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Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:35 am
by VAN
As they see the orcs Inovidil realizes that she cannot use the same spell since her companions are in front of her. Two magic darts gets one orc. The other orc unable to stop himself fell over his dead companion. Renad's morning star doesn't let him the time to stand up. At the same time Kel swings at one orc at his left. The wound cuts the orc's body in two pieces. Keeping the same direction of the great sword, Kel hits another orc to the belly.

One orc attacks Renad, but cleric's armor protects him.

"I have Pelor on my side, monster." Says the cleric as he breaks the orcs head with his morning star.

The two orcs attack Kel. One with a dagger and one with an axe. The last wounds Kel slightly to the arm. The fighter swears and revenges himself as his great sword pentrated the monster's neck.

Another pair of magic darts get the wounded orc with the dagger, preventing him of stabbing Kel.

"Thanks sis. It's always great have you with us." Says Kel as he cleans his sword at the dead corpse.

"The pleasure is mine, brother. You have missed me too. All of you."

Smiles to his sister, Kel goes towards Brethana.

"You are a great fighter, you have killed an ogre alone. But you should have waited me. You get all the fun!"

"What are we going to do with the 4 disabled orcs?"Asks Inovidil.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:53 am
by steveflam
Thalar thinks a moment on the question. "Well they are orcs and you know how I hate orcs, Inovidil"

At that moment the one live orc stands up from behind the table,hands in the air"Don't hurt us!!!!We leave and not bother humans and elves anymore! PLease let us go! We no come back" the orc pleads"We no mean to kill people on caravan it was ogre idea not ours."

Thalar steps forward and thrusts his sword throught the orcs thraot shutting him up. "Well it looks like the others deserve the same fate.Killing people in caravans indeed"

Elvira waits no more as she slits the 4 sleeping orcs throats. "So ya wanna look around 'n see if there's any loot guys?" she asks a little eagerly.

Brethana, still breathing hard and looking quite hurt now, responds to Kel
"YEs but wheres the fun in that?" she replies weakly."See how much fun the ogre had too?" Pointing to her bruises and blood and grinning weakly.

Elvira goes into the door and sees what she's looking for the chests!When she reaches them she checks for any traps or surprises, finding none. Skillfully opening the 10 chests, her eyes open wide. "Guys theres some coinage here!"Pocketing a few coins for herself of course before the others arrive.

Thalar smiles as he enters the room ah the spoils of battle, that Brethana is quite fierce! Good thing she is on our side indeed.

"Hey Thalar look at these" Elvira holds up 2 very nice scabbards and familiar hilts protruding. Thalar holds one in his hand and pulls the sword out. An elfish blade!By the goddess. These ogres killed some elves for sure. Maybe I can show Brethana how to use these as Ive no interest cept my trusty long sword.

"Inovidil theres a ring here, have a look. And some potions as well Renad, maybe theyre healin ones, Brethana looks like she could use some.Actually you too Kel".Elvira tosses the ring to Inovidil and points out the potions to Renad.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:10 pm
by VAN
Renad looks the blue liquid at he vials.

"It can be heeling potion. I'll cure both of you myself, I don't trust vials we find in an orc lair. Brtethana, you don't have problem with divine magic right? I'll start from you since you are more wounded."

"Thanks Elvira, I'll tell you tomorrow what this ring does." Says Inovidil as she gets the ring.

At the view of the open chests the witch sighs:
"Ah, finally we get some money. You cannot imagine how much money a spell caster needs. Spells, scrolls, craft items..."

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:33 pm
by steveflam
Ooc: The elven thinblade is found in Complete Warrior 3.5 p.154 in case anyone is curious :)

Looking to Renad and smiling weakly "Yes, Renad you can cure me, my village Shaman did me many times.Thanks"Looking to Inovidil and laughing "Inovidil, you need money for spells??? Ha ha ha! Sorry, but once my father gave me this", tapping her bloody great sword "The only thing I spent gold on was food, sometimes lodgings and a stone to keep my blade sharp!Oh you mages make me laugh! Ha ha ha! Thanks for the healing, Renad I feel better now."

Thalar approaches Brethana, with the 2 blades in his hands"Brethana, I think maybe you might appreciate these, if you take up my suggestion of using two blades instead of just that one there. You are quite adept with it, but imagine how much better a fighter you might be if you used 2 blades! Much more effective I'd say. ANd like Kel said you are too hasty to fight. Look I killed 4 orcs and an ogre and, the 4 orcs I did from afar. NOt all creatures are as easy as these, you should be more careful."

Knowing something about Barbarians, Thalar continues "Is that the warrior rage that you do, Brethana? I am really glad you are on my side as are the others I'm sure. How often can you do this? It seems really effective". Thalar sits with Brethana and they talk. Brethana seems a little more open-minded about fighting with 2 blades than before, and those blades are really beautiful. Holding one of them in her hands and turning it over, she admires the weight and how it easy it seems to hold it. Maybe this Ranger Thalar might show her new ways? That remains ot be seen.

Elvira giggles as she takes her share of the loot, always a ready smile for silver and gold! Wow we beat them all I'm impressed! That Brethana is pretty impressive and Inovidil seems more confident since she came back from that place. I feel a little better haveing her back with us and Brethana can stay as long as she likes.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:47 pm
by VAN
Inovidil gets her part of the loot with great pleasure. Hopefuly she will not ask much money from her parents the next time she wants to get a new spell, or scribe a new scroll.

"Your welcome. You should see how much damage you can do if I cast a certain spell on you. Ask Kel if you don't believe me."Says Renad.

"True. Renad has a spell that can increase your strength. It's great. But about you, I saw fighting like... like me and now you seem excausted. Are you ok?"Says the fighter.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:02 pm
by steveflam
"I am fine, Renad. It is just after my battle rage, I need to rest a few moments, plus that ogre and those orcs hurt me a bit. You can make me stronger?" Brethana turns to Renad "You mean I can hurt more in battle, Renad? That is ineteresting."

Brethana breathes deeply and relaxes. I think I'll ask Thalar about these blades and how to use them in each hand.I wonder if I take some silver, they will object? Its only to survive, I dont need much

"Mind if I take some silver, guys?I don't know when I'll need it but you can never be too sure. Thalar, I'll keep these blades on one condition. You show me how to use them in each hand as you say."

Elvira looks at Inovidil, leaning in and whispering "I bet she wants him to show her how to use the "sword" all right" she giggles. "Think I'll buy some ale with this money I have at the next Inn we come upon,Ino."

"Well Brethana. I'll teach you how to use the blade in one hand. I am no master of the 2 handed fighting technique, but maybe in the Dalelands you may find a competent person to teach you." Looking to the girls and smmiling politely "Now now, girls, these pointy ears are quite good at hearing. We'll have none of that, understood? Renad still winces at his encounters with that dwarf you introduced to him, the poor fellow. Put your efforts to something more practical, ok?" Thalar winks and goes back to his conversation with Brethana.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:02 am
by VAN
"Exactly. Your strength will increase as long as the damage you deal. I'll cast the spell on you at own next encounter, then you'll tell me if you like it or not."

"Of course you can take money Brethana, you have earned your part as all of us. Every time we find some money we separate them in equal parts. Then if someone is so kind he can handle his part to anyone he wants. Correct, oh my sweet brother?" Says Inovidil and looks to Kel.

"Ahh, our father always says that to me. Don't have encounters with your sister, you'll earn nothing! Yes Ino, you can have a part of my gold. I want to get a better bow and I need money too."

"You're the best, thanks Kel." Says Inodil and kisses her brother's cheek."

As Thalar reminds them what has happened to Renad, the two girls starts laughing again.

"Ok Thalar, we will do nothing... you should trust us... Right Elvira?" Says Inovidil.

"Talking about Elvira, what had you in mind when you have pictured the orc's face halfling? What would happen if he would wake up?"Says Renad.

"It was great Elvira, really funny."Says Kel.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:29 am
by steveflam
Ooc:100gp/900sp=25gp/225sp each.

"I had nothing in mind, I swear! He must have forgotten to pull his pants up. As for his face well, I think I may have "accidentally" dropped ink on his face, woe is to me" Elvira giggles. "Doesn't look like there's anything more to do in here, so why don't we get back on the road. We aren't going to get to Shadowdale any faster by just sitting here.Yes Thalar, we won't meddle, I promise" hiding her face in her hand to look at Inovidil, she mouths the word "much", then giggles some more.

Brethana pockets some coins(150 sp)"Well this is all I'll need, you can have the rest Ino if you need it so badly for your magic!"Brethana laughs really hard. "Yes Elvira, we can get on the road as you say. Thalar,thanks for these blades, they are really nice and well made.Whar are you talking about, Thalar?The girls only giggle."

"Never mind, Brethana, you'll learn soon enough.The girls like to meddle,let's leave it at that"Thalar chuckles.

She holds one in her hand and turns it a little, getting a feel for it. Swinging it a little.This is really light and easy to manoeuver.Thalar was nice to offer them to me.Hopefully I'll learn to use them as well as my great sword. So this spell makes me stronger, so I can hurt more?I'll think about it then

The party heads back out to the road and travels for the best part of the day until nightfall and make camp.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:34 am
by VAN
"Well Brethana, how do you feel now that you will pass your first night out, sleeping beneath the stars? It's really great and hearing this phrase for a girl grown up in a bog city it's a big thing."Says Inovidil as she looks up the clear sky.

"We need to make watches. Since we are six, I think we can make 3 watches." Says Renad.

"I can get the first one, I'm not very tired. Brethana, do you want to be with me or do you prefer someone else..."Says Inovidil giving a side glance to Elvira.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:07 pm
by steveflam
"Yeah Brethana, where do ya want ta sleep?I'm with Inovidil", Elvira stifles a laugh, by coughing.

"I can sleep anywhere really,Inovidil and Elvira. It feels really nice to be outside under the stars,Inovidil.". Brethana bids everyone night as she finds a spot off by herself and climbing up a tree, she sits in a branch and has her elvish reverie.

"You girls don't give up , do you?" says Thalar. "I don't think she even realises what you're doing. I've no interest in nything like that, you should know better.I'll take second watch with Renad and Kel can have 3rd with Brethana."

With that Thalar finds a spot not far from the campfire, sitting against a tree and goes into reverie as well.

"That Thalar doesn't know what he's missing,Inovidil.It's ok I don't give up so easily!Well let's get serious as everyone headed off to sleep."Elvira gets comfortable by the fire with Inovidil, ears and eyes open for trouble.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:44 pm
by VAN
"Yes, it's a pitty they seem a very good couple." Says Inovidil as she tosses another wood to the fire.

"My only problem is what Brethana will do to us when she realizes our plan! Ah I've missed you Elvira, all of actually."

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:07 pm
by steveflam
Ooc:VAN Brethana joined SB at the cornfield right before you did.

"I've missed you too Inovidil. Well I dont know about Brethana, I dont think she thinks about those things. ELves live a long life compared to us. I think if they do chose a "someone" it is for life. Let's see what develops here. I honestly think she might rather take to him but for learning. LIke his Ranger ways or how to use those fine blades. Was it really all that bad where u were? And what about Brethana? What's her home like?"

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:34 pm
by VAN
OOC> How old is Breathana?

IC> "Well, figure out a dark, foggy place, nothing compared with Faerun. I got there wby mists. I was actually run away of 2 ogres. I was out of spells I wanted a place to hide, so I entered in a strange fit fog. When the fog gets cleared, I find myself at this strange place. It's name is Ravenloft, have you ever heard of it? It's actually a demiplane, neither my father knew it. Anyway I find out that I was in Dementleu. Fortunately I was near the capital. There I found some wizards they explain me how I got there and a few things about this place. Nearly for a year I lived to the capital but a day I decided go to another place with a ship. Ahh, what a decision. There was a shipwreck, I got saved and get to an island named Staunton Bluffs." Inovidil sighs as tellsthis name.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:32 pm
by steveflam
Ooc:110 yrs old is Brethana

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:03 pm
by steveflam
Elvira waits a moment, then pursues her questioning"You sound somewhat afraid or maybe sick of Staunton Bluffs. What happened there?Is this Ravenloft really really that bad? The way Brethana said it is not sunny alot,very gloomy. There is a lot of undead there? I hate those buggers! They scare the breetches off of me, it's just not natural, yanno."

Elvira yawns, then looks at the moon. "Well our time is up on watch,Inovidil. Let's wake Thalar and Kel as it is their turn for watch.".

The girls wake Thalar and Kel then retire to their bedrolls for the night.

Thalar stretches as he gets the sleep out of his system. "Well Renad.. It is good to be back on the road, and with Inovidil who has returned to us! This is most welcome news indeed. Ino seems a bit changed or different from her stay in this Ravenloft place. I wonder what it is really like there, and where Brethana hails from, this Sithicus. She tells me most non humans in this Ravenloft are not well liked except in Sithicus and this place where you lose your memory if you stay too long. Her shaman visited it once or twice and told her before she left her tribe to avoid it if she could.Maybe Pelor or Mielikki brought Brethana to us for some purpose or reason. I rather think she will be a good pupil for learning my ways. And she seems really interested in those blades, which is good I think."

Thalar pauses, then asks Renad"So what are your thought on Brethana and this Ravenloft place?"