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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:53 pm
by Jester of the FoS
Well in Fight Club's defense the frame rate in movies is far high than on television, the subliminal stuff was far less obvious on the big screen that on television where it just stood out.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:15 pm
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
jamesravenwing wrote:I disagree. A never ending ghost that just keeps going seems like the most terrifying thing to me. And in this movie they did it properly.
The thing I enjoyed the most with Ring disappeared in The Ring, and that is that Sadako was a victim in the original, in the remake you just have Samara who is one-dimensional. Of course, in Ring, Sadako's curse also spread to the witnesses to thsoe who died and those who survived the video tape, often with weird and eerie happenings. If anyone remembers the girl who survives the beginning of the first movie, in Ring 2, any tv she gets near starts to show Sadako's video on the screen, very good stuff. Not to sure if The Ring 2 is based around the book Spiral (and hence the movie Razen/The Spiral) or the movie Ring 2, the trailer I saw seemed to have a mishmash of things from both, and that wouldn't work to well since both stories were VERY different. Razen flopped in Japan before test audiences, so Ring 2 was made ;)

Of course, the real twist in the Ring trilogy (or the Ring Cycle is it is known) is Ring 0, that entire movie is a twist on those that came before it.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:31 pm
by Dominique
David of the Frat wrote:Well in Fight Club's defense the frame rate in movies is far high than on television, the subliminal stuff was far less obvious on the big screen that on television where it just stood out.
Fair enough. I never saw it on the big screen.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:46 pm
by Ivana_Boritsi
My favorite twist of all in movies was in Angel Heart. A definately movie for Ravenloft fans. It has a twist similar to Seven and the Sixth Sense, but it's still a true moment of horror.

Another twist for me was in the movie Psycho when I saw it for the very first time. I didn't know the secret behind Norman Bates, or any of that stuff. It was pretty cool when I first saw it. Of course, it's been ripped off countless times, now.