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Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:48 pm
by VAN
"It sounds like a plan! Perfect! If we meet any of the other we can tell them too, if we are more it might be better if it comes to fight."

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:03 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
Blaise enters the docks tavern with Shana. "Seedy, smelly, the invigorating aroma of sweat and ale mixed with sea salt ... a perfect choice, Shana!" he says quietly with a wicked smile.

Looking for a table where they can sit and talk, he is pleasantly surprised to spot Jarg and Inovidil. They look to be having an animated conversation, but with all the rowdiness about them, he has no idea what they're saying. He steps forward.

"Well, it's true, Shana -- they'll let any riff-raff enter this place!" He takes a seat next to Inovidil. "So, tired of the vile smell of the high life, too?"

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:45 pm
by steveflam
Jarg grins at the two newcomers. "Well met, friends. We've been here all afternoon and lo and behold, have heard something interesting." Jarg leans into Blaise and Shana so only they can hear, saying "Tomorrow night, some smugglers or slavers will move some slaves at Pier #2. I was thinking that they should be stopped. Only Inovidil and I couldn't do much, but we four, well that sounds like a plan. I figured they'd move the slaves early in the morning, when most normal people sleep. Say around 2 a.m. Being in the vicinity of the Pier around 9 p.m or so should give us ample time to observe and be ready.What say you?"

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:07 am
by kintire
Shana speaks quietly to Blaise as they head to the docks
"our new noble patron is a true knight. Courageous, dedicated, willing to make any sacrifice for his honour and true love. ANY sacrifice... including us, without a second thought beyond a brief tear for our heroic deaths in his noble cause..."

As they head into the tavern she waves cheerfully at Jarg and Ino, sitting down next to them and listening with growing enthusiasm.

flexes her fingers with a wicked grin

"I say... lets do it. Slavers? this won't be battle, it'll be vermin control!"

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:37 am
by VAN
Inovidil smiles to Shana and Blaise and says:

"Hello guys, it's nice to meet you. Jarg's plan is pretty good and I have some cool spells for that occasion!"

At Shana's comment Inovidil laughs and says:

"Good one Shana, I totally agree with you!"

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:03 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
As Shana finishes her description of their "noble" patron, Blaise's eyes narrow. "Ah," he says, "so he's one of those -- a zealot. Or a politician. We'll have to play our cards with one hand tied behind our back, or whatever."

"A slave shipment?" he says. "Yes ... count me in on this. But take care -- if the men behind this are clever, they may use bribery to conceal their endeavor. We may have enemies on the docks aside from the slavers."

He shakes himself, as though distracted, then nods at Inovidil. "Useful spells? Excellent. I have my own talents, offensive and otherwise. With the proper disguise, I may even be able to get a couple of us onboard the ship to see what's what."

OOC #1: It's been a while since Blaise's last appearance, so I'll post a description here: A handsome human in his 20s, with short, wavy red hair and darker, slighly arched eyebrows. He's dressed in dark green and black clothes that have seen a lot of outdoor wear. The glint of a chain shirt peeks out above the unbuttoned top of his tunic. Outshining even the chain shirt, though, is his smile, which seems oddly playful, regardless of in this situation.

OOC #2: I'll be at a gaming convention from Friday through Sunday, so I'll be offline those days.[/i]

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:35 am
by VAN
"Don't worry Blaise, I can make us fly and/or do us invisible or put an illusion on us if necessary and I have many offensive spells too! And I bet Shana can do pretty important things too. I love being able to cast spells!" Says Inovidil and winks to Shana.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:45 pm
by steveflam
Jarg thinks a moment before adding "I can disguise myself quite nicely and have several talents which might come in useful whether they be fighting or sneaking about. Also" he leans in and whispers "As I am a dark elf, I think that fact might come in handy for us in some capacity tomorrow evening. Perhaps we should retire somewhere safe and discuss further?"

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:27 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
"A wise choice," says Blaise, "...but Bonescrape's bloody jest, I haven't had a drink yet! Some carousing first, and perhaps we'll overhear a few tall-tales. THEN we can go wherever you'd like, my dark friend!"

After a round or two of ale, Blaise will happily follow any suggestion for a different locale. :-)

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:30 am
by kintire
"Yes! let the carousing begin! I mean, what's to discuss? We'll just turn up, take out the bad guys, rescue the innocent and depart! Let's not make it overcomplicated..."

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:47 pm
by ewancummins
[meanwhile, back at the baron's castle....]

The Baron's Master of Arms was curious about the new-fangled mechanism Moorkroft had brought him. It was a little spring operated flint and steel striker.

'' You say it's not from Lantan? Who made it? And what is it? A firestarter? ''
Jonathon smiles, then answers,

'' I did. Such devices are not unusual in my homeland. And yes, it starts fires with a spark from that flint, yes, just like that. Look at my musket.''

He lays the heavy iron and hardwood weapon on the table, then points out the flintlock mechanism.

''This is much safer and more reliable than those matchlock weapons the Gondsmen are selling. The cover pan is also a big improvement. Yes, just slide it with your thumb. Helps to keep the powder dry.''

The Master at Arms takes the musket outside and test fires it against the stone wall. It fires without difficulty and leaves a lingering cloud of acrid smoke hanging in the air. A pockmark on the far wall shows where the lead ball impacted.

Handing it back to Moorkroft, he says,

''Well that's certainly a nice smokepowder gonne, but what good will such devices do us against our enemies in the North? Without a large supply of smokepowder, they are useless in the field. Only the Church of Gond can create the stuff- it's magical and quite expensive, as you must know. We couldn't possibly buy enough to make it worthwhile equipping even a small company of armsmen with these new weapons.''

Moorkroft's smile widens.

''Don't worry about supply problems. I know how to make the powder. It isn't magic at all, just a bit of applied alchemy that's been kept secret. I can teach a dozen men the procedure in a week. They can teach others. It's really quite simple, although one must be precise and careful when making and handling it. I'll need charcoal burners, metal workers, gong farmers, stableboys, and someone who knows where I can find deposits of brimstone and also flint. ''

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:42 pm
by VAN
After gettinng a sip of her drink Inovidil asks:

"So guys what have you done these days? I have visited some magic schools and wizards and have nice talk with them. I always like speaking about magic you know that!"

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:05 pm
by steveflam
Jarg lowers his cloak, thankful for his disguise item. Merely a black haired elf was more appropriate than his dark elf self. Shooting Inovidil a grin and winking to the others he smiles, thinking about what he'd done these past days. "Well, first off I searched for any contacts I might make here or perhaps have heard of. I wasn't always such a prim and proper gentleman. I am not ashamed to say I used to belong to a network, but now am not part of it. Just my heritage sometimes can come in handy in fear tactics in many dealings."

Looking to Shana he says "Perhaps yes we can go in and kill the bad guys, but let's not be so hasty. I think we shouldn't bite off more than we can chew. Appearances may be decieving, my dear. I doubt slavers will leave their cargo unguarded. And not by lackeys and useless lowlife's. As to drinking I prefer to keep a steady mind and be in control of myself at all times. It is perhaps the curse of my upbringing in the cursed dark elf society. What say we head out to a room I acquired recently and out of earshot of any unwanted listeners? It is merely a ten minute walk from here. We could pass by the Pier and scope it out at the same time. Oh Blaise, I do have some elvish spirits stashed there. Some poor merchant is short a bottle or three, I fear!"

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:03 am
by VAN
Inovidil looks around one more time and then nods to Jarg.

"I agree, we will be better at your place Jarg."

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:15 am
by kintire
Shana grins "bah. I've had experience of this. Long detailed boring planning sessions, and in the first five seconds something unexpected happens and all your plans go by the board. Still, I'll take some of that elven wine. Lets go!"