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Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:33 pm
by ewancummins
Balzar and Jamethon, the Fishwife-

Cross-face listens to Balzar's words. He sits back in his chair. His face relaxes.

''Fair enough, dwarf. ''

Jamethon slides a short stack of silver coins across the table.

''Money for information; the same deal as always. I know you've worked for Delthrin in the past, bringing him materials. Tell me about the job near the Marsh Gate, night of the 20th.''

'' That wasn't for Delthrin. We were moving some things, stuff, mostly dry goods, that fell off a canal boat. Anyway, the cargo's new owner had rented some of Delthrin's deadies to help us move it. Only...well, you know how Delthrin likes to avoid getting mixed up in anything 'gainst the law? He's ....ummm...scrofulous about that sort of thing.''


''Eh? ''


Cross-face pauses to stare at the short coin stack for a moment.

Moorkoft slides three more silver stags across the table.

''I see. Do go on.''

''Well, the magus himself came down that night. He wasn't happy with the deal. Seems he didn't like his deadies being used in a little honest smuggling.
He was a strange sort of necromancer- I hear most of his kind wouldn't mind breaking the laws. Yeah, I said was. Rumor has it that someone slit his gizzard- and 'twas maybe some dirty watchmen that did the deed. Is that true?''

''I'm not paying you to ask me questions.''

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:57 pm
by ewancummins
Blaise and Shana-

The escort leads Blaise and Shana to a courtyard, where a four-horse carriage waits for them.

''Here we are, Master Zilfarrik.''

One of the guards opens the door of the carriage.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:03 pm
by ewancummins

Ino is moved to a better room, one that is larger and cleaner than her previous cell. She given a wooden wash-basin filled with lukewarm water, a lump of soap, a scrub brush, and a washcloth. Wine and food are also brought to her. Her chains are removed. One of the bailiff's men brings her a clean white linen shift and a pair of old sandals.

Ironheart remains at Ino's side through all of this. He'll turn his back while she bathes- if she asks him to do so.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:36 pm
by steveflam
The beast thing doesn't wait for an answer and adds to her previous statement "Can ye git me a small copper wire? I need to talk ta Inovidil. She's in prison an I wanna make sure she's all right. I can cast me a spell ta talk ta her. I's sorry fer yer basement floor, sir. I might be able ta fix it soon enough through a spell I can pray fer next day. I be real sorry fer havin askeered yer wife. Birthin ain' easy as it is. "

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:45 pm
by steveflam
Balzar watches the exchange with interest. So the Necromancer used his undead lackies to help smugglers. The dwarf finds it very odd that a city accepts a Necromancer. He wasn't sure why Rardi had broken the law, but she must have done it for a reason.

The cross-face man seemed to give next to nothing for the silver Jamethon had paid, in his opinion. Placing his beer on the table, he leans into Jamethon's ear and whispers "You realise you are not getting much infermation for all that silver you gave, right? I'd ask for more information if I was you. You're getting the short end of the stick here, Jamethon."

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:02 pm
by ewancummins
tarlyn wrote:Balzar watches the exchange with interest. So the Necromancer used his undead lackies to help smugglers. The dwarf finds it very odd that a city accepts a Necromancer. He wasn't sure why Rardi had broken the law, but she must have done it for a reason.

The cross-face man seemed to give next to nothing for the silver Jamethon had paid, in his opinion. Placing his beer on the table, he leans into Jamethon's ear and whispers "You realise you are not getting much infermation for all that silver you gave, right? I'd ask for more information if I was you. You're getting the short end of the stick here, Jamethon."
Jamethon winks at Balzar.

''Don't worry, I'm not done.''

''So, tell me more about Delthrin's business activities and connections. He rented out his dead-men. Tell me more about that.''

''Sure, Moorkroft. The magus, he rented those deadies out for brute jobs- lifting and carrying and such. They don't get tired, don't eat nor drink, don't need breaks, don't complain. Dumb as posts, most of them. He always has a smart one among'em , though- controlling the others. Lots of merchants used 'em for night-work, but kept it all kind of quiet-like.

His way was to never hire out his deadies for shady jobs, but of course sometimes a merchant cuts corners and doesn't tell his partners about it. Looks to me like that's what happened that night. ''

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:35 pm
by VAN
Inovidil tells Ironheart to turn his back when she has finally a bath. Then she get dressed and ate her food but doesn't drink the wine. She wants to have clear thought since she isn't sure what will happen next.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:36 pm
by ewancummins
Baron Ildool's house-

What do you think, Alaric? You knew him better than the rest of us.''

''Yes, my lord, I knew him well. The whole story is preposterous. Delthrin had no interest in political power. He spent his time engaged in research, philanthropic work, and legitimate business activity. Moreover, he was always very respectful of the lawful authorities. Delthrin was the last man who'd be involved in a plot to overthrow you. This Zilfarrik person may well believe his tangled mess of suppositions about a cult of Mask and sinister plots, but that hardly means that he is right about any of it. ''

''Hmmm, I'll still have it investigated, just in case.''

''Yes, of course, my lord. I predict you will find that my assessments are correct.''

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:47 pm
by kintire
Shana steps lightly into the carriage and seats herself with a small sigh, looking meditatively out into the city. For a moment, she looks a little sad, then her eyes flicker with rage, which subsides as quickly as it came, and she resumes her bland expression for the benefit of the guards.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:53 pm
by ewancummins
Shana and Blaise-

Escorted by the Baron's very attentive men, Shana and Blaise are taken to Fishgut Rock.

Once on the island, they are taken to the jailhouse [ a squat brick and stone building, grim and ugly]. The bailiff greets them at the door, a little half-smile under his drooping mustache.

''Welcome back, Master Redman. Ah, and you've brought the one who got away. Nice to see you again, you scum-sucking witch.''

Bailiff Davos spits a plug of chewing tobacco very close to Shana's feet.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:05 pm
by kintire
Shana's eyes flicker at the words, and she smiles sweetly at him.

"And its a genuine pleasure to see you again, you honourless brute."

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:18 pm
by ewancummins
kintire wrote:Shana's eyes flicker at the words, and she smiles sweetly at him.

"And its a genuine pleasure to see you again, you honourless brute."
''Honorless? Ha. Your friend Redman can attest to my honor. I keep my word. He cooperated, and so I had him released. It is you who lacks honor. You are a criminal. Only a criminal would have resisted being searched. Your stunt on the beach made an already tense situation into something much worse. You're either a fool or a villain. What were you trying to hide from us, anyway? ''

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:27 pm
by kintire
"Yes, I observed your honour when you shot two people who had surrendered and were cooperating, and shot and stabbed two people who were both of those things, and tied up into the bargain! Yes, that certainly encouraged me to trust your honour. How wouldn't it?"

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:38 pm
by ewancummins
kintire wrote:"Yes, I observed your honour when you shot two people who had surrendered and were cooperating, and shot and stabbed two people who were both of those things, and tied up into the bargain! Yes, that certainly encouraged me to trust your honour. How wouldn't it?"

Davos chuckles.

''Aren't you forgetting that my men only got out of hand after you used magic? I warned you not to do it, and you disregarded my lawful instructions. You weren't even going to be arrested. Then, when I was trying to restore order, you weren't exactly helping me with your curses and scaremongering.''

''If you'd care to explain to me why I ought not to have you arrested for obstructing the King's Justice, breaking the King's Peace, tresspassing, burglary, and attacking the duly-appointed officers of the law- do so now. I'll give you a fair and free hearing. Talk my ears off- only no magic. If you are truly innocent of wrong-doing, why not explain your story to me?''

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:05 pm
by kintire
"You warned me that you would shoot ME. I wouldn't exactly have been happy about that, but I wouldn't have called it dishonourable. But shooting everybody else BUT me? No, no, Bailiff, it won't do. As for restoring order... well, I'm not a professional, but I'm not sure that yelling 'kill everyone that does not surrender!' was a great start!

Anyway, I don't suppose you actually care, but just in case you later claim that i did not deny it: actually, I'm not a witch. My sorcery, limited as it is, derives from an ancestor's dealings with the fey. Neither I nor any of my family have ever made any deals with fiends. Which is more than a certain late... lamented... resident of this isle can claim. And I committed no crimes here. I came here with members of the watch, entered Delthrin's mansion at the request of the watch harmed no one, and stole nothing. As for duly appointed officers of the King: after observing your behaviour, I concluded you were no such thing. It seems I was mistaken. Can't think how. In any case, I am now here with my Lord Baron's permission to visit my friends. Amusing as this sparring is, I'd best be about it."