My latest campaign

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Lord of the Repubic of Monte Mal
Lord of the Repubic of Monte Mal
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Location: Oklahoma, USA

My latest campaign

Post by Scipio »

Well I figured that I'd do as I have in the past, and post my latest campaign for everyone. Hope you all enjoy. This time it's the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG. As always, comments and questions are appreciated.

S01E01 - Sweeps Week

This was the series premier, and as such was primarily concerned with introducing the characters and setting. As such I'll start by giving a rundown.

The series is set in a slightly modified version of Jenks, Oklahoma (a suburb of Tulsa, so that it's familiar to myself and my players, but not overly so.) A great deal of the action has been at the Jenks Riverwalk Crossing, a popular hangout/shopping center right on the water. It's similar to the San Antonio Riverwalk, but not nearly as nice. Other than that the important locations include the school, and the watcher's apartment. In the town are several underworld factions, although so far the cast have had minimal interaction with any of them (we've only been able to run 2 sessions in this particular campaign.) I will detail the organizations as the characters encounter them.

The characters are:

Maria Perez
Maria is a slayer, activated after the Scooby Gang's spell with the scythe at the end of season 7. She's a fairly quiet goth girl, prone to being a bit of a loner at times. However she has been vocal if the situation called for it.

Quentin Andrews
Quentin is fairly new as a watcher, being only 26. He is also one of the "freshman" teachers at Jenks High school, having all of the students in the cast as his 1st period Medieval Literature class. So far his attempts to keep the group under some semblance of control have been futile. This has caused no end to the stress, and some chewing out from his superiors in the newly formed watcher's council. (Yes, he has been chewed out once or twice by Andrew and Giles.)

Elliot Grimm
Elliot is a typical computer nerd. He's studied the occult for years, mostly just out of boredom. However, he doesn't believe any of it to be real. He knows that people believe vampires and magic exist, but even after experiencing these things, he prefers to find scientific explanations. He also has an annoying habit of over-using the video capture on his cell phone.

Jimmy Johnson
Jimmy is the AV geek that no one talked to in high school. He lives to catch stuff on film. This causes some funny moments but much frustration, especially for poor Mr Andrews. He is currently starting to notice some strange events around himself, when he gets stressed his camera, and sometimes other electrical equipment around him, starts to float.

Kevin Dubrow
Kevin is a loner. Nothing describes him more than that. He was raised as the next in a line of demon hunters, a lineage passed from father to son for generations. (Think the Belmonts from Castlevania.) He knows about demons and how to fight them, but he's not that knowledgeable on vampires. His family never had to fight them, that's why they have a slayer, after all. Kevin tried to take charge of the group from the beginning, leading to some infighting between himself and Quentin.

The episode starts with a cutscene. This is the before the credits teaser, if you will. In it a student gets killed at the school by an unknown female assailant. Cut to the start of the first day of school. The characters all arrive, as there's a scream from a nearby locker. The body of one of the jocks is found in a locker by one of his 2 closest friends. And I mean body, as a second later there's another scream as the other friend finds the head in his locker. From here all the students are ushered into their first hour classes, which conveniently puts all of the cast in the same room.

After introductions etc, the cast finds out that there is a mandatory attendance event at a club on the riverwalk to get students and faculty to get to know each other. In the mean time they talk over the murder and formulate (interestingly enough, seperate) plans of investigation. At lunch Kevin and Maria go to ask around about the murdered student and anyone who would want to kill him. Meanwhile the geeks all get on the net to do the same, and Quentin goes into the discipline records to find out anyone who might have a grudge against him. They all turn up the same list of nerds who would have it in for poor Sean.

That night at the club, another murder takes place. As Sean's 3 closest friends go into an alleyway to drink without being caught, they are set on by vamps. The cast, spotting this, follows to see whats going on. (Except for Maria, Kevin, and Quentin, who are all pretty sure its vamps.)
This leads to the first major fight as the gang attempts to save the jocks from a gang of female vampires, the chicas. This also is the first time that any of the 3 heroes (ok, 2 heroes and an investigator) in the group realize who each other are. Quentin knew that there was a slayer in town, but he wasn't sure who it was due to a breakdown in communication from Giles. Maria had thought that Giles didn't send the new watcher yet, and Kevin didn't know that either a slayer or a watcher would be in Jenks. It led to some very amusing moments as you have a hapless watcher freaking out as he attempts to stake a vampire, and missing. Then he freaked out even more as the vampire suddenly dusted and maria was standing behind it holding the stake.

During the fight, the jocks escaped with the help of Jimmy and Elliot. (after which Jimmy and Elliot took time to tape the fight.) However after getting out of sight, not all of the jocks ended up ok. As the last vamp got dusted, one of the jocks stumbled back into the alley. Noticable immediately was a gaping chest wound obviously from the same blade that killed Sean. This served to put the group on alert and get them to hang around the remaining 2 jocks.

As they hung out at the jocks' house that night, they're flipping through channels on the TV when it suddenly goes to static and a loud pop is heard. Standing in front of them is Dara of Neos Atlantis (a rip off of Xena,) holding a sword and glaring at the jocks. Seeing this the heroes got ready to fight while the noncombatants ran for cover, with Jimmy and Elliot of course setting up their cameras.
End part 1.
Dr. Cornelius Scipio, Rogue monster hunter, and owner of the Inn of the Drunken Wolf.

Rumors of my death are mildly exaggerated. I got better.
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