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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:49 am
by ewancummins
Ken of Ghastria wrote:Blaise stands behind Shana as she begins reading through the journal. "You know, Shana," he says almost in a whisper, "thank you for your support back there. Fast thinking. Perhaps when this sorry affair is over, we could strike a more profitable -- and enjoyable -- arrangement. Together, our skills could be ... my, your hair smells terrific."

He scans through the journal entries along with her, a frown deepening on his face. "Well, that's a kick in the face."
The bailiff isn't smiling now, but looks completely serious.

''As you can see, this is not good for your friends. Magus Delthrin, no matter what your personal opinions of his art may be, was innocent of the crimes of which you had accused him. Your friends made a terrible mistake, and yet more lives may be snuffed out to pay for it. I have come to believe that you truly thought you were doing the right thing. I'll even tell the judge that, not that it can save Rardi. She confessed in full, under voluntary magical examination. She not only told us all about her crimes, but she ranted about how all necromancers were scum who deserved to die- just like orcs. That dwarf is a pathetic thing- twisted by blind hatred and madness. ''

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:00 pm
by kintire
Shana looks levelly back at the Bailiff

"No she isn't. I've seen pathetic things, twisted by blind hatred and madness, and whatever else she may be, she isn't that. Try looking at a Ghoul sometime. Agonised creatures, too tortured to live, unable to die, their souls twisted beyond recognition, bathed in necrotic energy... that was the product of Delthrin's 'art' bailiff."

Shana looks sadly at the journal.

"His intentions were good, but they were built on the torment of his servants. And the Devil... no, if he'd started down that road I'm afraid I won't be mourning his death. If anything, I'll be hoping that his soul was released in time. before he could bind himself to the Nine Hells close enough for them to claim his soul. I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

She shakes herself out of her half reverie.

"But you are right of course: that's just my opinion, not the law. Still, It might serve as mitigation. The attack on me as well... though Rardi didn't find out about that until afterwards of course."

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:48 pm
by ewancummins
Fishgut Rock gaol-house

The bailiff answers Shana-

''I have discussed the case with Master Threan. He has recommended leniency- and I agree in the case of Inovidil, but not that of Rardi. Rardi dug her grave, let her lie in it. Inovidil at least tried to question Delthrin, and she argued against giving him to the creature. We have that on record. Rest assured, I will mention that again at the trial. I don't believe she's guilty of murder, now that I have the facts.''

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:33 am
by steveflam
The female elf approaches the gates of Marsember. Once there she is stopped by guards who ask her business, tell her of the laws and such.

Presenting herself as Narisa Jihb, a priestess of the Morninglord, she passes and heads right for the Temple. Once inside she finds an acolyte and tells him/her "I am here for a few days as I have gotten late news of Vampiric children and undead in the streets of the city. I will visit your city in the next few days and perhaps attempt to join the guard to help the city.

I may be a bit late, but came to investigate just the same. Might I get hospice for the night and I would greatly appreciate a small copper wire for the sending spell if possible, friend."

Once she gets a room and the copper wire, Narisa meditates on the bed.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:48 am
by kintire
Shana nods politely to the bailiff

"well, we shall see what happens at the trial."

She speaks quietly to Blaise

"You're always welcome! Have we finished here? Or is there anything else you need to check?"

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:17 am
by ewancummins
kintire wrote:Shana nods politely to the bailiff

"well, we shall see what happens at the trial."

Davos takes the journal.

''Yes, let justice be done.''

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:17 am
by Ken of Ghastria
kintire wrote: "You're always welcome! Have we finished here? Or is there anything else you need to check?"
"No," says Blaise quietly, still frowning. "I suppose Master Zilfarrik will have to report to the baron and apologize again. A necromancer working to defend the city? Not happy about it, but it appears I've been wrong. A lot. I hate being wrong."

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:59 am
by kintire
"don't be too suprised. Nothing corrupts as well as a noble cause. I'm sure Master Delthrin did all this 'for the city' or 'for the people'. In the meantime, how do you think your apology will go? He might or might not take it well..."

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:36 pm
by VAN
"I understand Captain. I will be fine here thank you."

When Captain Rask left Inovidil says:

"I'll try to get some more sleep Ironheart my stomach is still aching from that scum's punches. You can order a meal for yourself if you are hungry. Don't think the guards will say no to you."

With that she gets back to the bed and tries to relax. Her mind is in Rardi though, how she managed to escape without her holly symbol? Inovidil believes that maybe a wizard or a cleric invisible got into her cell and got her away. The evoker smiles at the thought that the dwarf is free.

"Holy Mystra, hope she is ok." Says between her teeth so nobody can hear her.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:40 pm
by ewancummins
a little later that afternoon, militia HQ-

Watch -Captain Rask arrives to find the others waiting. Jamethon and Balzar are there, as are Alain, Threan, and Glim. Everyone gathers around a big wooden table in one of the larger rooms of the big HQ building.

After getting initial reports from all present, Rask sums up the situation and issues new orders:

''We have a little more time than I'd thought- the trial won't be held until tomorrow morning. Here is the situation:

We have nothing on Delthrin that would implicate him in any serious crimes.
Rardi signed a confession, and then she managed to escape. She's done everything possible to make herself appear to be guilty of murder. I fully expect her to be convicted.
Inovidil's situation is not so bad. She may only be convicted of burglary, if we are very lucky.''

Rask stands up, pushing his chair away from the table.

''Gentlemen, go home and get some sleep. The trial will be held tomorrow morning in the King's Tower. We will all need to be there- even you civilians. All of you should wear you best clothing. Try to look respectable, and remember to bow your heads to Lord Ildool. Inovidil is counting on us. Let's do this right, so we can get her back with us where she belongs. ''

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:52 pm
by steveflam
Once awake the elf Narisa goes to pray for her spells at the altar.
As she kneels to pray in one of the shrines within the great temple, the shrine's gold and ivory icon of the god begins to tremble. Brilliant red-gold light shines forth from the icon, blinding the elf woman. A terrible voice fills her mind, so loud that her eyeballs feel like they might pop out of her skull:


Narissa is hurled bodily to the floor. Moving as quickly as she can, she exits the Temple, not looking back. Soon, she finds herself wandering the streets of Marsember. After nearly and hour, she finds herself in front of the library. Soon she is sitting and reading one book in particular. ONce she's read it twice, she knows what she knows.

Replacing the book, she heads out of the library and soon finds the building she really wanted to enter, but was afraid to at first. It is now after sundown,an appropriate time to enter this particular Temple. Taking a deep breath, she passes through the doors and searched for a priest.

Knowledge Religion:

21 total.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:04 pm
by steveflam
Balzar will excuse himself from everyone. "I am gonna go pray for Inovidil and Rardi at the Temple. Maybe it will help, maybe it won't I just hope wherever Rardi is, she is safe. I realise she broke the law and basically put her foot in her mouth. Headstrong she is, and I know she has a special hatred for vampires and necromancers. Still no excuse for what she did."

He sighs and exits the room, heading for the Temple of the Morninglord. Pushing through the doors he finds a pew, and kneels. Closing his eyes, he begins praying for Rardi and Inovidil. Try as he may, he is very worried about his dear friend Rardi. To make matters worst Archedius was gone as well. And Rardi is supposed to hang. He stays there as long as he is permitted to. If any priest approaches him, he will ask them kindly

"I am here to pray for Rardi Silverhelm. Might you let me stay this night?"

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:07 pm
by ewancummins
[OOC, this scene is later, almost midnight, probably well after the rest of the party is in bed asleep]

Within the fane, the elf searches. Her eyes are good in the dark, and so there's little danger of stumbling or tripping despite the only light being that of a few tallow candles. She's not long inside the crypt-like place of worship when she finds herself surrounded by barefoot men in black robes, their exposed skin all black with ash. Only the whites of their eyes and their bone-white belt sashes stand out. If not for her elvensight, the woman would surely have failed to see the stealthy priests approach.

''You come to honor the Lord of Bones.''

The statement is made in a low, calm voice. It's hard to say which one of the strange black robed men had just now spoken.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:11 pm
by steveflam
Narisa stops, a little taken aback by the voice. "Yes.... yes I have and perhaps more. Might I speak to your high priest as I do have an interest in joining the clergy of the Lord of Bones. I am sure he would be very interested in speaking to a fallen priestess of Lathander."

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:19 pm
by ewancummins
tarlyn wrote:Narisa stops, a little taken aback by the voice. "Yes.... yes I have and perhaps more. Might I speak to your high priest as I do have an interest in joining the clergy of the Lord of Bones. I am sure he would be very interested in speaking to a fallen priestess of Lathander."

''Ahhh...yes. You wish to serve the Reaper. If you tell the truth...I am sure that we will find a place for you, fallen one. ''

Now the speaker is apparent: one of the black robed men is stooped slightly and moves a bit more slowly, as if aged.

''Come with me and I will take you to our Undead Master, Most Holy Death Vakros.''