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Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:48 am
by Rotipher of the FoS
Oh, goody! This abrupt shift from "Where's Van Rijn?" to "Where'd those plans come from anyway?" could be just the excuse we need, to get the old gang back together again! :D

Hmmmm. Maybe instead of people just wandering over to Souragne at random, Anthony or another mod-PC could write to all the loyalists who'd survived the Manoir, inviting them to come and learn something very important about the stolen plans? It needn't be an actual adventure on par with Halloween -- the moderators wouldn't have to plot events out if they don't have time to spare; we can get into trouble just fine on our own :wink: -- and players who can't join the game can claim their PCs had other matters to attend to, or didn't receive their invitations in time, etc. Characters whose addresses aren't actually on record with the FoS, like Nathaniel and Crow, could hear of the gathering from other PCs.

If this were timed right and the Souragne Project is far enough along, we could even plan to do it shortly after the Souragne net-Gaz is released, so we'll know what sort of environment our characters will be getting into. In-character exploration of a domain most of our PCs have never seen before would be a fantastic way to savor the new Gaz's contents! 8)

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:41 pm
by Pamela
If anybody would be interested in playing a cleric, would you PM me please? Good PC's may apply. :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:20 pm
by Coan
I'll hopefully be posting the next encounter soon Moral. :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:41 am
by Pamela
but it is the conclusion of Messrs. Ray and Despadon that he is almost certain in one of the following domains: Richemulot, Falkovnia, Nova Vaasa, Nosus, or Paridon.
Not Paridon! :shock: :P

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:08 am
by Nathan of the FoS
Llana wrote:
but it is the conclusion of Messrs. Ray and Despadon that he is almost certain in one of the following domains: Richemulot, Falkovnia, Nova Vaasa, Nosus, or Paridon.
Not Paridon! :shock: :P
Bwa-ha-haaaa! And why not? :lucas:

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:09 am
by Coan
Llana wrote:
but it is the conclusion of Messrs. Ray and Despadon that he is almost certain in one of the following domains: Richemulot, Falkovnia, Nova Vaasa, Nosus, or Paridon.
Not Paridon! :shock: :P
Llana its a pity you weren't around when I was DMing the Paridon game. I get the feeling you would have liked it.

On another note, Hiro is all for civilized lands!

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:55 am
by Pamela
Nathan of the Frat wrote:
Llana wrote:
but it is the conclusion of Messrs. Ray and Despadon that he is almost certain in one of the following domains: Richemulot, Falkovnia, Nova Vaasa, Nosus, or Paridon.
Not Paridon! :shock: :P
Bwa-ha-haaaa! And why not? :lucas:

It's not nice. And you might make me cry.


@ Coan: I remember checking out the threads when I came here last year- I am sorry that I did miss it. :D

And is Hiro for the 'civilised' lands or for their destruction?! :evil: :P

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:19 am
by Nathan of the FoS
Quick question--has everyone sent a stat block in for this adventure? Many of you did so for the "Evening with the Fraternity", but we've picked up a few people since then. If you haven't made one, please do so and PM it to me. If you're wondering how many levels are appropriate, the game design will probably be such that firepower is not particularly important, but most current characters are in an 8-11 level range.


Nathan of the Fraternity

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:34 am
by Rotipher of the FoS
Was it ever decided if PCs who survived the Manoir could gain a level for doing so...? I know somebody (Moral, maybe?) asked about that, but I don't recall seeing an "official" answer from the mods.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:06 pm
by Moral Machivelli
Yes,it was me who asked but it wasn't just for surviving it, but more due to the fact that I had Buchvold start talking about a lecture, and it was supposed to be the FoS requiered promotion lecture (That's why he was tring to get people to go to it)

And no, there wasn't an answer

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:37 am
by alhoon
I have already decided to move Draxton up a level, after his "adventures" not in the manor, but in the mountains of Darkon. He read and experimented with undead, learned new things, faced challenges etc. So now Draxton is 7th level.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:23 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Rotipher wrote:Was it ever decided if PCs who survived the Manoir could gain a level for doing so...? I know somebody (Moral, maybe?) asked about that, but I don't recall seeing an "official" answer from the mods.
Interesting question. If your character was below the given range (8th-11th level) then I think it's fair to have him or her gain a level.

From this point forward the gaining of levels can only be done with the approval of the Dungeon Master (any of the FoS, but in practice this will probably mostly be me) and it should involve two things:

1) Conflict against Dungeon-Master-sponsored opponents, with the possibility of really dying.

2) For characters advancing in the Fraternity of Shadows prestige class, they should role-play the presentation required of each member gaining a level in that class. (Other PCs of appropriate level are welcome to participate as the judging members of the Fraternity!) A page-long description of some place/person/principle/thing in Ravenloft with a Q&A session will do the trick.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:57 pm
by alhoon
Llana: Draxton Serd and Dadrag have reached Nevuchar Springs on time. Who/what greets them? Is there a letter for them? A messenger?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:58 am
by Pamela
Posted the letter- the receptionist has it ready for a man fitting his description. If Serd wasn't there by the 15th, it was going to be mailed. :D

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 2:36 am
by Pamela
So...are we having the Souragne meeting begin on the real April 10...? :shock: