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Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:00 pm
by Fido
Undead Cabbage wrote:It appears that the world is much scarier place then I thought it was.

Well, I guess to each his own but...

...I mean come on! d20 WWE? What absurdity is this? I'm all for creativity and all, but this is a bit much!

One simply has to wonder exactly what might be next.

d20 Transformers?
d20 Powerangers?
d20 Mario brothers?

Or perhaps even...

d20 sims?

...^shudders^ there are some ideas that make even the dark powers lose sleep at night!

But then again, this is coming from a mild UFC fan who thinks that WWE people are just a load of show-offs with too many commerical sponsers.
d20 Nintendogs would be awesome.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:14 am
by JinnTolser
Drinnik Shoehorn wrote:
MadStepDad wrote:
And all the sudden he's dead in his hotel room. Yah, no "foul play" - but I'd rather it be that than the enevitable truth we're all waiting to discover. I mean, pending toxicology reports and autopsy reports and all that, what we're bound to find is the all too common scourge of professional wrestlers - pain pills and booze. I mean, I hope and pray that's not the case, but c'mon. Healthy wrestler at the peak of his career dies suddenly in the hotel room. AGAIN? Why else do you think they're all dropping like flies?

Apparantly, he'd just got his four-year sobriety medal from AA. I think it might be something he took in his past catching up with him.

Poor guy. It's his kids I feel sorry for.
What I heard and read today is that he worked out too much too quick when he became sober, and that caused his heart to grow and his blood vessels to thin, and it all caught up with him last weekend.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:01 pm
by MadStepDad
Shazaam, post back from the dead.

I've looked into this game a little bit further now, because I'm contemplating adding some wrestling-related adventure down the road. I like this set-up. It's basically 3E battle rules with a few minor adjustments. But check this out if you're interested:

That's the entire game in a nutshell. You can kind of build off of that. Anybody else checked this thing out, or is it just a fad?



Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:19 am
by JinnTolser
I completely forgot about this topic!

Actually, I have played Know Your Role... once or twice. I saw it in a game store last year, and laughed my butt off that there was a d20 wrestling game, having completely forgotten that I read about it here before.

I was a wrestling fan for many years, but gradually stopped watching around the time Chris Benoit died. Anyway, I decided to read up on Know Your Role online, and the reviews seemed to indicate that it was actually a pretty well-designed system. So I bought the book online pretty cheap, and read through it.

It sounded like fun, so I talked my group into trying it. One guy in our group expressed zero interest. He never exactly said he didn't want to try it, but whenever we got ready to play he always said he didn't feel like gaming, so we got the message pretty quickly. Since everybody in this group has a fairly long commute to game, we basically had to drop it in favor of something else.

I've never had the opportunity to play it again, since no one in my other gaming group is interested, but I will vouch that it's a cleverly designed system that not only replicates pro wrestling pretty well, but has lots of room for creativity and customization. The two times we played it, it was pretty fun.

KYR is not at all compatible with other d20 systems though, so if you're looking to put D&D characters in the ring, you're going to have to reimagine them a bit.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:27 pm
by Paladyn
I heard of indie game "Keyfabe" but never got one to read, but it could be interesting :)

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:24 pm
by MadStepDad
I want to check out KEYFABE. Interesting story Jinn, but I'm thinking what's the point of playing this game when there are freakin video games of the same thing?

I hear you on the adjustements though, I haven't really checked the characters. But it's all d20 so I figure that should be relatively easy. I still can't see myself sitting down and straight up playing this game though. A video game is so much easier.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:10 am
by JinnTolser
Yeah, although in that case you're limited to what the game is programmed to let you do. Can't take the battle into the crowd unless maybe they've added that into the most recent versions. Your weapon selection is limited to whatever they felt like putting in the game, as are the match types and all that. Plus it takes HOURS to create a character in a wrestling video game anymore.

But on the flipside, you have a much better visual experience with a smaller learning curve and you can play by yourself or online with strangers. I still think you should take a look at the book if you can find it at a reasonable price, though.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:05 am
by Tommy Brownell
I bought this myself when it came out, as I'm a big enough wrestling guy that I WAS a wrestler for a couple of years up until this past's a really fun system...a really well done implementation of d20, which isn't a surprise if you follow game designers at all, and look at the credits of the book.

Unfortunately, I have only got to play it once. Had a blast, but no luck for future games.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:54 am
by JinnTolser
The cool part is that even though the book got zero support from Comic Images, there's a Yahoo group for Know Your Role, and Tony Lee (the guy whose name is on the book) is a member. He seems pretty willing to answer rules questions, or help with rulings, or basically whatever other questions somebody has about the system.

It's almost like having official support.