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Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:24 pm
by Adam
Benn pauses for a moment, working out what the dwarf said in his head before answering in a low voice. "We've had our own run-ins with the wolf-demons. Meaning no offense, herr dwarf, but they were quite a bit taller than you. I think you should be fine."

Looking up at the conversation, he interjects. "Are you saying those wolf things have the priest?" He shakes his head. "Then we're probably on a fool's errand. They've most likely eaten him by now... Still, I suppose we'll have to go get him back. How did your men manage to drive them off?"

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:32 am
by ewancummins
The apparent leader, or at least the spokesman, of the other group answers Benn-

''It was not easy. We fought them with axes, knives, burning torches...two of my crew were nearly killed. The beasts are powerful- and HUGE! Never before have I seen such wolves. Their red coals. Horrible, it was horrible..''

The man shivers with the memory of his experience.

He looks over your party for a silent moment, then speaks again-

''You travel in strange company, foreigner. ''

As the man speaks, his eyes keep flitting away from Benn, stealing glances at Galandel and Baelmus the wolf.

The other four men are watching your party- and it seems they pay especial attention to Galandel, Dofur, and the wolf.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:27 am
by RocEter
Galandel takes a moment to respond to Franz question, it is clear he is having some difficulty understanding him with his accent. Then he looks back to Franz and nods.

< "I could, if these humans have something with his scent Baelmus could track him as well." > He responds in Sithican.

Galandel takes no heed to the comments made by the stranger, he has heard worse and is used to humans staring at him. Instead the Elf sits down where he stands, gently laying his bow on the ground never out arms reach, and drinks from his water skin, and eats some dried bread. He gives a small portion of meat to Baelmus and gives him some water from his water skin. He pats his wolf on the head and pats the ground next him signaling the wolf to lay down next him.

Galandel will continue to drink from his water skin, and watch the strangers, while petting his wolf free hand.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:56 am
by Le Noir Faineant
Adam wrote:Benn pauses for a moment, working out what the dwarf said in his head before answering in a low voice. "We've had our own run-ins with the wolf-demons. Meaning no offense, herr dwarf, but they were quite a bit taller than you. I think you should be fine."
Dofur smiles in relief at Ben's words, but when he notices the looks of the bystanders he mutters a short word that needs no translation.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:07 am
by ewancummins
The strangers move through the camp, staying out of sword's reach of any of your party. A couple of the men keep eyes on the demihumans and the wolf at all times. None of them seem to be in a hurry to divest themselves of their weapons. They move slowly into their places, to squat beside the sputtering fire or beneath the lean-to shelters. Most of the have bloodshot eyes and a disheveled appearance.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:09 am
by ewancummins
Wat leans over to Alain and whispers a brief description of the scene and the strangers.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:38 am
by Lord Skybolt
"Thank you my friend for the sit rep . "Alain whisperers back to Wat .

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:16 am
by VAN
Karim doesn't interfere when the others talk, he merely keeps his hands away of his scimitars trying to be not threatening.

"We can rest here with watches of course and tomorrow morning try to find the wolf demons that god the cleric. It's pointless look for him now, will be really hard to go after them during the night and we need to rest for tomorrow. I can get the 1st watch if you want."

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:48 am
by Brock Marsh Runoff
ewancummins wrote:
''You travel in strange company, foreigner. ''

Dorgio shrugs. "Strange company for strange times, yes?" He raises his left hand and displays his tattoo of the Symbol of Dawn. "But we are friends. Now, your allies who are wounded, how fared their injuries? We were wounded by the wolf-demons, and they are stubborn in healing." Suddenly, his eyes widen. "By the way, are you knowing this dog?" He gestures to Franz' newfound pet.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:59 am
by steveflam
FRanz walks over to the newcomers after Galandel speaks to him. "Pardon me, but ve may be able to track deiner priest. As you are aware, canines can track by scent, ja? Vell if you have something of deiner priests, de volf unt deiner dog I found can fint him."

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:32 am
by Adam
Bennedict stands near the newcomer dwarf, drawing the same meaning from the cautious looks as the others.

"Indeed, you can likely see the result of the battle on my friends." He gestures towards the injuries of the other group members. "I like to think of myself as somewhat of an expert on creatures of the night, and I have heard nothing of these beasts before. Are you locals? Can you tell us anything about them? We'd certainly like to be somewhat better prepared next time we come across them."

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:42 pm
by ewancummins
Karim doesn't interfere when the others talk, he merely keeps his hands away of his scimitars trying to be not threatening.

"We can rest here with watches of course and tomorrow morning try to find the wolf demons that god the cleric. It's pointless look for him now, will be really hard to go after them during the night and we need to rest for tomorrow. I can get the 1st watch if you want."

''No, it is only early afternoon- there is still daylight left. The Toret may not keep till morning... We will rest a short while and then search again, ere sundown. If you are not coming with us, you may stay in camp. ''

Brock Marsh Runoff wrote:

Dorgio shrugs. "Strange company for strange times, yes?" He raises his left hand and displays his tattoo of the Symbol of Dawn. "But we are friends. Now, your allies who are wounded, how fared their injuries? We were wounded by the wolf-demons, and they are stubborn in healing." Suddenly, his eyes widen. "By the way, are you knowing this dog?" He gestures to Franz' newfound pet.

''Our friends may yet recover, but the best hope for them is to find Toret Arnum- alive. They live for now, but I fear that they might take a fever in the blood or that their wounds could fester. The priest has the power to heal the sick and injured. He is a holy man.''

Looking at Franz' dog, the man shrugs and answers-

''No, I haven't seen that dog before.''
FRanz walks over to the newcomers after Galandel speaks to him. "Pardon me, but ve may be able to track deiner priest. As you are aware, canines can track by scent, ja? Vell if you have something of deiner priests, de volf unt deiner dog I found can fint him."
'' Yes, we have some of his clothing, and other things. One of my crew will bring these to you now.''
Bennedict stands near the newcomer dwarf, drawing the same meaning from the cautious looks as the others.

"Indeed, you can likely see the result of the battle on my friends." He gestures towards the injuries of the other group members. "I like to think of myself as somewhat of an expert on creatures of the night, and I have heard nothing of these beasts before. Are you locals? Can you tell us anything about them? We'd certainly like to be somewhat better prepared next time we come across them."

''Yes, we are native to the land.

These wolf-demons, of them we know but little. They are come into this country only in recent times, or else men did not meet them and live to tell the tale until now. They are larger than natural wolves, and their eyes hold hell-fire. One seemed to run on two legs...but perhaps that was just the fire-light and shadows, playing a trick on my mind.

Our weapons struck them - I swear that two of the axe-strokes I landed would have killed any natural wolf- and yet the monsters were not even slowed down much by our attacks. Still, we did them some hurt, for a little blood was on our axes afterward, and we did drive the monsters from our camp. Oh, and they howled when touched by blazing torches- but did not seem to fear fire as would normal beasts. All this tells us that they must have been demons in wolf-shape.''

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:50 pm
by steveflam
Franz waits until he has received the items and returns to Galandel. Sithican <Here ist de items of deiner priest. I think vis mein Munchen unt your volf, ve should be able to fint dis priest, Galandel">

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:57 pm
by ewancummins
The priests's items are :
a pair of dirty socks, a gray woolen tunic, and a backpack with supplies.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:28 am
by Lord Skybolt
To Wat"Ask Karim or Franz if they wish to use my silver short sword or a silver dagger for use against the wolf-demons . I think that you should continue to use my crossbow with the silvered bolts for use against the wolf-demons . Perhaps if some one has a crossbow they could also use some of the Silvered Bolts I have left . We could give him 5 bolts to use in a fight against the wolf-demons . " Patting his bolt case .