The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by Jer »

The young man in the back looks down at the seats around him for his seatbelt and buckles it if they're available. He pulls his backpack on backwards and slides an arm through the strap holding it against his chest as he eyes the driver who is cackling maniacally in the driver seat. He looks around the bus to see if anyone else is being creeped out by the strange driver, but he does not begin to make a fuss yet.
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by magusferox »

Garrison's jaw dropped as he caught sight of the bus driver's face. His blood curdled as he started weaving in and out of traffic, and kept accelerating... Finally, Garrison had had enough. He was rattled, and the first thing he did was something he almost never did: he started cursing in front of ladies. "SHIT FIRE AN' SAVE THE MATCHES! That sucker's done gone crazier'n a rat trapped in a tin shithouse!" He roared, then got to his feet. He was going to try and make it up to the bus driver, yank him out of his seat and take over the driving, if he could.

Acrobatics check? This +5:

((YUS! First 1 of the game is MEIN XD))
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by JadesDitoyr »

As Garrison stands, and Terry disappears from his immediate view, but is still blocking her from the view of those across the aisle, she whispers some ancient prayer and her fingers contort in a strange obalation.
Detect Magic being cast, right here. Oh yeah.
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

The bus thunders along -- and with a jarring shock, it stops, just as Garrison gets up to do something. The handsome elf takes a tumble and gets a bloody nose for his troubles.

"Here we are, folks!" the chauffeur shouts, a manic grin on his face as he leaps out of his seat. "Bus depot, safe and sound! Just you all sit here for a moment while I go get the luggage trolley. Won't be a tick."

All around you, people are stirring to wakefulness, coughing and grumbling at the sudden stop. Meanwhile, the driver is hurrying out the door... which hisses shut behind him. Even the most cursory look out the window will reveal an absence of anything resembling a bus depot. Through the fog, you still see streetlights.

And in the distance, headlights, which appear to be approaching ever faster. Considering their height relative to your own elevation, this is most likely a vehicle at least as large and heavy as the bus you are in!
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by JadesDitoyr »

Terry rolls her eyes as she looks on the coming vehicle. "Alright, everyone, please remain calm, everything is going to be fine. I'm sure, everything is going to be fine."

She is a horrible liar, but deep down she obviously believes what she says. Her eyes dance around the bus, looking for the emergency release hatches. There should be two on the roof and one on the back door... maybe.

Surely the driver of the other vehicle wasn't crazy, right? He had to be able to see the bus lights... or did their driver turn them off?
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by magusferox »

"Sommavabbb--" Garrison's words are muffled, as he puts his hands to his nose, prodding it to see if it was broken, or just bloodied.
When the driver did his disappearing act, he forgets about fooling with his nose and stares in horror at the oncoming vehicle... He knew he could never get all these people out of the bus fast enough to prevent something horrible from happening, so he did what he intended to do in the first place. He scrambled for the front of the bus, trying to get to the steering wheel.

Acrobatics check:

((this die roller hates me xD))
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by JadesDitoyr »

Terry's eyes flashed brightly, even if the lights on the bus were out, she could still do something. She moved from her seat, and walked to the back of the bus, smiling softly to the unfriendly man in the back seat. She looked out the window beside him, hoping he'd look out as well and away from her as she gestured. Another prayer came from her lips, once again in an ancient language long forgotten. Behind the bus, raised off the ground to where the traffic lights should be, a few red orbs begin to glow. For a moment, they dance about but with her thoughts they grow still, hopefully enough to catch the other driver's attention.

She silently pleads with her gods that nobody saw her, that nobody saw the magic. Her eyes fall on the quite man, to see if he was watching.
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by Jer »

When the bus stopped without crashing, the young man let out a silent breath of relief and a thankful prayer to Ezra. But then the doors closed and the bus driver disappeared. He couldn't see a bus depot, or even other busses or people. And then the oncoming lights of another, equally large vehicle were seen rapidly approaching him. His eyes shot up to the windows where the emergency release SHOULD be. If they were there, he would immediately try to pull the handle to open them and pull the window in. He wasn't even paying attention to the girl muttering next to him.

If the emergency release isn't there, then he will try to rush up to the doors and pull the door release arm for the doors.
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by Celytha »

As the bus stops, the yellow-faced girl -- like many of the other passengers -- is too startled, even too frightened, to react sensibly. This whole ride has a nightmarish quality that makes it seem futile to take any action to protect herself.

But that is stupid. Fatalistic. She has control.

"Hit the emergency lights!" she shouts at Garrison. "They might not be able to see us!" Unless the driver left the key in the ignition, grabbing the wheel would seem pointless. (Then, he might have, for all she knows. He was in an awful hurry to leave them.)

She looks up, trying to find out where the nearest exit is. Two of the windows should open, and then there's the door. If she and the other passenger can pry open both of them in the next few seconds, there may be time to evacuate the bus.

Maybe. Or maybe she, and the others, are just flailing around in panic because doing nothing is even more unbearable.
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

A reddish glow surrounds the bus as a set of glowing orbs without a reasonably explicable source appear, illuminating the fog.

Still the other vehicle approaches.

Garrison trips on his way to the front door. People are now starting to realize what is happening all around you. Someone screams, and suddenly a stampede to get to the door starts up, forcing the Elf to get up quickly to avoid being trampled...! The door fails to respond to attempts to open it, and you hear someone scream: "The key! There's no key in the ignition!"

Still the other vehicle approaches.

The yellow-faced girl tugs on the window - and sees now that it has been fixed in place. Against all reason, someone has applied a deadbolt to the windows - on the outside.

Still the other vehicle approaches.

An unholy din starts up all around you as people hammer against the doors with their hands, their luggage, their feet. The release arm simply snaps off in your hand; even a casual look is enough to reveal it was sawed through, save for a few last, useless inches. People are screaming, wailing like banshees at the end of the world. Very closeby now, you hear the roar of the oncoming vehicle's engine.

Still the vehicle approaches. The lights are growing huge, you see the vehicle's bulk. A truck with a lurid painting of a demon's grinning face on the cab. There is an almighty crash, a sensation of flight and then


Cool, soothing darkness.
In the darkness, you see a tiny, imp-like figure in a brilliantly blue cloak, dancing to an inaudible beat. Tap, scat, jazz-ballet, foxtrot, a stately waltz, it does them all. It grins at you while dancing, its eyes as brilliantly blue as its cloak.


"This one's still breathing. Get him on the gurney!"

"Got another live one here."

"Ezra preserve us, there's so many of them! Do we even have enough painkillers?"

Distant voices.
Flashes of fire in darkness.
Pain. Copious amounts of pain.
Then, there is a needle in your arm, and the pain and the confusion just... go away.


Whiteness. Cool comfort.
You all slowly drift back to awareness, and find yourselves in a hospital ward, lying in clean beds.
Various parts of your anatomy have been bandaged up, even encased in plaster. You can easily see that you have all been hooked up to IV-drips.

Garrison's face is wrapped in bandages. Underneath, it feels stiff and sore...

The blond young man finds that his hands are encased in plaster up to the elbow.

You all hear the regular beep -- beep -- beep of a heart monitor.
For now, you are alone with each other; apart from yourselves, this room appears to be empty. You do hear people walking out in the corridor outside, though, and you almost manage to catch snatches of excited conversation.
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by JadesDitoyr »

The recursion of pain crashed into Terry's mind, she had to stop it, had to end it, somehow... she reached her mind out, searching for something, an emotion beyond misery and pain. One mile, if her luggage were just within one mile, she could latch on... what he even still alive? She swallowed the rising fear in her throat, choking back some tears at her eyes. No, he wasn't dead - couldn't be dead. Maybe she just couldn't sense him, something blocking the empathetic bond... the IV... drugs... that had to be the cause...

Her hand shaking, she reached between her breasts, groping for her amulet. It had to still be there, she prayed to Ezra that it was... if that was gone...

As she reached for the Holy Symbol, her other hand pulled the IV needle from her arm. The needle prick closed quickly, along with other injuries from the crash, as a soft white glow washed over her. The cuts and abrasions she could close, but if there was poison or drug in the IV, she had nothing to stop it at the moment.

Terry tried to sit up, the weight of her neck brace and the plaster casts finally striking her. She grunted softly, almost cutely, forcing herself to sit despite the weight. With a heavy breath, she casts her gaze across the room, looking at the new roommates.
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by Celytha »

On the hospital bed, the yellow-faced girl's face contorts with sudden pain. Then, her eyes open, and she begins to relax.

She blinks once, twice. The ceiling is very white; sterile. It's nothing like her room back home. How did she get here? She was supposed to be somewhere else... this isn't right.

She props herself up on her elbows, wincing in pain as the tension on the IV increases. She looks down at herself, then around her, remembering slowly. Everything feels fuzzy; her head feels dull and stupid. Fucking painkillers. If she'd been awake she'd never let them... her physiology doesn't always react predictably, and her pain tolerance is higher than most people expect.

Calm. She wills away the anger; beneath the bedsheets, though, her tail twitches.

Her eyes meet the patient across from hers, blinking in recognition. The girl who was offering her food, before everything went dark. "We're both here?" she asks, and then frowns; the question sounds stupid as soon as she voices it, and her words are more slurred than she'd like.

"I'm Kate," she said, her voice strained but obviously trying to be friendly, make common ground with someone after whatever crazy thing they'd experienced together. "I was there last night... the bus. You offered me something to eat, and then..." She winces, suddenly unsure how to continue.
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by JadesDitoyr »

Terry tries to nod, but the neck brace prevents it. "Yeah... we are... so is Garret... Garrison... I think..." She frowns a bit, "I... I don't suppose there are any luggage sets beside my bed, or behind me... I cannot turn to look..."
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by Jer »

The young man slowly opens his eye, the light and the room slowly coming into focus and garbled talking already in the room. As he tries to piece things together, he goes to rub his face, only find casts on both of his arms, "Oh Ezra, my hands!" He tries to sit up, staring down at the casts in horror.
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Re: The Culling #1: Hospital Stay.

Post by JadesDitoyr »

Some of the haze begins to clear from Terry's eyes "Sorry... um... It is very nice to meet you, Kate. I'm Terry." She turns, at the waist, to look to the other stranger and tries to give an apologetic smile, "I think they got a little plaster happy, I'm sure the injuries aren't as bad as their making them out to be."
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