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Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:58 am
by Jack of Tears
>>i havent alwyas found them to be satisfying. i have yet to see Ginder Snaps (i havent heard one bad thing about it)<<

Well worth seeing, and for that matter, owning. The story is pretty basic, two sisters encounter a werewolf, one is bitten .... But the strength of the film is in the metaphor behind it. While there are scenes of rampaging wolves, the story itself is meant to reflect the changes one goes through as they mature ... the way something like puberty will alter your entire outlook on life, the confusion caused as your body changes in ways you cannot control, the sudden and previously unrealized desires which plague and often control you. Relationships are stressed, love is tested and hard choices are made. I highly recommend this film.

The sequel, while not possessing the poinancy of the first and avoiding the deeper metaphors, is still a great movie; particularly if you liked the characters in the first and want to know their eventual fate. It also introduces an attractively wicked villain that is nothing more than human ... with just enough background to make you understand how it became what it is, without making you too sympathetic. (after all, the movie isn't about redeaming this figure)

The third movie is something of a (yes, "a" instead of "an", I pronounce my "H"s like a good american) historical prequel set in the eighteenth century. (or ealier, I've never been much of an american historian) This film introduces the idea that the sisters labored under a generations long curse and shows us how it is initially contracted. Not so good as either of the previous films, it is still watchable. By the end of the third film I'm enamored enough with the recurring characters to want to see another installment.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:33 pm
by ScS of the Fraternity
Just saw the movie:

[Klaxon!] Spoilers Ahoy![/Klaxon]


First - Christina Ricci can't act her way out of a wet paper bad.
I mean COME ON! Same damn expression of disbelieving anoyance throughout the whole movie.

Second - The whole gay thing was a total rip off of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Again, COME ON! Nearly everyone who went to see the movie already say that episode of Buffy. You're not fooling anyone.

That done, let the review begin.

Cursed was a fairly desent movie. It sadly suffered from some serious bad acting from the main characters (see above tirade). A lot of the dialogue suffered the same problem. My respect for Wes Craven has taken a serious nose dive. Problems bedamned! A director must stand by the quality of his works. Elm Street was a long time ago, baby.

The movie begins with a bit of a pointless nod to the Wolfman traditional gypsy fortune teller with the dire warning, followed by the unexplicable but convienient disapearance of one character. What happened, did she suddenly stop and say - "hey, I bet that gypsy was right. I better go hide in a bunker without telling my friend"?.

We're introduced to our male lead with a formulaic "geek picked-on by hot girl's evil boyfriend" scene. Strangely, these teeny-boppers are the best actors in the whole film. Next we meet our leading lady in a pathetic attempt at a soulfull suffering-orphan-girl meets soulfull tortured boy scene. It was so terribly ameturish - so badly written and acted- that I just couldn't wait for the bloodshed to begin.

We get a classic werewolf encounter - which borrows a little from I Know What You Did Last Summer (or is that, I Know What You Did-Idly-Did Last Summer from the Simpsons?).

What follows is a long series of scenes that try to rewrite the werewolf myth - with our characters suddenly becoming hot to the opposite sex.
"Hey, Ellie, I just realized that you look hot. You must be a werewolf... or I'm just freakin' slow."
We also get some so-called gore shots - which are really little more than juvenile CGI tricks. Hey, there's a hole in that guy's neck. Ooh, I'm shocked and titilated. If you want acutal gore, you're better off watching Saving Private Ryan, or Black Hawk Down.

Once the ball gets rolling, the bad acting gets forgotten in the storm of self-defacing humour. Would be nice to see a serious movie, but let's take what we can get. At least one character has the sense to research a bit about werewolves - not that he should have needed to since he had a freak'n copy of whitewolf's Werewolf in his room, for Cripes sake!

We get some nice suprises, some mindless violence and some stupid gags. Lex Luther makes a guest appearance, and gets ripped in half (Hey superman, why didn't you think of that?). We learn that werewolves can climb on ceilings, flip people the bird and that their greatest weakness is being dissed. Stupid as it was, at least we get to see the right people get mutilated. Plus we get Christina Ricci in a cat-fight (you don't need acting for that!).

In summary, could have been much better with a different writer, director, lead actress.. ah heck, if you want good, go see Ginger Snaps.
4 out of 10.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 9:24 am
by Shoon VII
ScS of the Fraternity wrote: In summary, could have been much better with a different writer, director, lead actress.. ah heck, if you want good, go see Ginger Snaps.
4 out of 10.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:06 pm
by Drinnik Shoehorn
Malus Black wrote:
Shadowsworn wrote:
Shoon VII wrote: wow. read the article. this would make a great plot for a side-trek adventure or an entire campaign.
Interesting. Its like something out of an old gothic novel.
It gets better. Apparently, Uri Geller intends to exorcise the stone, read here for the details.
We just had a chemical spill, with two cyanide compounds in it, two days ago. Half the city was cordened off.