group in general before resuming his seat "I've been hired to help Mr Buchvold and I believe by default this group in association. Pleased to meet you all."

Despite the fact that one would assume Buchvold would hire spare muscle, Hiro does not give off this impression at all -being lean and near wirey. It is difficult to judge what he has actually been hired to 'do' or even if he would be useful at whatever 'it' was.
[size=75]-Wake up... wake up and smell the ashes-[/size]
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude saw the men gathered together, noting the three strangers. She made a slight ‘o’ of dismay as Harako identified himself and Buchvold. Inclining her head to the man, she said, “My apologies for not speaking up sooner, but I had informed our guide that we would refrain from sharing our names. I believe this will be both to our benefit, and to our friend’s,” she said, with a respectful nod to Rolande.

“Our mission was meant to be private, and the less known all round the better. However, I myself am known to all parties and in Souragne; I’ve done research here before. Professor Kingsley, sir, and I appreciate your willingness…and yours,” she said, inclining her head to Dadrag and Tarlyn. How many henchmen does Serd have?! And has Buchvold hired a monk?! Or perhaps the man is a sorcerer? “Perhaps when this is done and confidence is properly earned, we can exchange proper introductions.

“Our good guide is familiar with both the swamp and the gentleman in question,” Gertrude replied, turning to the brothers present. She then turned to Rolande. “My friend informed me that the gentleman is very particular. We will need to be careful in our introductions, and in the acceptance of his hospitality.” She began to relay Jeanne’s warnings about Chicken Bone without identifying her friend, and pulled out her notes to assure that she’d covered all pertinent points. “I suggest that one of us act as ‘interpreter’, so to speak, and that we confer among ourselves, letting that person speak on our behalf. I myself am willing, but I leave it to your discretion of course.”

She now turned to Rolande. “Sir, would you care to address us as to potential dangers we might encounter, and advice on behaviour in this outdoor trek? It is best to be prepared and warned beforehand, than asking questions after the fact.”
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by steveflam »

Tarlyn thinks a moment. We shall be travelling through the swamp. I might be of some assistance here. I think that that spell shall do quite nicely

Tarlyn speaks up to the group. "Pardon, everyone, I might be able to be of some assistance to help hide our passage in the swamp, so that we may not be followed." Looking to Rolande, he asks. "How long will the trek take, sir?"
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

tarlyn st-denfer wrote:Tarlyn thinks a moment. We shall be travelling through the swamp. I might be of some assistance here. I think that that spell shall do quite nicely

Tarlyn speaks up to the group. "Pardon, everyone, I might be able to be of some assistance to help hide our passage in the swamp, so that we may not be followed." Looking to Rolande, he asks. "How long will the trek take, sir?"
OOC: Good idea, but keep in mind you can only cover three people per use of the spell, Tarlyn.

IC: "It will take us hours going and returning," the young nobleman replies. "I do not know how long your business will take, madame, messieurs, but I would not expect to return before dawn at the soonest."*

*OOC: Roughly nine hours.
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Post by steveflam »

Ooc: I presume I can cast the spell once, So I'd be good for only 3 people. How many are we?
Draxton, Coan, Dadrag,Gertrude,Rolande,Crow,Buchvold,Tarlyn. I think that's all. If I omit anyone I'm sorry, not done purposely :)

"Well what I am offering would last for 3 hours and I can cast it on only 3 people total. It is clerical in nature so I doubt it would offend anyone. Are you all comfortable with this? It is called pass without a trace in case you were wondering". Tarlyn smiles at everyone.

Hopefully they will accept my offer, we need a little discretion as we a small group. I am looking forward to meeting this Chicken Bone so that the purpose of our visit might be revealed
Last edited by steveflam on Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by alhoon »

"Clerical magic? I thought that was magic of nature, the magic druids use. But anyway, I don't have any problem with it as long as I observe at the time of casting. Not meaning to offend you of course, but magic being cast at me by strangers makes me a bit nervous."
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Post by steveflam »

alhoon wrote:"Clerical magic? I thought that was magic of nature, the magic druids use. But anyway, I don't have any problem with it as long as I observe at the time of casting. Not meaning to offend you of course, but magic being cast at me by strangers makes me a bit nervous."

"Yes yes it is Druid magic, I only dabble in magic slightly, Sir. Rest assured I do know how to cast it. I am asking if I can cast it on the group for the obvious trust reason Sir. I'd be weary as well in your positon".

Tarlyn awaits the others response to his request, now inspecting everyone in the room with a practiced eye, noting weapons especially and how people portray themselves to the group. This female rivvil seems to posess some zhaunil. I may perhaps indeed speak with her at a later date. The people here could almost surely survive in Chad Nessad. That reminds me of a saying we have "Khaless nau uss mzild taga dosstan".

Ooc:Thought Id slip some drow in :twisted:
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

tarlyn st-denfer wrote:Ooc: I presume I can cast the spell 3 times(spell points work I presume?Unearthed Arcana 3.5)
Er...what are spell points? Also, check your PM for another note on this spell.
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Nathan of the FoS wrote:
tarlyn st-denfer wrote:Ooc: I presume I can cast the spell 3 times(spell points work I presume?Unearthed Arcana 3.5)
Er...what are spell points? Also, you can only cast this particular spell once per day--unless that's what the spell points are about?
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by steveflam »

Ooc:Sent you a pm Nathan. Sooooooooooooo I can only cast the spell once hehehheh.Sorry bout that.
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Post by VAN »

Dadrag's glance goes to everyone in the room and then back to Tarlyn.
The ex-assassin's voice has a hue of admiration and a hidden envy despite his calm and smiley face.

"This spell of yours sounds really interesting Tarlyn and I bet it would be perfect to our situation. But if you don't afford to cast it upon all of us I decalare myself out. As sir Serd has said plenty of times, I'm a wilderness man so I can watch my steps even without a spell. it's a very good idea though."

This Tarlyn fellow is full of surprises maybe after our trip I have the oppourtunity to talk to him again. I guessed correct when I first met him, he is a really interesting company. Maybe he can teach me some tricks. Thinks Dadrag as waits the answers of the others.
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- W H A T ! ? !
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Post by steveflam »

Ooc: As requested. rivvil=human;zhaunil=learning,wisdom,knowlege.
I used that one to describe both knowledge and wisdom.
Khaless nau uss mzild taga dosstan=trust noone but yourself
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

[OOC: Thanks for the translations, Tarlyn! :D ]

An instant's mental arithmetic, and the bard speaks up:

"Even excluding the more wood-craftsy among us, sir, your spell still won't suffice to obscure all our trails. Considering the state of the terrain in these parts, mundane means of veiling our passage -- crossing water and the like, if the tale of Longears' River-Race is taken as a practical lesson, as well as metaphorical -- might prove useful in itself, and would serve us all equally.

"It may be prudent to hold such magics in reserve, until our need is more focused and definite: should one of us be seriously injured, for example, a spell of that kind could be useful for they and an escort to return to town in safety. But until such a mishap actually occurs, we won't know who it is, that might require such protection against pursuit."

He glances to Kingsley, a hint of inquiry in his eyes, and -- receiving a confirming nod in response -- sets the travel-worn satchel on the table in the center of the room.

"As long as we're offering our respective contributions to preparedness," he continues, "it so happens that a previous passing visitor's folly may be to our advantage. It seems a foreigner who recently kept quarters at the Two Hares Inn was less than prudent: he walked off one day for a short errand out of town, and then failed to return as expected, leaving this bag behind." Crow's gray eyes twinkle with mischief, and he smiles, clearly pleased with himself. "It also seems that this forgetful chap hadn't paid up for a room: the innkeeper had no objection to my claiming the property of the party in question, for a modest fee."

He winks at Kingsley, then flips open the satchel to reveal the contents.

"Really, it's hard to ponder why he'd be so careless as to leave all this behind, but one shouldn't complain of timely windfalls' provenance. Daft fellow must've been one of those self-proclaimed 'monster hunters', out to make a name for himself as the next Van Richten! That, of course, presumes his leftover equipment is genuine -- the possibility he was a charlatan, out to bilk the locals' grateful funds, did cross my mind -- but the Professor assures me that the holy water is the genuine article, and no conman would go to such expense where well-water could serve.

"I've already pocketed my selection of the contents; might I suggest you all divvy up the rest, fair and square? Just in case we should meet with any unpleasantness beyond the mosquitoes. Be careful with the powders, by the by: not all the labels are in Mordentish, though I believe some of the chemical symbols are Lamordian in origin."

[OOC: Happy Birthday, gang! Presents for everyone! Well, actually it'll be my birthday this Tuesday, but it's the thought that counts. :wink:

[As a VRS agent, Crow naturally carries a handy selection of holy water, chemical banes, and so forth with his equipment, just in case. However, he knows that FoS members generally don't load up on such supplies, so needed a cover-story to account for why he'd have this stuff with him. Ergo, the "forgotten satchel" story. Having Kingsley confirm that the holy water vials' waxen seals of Ezra were genuine was his way of making it look like he really did luck into finding the bag, here in Souragne ... that, and it lets the professor feel like she's contributing her valuable advice. Everybody wins! :D

[Assuming Nathan doesn't object: There are two vials of holy water per party member (Rolande included), plus three doses of antitoxin in total (for snakebite), a bottle of smelling salts, and one additional mundane or alchemical item of your choice -- night drops, alchemist's fire, chemical were-banes, etc -- per PC. Crow carries all kinds of stuff, from the PHB and VRA; there may also be items from other sourcebooks, if you ask Nathan's permission first. Nothing over 50 gp, as the bard's not made of money, and nothing too evil (e.g. lethal poisons; sorry, alhoon!) either.

[Hey, there had to be some payoff to traveling with an undercover VRS agent! Who knows: if this junk comes in handy, 'Brother Crow' may just start speculating aloud about carrying some for himself.... :wink:

[Oh, and Crow's paying attention to how the others -- Kingsley especially -- react to his dropping of the name "Van Richten". He's honestly and understandably curious what each of them thinks of the old sage and his work.]
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude looked askance at the elf’s interjection and explanation of his abilities, followed immediately by a wry amusement at the other henchmen’s revelation of his fellow- and Serd’s- identity. For heaven’s sake, has he just hired these men?! You’d think that if we planned on discretion that he’d settle for his original hire. Or perhaps that one quit, or is preparing to leave after the earlier spectacle in Coq Noir. Well, no skin off my nose, but if word gets out about this mission, I know who’s name I'll be mentioning…

The scholar’s amusement was kinder when she returned the bard’s smile over his ‘find’. She was unfamiliar with the politics between the Van Richten Society and the Fraternity; it was of no interest to her studies, and so ignored. Indeed,she knew little about Richten except his history and reputation. The first time she’d ever read the man’s books was this past fall, after the Van Rijn affair arose. Van Rijn and Van Richten; similar and opposite...

She was privately puzzled by Crow’s disavowal of the purchases, and assumed that it must be related to the Fraternity’s condescension to all things religious. “It’s a shame that Van Richten is no longer around, he’d certainly be useful nowadays.” She was careful not to elaborate any further. “That society of his has devolved into a group of amateurs led by a pair of pampered brats. Can you imagine?! Their poor grandfather is at death’s door, and they’re busy gallivanting around the Core. Perhaps when one of them drops dead from their little game, it’ll knock some sense into the other’s head.” Not bloody likely… She shook her head. “If they can’t be bothered to face familial and national responsibilities, why would anyone trust them over anything else?” But that’s the aristocracy for you; inbred so long that they disdain common sense as 'common'.

When the others had gathered their share of the items, she turned to their guide. “Well, monsieur, it seems that we are ready. If you care to lead…?”
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Llana wrote:When the others had gathered their share of the items, she turned to their guide. “Well, monsieur, it seems that we are ready. If you care to lead…?”
The young nobleman's expressions as the conversation progresses are a study in disbelief and confusion; as Tarlyn offers to employ magic on their behalf, he shakes his head as if about to reject it, then shrugs. He glances at Kingsley in confusion as names are given, then shrugs again, obviously giving up on getting any kind of consistent policy from the group on this point.

"Well, madame, messieurs, we had better be off," he says. "I know a swamp-fisher with a large flatboat who lives a few furlongs from the town; we can roust him out and take him, though he'll need silver 'cross the palm for his lost sleep, I'll wager."

At the mention of silver his eyes flick to Gertrude, and she remembers his previous mention of "generosity"; Rolande seems to have money matters foremost in his mind tonight, more even than the trying journey about to begin.
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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