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Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:38 pm
by Pamela
Gertrude gave one quick glance around at her companions. None of them seemed to be willing to add anything, so she replied. “Our friend was in too much of a hurry to introduce himself. Nobody saw him; indeed, we aren't sure that it was one of our friends.”

She paused, then looked at Roland. “Pouvez-v's partir, m’sieur, s’il v's plaît? Comme vous dites, c’est une affaire privee.” If they were going to discuss intimate matters, she didn’t want it to get around that Jeanne’s nephew had been present. The less he knew, the better- and safer- for him, let alone themselves. I’m sure he’ll be glad to have the excuse to leave; blessed sun, he’s so nervous! “Je pense qu’on peux parler sans interpréteur.”

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:41 pm
by Rotipher of the FoS
The bard considers a quick rebuttal of Chicken Bone's words, when the elderly voodan calls the ring's owner a "friend", but bites back the retort in deference to Kingsley. Crow's not the only one with a need to prove his -- or her -- value to the Fraternity officers, tonight; to trespass on her moment of glory won't earn him the professor's appreciation. Besides, the Zherisian's own way with words is formidable, and she deftly corrects the old swamp-dweller's assumption.

A good thing, too, if he's half so great a necromantic expert as his local reputation attests. He'll likely sense Van Rijn's touch upon that ring, if that's who sent it for the Brethren to find and fret over, and I doubt if our host would be well-disposed to anyone counting a lich as "friend".

His faith in Kingsley's prudence is doubly borne out, when she next waves for Roland to leave the room. Crow recalls her remarks about keeping potential witnesses at a safe distance, back at the Manoir de Penombre, and is pleased that the Fraternity's present troubles have not driven such concerns from her. And also pleased, of course, that Roland won't have to overhear any more of their discussion with Chicken Bone: while he's readily accepted such risks for himself, the VRS spy wouldn't want the list of those whom the FoS has silenced, for stumbling upon its secrets, to grow any longer on his watch.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 5:11 pm
by steveflam
Tarlyn looks at Dadrag, nods then goes back down the stairs to wait, judging he can hear just as well from under the house anyways(Thanks Nathan)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 5:47 pm
by VAN
Dadrag follows the drow down too.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:47 pm
by steveflam
Tarlyn concentrates a moment and his elf face returns, not wanting to alarm anyone.
"Do any of you understand the Souragnien language? I've no clue, so it is not worth it for me to be up there and listen to the conversation as I don't understand it" Tarlyn offers the others. Looking to Gerard, he smiles and approaches him. "So, friend, what can you tell us of this Chicken Bone. And What is life like here in Souaragne?".

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 11:31 pm
by Coan
"I see no need to eaves drop on one's employers." Hiro states while looking out into the swamp. Standing up and discarding the stick he had been drawing with, he stretches.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 1:46 am
by Nathan of the FoS
Llana wrote:She paused, then looked at Roland. “Pouvez-v's partir, m’sieur, s’il v's plaît? Comme vous dites, c’est une affaire privee.” If they were going to discuss intimate matters, she didn’t want it to get around that Jeanne’s nephew had been present. The less he knew, the better- and safer- for him, let alone themselves. I’m sure he’ll be glad to have the excuse to leave; blessed sun, he’s so nervous! “Je pense qu’on peux parler sans interpréteur.”
"Oui, madame," Rolande replies, then looks at Chicken Bone, as if for permission from him as well.

"Bon, m'siegneur," the old man replies, making a shooing gesture. "La fois suivant croirez, ne c'est pas?"

"Oui, m'sieur," Rolande whispers; the sweat now stands in beads on his forehead. "Merci. Merci beaucoup."

Turning, he goes down the stairs, a trifle unsteadily.

Roland: Of course, madame.

Chicken Bone: That's all, m'lord. You'll believe next time, won't you?

Roland: Yes, m'sieur. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:50 am
by VAN
"Come on my friend, do you mean that you are not curious to know what all this trip was about? I used to agree with you, but going to a swamp during the rain and the night and be so eager to meet this Chicken Bone make me more curious that before. And what about this fly of yours?" Says Dadarg in low voice so Gerard cannot hear him.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:23 am
by Coan
"Duplicity does not become me and curiousity in our profession can be dangerous at the wrong time and from what I know of the man up there it is definatley the wrong time. When they wish to tell us, they will. Now instead we should maintain our watch."

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:36 am
by Nathan of the FoS
The Souragnien nobleman treads heavily on the circling stairs; Dadrag and Tarlyn have plenty of time to reach the ground before he does. Finding a spot where his feet will be as dry as possible, sheltered beneath Chicken Bone's floor, he sighs heavily and mutters "Sante Ezra..."

After a moment Rolande, too, takes a pipe from an inner pocket and prepares it, politely offering his tobacco pouch to the others gathered beneath the tree.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 3:17 am
by VAN
Dadarg accept the offer and smiling asks:

"Thank you, who knows how much toime we will stay here. Do you speak any Mordentish Rolande?"

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:23 am
by Nathan of the FoS
VAN wrote:Dadarg accept the offer and smiling asks:

"Thank you, who knows how much toime we will stay here. Do you speak any Mordentish Rolande?"
OOC: Er...y'all are speaking Mordentish right now. :D Souragnien is basically High Mordentish, but with some odd fillips and so thickly accented that it's impossible to understand without hearing it for a while (say, a few months). The more educated Souragniens, like Rolande, can switch back and forth easily; less educated Souragniens, like Gerard, are essentially speaking a different language.

I guess it's worth mentioning that all conversations in English are assumed to be in Mordentish "in-game" unless otherwise stated.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:18 pm
by Pamela
Gertrude kept her face neutral at Chicken Bone’s enigmatic parting words to Rolande. She was of course curious but it was none of her business and there was no point in discomfiting the young man by any signs of this. “Merci,” she said to the young man, and then turned back to the voodan, listening to the footsteps heading down.

She waited to see if the old man was going to make any answer. When the pause lengthened, she spoke once more. “Pouvez-vous n’s aider, m’sieur- et si oui, qu’est-c’ qu’on peut offrir por vot’ service?”* Better get that into the open and out of the way as soon as possible, she thought, recalling Jeanne's instructions.

* Can you help us- and if so, what can we offer for the service?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:32 pm
by steveflam
Nathan of the FoS wrote:The more educated Souragniens, like Rolande, can switch back and forth easily; less educated Souragniens, like Gerard, are essentially speaking a different language.

Seeing as Gerard does not understand him, Tarlyn turns to Rolande and asks "What do you fear here? You are surrounded by competent people here. What is so bad about the gentleman up there?" he looks up at the abode then back to Rolande.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:40 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Llana wrote:She waited to see if the old man was going to make any answer. When the pause lengthened, she spoke once more. “Pouvez-vous n’s aider, m’sieur- et si oui, qu’est-c’ qu’on peut offrir por vot’ service?”* Better get that into the open and out of the way as soon as possible, she thought, recalling Jeanne's instructions.
Chicken Bone exhales and shrugs expressively. "Eh bon, madame, ne sais," he says. "Voulez-vous que j'essaye? Ne pas devons parler de le prix sans savoir si aura pourqoui payer."

*Well, madame, I don't know. Do you want me to try? We ought not to speak of the price without knowing if there will be any reason to pay.