A concept it might be interesting to explore

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Post by Manofevil »

(Anti-)Tristan Hiregaard was the worst crimelord of a bad province, Smuggling, prostitution, extortion, Hiregaard ran it all. Not just through brutality, but through blackmail. He owned the king. He owned the lords. He owned the people. Even the vistani feared him. Few had the courage to cross him and those that did paid a heavy price. So when (anti-)Tristan found a vistani boy stealing from his castle, he brutally and painfully murdered him. He even went so far as to tie the final knot in the boys ra to signify death and sent it and the boys body back to his tribe, daring them to do something about it. The tribe knew that anything they did in reprisal would be visited back on them 100-fold. They had no choice but to let it go but that wasn't enough for the boys sister, (anti-)Rozalia. She left her tribe that night after burning her possessions and effectively making herself an outcast and darkling, all because stopping (anti-)Tristan was more important. She knew that no one in the land had the courage to topple (anti-)Tristan Hiregaard so she cast a curse upon him that he would topple himself and because she no longer existed to her tribe, his vengeance could not come back on them. Not long after she cast her spell, however, she was accosted by bandits in Hiregaard's employ. It seemed her quest for justice had ended before it began, when suddenly, the bandits were accosted and driven off by shadowy figure that would only identify himself later as (anti-)Malken. Recognizing him as the only one with courage enough to topple Sir (anti-)Tristan, (anti-)Rozalia joined with this mysterious stranger on the way to (anti-)Bergovitsa. There, while posing as a horse trader, (anti-)Malken challenged each of (anti-)Tristan's illegal interests. Suddenly people began to think that maybe (anti-)Tristan wasn't so unstoppable after all, for no matter how skilled or numerous the thugs he confronted were, (anti-)Malken always managed to best them. (anti-)Tristan would always remind, rather brutally, anyone who became too rebellious, that (anti-)Malken had yet to cross paths with himself. (Anti-)Tristan also turned to magic to locate his elusive foe. After murdering his son, (anti-)Ivaar, and his best friend, (anti-)Sigfrid, both for rising against him, (anti-)Tristan finally learned that (anti-)Malken was, in fact, himself. and they've been battling over the people of (anti-)Nova Vaasa ever since. Much to (anti-)Malken's sorrow, one of the first casualties of this war was (anti-)Rozalia.

I based this on the Novel which to me is the definitive Tristan/Malken. If someone else wants to do one based on the gaming materials, I encourage them even though, to this day, I STILL will not acknowledge them as definitive. :evil:
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Post by Manofevil »

Willowhugger wrote:I ran this adventure already actually, just the other day.

Welcome to Dovehome....

Dovehome is reached through a Magical Mirror that's located in some area of the domain the PCs are in. The Magical Mirror immediately results in the PCs entering some twisted reflection of the land. Whereas things are creepy and wicked, so are they clean and beautiful in the other land.

Dovehome is a land where the people are gregarious, outgoing, unsuperstious, and oh yes....they are almost all completely evil. Rape, murder, and torture mix with gluttony and sex so that pleasure is all a mixture of the decadent life here that knows no fear...or limits.

Dovehome has it's own flaws though. The Holy Paladin King Vocard Dalv runs a countryside where the Knighthood struggles desperately to keep the populous in check while Nilaza the Priest and the Alchemist have their own deeds. In order for civilization to function, the Lords of Light struggle to keep their nightmarish populous at bay.

However, Nilaza and the Alchemist hope that they can perhaps flee their sacred duty and come to a land where evil is not so prevalent....a land where the peasanty care for one another and act as men not animals.

They just need to switch themselves with an equally powerful persona....

The game was effective because we emphasized that humans were the evil rather than what they were (Nilaza was an Arch Lich and the Alchemist used potions to feed his blood thirst)
Hmm. I think you've created the anti-Drakov. :!:
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Post by Augustus »

I was reading Planewalker.com and came across a list of demiplanes. Ravenloft was mentioned on the list but interestingly enough another demiplane was mentioned that was the complete opposite, I don't remember the name (I don't think it had one) that is similar in the fact that it does abduct people into it. However, the demiplane chooses those who are without hope, injured or victimized by evil and revitalizes them in a place without pain and evil. Those who are evil that enter the demiplane are made to have their crimes redone upon them many times over in severity. Oh and you can leave it whenever you want to, unlike the Domains of Dread.
Just thought I'd point it out.
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Post by Manofevil »

Hmm :!: Another concept it might be interesting to explore. :idea:
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Post by jules »

What powers would the anti-darklords have?
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The Giamarga
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Post by The Giamarga »

Augustus wrote:I was reading Planewalker.com and came across a list of demiplanes. Ravenloft was mentioned on the list but interestingly enough another demiplane was mentioned that was the complete opposite, I don't remember the name (I don't think it had one) that is similar in the fact that it does abduct people into it. However, the demiplane chooses those who are without hope, injured or victimized by evil and revitalizes them in a place without pain and evil. Those who are evil that enter the demiplane are made to have their crimes redone upon them many times over in severity. Oh and you can leave it whenever you want to, unlike the Domains of Dread.
Just thought I'd point it out.
This is interesting fanon so i tracked it down: THE CODEX OF DEMIPLANES
The following were compiled from the Wizards Planescape boards from entries in 2003 and 2004. This is by no means the final word on these scattered realities. [...]

Demiplane of Awe

This Demiplane, also known as the Eden, or Utopia, is the exhact opposite of the Demiplane of Dread, as its infused with Good, rather than Evil, as Ravenloft is. All that is known besides that, of this mysteryious Demiplane is that its influence travels from world to world, seeking the lonely, the lost, and the forgotten, and envelops such beings into itself, giving them a new, contentful existence free from pain, disappointment, or suffering.

To visitors of the Demiplane, a feeling of compassion and love can be felt at all times. Also, visitors and natives no longer age, as Time does not exist here as it is commonly understood.

Finally beings on the Demiplane can leave whenever they wish, unlike in lets say, Ravenloft. Such beings often feel a renewed sense of hope, their lives now feel worth living to the fullest, and their dreams worth pursueing.

Word of Warning: Woe to those of evil bents who come here attempting to work evil. The Demiplane seems to know the intentions of all beings inside of it. Such evil beings find that their existences here become a living nightmare, as the Demiplane inflicts the evils those beings commited back upon them, only one-million fold....

Not quite what i would see as Anti-Ravenloft.
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Post by Creepy Old Woman »

Given that human beings tend to be a mix of both good and evil, I can imagine that living in the anti-RL world can be as painful as living in RL. Assuming that the heroes are still humans while the anti-RLs are populated by saints with any mortal fallacies absent in their behavioral code, it will be very hard for a hardened hero used to, say, abrupt ways of dealing with problems or even the more morally ambiguous cleric of a neutral religion to adapt to such an environment. The human tendency to rebel and assume a non-conforming habit as a way to establish one's individuality will surface.
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Post by Gnarfflinger »

Anti Van Richten: After the life changing event, he instead became obsessed with power, and as a mad scientist, necromancer and a student of the occult, he created all manner of monstrosities and abominations to wreak havoc, but anyone he wanted to see get wasted would always escape his clutches...

G'Henna: Every year there is a bumper crop of food. Gluttony is rampant, and Obesity is rampant. Yagno Petrovna is like Richard Simmons in such a setting, trying to encourage people to eat sensibly and exercise, but the people think he's nuts...

The House of Lament is a tourist destination, where the house provides every luxury for it's ungrateful visitors...
Brussel Sprouts aren't food, they're ammunition!
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Post by Baduin9 »

Nidala - this is a land of dragon worshippers. From time to time they organize witches' sabbaths, during which the dragon appears and devours victims offered to him. Members of the cult, imitating the dragon, eat some of the victims themselves. In exchange, the Dragon grants sorcerous power to the leaders of the cult.

The dragon is said to be opposed by the paladin Elena Faithhold. Her servants originally tried to persuade the people to stop their cannibalistic feasts, but this proved useless, and many of them were killed or offered to the dragon. Now they pitilessly hunt and destroy members of the dragon-cult. They particularly try to disrupt sabbaths and free the victims. All other participants are now put to the sword, since it have been learned long ago that any promises from them are worth nothing.

Unfortunately, the dragon is afraid to confront the paladin, and the servant's of Elena cannot find his lair in the mountains.

Elena is hindered in her work by the fact that in the anti-Ravenloft there is no detect Evil spell, but only Detect Good. (Smite works against all non-good enemies). There is also no way to discern truth using magic; all divinations are evil and prone to lying. Good people can be easily and infallibly detected and so nearly all of them are now recruited into Elena's Order. Mundane means are the only way to hunt the dragon-cultists, many of which are powerful sorcerers.

Nidala is extremely dangerous to visitors. Members of the dragon-cult have learned to hide, and are always on the lookout for new victims. Foreign people going to sleep in an inn are nearly always captured and offered to the dragon. They are preferred by the cultists to local victims, whose disappearance is sure to be noticed, which tends to bring the wrath of Elena on the perpetrators.

In fact, it is much safer to sleep in the forest, since nearly all wild monsters have been hunted down by Elena's Order. Now the true monsters are hiding among people.

Any Good people which are unknown to the locals will be detected and assumed to be emissaries of Elena.

Any non-good visitors run the risk of being accused of being dragon-cultists and dragged before Elena's court. (She doesn't judge the accused personally but appoints judges instead). The genuine dragon-cultists like to implicate innocent people, both to distract investigation against themselves and from pure hate against foreigners.

For dungeon-crawling, the cult possesses multiple hidden underground temples. There is also the lair of the Dragon - a monstrous labyrinth filled with cultists, monsters and treasure. It can be never found by Elena nor any of her servant - this is the limitation put on her when she became the domain-lord. Only visitors can find and defeat the Dragon in his den.

The secret: there is in reality no Elena, only her servants. She is the glowing vision which appears to good people recruiting them to oppose the evil. "Elena" seen sometimes leading her troops is actually the head of the Order (always female) in full plate armor. Any non-good visitors will be told that Elena refuses to meet them personally and that they must speek with her representatives. Good visitors can be honored by a vision of Elena.
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Post by Brandi »

Nice, simple, and rather tragic Anti-Strahd: Robert Neville.
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Post by Manofevil »

Nice reverse on Nidala except for this:
The dragon is said to be opposed by the paladin Elena Faithhold. Her servants originally tried to persuade the people to stop their cannibalistic feasts, but this proved useless, and many of them were killed or offered to the dragon. Now they pitilessly hunt and destroy members of the dragon-cult. They particularly try to disrupt sabbaths and free the victims. All other participants are now put to the sword, since it have been learned long ago that any promises from them are worth nothing.
This is inconsistant. Nidala is all about torturing regular good people for imagined crimes. Anti-Nidala should be all about intervention to turn evil people good. The dragon-cultists should be captured. (those that don't fight to the death) and brought to Faith Hold to be indoctrinated into the ways of good, not through torture, but through deprogramming techniques used to treat former members of damaging cults in the real world. Some would respond to it and some wouldn't, just like in Faith Hold in Nidala. Those who don't respond wouldn't be tortured to death, but rather would hunger-strike to death or get themselves killed trying to escape. For just like some of Elena's followers would show mercy to her prisoners, some of anti-Elena's followers refuse to show mercy. These followers would be subjected to reeducation at the hands of Anti-Elena just as Elena's merciful followers would be subject to torture in actual RavenLoft.
Nidala is also all about corrupting good crusaders without them realizing it and inducing them to commit evil acts. Anti-Elena would originally be a BlackGuard who finds herself repeled by the dragon-cult and eventually finds her way to goodness. She and the dragon are finally absorbed into Anti-Ravenloft during their final confrontation. I like the idea of Anti-Elena being the spirit and the Dragon being corporeal. Nice juxtaposition there. Perhaps she could be a construct of the Anti-mists. The way mist dragons are used to feed Elena's obsession.
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Post by jules »

what sort or tracks of beuty(my terms for it)would ant-ravenloft use & how.
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Post by Manofevil »

I reread this thread and I've got some ideas on this last question. Every person who sets out to change the world in a positive way has to have some sort of transformative experience or progression of them. Each DarkLord in Ravenloft has a chain of experiences that leads to their entrapment. Their counterparts in Anti-RavenLoft must have something similar. In this, Anti-Ravenloft could be seen as being as much a prison as RavenLoft. So before I lay out the generic track of Anti-Ravenloft powers checks, I feel the need to better define life on ground in Anti-RavenLoft.
Anyone traveling to most of the realms in RavenLoft might consider them to be comparatively peaceful places. There are crops in the fields, the fences, houses, and roads are all in good repair, and the people seem to be fairly healthy if somewhat peculiar. This is to be expected since every realm has it's own fascist to keep the trains running on time.
Life for the average person in Anti-RavenLoft would probably be very chaotic- Like life in a failed state in the real world. Criminal gangs might run the street or groups of bandits, the countryside. Government would be corrupt and/or disfunctional. Conflicts of one sort or another would consume entire populations. Truth would be lost amid rumors and lies, and the greedy and hateful would be quick to take advantage. Mind, this this would all exist by degrees. Not every realm in anti-RavenLoft would look like Beirut in the '80s or Zimbabwe today, but every realm would have at least one rampant social disease that the anti-DarkLord, or Guardian as I've decided to call them, would find themselves in an eternal battle with.
Must go to bed now. More Tomorrow.
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Yaoi Huntress Earth
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Post by Yaoi Huntress Earth »

I'm reminded of the game suppliment The Ebenon Mirror (I might've got the name wrong) where the PCs enter an alternate world where Orcs, Drow and other evil races are good and peaceful and vice-versa (in their world Halflings are feral savages.) And the undead are viewed as a good thing because they use to be evil people brought back to life to attone for their sins. So this is an interesting idea.

Anti-Ivana: A plain-looking and mousy girl, Ivana felt like romance was something that would never be for her due to her looks despite her boy-crazy, free-loving mother's attempts to convince her otherwise that she decided to focus on other avenues of love (family, friends, giving to others). Things changed when a heartless, gold-digging bard named Pieter seduced Ivana and taught her that romance could be for her even though he used her and was very emmotionally abusive so she'd never leave.

Her mother tried to seduce him in hopes that he'd lose interest in Ivana but it failed and Pieter killed her so she'd stop trying to ruin his meal ticket. Anti-Nostalia convinced Ivana that Pieter should die and they planned the ironic poisoned kiss of death upon him. Ivana currently dives herself into her charity works, family (especally her beloved cousin Ivan) and focusing on her inner beauty though she's mostly closed her heart to romance (she still yerns for it).
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Post by cure »

It may have already been mentioned, but S was party designed as an anti-Van Ritchen (plus as something of a mirror of Azalin).
The cure for what ails you
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