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Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:42 am
by kintire
At Jamethon's remark, Shana turns white, opens her mouth to say something, then spits on the ground and returns to aiding the recovery party.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:14 am
by ewancummins
Jamethon just shakes his head sadly as Shana walks away.

''Nothing that can be done for that, I suppose.''

Across the courtyard, the injured priest [the one that Alain had partially healed] is hard at work on the wounded. He's managed to save three lives thus far.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:52 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
Blaise says, "Let's not get TOO desperate here, Jamethon. Let me see what I can do about the, um, blaze. I've never quite tried it like this before...."

The red-headed man begins unleashing a series of arcane bolts into the conflagration, yet these bolts of energy are different than the red-and-silver ones he used to attack the vampires earlier. They're icy blue at the very center, and the silver spirals that dance around the beams are revealed as snowflakes.

OOC: I'm using the hellrime blast, which normally does cold damage but which might be able to suppress the fire in spots. His bolts also don't do much damage to objects, so they shouldn't add to the structural damage. If they're successful, he can do this every round.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:02 pm
by ewancummins
Ken of Ghastria wrote:Blaise says, "Let's not get TOO desperate here, Jamethon. Let me see what I can do about the, um, blaze. I've never quite tried it like this before...."

The red-headed man begins unleashing a series of arcane bolts into the conflagration, yet these bolts of energy are different than the red-and-silver ones he used to attack the vampires earlier. They're icy blue at the very center, and the silver spirals that dance around the beams are revealed as snowflakes.

The frosty blasts extinguish the flames on point of contact, punching holes in the wall of fire.

Jamethon claps his hands.

''Ah! Good idea, Blaise! It's working- keep it up, if you are able.''

While Blaise uses his icy magic to combat the fire, the men and women of the bucket brigade continue heaving water from the nearby canals directly onto the flames. They are having limited success; the amount of water that they can transport isn't sufficient to put out a fire of this magnitude.

Threan hovers above the disaster and acts as a spotter for the rescue crew. Whenever he sees a living person that has escaped the fire and smoke, he calls out that person's location to the rescuers, or swoops down to guide the survivor to safety.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:35 pm
by VAN
Inovidil looks around trying to think if she can do something.

"I'm sorry Jamethon, I cannot do much about the flames. I can create some walls that will stop the flames for now, but these walls are not permanent. Still will help us gain time. I can also transform in a troll and help the wounded. If we decide on the evacuation, I can cast again the same spell and make people fly. But I prefer try to fight the fire than do that."

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:02 pm
by ewancummins
Jamethon replies to Ino-

''Magical walls to contain the fire and thus buy us time? Yes, those could be very useful. As for your other idea, I think that a troll's great strength would be better suited to slinging a really big bucket of water than to carrying the handful of injured survivors that we've seen thus far. Let the civilians handle the casualties, as they seem to be doing a good job of it. I need you to help Blaise kill that damned fire, Ino.''

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:07 pm
by ewancummins
Fane of Myrkul

The clerics and acolytes have finished their prayers for guidance. Now they await a sign, kneeling before the shrine's macabre altar.


Hollow, cold laughter rings off the narrow brick walls of the shrine. Looking up, the gathered worshippers see the source of the sound:
the withered remains of the temple's founder, seated behind the altar on a chair of bone!

''What.... what can it mean?''
-asks one of the acolytes.

''Lord Myrkul, perhaps he finds something humorous.''
is the answering whispers of an older priest, and there is no levity in his tone.

Slowly, very slowly, the skeletal patriarch raises its withered arm and indicates the kneeling form of 'Breana.'

The torches and candles in the shrine are all snuffed out in an instant.

Confusion reigns for a moment, but order is soon restored when the lights are re-lit.

One of the mid-ranking clerics, and young up-and-comer named Julian, approaches Breana and points to her, exclaiming-

''You all saw it! Myrkul has chosen our new leader! ''

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:49 pm
by ewancummins
Morningmist Hall, a few hours later, the aftermath of the fire

With the help of the magic of Ino and Blaise, the fire is contained. It is not extinguished before gutting Morningmist Hall, though. The ruin smolders for hours, while the survivors, of which there are but few, and the dead, of which there are many, are dragged from the blackened ruins of the once-beautiful temple.

Now the fire is out, and the lucky few that survived it have been attended to by healers. What remains is to count the dead, and perhaps to search for clues as to why and how this terrible event took place.

Two young acolytes [spotted by Threan] have been lucky enough to escape the fire and the deadly smoke by a most ironic method: hiding in open graves in the temple’s small graveyard! Including these two, there are only eight survivors, including the priest healed by Alain.

The dead are perhaps seventy five or eighty in number. Quite a few of the blackened corpses show injuries other than just burns. The bodies bear various wounds: bite and claw marks, deep bruises as if from clubbing, etc. A few were torn to pieces, making the body count uncertain as the recovery crews try to fit detached limbs with mauled bodies.

Among the dead is old Chansobal, the high priest. His arms and legs have all been broken. Those parts of his body not horribly burned, such as his face, show signs of a vicious beating. The healers can tell that the man must have suffered greatly before he died.

Among the many dead is an unusual case: a man wearing a black leather and cloth mask. This man was found in the rectory, underneath a fallen beam. Examination several deep knife wounds in his back, though no dagger is found near the body. The dead man wears walking shoes.

Those questioning the survivors get similiar, though not identical stories:
Sometime around midnight, dozens of undead monsters appeared within the temple and began killing everyone in sight. The acolytes that had hidden in the graveyard mention having seen a man in a black mask, who seemed to be commanding the horrible attackers. No one seems to know exactly how or when the temple was set aflame, only that the attack was still going on when the fire started.

One of the survivors is known to Shana and Ironheart, at least. The man whom Alain had aided is none other than Dawnbringer Harmond, one of the senior clerics of Morningmist Hall.

After recovery efforts are mostly finished and the search for evidence is well underway, Watch Captain Rask emerges from the smoke and the fog with a small force of militiamen. With them is Nissa Gyrglass, the lovely blond priestess of Waukeen. She's wearing a cotton nightgown and a black slik shawl. Her hair is done up nicely with silver pins.

W-C Rask asks for Alain-

''Someone find me the lieutenant, I need a full report on this. ''
Turning to the Waukeenar cleric, Rask says-

''Help my investigators in any way that you can, if you please, Mistress Gyrglass.''

She answers-

''Of course, I am happy to be of service, Watch-Captain.''

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:17 pm
by steveflam
Breana looks up from her place and sees the reason for the laughter. "Master" she whispers in awe in his presence. When he points at her, she fears the worst and then the lights go out. When they are relit, gone is Myrkyl. On the other hand Julian has come to a conclusion she was hoping for. She rises from her knees and dons the deceased Undead Master's items. Then she looks out at everyone, waiting for a response from the congregated members.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:28 pm
by ewancummins
Fane of Myrkul-
tarlyn wrote:Breana looks up from her place and sees the reason for the laughter. "Master" she whispers in awe in his presence. When he points at her, she fears the worst and then the lights go out. When they are relit, gone is Myrkyl. On the other hand Julian has come to a conclusion she was hoping for. She rises from her knees and dons the deceased Undead Master's items. Then she looks out at everyone, waiting for a response from the congregated members.
A hush falls over the assembly. Then, one of the senior clerics nods, and the gathering rises to its feet.

The man that had signaled his approval now speaks-

''It would seem that we have a new high priest...
for as long as she lives.''

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:19 am
by Lord Skybolt
"Capt. Rask may I have a word in private with you . " Threan says after going up Rask .

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:21 am
by ewancummins
Lord Skybolt wrote:"Capt. Rask may I have a word in private with you . " Threan says after going up Rask .


''Yes, but make it quick. I see Sergeant Moorkroft coming, and I'll want a report from him, as Lieutenant Guischard hasn't yet been found.''

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:29 am
by Lord Skybolt
"I shall wait for him to get here as I think he should hear what I have to say also . And what he may think about it . "Threan says in response to Capt. Rasks demand .

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:35 am
by ewancummins
Jamethon approaches and salutes the Watch-Captain.

Rask says-

''I'll want a formal report from your lieutenant by noon today, in writing, of course. For now you may fill me in on the basics. ''

Jamethon proceeds to do just that. He holds off from any speculation, reporting just facts and simple observations.

After Jamethon has finished, Rask asks Threan to speak-

''Alright, Threan, you have something else for us to hear?''

The two men and the gnome engage in a brief private conference, unheard by others.

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:33 am
by Le Noir Faineant
Ironheart will approach the cleric and sit opposite him,
looking straight into Darmond's face.

"Did you gain honor by defeating many enemies?"

(Probably means something like, "are you well?")