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Re: Ravenloft changes help

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:13 am
by herkles
The Giamarga wrote: Love this. Especially the Terg.

Which ruleset do you use?
I use BRP, Basic RolePlaying, for the rules for my games. BRP is famous for being the system that Call of Cthulhu uses.
HuManBing wrote:The animalistic darklord juxtaposed against humanity/civilization seems to be very closely related to the theme of Princess Mononoke - it could be worthwhile to watch that movie to mine it for ideas.
thanks, Might take a look at that.

Re: Ravenloft changes help

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:53 am
by Green Giant
herkles wrote:The shadow rift exists as the shadow forest. It is the same general area but a giant creepy forest. Tall trees that peirce the sky and block out all light and strange feyish things live there. The Shadow forest is why everyone bordering the area tell their kids "don't go into the woods"

Strangely enough, I've also made this change in my HB Ravenloft except I call it the Shadowode. I also replaced Gwydion and Loht and grabbed Rhoube Manslayer from the Birthright Campaign Setting and made him Darklord of the Shadowode. His curse - he can no longer directly harm another human again. Try as he might, his spells fail, his arrows miss and his strikes are blocked. He can indirectly harm humans with traps or use his spells on the environment to harm them. He also has command of the fey of the Shadowode but their chaotic tendencies work against them and Rhoube is unable to effectively utilize them to truly harm man.

There is one passage leading through the Shadowode from Morfenzi, Falkovnia to Briggdarrow, Tepest that cuts the woods in twain. The northern woods are considered to be safer as they lie under the influence of Maeve. (She exists but she is the daughter of Rhoube). The southern woods are under Rhoube's influence and the Gheallie Sidhe (Hunt of the Elves) runs strong in that section of the woods. Travelers forced to travel the Shadowode are advised to make camp in the northern woods to avoid attacks but even then there is no guarantee.

Re: Ravenloft changes help

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:03 pm
by HuManBing
Cool! Rhuobhe Manslayer was a badass. Excellent choice of guerrilla mastermind to keep those pesky mortals out of the Spiritwode! :)