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Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:51 pm
by The Whistler
Oh, my.

Come on, now. You’ve re-killed countless walking corpses, you’ve helped save a whole danged village from a faerie curse, you’ve stopped a history professor from blowing a hole in the universe—heck, you died a few hours ago. None of this “however could I have expected something inexplicably awful to happen” business.


NOT finished. I’m in here, too; I can see you; and buddy, you ain’t surprised. I’ll tell you what you are. You are mentally clocking yourself over the head, because you and most of the people you like had no choice but to make a dirt-poor decision, and you are Fates-be-damned thankful to have the distraction so that you don’t have to think about it right now. Hells, you’re even glad it’s walking shadows instead of something you’ve already seen—that way you can milk the experience for a term paper when you head back to the Core.


…Wow. I’m a horrible person.

Wrong. You’re human. There’s a difference. Now do that “responsibility” thing you’re so fond of and go shoot something.

The gunsmith dodged back and to the left, away from Shadow-Harris’ approach, and growled the codephrase that would begin his transformation.

…At least it’ll be an even fight.

Five-foot stepping it diagonally Northwest to U5, and casting Bite of the Werewolf.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:51 am
by lostboy
Sascha watched in growing horror as the shades grew before him, not least a shadowy double of Jervis. "As if one of him wasnt dangerous enough" he mutters bitterly, considering casting a spell of his own.
Rock wrote:"They are shadow copies of us!" Lia shouts out loud. "They have all of our equipment, our individual strengths and abilities, our knowledge -- our spells!
The knight starts a little at Lia's voice and cast a quick glance around the room. If that's the case then there is only one choice....., and I might even enjoy it, he muses.

Flashing the shadow mercenery a manic grin, Sascha's voice rings out "seems I was wrong, something is going to die today!" Drawing the black blade he salutes Jervis shadowy brother, then abruptedly reverses his direction stepping backwards, and thrusting the sword deep into the spectre behind him with righteous venom.

He follows with a flurry of vicious slashes each designed to destroy the dark version of himself. A strange smile plays on his lips as he pours out all the self-loathing he can muster.

[OOC: 5 foot step to S6 the full attack on my shadowy self using 1 smite and all 3 charges of brute gauntlets.

to hit:
1. 18 + 19 + 1 haste +2 flank - 3 PA = 37
2. 5 + 14 + 1 haste +2 flank - 3PA = 19
3. 15 + 9 + 1 haste +2 flank + 4 smite -3 PA = 28
4. 17 + 19 + 1 haste +2 flank - 3PA = 36

I guess if he's Sascha + recitation then 3 of those hit for:
1. 7 + 10 + 4 for 3 charges of Brute Gauntlets = 21
2. 4 + 10 + 5 smite + 4 BG = 23
4. 7 + 10 + 4 BG = 21
Total damage - 65]

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:32 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Sometimes...sometimes, the shame, the pain, the anger are so much that one might want to kill himself, save for the unhappy fact that it would leave one's vengeance unconsummated.

How fortunate, then, that the current situation may just allow Charles to eat his cake and have it afterwards.

Charles puts his head back and shrieks, "MARTEAU-ENNEMIS!"--an electrifying sound that sets the nerves to tingling and the heart to beating faster. Shadowfinger in his hand, he advances on his dark alter-ego, smiling.

Inspire courage on all non-shadowed persons, draw, and move to engage Shadow Charles.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:46 pm
by yalenusveler
Well they say everyone has a dark side. Never thought it would be so literal. Andre thought as the situation developed unpleasantly. He felt the charge from the amulet run through him, fortifying as he was about to do something potentially rather stupid. And one needed fortification before potential idiocy. Seeing lightning arc between two points in "empty" space tended to indicate that said points were not quite so empty.

It was a testament to Andre's...changed..nature that he was able to move as he did, his body shifting with alien grace as he left his position, moving to stand beside the "Real" Otto. Who got an up close look as Andre again produced a localized thermodynamic impossibility, hand gesturing forth as the air in front of him rapidly dropped in temperature.

OOC:tumbling to U4, then a Cone of Cold, targeted down from me so it should catch Shadow Otto and Shadow Andre....for a craptacular 28 damage with a dc19 reflex save for half. Oh, and Amulet of Tears for 24 extra HP, so at 63 total

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:29 pm
by Isabella
The Tomb of Menetnashte
August 30th, 761, 1:29 PM; Day 165 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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Lia fails concentration, moves, provokes and is hit by Shadow Harris for 14 damage. Shadow Harris then 5ft steps into Lia’s square.
Tomas casts Divine Favor.
Kuzan casts Arc of Lightning on Shadow Lia and Shadow Andre.
Otto casts Bite of the Werewolf.
Sascha full rounds Shadow Sascha.
Andre casts Cone of Cold on Shadow Otto and Shadow Andre. Shadow Otto evades, Shadow Andre is dropped.

Shadow Kuzan casts Close Wounds on Shadow Andre, using a charge of his ring.

Harris hits Shadow Sascha for 14 damage. He uses his Flanker ability to designate U8 as a square he is flanking from, meaning Sascha is still flanking with him.

The crackling wave of super-chilled air slammed into Andre's green-eyed shadow. It flickered, and before your eyes you could see the ambulatory shade begin to break up, wisps of darkness evaporating. The eyes, two emerald stars, began to dim...

Whereupon one of the other shadows, a tall shade that bore a more than passing resemblance to Kuzan, intoned a few unheard words. The dispersal of shadow-stuff halted, a moment before complete destruction.

The Shadow-Kuzan strode through the field of battle to stand between a huge, hulking knight of darkness. With another gesture from the dark priest, the great knight grew stronger and darker, a miniature abyss with twin emerald lights where his face would be.

“Kill the cleric!" Edmund bellowed, unwilling to call the shadow by Kuzan’s name. He slashed at Sascha's doppelganger before stepping back to guard the spellcasters. "Otherwise we'll never put them down!"

There was a sudden pulse as half the room turned to ice...

Shadow Kuzan moves and casts Heal on Shadow Sascha.
Shadow Sascha Rages and Full Attacks his better half, hits three times with one critical threat, fails to back up, deals 85 damage (after DR).
Shadow Otto tumbles past Andre and shoots Lia for 19 normal and 6 electric damage.
Shadow Andre activates the Amulet of Tears and casts Cone of Cold on Kuzan, Otto, Andre, Lia, Sascha, Jervis, Aya, Shadow Jervis, and Shadow Otto for 41 damage, Reflex DC 19 for half. Shadow Otto evades, Shadow Jervis saves for half, reduced further by cold resistance, Jervis and Aya fail and take the full damage, dropping Aya to -4.
Shadow Lia bypasses Blur, hits Kuzan with Orb of Force for 52 damage.
Shadow Charles Inspires Greatness on Shadow Jervis.
Shadow Tomas full rounds Jervis, smiting twice, for 50 damage.
Shadow Harris full rounds his better half and critically hits, for 57 damage.

"I didn't want this." Samael said through gritted teeth, ducking underneath the various blades and other sharp appendages of the Beherit's shadow-crew. Coming up behind the darkened paladin, the Borcan whispered a word to steady himself and then jammed a sharp stiletto into Shadow-Tomas's spine. "You're not real, you don't count."

Jervis, for his part, cared less for such semantics. The shadows were attacking him, and a wave of cold had just rolled over his body and nearly frozen his darkling crow to death. This, Jervis would not countenance. The stocky, dark-skinned warrior growled somewhere deep in his throat, and then he attacked.

Now, Jervis was not a skilled swordsman. Sir Uffington would have had nothing but contempt for his technique. He did not feint or parry, pirouette or duck. Rather, he simply attacked. In his favor he had bone-crushing strength, reflexes honed by fifteen years of back-alley fights, and a limitless supply of rage. Jervis was always angry. It was his base state of being, a bottomless well of fury that he used to great effect. Now, Aya's wounding stoked that fury to a white-hot blaze.

Jervis's first blow slammed right across the shades black shield, driving it back a step. Before it could recover, Jervis punched it in the face with his spiked gauntlet, a blow that on a man would have mutilated him for life. He grabbed the shadowy shield by the top rim and pulled it away, then ran Tomas's dark doppelganger through with his sword, burying it to the hilt in the shade's throat. Then, just for good measure, he pivoted the blade downwards, reversed his grip, and disemboweled the shade.

All this took approximately ten seconds.

"Impressive." Lily said as this scene unfolded. She raised her beloved silk fan, lengths of green silk hanging between a half-dozen steel spines. Expedition long, people had suspected that it was a weapon, and as a matter of fact, they were right. The green silk fan was Lily's personal weapon, but it wasn't used for stabbing people through the throat. Rather, people forgot that one could make a wand out of many things.

A ray of dull-orange energy shot forth from one of the fan's steel spines, hitting Shadow-Jervis upon the chest. The shade took the energy, and though its form remained as coalesced as before, it slowed before your very eyes, reactions becoming sluggish as though it walked through a thick stream. A moment later, a similar ray hit Sascha's doppelganger. Lily followed up with the dispelling incantation almost as an afterthought.

"They're mostly harmless now! Focus on the spellcasters and healers!" Seeing as Samael was currently not capable of command and that Jervis was fully in the middle of a battle-fit, it seemed that Lily was left as the senior-most of the Conspirators. Or at least the sanest of those left. Wonderful. "Michel, heal Jervis, if he falls we're all sunk."

“Loup, Fass!” Guy growled from across the battlefield, as Micheal stepped back to obey Lily’s command. The dog shot forward, sinking its teeth into the Shadow-Micheal’s leg. With a sudden jerk, Loup pulled the shadow-man to the ground, smashing its head against the chest of gems on the way down. Guy stepped forward, swinging his axe; perhaps it was a blessing that Micheal had dodged behind the statue, and didn’t see the unholy grin on Guy’s lips as he drove the axe through the shadow’s head.

Micheal uses Inspire Greatness on Sam.
Sam tumbles over, casts Hunters Eye, attacks Shadow Tomas and flubs it up - Micheal uses Alter Fortune to have him reroll, and he crits instead, for 49 damage.
Jervis turns Shadow Tomas into a fine mist, and deals 5 damage to Shadow Jervis.
Khalil dervish dances, spins over to Shadow Lily and deals 45 damage.
Lily spends ALL her inspiration points, hits Shadow Sascha and Shadow Jervis with Ray of Dizzyness, and Area Dispel Magics on TU/10-11. Removes the Superior Resistance off of Shadow Lia instead of the Greater Invisibility.
Loup hits Shadow Micheal and for 18 damage and trips him.
Guy full-rounds Shadow Micheal, killing him.

“Get back! Behind me!” Harris called out, as the shadows began to surge toward him. The shadow wolf snaked behind him, leaving trails of black vapor behind as it ran. Harris caught the wolf out of the corner of his eye, catching it with his sword, but the creature reformed around his blade, slamming into him with its full weight. Harris, caught off balance, smashed into the floor. The shadowy Guy casually walked up to him, like an executioner at a chopping block, and slammed his axe into Edmund’s side.

Elsewhere, the Shadowy Jervis slashed at his counterpart, adding another river to the crimson flood pouring down the mercenary’s chest. Sam gave a wordless scream as his double came beside him, coldly catching Lily just under the collar bone with a needle-sharp stiletto. Lily’s double spread her fan, a sleek thing of black satin, and sent an emerald beam into Sascha’s chest. The knight could feel his limbs locking up, as if all the years he had lived through had come crashing down on him twice over. His shadowy double came blazing toward him, unstoppable in its silent frenzy.

Shadow Loup runs around Harris, provoking an AoO for 14 damage. Loup attacks Harris for 10 damage and pulls him to the ground.
Shadow Guy moves to flank Harris, provokes. Harris misses and cannot five foot step because he is prone. Shadow Guy hits for 15 damage.
Shadow Jervis is very dizzy and hits Jervis for 28 damage.
Shadow Sam casts Hunters Eye, flanks with Aya and hits Lily for 49 damage.
Shadow Lily hits Sascha with Ray of Dizzyness. For the next five rounds, he can only take one standard action per round.
Shadow Khalil dervishes, hits and crits Micheal for 32 damage, crits Guy for 20

"Not again." Fassahd whispered, watching the chaos unfold, bathed in venomous light of the Eye of Anubis. Blood and black ichor flowed from countless wounds, while the crackle of ozone accompanied fell magics. Everywhere the slim little Akiri man looked, he saw bloodshed and violence as Beherit's spectres fought the Expedition. "No... this time, I shall not run."

"For this time..." Fassahd looked to the eye, pulsing with its hateful luminescence. You realized that his black hair was growing longer as he spoke. "This time, you have given me foes I can fight."

The fine, black-brown hair spread across Fassahd's skin like a million marching ants. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, and so you could track the sprouting hairs as they raced down his arms, growing thicker and longer with ever instant. Even so, they couldn't quite obscure what happened beneath them. The muscles in Fassahd's arms bulged, growing larger so quickly that it was a small miracle they didn't tear through his skin. Even under the coat of black-brown fur that covered his arms, the cable-like muscles stood in sharp relief, even as Fassahd himself grew.

Now, the Akiri was not a tall man, but now he grew with every passing heartbeat. Six feet... seven... his clothing ripped to shreds... eight... nine, ten, eleven, twelve feet in height, and even that was limited by the fact that as he grew Fassahd settled into a fighter's crouch. His arms grew longer, reaching down the floor, his claw-like nails clicking against the stone. Beneath his thick pelt of fur and the bunched muscles of his new form, Fassahd did not look even remotely human. He raised his face, bringing the muzzle with the razor-sharp teeth into sight for the first time.

The huge jackal-beast snarled.

Charles inspires courage and moves to engage Shadow Charles.

Fassahd transforms.



The Treasure Room's Ceiling is 20 ft. tall.

The big piles of treasure (the more brightly-colored, the cartons of gems, etc) are impassable terrain, and too unstable to climb upon.

The smaller piles of treasure (the golden coins) are Difficult Terrain, thus you need to take 2 squares of movement to enter one.

The Statues are on 6-foot tall bases and are generally considered Impassable, unless you use a Climb or Jump check of some sort.


The Conspiracy is, at the moment, treating you as allies, so unless you attack them you can flank with them, move through their squares, etc.

The Shadows have a discernible anatomy. They can be sneak-attacked, suffer critical hits, etc. Also, Shadow-Loup does not count as a wolf.

The real Loup, on the other hand, does count, so you're not off the hook yet, Otto.

Lastly, House-Rule regarding Alignments: Shadows count as both Evil, and the alignment of the person they are shadowing for purposes of alignment effects. So Shadow-Otto can be struck with both a Smite Good and a Smite Evil. This should only be relevant for the Conspiracy, I believe, but informing you nevertheless.

PCs: Mass Conviction, Inspire Courage
Kuzan: 37/89, True Seeing, Greater Resistance, Darkvision, Ebon Eyes, Protection from Evil (+2 Deflection to AC), Death Ward, Blur (20% miss chance), Longstrider
Lia: 26/46, Greater Mage Armor (+6 AC), Superior Resistance
Otto: 73/73, Bite of the Werewolf (+2 Str, +4 Dex, +4(2) Con, +4 natural armor)
Tomas: 120/120, Divine Favor
Andre: 63/39, Amulet of Tears (24 temp hp)
Charles: 63/63, Haste
Sascha: 23/108, Haste, Slowed
Harris: 15/115, Prone

Shadow PCs (Black): Mass Conviction, Haste (except Charles and Sascha) Recitation (+2 AC, Attack rolls, Saving Throws)
Tomas: Dead.
Kuzan: Greater Resistance, Darkvision, Ebon Eyes, Protection from Evil (+2 Deflection to AC), Death Ward, Blur (20% miss chance), Longstrider, Recitation (+3)
Lia: Greater Mage Armor (+6 AC), False Life (2 temp hp), Greater Invisibility
Otto: Bite of the Werewolf (+2 Str, +4 Dex, +4(2) Con, +4 natural armor)
Sascha: Rage, Slowed
Andre: -15 hp, Amulet of Tears (24 temp hp), Greater Invisibility

All: Inspire Courage
Jervis: -123 hp, Ebon Eyes, Magic Circle Against Good, Heroism, Resist Energy (Fire), Haste
Aya: Dying (-4 hp), Haste
Sam: 23 temp hp, False Life, Ebon Eyes, Magic Circle Against Good, Heroism, Resist Energy (Fire), Protection from Energy (Sonic), Inspire Greatness
Lily: -32 hp
Guy: -20 hp, Heroism, Haste
Loup: Haste
Khalil: Heroism, Crown of Might, Haste
Karsh: Haste
Micheal: -42 hp, Protection from Energy (Sonic), Resist Energy (Fire), Unseen Servant
Fassahd: Endure Elements, Deathwatch, Ebon Eyes, Conviction, Protection from Negative Energy, Magic Vestment, Magic Circle Against Evil, Protection from Energy (Fire, Cold, Electricity), Contingent Energy Resistance, Greater Resistance, Spell Immunity (Sound Lance, Magic Missile)

Shadow Conspiracy (White)
All: Recitation (except Lily, Aya, and Sam)
Micheal: Dead.
Jervis: -10 hp, 7 temp hp, Ebon Eyes, Magic Circle Against Good, Heroism, Resist Energy (Fire), Lesser Visage of the Deity, Haste, Inspire Greatness, Slowed
Sam: False Life, Inspired Greatness (29 temp hp total), Ebon Eyes, Magic Circle Against Good, Heroism, Resist Energy (Fire), Protection from Energy (Sonic)
Lily: -25 hp
Guy: Haste
Khalil: Heroism, Crown of Might, Haste
Karsh: -3, Haste

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:00 am
by yalenusveler
Andre cursed as his duplicate decided that imitation was the surest form of killing one's foes. The chill wind impacted Andre, causing the dew-like drops that covered his skin to transform themselves into minute ice crystals. However the unnatural chill didn't seem to trouble him nearly as much as it should. Moving up nearer to Otto, He retrieved his puzzlebox, and began to play with the sides of the mystical device, and after a few second's work, the sound like a roaring of a great bear could be briefly heard.

OOC:5 foot step to T5, then Puzzle Box of Horus for Mass bear's Endurance. I think I have enough range to catch myself, Lia, Otto, Kuzan, Sascha,Harris, and Charles, for +4 con. Also, if Lia needs a close tossed her way, let me know Rock and I can edit that in. Also, made my save, and have Cold Resistance 5

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:33 am
by DocBeard
Tomas considers his options for a second...

He's too far away and too slow to handle Kuzan's shadowy double, the real priority down there being Sascha being on his feet long enough to finish the shades off. Seeing as he's up here in the middle of the enemy, Tomas takes a step forward, turns on his heel, and takes a moment to smile, sweetly, at Samael's twisted double.

He swings once-crackling against the unholy barrier protecting the shadow man!

Undeterred, Tomas swings again-this time slicing up over the man's head.

Finally, Tomas looks around himself, shrugs, and turns around...before spinning towards the shadow, trying to slice it cleanly in half!

(OOC: First Attack: 4+15+2+2: 23
Damage: 1+5+2+2: 10

Second Attack: 4+11+2+2: 19

Third Attack: 20+9+2+2: 33
Crit Check: 12+9+2+2: 25
Damage: 4+5+11+2+2: 24
Crit: 4+5+11+2+2: 24
Total: 58 damage.

Sorry Kuzan, Izy told me that I made an error on my math for movement and, well, I totally did. My bad.)

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:39 am
by Kaitou Kage
Kuzan raised one hand over his head and shouted a word of healing. An image of a strong, golden-skinned man with red wings materialized in the air before him for an instant. It spread its wings out and reached to the sky, then vanished. Healing energy poured over the Expedition members near the priest, reaching out to mend some of the damage caused by the shadows.

Can't get to Jervis, so hopefully someone will save him. As much of a psychopath as he is, we could use him this fight, but he's 1 square too far from Ed.

Lia, you're also just out of range of Ed, so you're not in the loop.

5 ft step to V4. Cure moderate wounds mass on the following: Kuzan, Andre, Otto, Ed, Sascha and Tomas (since in case he's provoking some AoOs from that movement). Everyone is within 30 feet of each other. I checked many times.

Healing total is 8 (dice) + 12 (ring) + 13 (caster level) + 12 (augment) = 42 total healed.

This is probably going to be tougher for me to heal than any fight so far, so be warned. I'll try my best to keep everyone up :\

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:18 pm
by The Whistler
Somebody say "kill the priest?"

Otto skidded on his heel right before hitting the nearest treasure pile (having been rushing towards his erstwhile doppelganger for the past half-second), and somehow managed to turn two-hundred-and-ten degrees in mid-sprint without tripping over himself.

He squinted.

Soft cover.

I don't feel at all comfortable shooting something that looks *that similar* to him.

Too bad.


"Ah...sorry about that, Kuzan!"

...Well. Shooting a disembodied aspect of someone you knew and liked *could* be seen as impolite. It was best to cover one's bases.

Dodgin' the Cone of Cold with a 27 for full Evasion, moving to R3, using one charge of the bracers to get around all those people in the way, and shooting Shadow Kuzan. 90 to get around Blur, 33 to hit, for 26 regular damage and 1 fire damage.

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:31 pm
by Kaitou Kage
Lia rolls 7 + something on her Reflex save (don't have her mod) and rolls a natural 1 on her orb of force to try and hit evil me.

Then she moves to U3

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:49 pm
by lostboy
[OOC: rflex save - 23 at least, there are mods but its 3 am]

Sascha is hurt, badly hurt. Not that it changes the knights resolve, rocking unsteadily on his feet , he swicles suddenly slamming his shoulder into the gut of his shadowy double and pushing with all his might.

[OOC: attemting a domino bullrush (shock trooper) on Shadow sascha into shadow Kuzan

str check on bullrush: 7 :roll:

If for some ungodly reason that works touch attack rolls for the trip are 20 & 32
str check on the trip - 6 :roll: :roll: ]

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 2:18 am
by Isabella
The Tomb of Menetnashte
August 30th, 761, 1:30 PM; Day 165 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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Lia casts Orb of Force and misses horribly.
Tomas full rounds Shadow Sam for 58 damage.
Kuzan casts Cure Moderate Wounds on Kuzan, Andre, Otto, Ed, and Sascha.
Otto shoots Shadow Kuzan for 27 damage.
Sascha attempts to Bull Rush Shadow Sascha and bounces off his chest.
Andre casts Bear’s Endurance on Andre, Lia, Otto, Kuzan, Sascha, Harris, and Charles.

“Hnngh,” Harris grunted, rolling over from where he’d crashed into the ground. The Captain raised his sword in defense, bodily shoving the shadowy wolf back as it lunged toward his throat. Quickly, Harris shoved himself upward, quickly crawling back to dodge a swing of the Shadow-Guy’s axe. His own shade caught him underneath the arm, right in one of the many tears the giant scorpion had inflicted upon his ruined armor. The force knocked Harris back to the ground; he didn’t try to get up again.

Two shots rang out - a bullet of super-concentrated sound shot from behind the shadowy captain and struck Kuzan in the chest, while a bullet of plain lead issued forth from the snarling werewolf’s gun, clipping Andre. The dark double of Charles seemed unconcerned by the real man’s approach, neither retreating nor advancing, instead turning to the shadow-priest and raising its dagger in a silent salute. The cleric nodded back, lifting a jet black finger and pointing to Lia and Charles in turn. Lighting burst from between them, catching Andre and Sascha in the momentary firebolt.

The shadowy Charles turned back to his counterpart, eyes flaring slightly. It raised its dagger in a salute, the gesture of the start of an honorable duel, then pointed Shadowfinger directly at him.

The world exploded into fire, golden coins faltering and beginning to melt in the infernal heat. There was the sudden sound of a hawk’s cry as Karsh lifted itself above the flames, the falcon’s unearthly shadow immolating beneath it. Micheal cried out as he dodged behind the statue, just barely avoiding the brunt of the blast. Jervis faltered, ever so slightly, as his blood caught aflame; the mercenary snarled in anger as the fire crawled up his arms and darkened his skin, but otherwise ignored it. Otto felt a sharp stab in his heart as Loup howled and whimpered, rolling around on the stone floor in an attempt to douse his singed fur.

Harris stays on the ground and goes Full Defense. He uses his Flanker ability to designate U8 as a square he is flanking from, meaning Sascha is still flanking with him.

Shadow Kuzan casts Arc of Lightning, hitting Lia, Andre, Sascha, and Charles. 39 damage, DC 21 Reflex save for half.
Shadow Sascha swings at Sascha and misses.
Shadow Otto runs about, provoking from Lia, and shoots Andre for 22 damage and 4 fire damage (26 total).
Shadow Andre Sound Lances Kuzan for 30 damage, DC 19 Fortitude save for Half.
Shadow Lia Fireballs N/O-9/10 hitting Charles, Sam, Jervis, Micheal, Guy, Loup, Karsh, Shadow Karsh, and Shadow Khalil, hitting for 40 damage, DC 19 reflex save for half. Sam saves, evades, and uses Cunning Evasion to 5ft step. Jervis flubs the save, Micheal casts Alter Fortune, causing him to make it, and he Resists 10 fire damage. Guy makes the save, Loup fails, Karsh (somehow) succeeds and evades, Shadow Karsh fails and is incinerated, Micheal succeeds also resisting 10 fire damage, and Shadow Khalil succeeds.
Shadow Charles uses Inspire Greatness on Shadow Kuzan.
Shadow Harris full-rounds his non-shadow self, misses a whole lot, deals 26 damage.

Fassahd howled.

It did not sound like the call of a jackal - it was too deep, and too bone chilling, for the sound of a mere carrion beast. The howl shook the room with the strength of it, the shadows nearby boiling as the sound rippled through them. The towering beast stepped forward, slashing out with its distended claws - the very presence of him seemed to harm the shadows, as if the force of his attacks sped through the air and struck them where they stood. The jackal-beast slashed across Lily’s shade, causing black ichor and mist to gush forth onto the floor. Fassahd dragged her back to him without even touching her, gripping the air in front of him with a taloned hand and yanking it back towards himself. With a single, effortless movement, he bit her head off.

Khalil spun back toward Tomas, a dizzying dance of cloth and steel. The desert-born’s scimitars cut across the bloodcrow’s shadow, dispersing it like thick smoke, then twirled across into Shadow-Sam. The dazzling blades slashed underneath the shade’s thin dagger, cutting deeply across its chest and throat as Khalil danced to his own deadly music. The shadow, already dearly wounded, collapsed to the ground. Khalil seemed to slow slightly, as if his blades now weighed heavier upon him. He caught Tomas’ eye as he continued his mad whirling, giving the paladin a somber nod before continuing forward.

Micheal gave Tomas a concerned look as he ran by, moving faster than was humanly possible, and laid his hands on Jervis. The Lamordian felt a sudden emptiness in his ears; Sam had stopped screaming. The Borcan shuddered with rage as his doppleganger fell, plunging his stiletto into it over and over, even as it evaporated into vapors. He stared at the spot where his twin had vanished, his lips locked in a glassy, rictus smile, before turning around and looking at Tomas with a wild eye. His dagger raised itself slightly, and then he was tumbling away, rolling behind the dark clone of his brother.

Jervis himself had had enough. The mercenary plowed into his shadow self, with no care for bodily safety or regard to tactics, swinging his sword wildly. As the shadow reeled back, Sam came up from behind him, wordlessly plunging the needle sharp dagger into the back of its skull. The shadow faltered, beginning to fall apart; Kuzan’s shade pointed at it, and the shadow clung together, streams of vapor still pouring off of it.

Lily pointed her fan at Shadow-Kuzan, frowning prettily as he nimbly dodged out of the way of her beam. “I don’t know who your new friend is, Tomas,” she said, rather steadily despite the thin trickle of blood pouring from the wound in her chest, “but I hope he’s the right man for the job.”

Lily raised her fan again, this time pointing at Sascha. The emerald energy weighing him down shuddered and melted away, leaving the knight free to move once more.

Fassahd casts Silent Bloodwind, hits Shadow Lily for 54 damage and eats her.
Khalil uses Crown of Might, spins over and kills Shadow Sam and Shadow Aya.
Aya fails to stabilize.
Micheal casts Celerity, Inspires Greatness on Jervis, and casts Cure Serious Wounds.
Sam tumbles over, casts Hunters Eye, readies an action, and backstabs Shadow Jervis when Jervis moves to flank, dealing 53 damage.
Jervis casts Blade of Blood, full rounds himself, hits twice, and deals 90 damage, dropping Shadow Jervis.

Shadow Kuzan casts Close Wounds on Shadow Jervis, healing 12 hp.

Lily duel wand wields. She targets and Dispel Magics the Dizzyness on Sascha - Sascha is no longer dizzy and may act normally. She attempts to Dizzy Shadow Kuzan and misses.
Loup tries to hit Shadow Khalil and misses.
Guy full-rounds Shadow Khalil, for 59 damage.

Guy slammed his axe into Shadow-Khalil, beyond caring for the flames, beyond hearing the sounds of battle around him. The shadowy dervish struck back, catching Guy across the arm; Guy growled in rage as the dancer spun out of his reach, cutting across the floor. He danced around Tomas, his blackened swords tracing ribbons on his flesh, before dancing away while striking Khalil across the side. Jervis’ own double stumbled, but struck out, hitting the mercenary in the chest. But though Jervis now stood in more blood than any man could survive losing, he stood still.

Edmund struggled as Guy approached him, raising his black axe high over his head. The captain did his best to parry, but the axe came flashing down, smashing down across his ribs. His battered armor finally had enough - smashed and beaten from the fight with the scorpion, it gave way beneath the blow, letting the axe part flesh and bone. Edmund’s sword fell from his hands with a clatter, skidding across the floor; the guard captain stared upward with blank eyes, lying far too still.

Shadow Jervis is still very dizzy, hits Jervis back for 43 damage.
Shadow Khalil uses Crown of Might, Dervish Dances, does 26 damage to Guy, crits for 45 damage to Tomas, and 13 damage to Khalil
Shadow Guy full rounds Harris for 55 damage, dropping him to -13 hp.
Shadow Loup runs over and attacks Andre for 9 damage, attempts to trip Andre and gets an 8. On the off-chance Andre fails the strength (or dex) check, he falls prone.


The Treasure Room's Ceiling is 20 ft. tall.

The big piles of treasure (the more brightly-colored, the cartons of gems, etc) are impassable terrain, and too unstable to climb upon.

The smaller piles of treasure (the golden coins) are Difficult Terrain, thus you need to take 2 squares of movement to enter one.

The Statues are on 6-foot tall bases and are generally considered Impassable, unless you use a Climb or Jump check of some sort.


The Conspiracy is, at the moment, treating you as allies, so unless you attack them you can flank with them, move through their squares, etc.

The Shadows have a discernible anatomy. They can be sneak-attacked, suffer critical hits, etc. Also, Shadow-Loup does not count as a wolf.

The real Loup, on the other hand, does count, so you're not off the hook yet, Otto.

Lastly, House-Rule regarding Alignments: Shadows count as both Evil, and the alignment of the person they are shadowing for purposes of alignment effects. So Shadow-Otto can be struck with both a Smite Good and a Smite Evil. This should only be relevant for the Conspiracy, I believe, but informing you nevertheless.

PCs: Mass Conviction, Inspire Courage
Kuzan: 61/101, True Seeing, Greater Resistance, Darkvision, Ebon Eyes, Protection from Evil (+2 Deflection to AC), Death Ward, Blur (20% miss chance), Longstrider, Bears Endurance
Lia: 28/68, Greater Mage Armor (+6 AC), Superior Resistance , Bears Endurance
Otto: 73/73, Bite of the Werewolf (+2 Str, +4 Dex, +4(2) Con, +4 natural armor), Skirmish
Tomas: 75/120, Divine Favor
Andre: 35/61, Bears Endurance
Charles: 85/85, Haste, Bears Endurance
Sascha: 56/119, Haste, Bears Endurance
Harris: -13/126, Prone, Bears Endurance

Shadow PCs (Black): Mass Conviction, Haste (except Charles and Sascha) Recitation (+2 AC, Attack rolls, Saving Throws)
Tomas: Dead.
Kuzan: -19 hp, Greater Resistance, Darkvision, Ebon Eyes, Protection from Evil (+2 Deflection to AC), Death Ward, Blur (20% miss chance), Longstrider, Recitation (+3), Inspire Greatness
Lia: Greater Mage Armor (+6 AC), False Life (2 temp hp), Greater Invisibility
Otto: Bite of the Werewolf (+2 Str, +4 Dex, +4(2) Con, +4 natural armor), Skirmish
Sascha: Rage, Slowed
Andre: -27 hp, Amulet of Tears (24 temp hp), Greater Invisibility

All: Inspire Courage
Jervis: -118 hp, Ebon Eyes, Magic Circle Against Good, Heroism, Resist Energy (Fire), Haste
Aya: Dying (-5 hp), Haste
Sam: 23 temp hp, False Life, Ebon Eyes, Magic Circle Against Good, Heroism, Resist Energy (Fire), Protection from Energy (Sonic), Inspire Greatness
Lily: -32 hp
Guy: -66 hp, Heroism, Haste
Loup: -40, Haste
Khalil: -13 hp, Heroism, Haste
Karsh: Haste
Micheal: -52 hp, Protection from Energy (Sonic), Resist Energy (Fire), Unseen Servant
Fassahd: Endure Elements, Deathwatch, Ebon Eyes, Conviction, Protection from Negative Energy, Magic Vestment, Magic Circle Against Evil, Protection from Energy (Fire, Cold, Electricity), Contingent Energy Resistance, Greater Resistance, Spell Immunity (Sound Lance, Magic Missile)

Shadow Conspiracy (White)
All: Recitation (except Lily, Aya, and Sam)
Micheal: Dead.
Jervis: -136 hp, Ebon Eyes, Magic Circle Against Good, Heroism, Resist Energy (Fire), Lesser Visage of the Deity, Haste, Inspire Greatness, Slowed
Lily: Dead
Guy: Haste
Loup: -14 hp
Khalil: -79 hp, Heroism, Haste
Karsh: Dead

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:42 am
by Nathan of the FoS
A shower of sparks, a roar of fire, but Charles emerges largely unscathed...somehow.

"UP!" he shouts, pointing with Shadowfinger at Harris. Harris, apparently, doesn't get to die just yet. Not when there are so many people waiting to be smitten.

Reflex saves are 26 and 20 vs. Arc of Lightning and Fireball, respectively, so that's 39 damage. Inspire Greatness on Harris, if that's allowed (I presume Andre or Kuzan will do some miraculous thing to keep him alive...18 temporary hit points plus the bells and whistles (+2 competence on attacks, +1 to Fort). (That's if his Con is presently 22, as I think it would be with the Bear's Endurance modifier). If dead people can't be inspired to greatness, then put it on Sascha instead.

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:14 am
by Kaitou Kage
"NO!" Kuzan shouted and the command word flew from his lips immediately after. Harris suddenly stopped bleeding and the wounds closed up once more. Then he yelled out another word and the image of Garuda appeared again. "Nobody is going to die! Wake up, Ed!"

Made the save with a 22

Close Wounds on Ed for 8 hp. (12 hp if augment applies)

Defensive cure moderate mass on Kuzan, Lia, Andre, Sascha, and Ed

11 (dice) + 12 (caster level) + 12 (augment) = 35 hp

Tumbling to T3

Lia's action coming pending talking to the DM. I'm pretty sure she makes her save, tho. Rolled a 14 + whatever her mod is.

We gotta get Shadow Kuzan down as quickly as possible :\ He's the biggest threat here. Though I suppose at the rate the Conspiracy's clearing through things at the top, we could just barrel thru.

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:06 am
by lostboy
[OOC: reflex save flubbed with a natural 1 so wasted true believer]

There wasnt much to say really, Sascha knew what his job was, a job he was familiar with over many years, something he still secretly enjoyed. His job was to kill.

Allowing the red mist into his soul, he screams in pure frenzy, thrusting the black sword deep into his counterpart, twisting it viciously, before pulling it sideways out through the abdomen. Not content with the destruction caused he reverses the stroke and delives a series of wicked overhand strikes, roaring in anger as each one strikes home.

[OOC: Rage on then full attack Shadow Sascha:

1. 2 +19 +1 haste +2 Rage +2 Insp C +2 flank -5 PA= 23
2. 16 +14 +1 haste +2 Rage +2 Insp C +2 flank -5PA = 32
3.8 + 9 +1 haste +2 Rage +2 Insp C +2 flank +4 smite -5PA = 23
4. 18 +19 +1 haste +2 Rage +2 Insp C +2 flank +4 smite - 5PA = 43

I think all those should hit as SSascha has AC 22 I think..... Although if Inspire Greatness is cast on Sascha its another +2 to each.


1. 1 + 13 + 2 Insp C + 10PA = 26
2. 2 + 13 + 2 Insp C + 10PA = 27
3. 1 + 13 + 2 Insp C + 10PA +5 smite = 31
4. 4 + 13 + 2 Insp C + 10PA +5 smite = 34
total - 118 damage

also I think between rage & bears endurance Sascha gets 48 addtional hp]