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Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:51 am
by Coan
As Hiro departs he notices the group suddenly grow. Sighing he turns his head to Buchvold.

"May I ask how long you consider it appropriate, Mr Buchvold, to maintain this charade?" he asks gesturing to the small 'non-chalant' crowd "You are all connected I presume?"

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:02 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Llana wrote:This admission filled her with a great pang of yearning. She raised her glass to take a sip, using it to conceal her face. The wine now tasted bitter in her mouth, and it took an effort to swallow, as her throat was constricted. “I’m sorry. It is not an easy matter for me, and I know that this is not the time or place- but how- what…” She stopped, feeling like a student again. “I understand some people hear an inner voice, and must learn to discern the soul- or…” She still couldn’t say the word, so hurried on, “- from one’s own personal ego. But what if you hear nothing? How do you pray, if you’ve never done it before?” She began to blush, and took a sip of her wine. Hurry up, Roland, she thought, regretting her disclosure.
Larouche smiles amusedly at the beginning of the skeptical professor's remark, but as she understands the direction of Kingsley's thoughts her face becomes serious, even somber. "One has to be able to feel herself a fool, Professor," she says, "and speak as if the voodan--or, if you prefer, the immanent divinity, or even, the god or goddess, is present with you. Of course--"

The continuation is lost in the arrival of two tall and good-looking young men at the table. "I've found your prodigal, Madame Jeanne," the first says, grinning. The second also smiles, perhaps a trifle pained at this introduction. "And whom do we have the honor of addressing?"

"This is Madame Gertrude Kingsley, a correspondent and a friend," Larouche replies crisply. Gertrude notes, with mingled amusement and annoyance, that Souragiens in general seem to consider her professorship a rather unfortunate social liability; she has never yet heard one use her academic title in any social context. "Madame Kingsley, Paul Provost, a friend of our family, and Rolande Larouche, my cousin."

Both young men bow politely and offer their hands, kissing a fraction of an inch away from Kingsley's glove.

"Merci beaucoup, Paul. Rolande, this is your lucky night. Madame Kingsley is in need of assistance which can only be given by an astute, brave, and informed young man native to our shores; Madame, would you care to tell him of your errand?"

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:15 pm
by Pamela
Gertrude’s cheeks grew pinker as she listened to Larouche’s answer, and was relieved at the answer to her… Wish? Intent? Prayer? she thought wryly. She gave the pair of young men a warm smile, trying to curb it at her guide’s sign of discomfort.

Just as well that she didn’t call me ‘Professor’; he’d probably think I was hired to be his tutor... “A pleasure to meet you both, and I thank you for interrupting your plans at such short notice. Gentlemen, as Mme Larouche has suggested, I will need an intrepid guide who can escort myself and several colleagues to meet one of your country’s authorities.” Her voice had lowered as she spoke, and she looked at Rolande. Meeting his eyes, she mouthed the famous voodan’s name.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:39 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Llana wrote:Gertrude’s cheeks grew pinker as she listened to Larouche’s answer, and was relieved at the answer to her… Wish? Intent? Prayer? she thought wryly. She gave the pair of young men a warm smile, trying to curb it at her guide’s sign of discomfort.

Just as well that she didn’t call me ‘Professor’; he’d probably think I was hired to be his tutor... “A pleasure to meet you both, and I thank you for interrupting your plans at such short notice. Gentlemen, as Mme Larouche has suggested, I will need an intrepid guide who can escort myself and several colleagues to meet one of your country’s authorities.” Her voice had lowered as she spoke, and she looked at Rolande. Meeting his eyes, she mouthed the famous voodan’s name.
Paul has bowed himself out of the conversation and returned to his table as Kingsley speaks--and doesn't speak. For a moment Rolande is merely puzzled; then he pales. Disbelief is quickly followed by an odd mixture of fear and eagerness. "I am at your service, of course, Madame Kingsley," he says. "I--" he glances at Jeane, and then continues in a rush, "must point out that it is a hazardous journey, especially in this foul weather; if you and your colleagues must go tonight, as Paul said, I hope you will be, ah, generous with a friend who can introduce you to...the gentleman whom you wish to visit."

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:12 am
by VAN
Dadrag looks around and looking to Draxton says:

"You can speak as long as I'll follow them, then I'll come back and lead you there.Is that ok?"

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:29 am
by steveflam
Tarlyn breathes a sigh of relief inwardly. Good thinking Dadrag! I feel much better knowing you feel the same way I do. The less people around the less ears there are to hear us speaking. Hopefully we get to our destination without too many eyes spying us

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:57 am
by alhoon
Draxton nods to his bodyguard to follow the pair discretely and turns to the elf as soon as Dadrag moves away.

"Walk with me Tarlyn if you would like. Well? Do you have something to tell me? Does your injured friend have something to tell me?"

OOC> Injured friend = Your master Rivtoff. And yes, Draxton knows that Rivtoff is perfectly healthy and that Tarlyn knows too. He just refers to him that way in order to mislead others that may spy on them... and mostly because he likes speaking with riddles and innuendo. Richemouloteuse way of speaking :)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:32 am
by steveflam
"Yes I do Sir." he says in a hushed tone."Of course our "injured" goes well, as can be expected. Brother Roeccha thought I could be of assistance to you and any others in search of this Chicken Bone through the swamp, if this is any assurance to my credentials, Sir."

Tarlyn speaks in a low ovice so only Draxton can hear.

Ooc:check pm message Alhoon, then Ill post something else, ok?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:55 am
by steveflam
"Dadrag, yes I know his name as he does my other name. HE knows me to be competent and maybe a little foolhardy, but alas my heritage sometimes betrays me unfortunately. BUt that is another story, Sir. Ask Dadrah about the swamp today, the Lizard men and the elf viallge he will know who I am. I trust you with this information,hopefully you shall not reveal it to any others except for Dadrag as trust is a 2 way street, Sir. IS this satisfactory to you? I do apologize for the trouble earlier but it couldnt be helped, my temper got the better of me, do forgive me, Sir. Let's not dwell on what has happened but concentrate on the task at hand, Sir". Tarlyn stops talking, letting Draxton absorb this little tidbit of information.

I hope I am right in trusting this Brother and Dadrag with this, as I need to be trusted.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:38 pm
by Pamela
“I would dishonour my friendship with your cousin if I were not,” Gertrude laughed. “However, I will ask your discretion about our mission; I will not be able to properly introduce you to the gentlemen, who wish to remain anonymous.” The professor had no idea whether it was so, but decided it was better to err on the side of caution. “I will offer to keep your own identity confidential in return.” If any unexpected problems or unintentional slights arose from their encounter with the voodan, she wanted to make sure that he was spared as little blame as possible.

“Is there anything else we shall require for our trek?”

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:05 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Llana wrote: “Is there anything else we shall require for our trek?”
Rolande considers for a moment, then says, "If you and your colleagues are prepared for the weather, madame, then good lanterns and pistols will be what we need. Your colleagues, are they armed?"

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:35 am
by alhoon
"I see... So you're in fact the person that started that argument earlier. No need to be afraid of betrayal my friend." Draxton smiles,
"after all, we are together in this. As for secrets, I'm a noble from Richemoulot. I know how to keep secrets. I also hope that you too won't prove foolhardy or openmouthed Tarlyn."

OOC> Draxton is 90% sure that he is a spy for Rivtoff that just said he is so. Draxton tells him he will keep quiet as long as he also keeps his mouth shut. :)

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:58 am
by steveflam
"Im not afraid of trouble, Sir, it's just that I'm not used to this cursed place yet, even after 4 years of travelling it frm 1 province to the other.I have lived among secrets and intrigue all my life in the Underdark, Sir, but that is another story for another time. Just so you know, I am in fact employed by Lord Rivtoff, yes, but I suspect he thinks of me more as a belonging or exotic toy. MOney is not what interests me the most, Sir,it only serves to help me live and improve myself in my "career", Sir. Oh and Sir, I do know how to keep secrets, and seem to develop a terrible memory in many occasions". Tarlyn winks at Draxton as they keep walking, enjoying their conversation.

"Might I ask as to why we are in search of this "Chicken Bone" Sir?. Haev you in fact been to other provinces here in this land?"

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:10 pm
by Pamela
“Yes they are, though I doubt any of them are skilled with pistols,” Gertrude replied to Rolande’s question. “We will have to purchase lanterns.” Or borrow them from his family...

She now rose from her seat, curtseying to Jeanne. “I thank you again for this, and I hope that I will be able to repay you for this favour. And perhaps before I leave we may continue this conversation?” Again a light tinge of blush appeared on her cheeks.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:39 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Llana wrote:“Yes they are, though I doubt any of them are skilled with pistols,” Gertrude replied to Rolande’s question. “We will have to purchase lanterns.” Or borrow them from his family...

She now rose from her seat, curtseying to Jeanne. “I thank you again for this, and I hope that I will be able to repay you for this favour. And perhaps before I leave we may continue this conversation?” Again a light tinge of blush appeared on her cheeks.
At the mention of lanterns, Mme. Larouche says, "I believe that we have a lantern in the back room, and I am sure there is at least one in the stables. You should look there, Rolande."

Nodding, he departs. Turning back to Gertrude, she says warmly, "Of course I am most interested to converse on this subject with you, Madame Kingsley. I shall look forward to it."

Within a few minutes Rolande has returned. "Debussy has the lanterns outside," he says, his young face now comically serious. "If you are ready, Madame Kingsley, let us find your colleagues and depart."