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Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:21 am
by ewancummins
Cornelius nods grimly and says only-


With that, the dwarf departs for the Happy Goat.

I'm confident my spells can help locate the missing items, if the damned Mists would refrain from snatching us away every time we get close.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:22 pm
by steveflam
With your knowledges of the city, especially that of Alexander's, you happen to find an out of the way place on the outskirts of the Merchant's Quarter. There really isn't any sign to indicate what the establishment is, but Draven remembered having heard of the location once from someone who's name escaped him.

"I suggest only one of you enter to speak with the owner. I Know I'd be a nervous shopkeeper if five or six people entered my establishment. As I've no need of anything in there, one of you should go and speak to the man and see what can be had from him. So, who's it going to be?"

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:37 am
by lostboy
"I'm happy to go unless anyone else is more at home with negotiation?" Draven says looking around the group.

"Also it would make some sense to decide what we are looking for and how much we have to spend."

[OOC: okaay well Im the first to admit Dravens bluff / intimidate / diplomacy arent stellar so anyone else with decent mods for these (i.e. above 5ish) should probabley go otherwise we'll get fleeced for every little penny we have.

Speaking of which how much do we have? Draven has personal wealth at just under 1000gp but did we have any party treasure, as that aint gonna go a long way?

Finally what are people looking to buy, perhaps we should have an academic led discussion on what things are good for smacking down werewolves and wolfweres?( simply cos Draven doesnt know)]

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:48 pm
by ewancummins
''I'll go. Ah, and this being a proper civilized nation, we probably won't have trouble on account of some of us not being human,eh?''

Cornelius grabs his bag and preapres to head to the shop.

''We need to get weapons of silver, but also cold iron, and possibly other materials. Not all skinchangers are vulnerable to silver- it takes other things for some, you see. Better look into getting aconite- wolfsbane. That, I can gather if we find a place it grows- I know what it looks like.''

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:58 am
by lostboy
Draven nods "hmm well Id certainly be interested in gaining some crossbow bolts with silver and cold iron tips. Perhaps a dagger as well, unless of course there is some way to improve my rapier?"

"Ah go ahead Cornelius see what the man has to sell first." Draven says realsiing he has no idea what might be in this shop.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:22 am
by VAN
" I think we need some potions as well, all kinds healing, cure disease and poison. But these we should get them from the temple I think."

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:26 am
by Ail
"Also, potions to beef us up, like Bull's Strength and such could always be helpful. Never underestimate Prayers scrolls either".

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:04 am
by BigBadQDaddy
"I could use a hand full of silver bullets, mate." says William calmly. He then turns to face the street, watching the people go by.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:24 pm
by ewancummins
Ail wrote:"Also, potions to beef us up, like Bull's Strength and such could always be helpful. Never underestimate Prayers scrolls either".

Cornelius laughs out loud at this.

''Hahahaha! Potions of BULL's Strength to BEEF us up, eh?

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:08 pm
by lostboy
Draven grimaces at the bad joke and gives Cornelius an odd sidelong look but prudently avoids leaning in and checking for the smell of alcohol on him.

[OOC: :wink: ]

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:40 pm
by BigBadQDaddy
ewancummins wrote:''Hahahaha! Potions of BULL's Strength to BEEF us up, eh?
William completely loses his strong silent composure and bursts into an hearty laugh.
After a few moments of laughing, William turns toward Cornelius, "You know, after all we have been through, it is good we can still laugh."

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:00 pm
by VAN
Van cannot help not to laugh with the dwarf's comment.

"Very nice one Cornelius! I think a good laugh get off the tension!"

At William comment he nods in agreement.

"Totally agree William! Very important thing still be able to laugh!"

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:16 pm
by steveflam
Once Cornelius notes everyone's needs, he opens the door and pushes through the establishment. Of course he looks around. Though the shop is a little off the beaten path, it is quite, well, neat and organised. He can see everything from simple spell components to the very bizarre ones. There are other items, such as potions and simple weapons on display, but nothing elaborate. A beautiful human woman satnds behind the counter, seeming to be glancing at something. She looks up and eyes the dwarf.

All conversation between Cornelius and the woman are in the dwarvish tongue:
"Welcome, sir dwarf" her voice oozes right through Cornelius' being "What might you be looking for this evening? How might I be of service to thee?" The woman is attired in a very fine robe. Her hair is black and long, flowing all the way down her back. Here eyes are, well, Cornelius can't quite say but then again, once he looked at the woman, his eyes never left hers. It seems like Cornelius is in a dream.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:20 pm
by ewancummins
''Welll, I...uhhh..yes- I need to purchase weaponry, but not the usual kind. I need knives arrows, and what-have-you , of silver and also of cold iron. ''

As he speaks, Cornelius regards the shopkeeper with an expression of frank admiration.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:13 pm
by steveflam

Follow them, my friend. Let me know where they go and what they do. The bird left the company of it's master and flew up into the afternoon sky. Though it's sight was poor in the daytime, once night arrived it would feel at ease. It soared well above it's intended prey and when they entered the Temple of Ezra it alit on a building not far away.


The elderly man left the hubbub of the port and traveled east to the middle of the city. Ah yes, I remember his home now. Quite the good coverup, a bookstore, the man snorted, smiling to himself. When he arrived he happened a look around, secure noone had followed him. He wasn't without some resources incase there was trouble. He clasped his walking cane, secure it could easily take care of trouble. Satisfied, he pushed through the door and walked about the place, eyeing the books with feigned interest.

When the door opened the man at the counter looked up at whom had entered. His face betrayed nothing, but inwardly he was happy that he'd shown up for the appointed rendezvous. He pushed his glasses up his nose and put is attention back to what he was doing before the man entered. Scanning it once more he closed the book, finally satisfied.

The elderly man approached the counter. "Welcome to my establishment. How might I be of service to you this day?" The owner looked around and motioned the elderly man behind the counter, through the door. He moved from behind the counter and walked to the store's entrance. He flipped the sign hamging on the door to closed and pulled down the blinds on it. Uttering a few phrase while moving his finges in intricate patterns, he was now satisfied noone would enter without his knowledge. Or leave for that matter. He walked back and found the elderly man still waiting for him at the counter.

They both walked behind the counter and once the owner opened the door, both passed through and down a hallway to another door. It opened to a landing. A set of stairs went up, the other down. Neither said a word, but the younger man nodded below. He led the elder down the short flight of stairs to an open passage which led to a small room. Inside was a table with four chairs. Sitting at one chair was a red headed woman clad in a cloak and very drab clothin beneath. A staff was strapped to her back.

Once they'd entered, and moved to sit the old man spoke. "It's nice to see you again. I see you still keep a very good choice in bodyguards. Efficiency in one such as her is quite the bonus. Your life expectancy has no doubt increased since you've had her around. So what news have you of the matter in question?"

The woman's face registered nothing, merely nodding to him, keeping quiet. The younger man smiled slightly. "I haven't learned much. I do know they did leave here a few months ago for Kartakass. The items in question are still unaccounted for. I did hear from a reliable source that they nearly burnt The Old Inn in Harmonia to the ground. Apparently they've got quite the ally with them in some elf. Two actually. The details are slim for now. News travels slowly as you well know."

As an afterthought he added "It's nice to see you too, old man. Yes as you have noticed, I do surround myself with only competent people. I see Lupzig isn't with you. He must be nearby for I don't think you'd let him wander too far."

The old man eyed the younger one with a smirk. Might as well let the cat out of the bag, surprise him. "As it happens, I was in Sri Raji until just recently and on my voyage back, happened upon a party on their way here as well. I quickly realized these were our party. Yes they were accompanied by only one elf, not two. And the party seems smaller than originally our sources told us. I didn't l;earn much on the voyage, to be honest. I do get the sense that this elf is not what he appears to be and is in fact, quite powerful.

From what I gleaned, they seem to look to him for guidance at times. I think he doesn't weant to involve himself too much in the sense that he wants them to do whatever it is they're doing by themselves first. My impression is he will invoilve himself if they are in need of him. And yes, Lupzig is actually watching over them from a safe distance. That's what I know and as you are our agent here, I though ti best I advise you that they were in fact at the Temple of Ezra as early as this afternoon. Once Lupzig checks back with me, I'll know where they are again."


When the party exited the Temple the owl remained where it was. He had noticed that a hawk remained close to the party and being no stranger to mages was able to surmise as to why. It remained hidden and when the party left the Temple along with Ithan towards the Merchant District, it followed at a discreet distance. Having been here many times before, Lupzig did know a few things. Some of them he'd been told by his master, others he'd learned by himself. As the sun began to set, the owl felt relief as now he would be in his element. That was before it spied where the party has stopped. Unsure of it, he looked again at the buildings beside the establishment. Yes this was a place his master had mentioned a few times before to other humans. Telling them to stay away!

Lupzig contacted its master telepathically. "Master, they are at the forbidden place you have spoken of before"

"The place with many books?"

"No. The plac with the red eyed, cold blooded female."

"I am nearby. Come to the place with books. I will give you an enchantment so you can warn the light haired one with the hawk."

"Yes, Master."


"Ah I have news of the party. Lupzig tells me they are at that vampire's shop. I do hope they don't perish. We'd gain so much by having those items back here in Darkon after all. Please do excuse me a few moments, I'll go see to Lupzig and shall return." The old man rose from the table. He reached into a bad and removed a parchment. Then he removed a pen and ink bottle. Dipping it, he began wrote a few words on it. Satisfied, he rolled the parchment so that Lupzig could carry it and hurried up the stairs. He exited the shop by the back and walked to the front. "Are you here, my friend?"

He didn't bother looking up. "Yes, master, I am"

"Come here. I've something you've to give to the hawk's master."

"Yes." The owl flew down from it's perch on the bookstore to land on Balfour's shoulder. The man held out the parchment which the owl took in it's beak then transfered to one of its claws.

"Go, Lupzig. The man needs this. This paper is better than an enchantment, I assure you."

"Yes, Master."

The owl flew off into the early Darkon night and within two minutes had the party in sight. It glided down, and before anyone could really react, Van had a piece of paper in his hands! The owl hooted once and flew off into the distance. You were all too surprised to reall react.

"Van, what's that? And wasn't that the old man's owl?" Jacob looked up at the disapperaring speck in the night sky that was Lupzig.

Van you have a pm. In case Van is busy, I know she has a really important exam, I'll respond for her within the next day or so, everyone.