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Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:02 am
by ewancummins
Toddlestone blindfolds Alain.
Ail wrote: Eustace examines Alain's hands, He's peremptory.

"A sign of evil, beyond doubt. Even more so when you tell me he was normal before. This is a sign of corruption as any I have ever seen. It could be in his blood...born a demon or hag spawn, he conquered his inheritance just while he kept his virtue; or the poetic justice of the fates for something horrible he has done. In any case, it is probably his fault."

He takes something from a pouch, hidden under his clothes. It looks like a small brooch or pin, and he quickly pricks Alain's finger with it. It easily pierces the flesh. Eustace watches for blood. None comes.

Then he grows thoughtful.

"But at the same time, he should be a mirror to us. In the brief time I knew him, he seemed to be very quick to defend a moral high stance and chastise others (in this case, me) for suggesting some compromising course of action. That someone this bent still believes he's the paragon of virtue should make all of wonder how many times we are zealots without reason. Let's not be too hasty in our judgements. I, for one, will take this lesson to reflect upon later. This, however..."

he points at the remaining vial

"This, however, I will take with me, with your license."

He takes the last cure vial and hides it in his clothes, not taking it for the moment.

The party splits up, and both groups head out in haste...

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:46 am
by ewancummins
Alain's dreams -

This is a healthy, normal dream, you know. The fungus no longer affects you. You feel happy- not at all like the frightful hallucinations you suffered before you took the medicine. This dream is of the same quality as any ordinary, pleasant dream.

Thom is burning with the liquid death you hurled down the tunnel. The sound of his screams is like sweet, sweet music to your ears! You knew it would splash him. You wanted it to splash him. Common sense told you that you’d quite possibly hit Thom square in the back- but you didn't give a damn. He's not even part of the party. He's a meddler. He doesn't stick with the plans you've made. He fouled things up with the hostage negotiations, and again by taking the letter.

The idiot runs at you. You are ready. Stealthily, you've prepared your deadliest enchantment. When he tries to slap you, you will fry him! Who cares if he dies? You can claim that the splash was an accident, and that you were acting in self-defense when you shocked him. The idiots will probably believe you.

Now Thom dances madly in your grip as you pour lightning into his weakened body. His hairs stand on end. His eyes bulge. You smile in satisfaction as he goes down. One less moron to get in your way....

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:26 am
by ewancummins
Gennifer and the sages haul Alain out of the caverns and up through the cellar.

Meanwhile, the heroes , led by Thom and Everline, go after Gauderic and Theophile...

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:51 am
by ewancummins
The dark, winding passageway leads to an opening in the earth behind the manor-home. The opening is concealed by a briar, in such a way that no one would notice it unless he drew very close. Most of you are scratched in the process of climbing out of the hole. At least the air is warmer here in the open air, under the moon and stars, than down there in the gloomy caverns!

You see lights burning in the downstairs and upstairs windows of the north face of the manor home, which stands only a short walk’s distance from the briar and the hole. You hear raised voices from inside the house- but it’s hard to tell what’s being said.

An upstairs window bursts open in a shower of glass. Two bodies coming tumbling out of it and strike the ground with a heavy thud! The two figures stagger to their feet. One you recognize as Ferenc, still wearing his nightgown. The other is the ragged figure from the caverns - his mask now torn away. Even at a distance in the night, the familial resemblance between the two men is plain to see- the greatest difference being that the ragged, bearded man lacks Ferenc’s ugly skin condition.

Ferenc, limping, lunges at his brother, with a shard of broken glass clutched in his bloody right hand to serve as a knife.

''Die, and stay dead, you devil’s spawn!”

Theophile hurls his ragged cloak over Ferenc’s face, fouling the charge and causing Ferenc to trip.

Theophile cries out-

"Justice! Vengeance! For my sweet Anne, and for my heir!”

He produces a long knife from his filthy tunic. Limping, he advances on the prone form of Ferenc Delapore...

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:24 am
by JMaytr
"Gentleman!" Zandor yells. "A quick song for the dying?"

Zandor begins to play his fiddle, trying to fascinate the two men with his tune. 24

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:37 am
by RocEter
"Just as I suspected." Thom says as he watches the scene unfold. "Not what I imagine when I think of the walking dead, you know?" He says indicating Theophile's excellent skin condition.

"Where's Gauderic?" He asks looking around for the young nobleman. Hoping Zandor's music provide him with a suitable enough distraction Thom advances on Theophile pulling a hidden dagger from beneath the back of his shirt, he keeps the dagger hidden behind his back as he moves in.

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:53 am
by ewancummins
Dorgio’s POV-
The stale sweat sticks to your body like a layer of icy slime. Each breath comes with effort, now. Although the medicine seems to have halted the growth of the fungus in your body and cleared your mind, the after-effects of the deadly infection linger in your weakened condition. It’s a lot of work for your just to crawl to the surface, even with Everline’s help.

Benn’s POV-
The medicine made you feel better, but your bout with the devil’s horn fungus has left you weak in body. At least you feel better than poor Dorgio looks. You get to the surface with some effort, and immediately become entangled in the damned briar that hides the exit.

Everline’s POV-
Your dress gets tangled in the briars as you climb out of the hole in the ground. That’s when you notice that the fungoid is long longer with you!
A mental signal reaches you-


You look down just in time to see your pulpy little friend waddle away into the darkness.

And then you become aware of the sound of breaking glass and shouting...

Eustace’s’ POV-
Your companions Benn and Dorgio look weak. They stumbled often as they moved through the tunnel, and now they seem clumsy and weak as fight their way free of the thick, clutching briar bush.

Looking towards the house, you witness the terrible scene of bloodshed that is unfolding on the green lawn, under the starry sky…


The scene on the lawn-

Ferenc sits up with his brother’s ragged cloak draped over his head. A mystified expression on his face, he just listens to the bard playing the fiddle.

Theophile, though, seems unaffected! He creeps behind his brother with his long knife held back out of Ferenc’s view. A crazy smile splits his gaunt face.

Thom walks faster, hoping that Theo won’t notice him, or wonder why Thom has one hand behind his back.
Just as Theo sinks the knife into his brother’s back, Thom quickly steps up and stabs the madman!
A scream comes from the lower floor of the house-


Gauderic bursts out of the manor and races across the lawn towards the bloody scene!

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:03 am
by RocEter
Thom pulls the dagger free Theo's body and drops it on the ground. He takes a couple steps back and watches as Gauderic runs toward him and both downed Delapore's.

He makes a good show of keeping his hands in front of him, this way Gauderic knows he has no hostile intent towards him. He says nothing and only waits.

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:15 am
by ewancummins
Gauderic rushes up and kneels beside his father and his uncle.

Ferenc is sprawled out lifeless on the lawn, Theo's long knife stuck in the back of his neck. Gauderic stares in horror at the grisly sight.
He looks over to Theophile, who yet clings to life.

''No! Without him, without you- I'm the last of the line."

Theophile sits up with difficulty. In a weak, raspy voice, he says-

''I did it all for your lady mother, and for you, my son. You are the Delapore of the Delapores now. I can rest in peace..."

Gauderic presses his hands to Theophile's wound, trying in vain to stop the flow of blood.
It's too late.
The old man only smiles, and coughs softly, and then his body grows still.

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:24 am
by Ail
As they climb out of the hole, Eustace is greeted with the sudden confusion of the fight. It all happens too fast, but this time he tries to keep his priorities straight. The affair between the Delapores, all three of them, is soon to be ended, and in any respect private business. Barring Gauderic, it's not even clear who is to blame, so while Thom and Zandor are upon the fight, Eustace tries to help and free Benn, Dorgio and Everline out of the briar.
He then drinks his vial, now that his clear of the infested tunnels.

"Let's hope this is a real medecine, and not a cruel prank on us."

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:36 am
by RocEter
Thom watches on silently as Theo gives his last words to his son. After a moment or two passes he finally speaks. "The pain fades with time." He says softly to young nobleman.

Thom walks around Theo's corpse to stand beside Gauderic. "Gauderic, when you are not alone. You will find a beautiful bride to be and with her have children of your own." He says to him. "This is not that time, your duty is here and now. Your servants depend on you to be their lord. To protect and shelter them, to keep them warm on cold winter nights and their bellies full of food. With out you they have nothing, with out you they are but lost sheep waiting for the wolves." He says. "Do you understand?"

Thom waits for an answer before continuing on. "Now stand up. There will be questions asked and you must have your answers."

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:48 am
by Ail
Eustace approaches Gauderic and hears Thom give him his words. He nods in agreement. Then he looks at Ferenc's body and covering his mouth and nose, inspects it from a distance. What kind of skin condition does the man have?

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:51 am
by ewancummins
Ail wrote:Eustace approaches Gauderic and hears Thom give him his words. He nods in agreement. Then he looks at Ferenc's body and covering his mouth and nose, inspects it from a distance. What kind of skin condition does the man have?

To Eustace's eyes, Ferenc's lumpy, pallid skin looks like that of a leper. Or perhaps it was a fungal infection? In any event, the man is clearly dead now.

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:06 am
by Ail

"I find there's an intersting story here still to be told. That Theophile never really died by Ferenc's hand, for example; and that Ferenc was somehow made ill by the fungi, probably from the time Theo disappeared. How he survived this long I don't know, how everyone thought Theo was dead while he probably was just hiding somewhere and scheming we don't know also. But it is possible Ferenc was less guilty than we thought. On the other hand, he did do something to make harm Theophile and perhaps Gauderic. I guess we will never know all that, unless we have access to some private documents. But in truth, do we have the right?

I think we should just call the sheriff and have all this settled down.

Gauderic, you were brave and courageous, many times over. You will be a worthy lord Delapore. Let not grief take you down and honour your ancestors as best you can.

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:14 am
by RocEter
Ail wrote:
"I find there's an intersting story here still to be told. That Theophile never really died by Ferenc's hand, for example; and that Ferenc was somehow made ill by the fungi, probably from the time Theo disappeared. How he survived this long I don't know, how everyone thought Theo was dead while he probably was just hiding somewhere and scheming we don't know also. But it is possible Ferenc was less guilty than we thought. On the other hand, he did do something to make harm Theophile and perhaps Gauderic. I guess we will never know all that, unless we have access to some private documents. But in truth, do we have the right?

I think we should just call the sheriff and have all this settled down.

Gauderic, you were brave and courageous, many times over. You will be a worthy lord Delapore. Let not grief take you down and honour your ancestors as best you can.
Thom nods to Eustace. "Indeed there is and I shall be glad tell how it could all be possible at a later time. For now though, this situation must be handle with care. To tell the sheriff everything would be a great disservice to House Delapore. Worry not though I am sure that a more suitable truth can be arranged." He says, Thom looks like he could go on but refrains from doing so.