The Shattered City: Chapter Three

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Kaitou Kage
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

"I told you that you do not have permission to speak," Cyrus said. The shadows near him writhed and slunk toward him, crawling up his robes. "You have violated the Lawgiver's sanction. For that, you will suffer."

The shadow swallowed the dommer whole and he vanished. Cyrus reappeared behind Anne-Marie and looked like little more than a shadow himself. Even his voice sounded ephemeral as he intoned a swift, sharp prayer.

Ghostly images danced around Cyrus. Visages of the Lawgiver's saints and heroes swirled through the air around the dommer. They stood vigilant, ready to lash out at enemies foolish enough to come near. One saint, a ghostly warrior clad from head to toe in plate armor took Cyrus's arms. Together, shadow and spirit raised the priest's shadow-swathed blade and drove it deep into Anne-Marie's spectral body.

"Law-breaker," Cyrus said, "Abomination. Filth. You are not fit to lick my boots, let alone the Lawgiver's. You will suffer in Hell for eternity."

The dark tendrils around him writhed more wildly. A zealous, fanatical look crossed Cyrus's face and he twisted the blade.

Minor: Oath of Enmity on Anne-Marie
Move: Shadow Jaunt to Q10. Cyrus gains insubstantial until the end of his next turn.
Standard: Nine Souls of Wrath vs. AC on Anne-Marie

First attack roll: 6+11 = 17
Second attack roll: 20+11 = 31

I think I will take the second one, thank you. I am shocked, truly shocked that my luck gave me that.

Damage is 20+7+3 = 30, halved for insubstantial = 15.

Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any enemy other than Cyrus's oath of enmity target that ends its turn adjacent to Cyrus gains vulnerable 5 all damage until the end of the encounter.

Save vs. Slow: 14

Effect: If Cyrus reduced Anne-Marie to 0 hit points, the next attack he makes deals +1d6 damage. (Greatsword of Oaths Fulfilled)
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Post by The Whistler »

Wish I had time to put the fluff up now, because the ceiling has just fallen on Anne-Marie. Quite literally. Celeste moves to P15, and the equivalent of a Criticalled Spectral Claw with a +2 Singing Dagger happens at Mlle. Ghostperson's square. Before insubstantiality penalties, that's 17 Force damage and 4 Thunder damage, and Anne-Marie is dazed, deafened, immobilized, and knocked prone for the turn, if she isn't already dead. Electing not to slide her, because she has a freaking boulder pinning her to the ground. I mean, come on.
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia turns her attention to Anna-Marie, words of power coming to her lips... and the terrible feeling of ice growing on her breaks her concentration. A dart of force flies from her staff, but it whirls out of control and clips a single chip from the chunk of ceiling that just fell on the ghost before it puffs into non-existence.

"Hell's bells," the Mage moans as she clutches her injuries. She tries to shake off the pain and moves to a new position for the battle ahead.

(OOC: Lia fires a Magic Missile at Anna-Marie, rolls an 11, misses. Lia fails her save with a 7, takes more cold damage. In closing, Lia moves to Q14 and gets ready to fire more Magic Missiles the next round.)
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Catacombs of Port-a-Lucine, Night of April 21st, 770
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PC Actions
Tomas sanctions half the enemies on the map. This is liable to be painful.
Kerrian drops I4, creates a big zone and moves up.
Darius steps, taking
12 Psychic Damage, then hits AM for 6 damage.
Lia misses.
Nicolas does 9/2=4 damage to Wraith 2, and inflicts a -2 to AC.
Cyrus hits AM for 30/2=15 damage.
Agale hits AM for 26/2=13 and -4 to All Defenses.
Celeste deals 21/2=10 damage and Anne-Marie is Dazed, Deafened, Immobilized, and Prone for a turn.

  • Ongoing Damage: Lia takes 5 Cold, Anne-Marie gains 5 Temp HP.

    Regeneration: Agale, Cyrus regen 2 HP each.

    Recharge Rolls: Anne-Marie is still alive, and recharges Boreal Wind. Everyone else fails their recharge rolls.
Nicolas wrote:"I think perhaps it might be time to consider rounding up the troops and taking our leave, it appears a bad situation has just got much worse."
"Then go and help." The Lamordo-Darkonian woman said, her blade going snicker-snack and leaving the spirits writhing. Katja stepped forward, pushing the tattered wraiths away from Nicolas as best she could. "I can hold them off. Move, you."

One of the ghosts reached out to try and touch Nicolas, dark shadows clutched close about it, before Katja blocked it with her blade. One could see a grim little smile on the one-eyed woman's face. "Perhaps you can talk them to death."
  • Katja pushes back Wraith 2, dealing 11/2=5 damage, and shifting to it's old spot.
Darius wrote:"You will not escape," he whispers, and plunges the blade home.
Agale wrote:"Face the facts Ms. Morjuet, you are at best to the cult a curiosity. Why do you think no effort was made to rescue you from Montmort?"
"Liar." Anne-Marie hissed. Even as blades and lances of light criss-crossed her form, even as Agale's words flayed her like knives, Anne-Marie still survived. Whatever else, the ghost was determined, kept alive by a nigh-limitless supply of anger and fanaticism. "Liar!"

She was on the floor now, spectral form born down by the sheer amount of magic and faith being tossed at her. Nevertheless, Anne-Marie struggled to one knee, reaching out to gently touch each of the Lawgiver's servants with an ethereal hand.

There was a howl of wind, and the two Twins were thrown backwards, lifted off their feet and knocked to their backs by a sudden hurricane of bitter cold and graveyard stench.

"I will tear out your lying tongue." Anne-Marie screamed, gazing at Agale with a sudden, passionate loathing.
  • Anne-Marie uses Double-Attack:
    Ice-Wind Touch vs. Fortitude on Cyrus, dealing 8-7=1/2=0 Cold & Necrotic damage.
    Ice-Wind Touch vs. Fortitude on Darius, dealing 9 Cold & Necrotic damage.
    The Twins are pushed back and are Prone.

    For the record, Anne-Marie has 21 HP and 5 Temp HP left.

    Ashen Elemental 2 uses
    Ash Orb vs. AC on Tomas, dealing 8-1=7 Fire damage.

    Frightful Wraith #1 uses Shadow-Touch vs. Reflex on Katja, misses.
    Frightful Wraith #2 uses Shadow-Touch vs. Reflex on Katja, misses.
    Frightful Wraith #3 uses Frightful Moan on Nicolas and Katja. Misses both.
    It is an embarassing day for all ghost-kind.
They coalesced out of the mist. Ghosts, spectres, wraiths. Some were things that had lived and then died, and one could make out the vaguely humanoid shapes that remained. Otherws were things that had never lived, not as mortals at any rate, spirits of moonlight and madness. These looked like nothing but dark blurs. That was bad enough. But they spoke.

"Why do I suffer?" "Blood and bone." "I can smell flesh." "Stop the pain." "Breath." "Live again." "I hunger." "The blood can flow." "It hurts so much." "Life so lost." "Ash and dust." "Too dark within it." "I die." "Suffering." "Consume them all." "Blood and bone." "Ash and dust." "Breath."

The wailed and screamed, pouring out of the mist. Many latched onto Tomas, surrounding him in a sea of spirits. Others, their flesh moonlit and glimmering, raced out into the ritual chamber at large, tearing and rending with dead claws.
  • Seething Wraith 1 uses Touch of Chaos vs. Will on Tomas, misses
    Seething Wraith 2 uses Touch of Hate vs. Will on Tomas. Also misses. You guys have nothing to worry about as long as we're using these dice.

    Seething Whispers (Psychic) aura 3; deafened creatures are immune; any enemy in the aura at the start of its turn takes 5 psychic damage and is dazed until the start of its next turn. This is up this round, so if you are in the aura on the start of next turn, it will go poorly for you.

    Moon Wraith 1 charges down at Celeste and uses Lunar Violation vs. Fortitude, hits, dealing 10 Necrotic damage and Celeste is Weakened until the end of her next turn.
    Moon Wraith 2 uses Crescent Arc, shifting about and hitting the following people:
    Crescent Arc vs. Fort on Tomas, dealing 12-1=11 Necrotic, and Dazed (Save Ends)
    Crescent Arc vs. Fort on Thierri, dealing 9 Necrotic, and Dazed (Save Ends)
    Crescent Arc vs. Fort on Kerrian, missing
    Crescent Arc vs. Fort on Agale, dealing 9 Necrotic, and Dazed (Save Ends)
    Takes 6/2=3 Radiant Damage off Divine Sanction.

    Ice Wraith 1 mobs Tomas
    Ice Wraith 2 mobs Tomas.
    These two deal at most 2 cold damage and Ongoing 5 (Cold), and Tomas has Resist 5 Cold, so I am not even bothering with rolls.

    Ice Wraith 3 wanders around and floats at Lia, rolling a natural 1. We have either defective dice or defective minions, not sure which.
Tomas wrote:"We've got to get control of this ritual." Tomas manages, swiping weakly at the icy wraith and managing to only hit air.
"Marvelous..." Thierri said distantly, his eyes glinting as he stared into the swirling abyss. He held forth his hands, all else forgotten, and shivered in seeming agony, though the shark-like grin remained fixed upon his lips. "The Gate lies open. Speak to me. I can hear you."

Cracks appeared on the floor as the chamber rumbled, walls and chunks of the ceiling collapsing on catching Anne-Marie. The world shook, as yet another minor tremor passed beneath Port-a-Lucine, dropping a chunk of the wall onto Anne-Marie. The circle flared the color of blood, light streaming upwards like sputtering fire. The ruddy glow illuminated the room, making it look as though everything were bleeding and broken.

Runes flared up in violent, sudden bursts, like a series of sharp explosions. As suddenly as they had burned, they faded away again, leaving nothing but cold, grey rock. You couldn't see it the pool of water any more, not beneath the mist, but you could hear the angry waves, the hiss and churn of water boiling under the powerful energies.
  • Thierri uses his one action to work to contain the ritual. He rolls a natural 1. No one succeeded on a control check this round, so the situation gets worse, and all DCs increase by 2.

    Saves: Thierri fails his save against Daze.

The Mist: Any living creature entering or beginning it's turn within the mist takes 10 Necrotic Damage. Living creatures cannot spend Healing Surges while within the Mist. The Mist currently covers the old squares of the pool, I-J-K, 12-13-14

Rubble: The patches of black (as opposed to the greyish walls) are rubble. It is Difficult Terrain.

Green Square: This is Kerrian's Burst-Zone. All allies within it get a +1 to attack rolls.

Red Squares
: Seething Whispers Aura, deafened creatures are immune; any enemy in the aura at the start of its turn takes 5 psychic damage and is dazed until the start of its next turn.


Cyrus Isfahani (C): Slowed (Save Ends), Argent Mantle, Prone
22/64; -- Bloodied, Regen 2 if Bloodied, +2 to all Saves.
AC 18, F 18, R 17, W 19, Resist 5 Cold, Insubstantial

Darius Isfahani (D): Slowed (Save Ends), Prone
5/66 -- Bloodied
AC 23-2, F 17-2, R 19-2, W 19-4, Resist 5 Cold

Mr. Agale (A): Armor (+2 saves, AC while bloodied), Dazed (Save Ends)
8/48; -- Bloodied, Regen 2 if Bloodied, Resist 5 Cold
AC 18+2, F 16, R 19, W 21

Nicolas Etienne de Castaigne (Nc):
44/61; Regen 2 if Bloodied
AC 22, F 18, R 20, W 21-2

Tomas Eisenwald (T): Resist All/1 , Dazed (Save Ends)
AC 25, F 18, R 18, W 20, Resist 5 Cold

Prof. Lia Mournswaithe (L): Ongoing 5 Cold Damage (Save Ends).
39/54; Regen 2 if Bloodied
AC 20, F 16, R 18, W 17

Kerrian Mauganson (K):
38/58; Regen 2 if Bloodied, Resist 5 Cold
AC 18, F 19, R 16, W 20

Kerrian's Spirit (Wolfish Outline)
AC 18, F 19, R 16, W 20

Celeste Viardot (Cv):
49/55; Regen 2 if Bloodied, Chaotic Defense (+2)
AC 17+2, F 17+2, R 18+2, W 20+2, Resist 5 Cold


Katharina Zweibach (Green K)
-12 HP; Regen 2 if Bloodied
AC 25, F 22, R 21, W 21

Thierri Boucher (Green T) Dazed (Save Ends)
-25 HP, Regen 2 if Bloodied
AC 22, F 20, R 22, W 20


Anne-Marie, Recharging Winter's Wrath, Marked (Darius), -4 to defenses, Dazed, Deafened, Prone, Immobilized.
-110 HP. +5 Temp -- Bloodied
AC 21, F 20, R 21, W 22 - Insubstantial, Vuln 5 Cold

Grave Weird


Ash Elemental - 1 -DEAD
Ash Elemental - 2 Recharging Ashen Cloud, Divine Sanction (Tomas)
-49 HP -- Bloodied
AC 19, F 18, R 17, W 15

Frightful Wraith - 1, Recharging Frightful Moan
-22 -- Bloodied
Frightful Wraith - 2, Recharging Frightful Moan
-23 -- Bloodied
Frightful Wraith - 3
-22 -- Bloodied
AC 20, F 17, R 21, W 18 - Insubstantial

New Enemies

Seething Wraith - S1 Divine Sanction (Tomas), Recharging Touch of Chaos.
Seething Wraith - S2 Divine Sanction (Tomas)
AC 19, F 16, R 19, W 18 -- Insubstantial

Moon Wraith - M1
Moon Wraith - M2 Divine Sanction (Tomas), Recharging Crescent Arc
-3 HP
AC 21, F 19, R 20, W 18 -- Insubstantial

Ice Wraith - 1 Divine Sanction (Tomas)
Ice Wraith - 2 Divine Sanction (Tomas)
Ice Wraith - 3
Ice Wraith - 4 - DEAD
AC 19, F 20, R 18, W 19 -- Insubstantial, Minion


Dr. Nicole Poincare (P):
Last edited by NeoTiamat on Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by DocBeard »

This was a GREAT IDEA TOMAS, Tomas thinks to himself, struggling against ash, frost, screaming pain, and a dozen other midnight horrors as he finds himself literally surrounded by ghosts!

"Come on now! You're all victims! Surely you don't want more people hurt because one professor couldn't get tenure?!" Tomas argues, swinging his sword halfheartedly at the Wraith closest to him. He manages to miss a semi-intelligent cloud of mist, which is a bit embarrassing. "Its done, she's dead, there's no one left to avenge yourselves on! Just-AAAH!"

This is when the Moon Wraith blasts Tomas with a beam of concentrated unholy moonlight, sending Tomas sprawling to his knees. The knight has less than a heartbeat to get back up, his skin oozing with blood and other fluids as his humors twist out of balance. "That is..."

There's a crack of thunder, a flash of light, and Tomas strikes at the Seething Wraith with vicious efficiency! "...ENOUGH!"

(Standard: Valorous Strike at the Seething Wraith in front of me. Miss.
Spend action point.
Standard: Valorous Strike at S1. Natural 20. 8+7+3+4 is 22, I believe. 22/2 is 11, so 11 fire and radiant damage, and I get a +2 to my saves.
Save: 4+2 is 6. fffffff.)
"Is there anything keeping us from checking that place out tonight?" Besides sanity, naturally.
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Post by yalenusveler »

Kerrian looked around, and realized that it was just he, Tomas, and Thierri right now at the circle. This would give just about anyone a bit of anxiety, even if the situation didn't potentially involve a horde of undead swarming the city above.

Low Mordentish"I am the Tree of Worlds. I Bridge the Gap between that which exists and that which doesn't. Within my branches, all are real. Within my branches all are illusion." Kerrian raised his arms up towards the ceiling of the cavern, fingers splayed wide.

"I am the inescapable truth, and the confounding lie. I am the Wall between, and the Gate through." His fingers clenched into fists.

"With Grandmother Spider, I weave Fate. With Grandmother Spider, I Deny this."

OOC:26 on a Nature check to control the ritual
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Post by Cronax »

Agale clenched his teeth as spectral energy dug into his already frail form. No. I refuse to fall here. Too much yet to do. "Get to the circle..." His voice a whisper now. "Seal it before its too late."

Regerating 2
Standard: Second wind (healing 11 and +2 to all defenses)
failed the save vs dazed
"In normal times, evil would be fought by good. But in times like these, it must be fought by a different kind of evil."
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Post by lostboy »

Katja wrote:One could see a grim little smile on the one-eyed woman's face. "Perhaps you can talk them to death."
A look of mock horror crosses Nicolas' face "Madame you wound me deeply..... still don't shuffle of this mortal coil without me ma chere, the offer of dinner still stands." Then with a wink and a grin he's off up the tunnel dodging delicaty past Cyrus into the room.

And skids to a stop at the sight of the ongoing mayhem, and the sight of Darius badly wounded. "Up my dear Dommer, theres nothing quite like a blow struck in anger to make oneself feel better."

"Speakign of which, how are you my dear Anne-Marie? It seems so long since I last set eyes on your fair form. Admit it you missed me didnt you? Well I'm afraid I come with poor tidings, fate has decreed we are to be parted for ever, a fate I have the misfortune of being partly responsible for. But we do not have to leave on such a sour note, perhaps one last dance?"

He brings the humming blade round in a glittering arc, making a come hither motion with the business end of the blade. Pulling the ghost around in a circle and then wrenching her violently away in the direction of Cyrus. "Have fun you crazy kids" he calls blowing a kiss in her direction.

Move action to N12
Minor Action: Majestic Word on Darius for surge + 10 hp back
Standard: Impelling Force on Anne-Marie 23 vs Fort
Damage: 8 Force damage
Anne-Marie slides to R11 for some Cyrus Lovin' (Darius will just have to get by alone for now)

** edited ***
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia raises herself to her full height as the two wraiths approach. She takes a step back, raises her staff and starts to whirl it over her head; the black wood makes a droning sound as it spins, and the crystal at its end starts to glow bright red.

"Per iussu meu!" Lia chants. "Sagittae, omne errore vacuae, volete!" Arcane energy crackles along the length of the staff, and two arrows of force fly forth.

"Begone from my sight, you fools!" she roars. "You only prolong your own suffering by impeding us about our path!"

The first bolt impacts with the ice wraith, shattering its frozen body and turning all to ruin. The second slams into the moon wraith, dimming its eerie glow.

(OOC: Lia spends her Action Point to get two standard actions.
She takes her move action, then casts two Magic Missiles.
Move action: 5-ft. step to R14.
Ice Wraith 3: Attack roll: 21 vs. Reflex. Add Kerrian's +1 and it becomes 22. Hit. Damage roll: 6 Force.
Moon Wraith 1: Attack roll: Also 21, which also becomes 22. Hit. Damage roll: 12 Force.
Lia fails her save vs. cold with a roll of 4. Darnit!
Lia holds Staff of Defense ready against the explosion. If it's enough to save her from the blast, she uses it. If not, then not.)
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Kaitou Kage
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

"You are worthless," Cyrus said as he climbed to his feet, "Abandoned. Empty. Criminal. You are nothing. You will become nothing. The Borcan is correct. You were abandoned. They never cared about you. And you hate him because it is true."

The shadows clinging to Cyrus began slipping away, but the ghostly figures surrounding him maintained their vigilant guard. The silvery glow still clung to his shoulders like another cloak. He grabbed his sword and plunged it again into Anne-Marie.

"The Lawgiver has passed judgment on you," the dommer said, "He has named me executioner." A twisted, fanatical smile crossed his face. "You deserve every humiliation you suffered. Every one, and worse. You will pass into His prison. What you have been through here is nothing compared to His punishments."

Cyrus's spiritual guardians glared down at Anne-Marie.

"And now, any pain I suffer will be shared by you," he continued, "The Lawgiver has bound you to me. You will be destroyed."

Regenerating 2 hp

Minor Action: Using Kerrian's buff to gain 10 hp.
Move Action: Stand up from prone.
Standard Action: Bound by Fate on Anne-Marie. Attack rolls 15 or 28 (taking the 28)
Damage roll: 18 (halved to 9)

Anne-Marie is immobilized until the end of Cyrus's next turn. Also, the first time any enemy other than Anne-Marie hits Cyrus and damages him while he is adjacent to her, Cyrus takes only half the damage and Anne-Marie takes the other half.

If Cyrus reduced Anne-Marie to 0 hp, he gains +1d6 damage on his next attack roll before the end of his next turn.

Also don't forget, any enemy other than Anne-Marie that ends its turn adjacent to Cyrus gains vulnerable 5 all.
Last edited by Kaitou Kage on Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Whistler »

M. Boucher wrote:"Marvelous..." Thierri said distantly, his eyes glinting as he stared into the swirling abyss. He held forth his hands, all else forgotten, and shivered in seeming agony, though the shark-like grin remained fixed upon his lips. "The Gate lies open. Speak to me. I can hear you."
Celeste had, naturally, become distressed upon the tearing open of the fabric between worlds, though she didn't seem to know quite which thing to be distressed at first: Poincare's tragic death, the appearance of around seven ghosts, the fact that the cavern was collapsing, the fact that several of the ghosts were coming towards her, or...

Hey, it looked like Thierri was unsuccessfully trying to control a doomsday ritual. That would work for starters.

"M. Boucher!" Mlle. Viardot somehow managed to be suddenly out of the way of the various specters menacing her, in a maneuver that led at least one of them to poke itself in the eye. "With the solicitude that you have recently shown me, I simply must return the gesture--oh, I advise you whole-heartedly to remove yourself from the--"

...Celeste remembered that Thierri was doing something important up there at the brink of the mists, and revised her advice mid-sentence.

"--to save the city of Port-a-Lucine in a somewhat less peril-fraught manner!"

The universe tries and fails to use a Storm Walk, which nonetheless allows Celeste to shift to O14 as part of her standard action. Another shift with her move action gets her to N13. She also gets +1 to AC until the end of her turn.
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

It just never ends.

As Anne-Marie reaches out and touches the twins with her chill hands, Darius seizes her left hand with his own, absorbing most of the energy into his force shield before he is thrust back and down by the residue of the attack.

That ridiculous blasphemous poet is shouting encouragement, and Darius feels a familiar surge of energizing wrath at his non sequiturs, threaded with just a hint of amusement. The Giver of Law works through strange channels at times. Struggling to his feet, he ignores the surge of spirits from the well, ignores the wraiths next to him. There is only him, and his sword, and his quarry, and the wrath of the Law.

Focusing his mind, he calls on the last of his major arcana--the one that his teachers referred to as the Hand of the Lawgiver. Vortices of force like great chains dart from his pointed sword, racing to grasp the infidel witch in a grasp stronger and more sure than any chain of earthy iron. Darius smiles.

Then--nothing. The force-chains reach the ghost, surrouding her but not touching her. For a long moment, his faith wavers.

And then the Hand of the Lawgiver becomes His clenched fist.

Channeling Shield to reduce the damage from Anne-Marie by 7, as an immediate interrupt. Stand up for the move action. Unseen Gauntlet on Anne-Marie for standard action. Roll a 1. This is unacceptable. Reroll, and get a 20. (!) Critical hit deals 18+2 (for Channeling Shield)+6 (rolled from 2d6), which sums to 26/2=13 hit points, which I believe means I get the honor of taking down Anne-Marie for good and all. Then, minor to mark (2).
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Catacombs of Port-a-Lucine, Night of April 21st, 770
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

PC Actions
Tomas hits S1 for 22+5 /2 =13 Radiant damage. Gets a +2 to saves.
Kerrian succeeds at a ritual check.
Lia blows up Ice Wraith 3
Taking an AoO for 2 damage in the process. then hits Moon Wraith 1 for 12/2=6 damage.
Nicolas hits AM for 8/2=4 and heals Darius for 26 HP.
AoOs from W2 and I3, both hit by tiny margins (vs Reflex and Fort respectively), Nicolas takes 4 damage, and takes Ongoing 5 Cold (Save Ends).
Cyrus regens 2 HP, heals for another 10, and Immobilizes AM and deals 18/2=9 damage.
Agale Second Winds.
Celeste tries to use Storm Walk, fails. Gets a +1 to AC.
Darius heals self for 7 damage, then hits her for 26/2=13 HP, finishing AM off for good.

  • Ongoing Damage: Lia takes 5 Cold. Anne-Marie is no longer around to benefit.

    Regeneration: Agale, Cyrus regen 2.

    Aura: S1's aura is off, S2's aura damages Tomas, Thierri, and Kerrian for 5 Psychic Damage (or 5-1 in Tomas's case). It also Dazes, though since Tomas and Thierri are dazed already, no change for them. Kerrian is Dazed until the start of the wraith's next turn, however.

    Recharge Rolls: Ash Elemental 2 fails to recharge Ashen Cloud. Wraith 2 recharges Frightful Moan, the others no luck. Seething Wraith 1 and Moon Wraith 2 do not recharge their specials either.
Nicolas wrote:"Madame you wound me deeply..... still don't shuffle of this mortal coil without me ma chere, the offer of dinner still stands." Then with a wink and a grin he's off up the tunnel dodging delicaty past Cyrus into the room.
"Hah. That is not wounding." Katja said, taking a step to the side and ramming her sword through one of the wraith's ephemeral flesh. It writhed like a pinned butterfly before tearing away, it's flesh growing steadily more ragged and tattered with every blow. "That is wounding."

The ghosts pressed in upon Katja, reaching out with spectral hands to try and get a grip on living flesh, to drain it dry and leave nothing but a cold husk. The Lamordo-Darkonian woman held them at bay. Perhaps not all of them, and if this lasted things would sooner or later go poorly for Katja by sheer weight of numbers. But for now, she held kept them back.
  • Katja hits Wraith 2 for 11/2=5 damage, and W2 is Marked.
Darius wrote:And then the Hand of the Lawgiver becomes His clenched fist.
The lattice-work of force and magic closed around Anne-Marie. It constricted, slicing through ephemeral flesh. The ghost howled, bleeding ectoplasm in a faint, white mist. Even at the last, it looked as though she might have escaped. One of the strands of force broke, and another.

"I shall rip out your life." Anne-Marie snarled, reaching out a pale, white hand to touch Darius. Her eyes gleamed with a mad fanaticism, the sort that could last beyond death.

Then the rest of the lattice of force strengthened, and she began to fade away. Trailing white mist, Anne-Marie screamed something, the words impossible to pick out if there even were words. Then she dissolved, her form lost completely.

The white mist hung in the air for a time, before fading away entirely. She was gone.
  • Ashen Elemental 2 attacks Tomas:
    Dust of Dread vs. Reflex, hits with a 23, dealing 10-1=9 damage and Pushing Tomas 5 squares. This is a Fear Effect.
  • Frightful Wraith #1 uses Shadow Touch vs. Reflex on Katja, misses.
    Frightful Wraith #2 uses Shadow Touch vs. Reflex on Katja, misses.
    Frightful Wraith #3 uses Shadow Touch vs. Reflex on Katja, hits for 11 Necrotic damage and Katja is Weakened (Save Ends).
  • Seething Wraith 1 uses Touch of Hate vs Will on Tomas, hits, Tomas takes 6-1=5 Psychic damage and suffers a -2 to Will (save ends)
    Seething Wraith 2 uses Touch of Chaos vs. Will on Thierri. Rolls a 3.

    Moon Wraith 1 uses Crescent Arc, shifting around and hitting the following people:
    Crescent Arc vs. Fort on Lia, hits with a 22, dealing 9 necrotic damage and Dazed (Save Ends)
    Crescent Arc vs. Fort on Cyrus, hits with a 20, dealing 9 necrotic damage and Dazed (Save Ends)
    Crescent Arc vs. Fort on Nicolas, hits with a 20, dealing 9 necrotic damage and Dazed (Save Ends)
    Crescent Arc vs. Fort on Celeste, hits with a 22, dealing 10 necrotic damage and Dazed (Save Ends)
    Crescent Arc vs. Fort on Kerrian's Spirit (Because I'm vindictive), hits with a 26, dealing 10 necrotic damage and Dazed (Save Ends)

    Moon Wraith 2 attacks Agale with a Lunar Violation vs. Fort, hits with an 18, dealing 11 necrotic damage for the best attack of the round.

    Ice Wraiths mob Tomas. I am not bothering with damage on these things, they deal 1 damage on a hit.
Kerrian wrote:"With Grandmother Spider, I weave Fate. With Grandmother Spider, I Deny this."
Celeste wrote:"With the solicitude that you have recently shown me, I simply must return the gesture--oh, I advise you whole-heartedly to remove yourself from the-- to save the city of Port-a-Lucine in a somewhat less peril-fraught manner!"

Kill the wolf man, the voices in the air whispered aloud.

Thierri responded to neither the dead nor the living, his resolve seemingly refocused by the ravening whispers that crawled around his ears. He raised his hands again, holding one out in front of him. "I have looked upon the face of Death," he murmured aloud, malevolent tongues of fire streaming across the ground as he brought his power to bear. "I invoke its name and open the Gate. I bind you with its power, the one inviolable Truth. Speak not of justice, for Death has no honor. Speak not of mercy, for Death has no pity. Speak not of escape, for Death is Absolute."

Black magic mingled with the strings of fate, holding the deadly mist in its web. Bright light exploded from the ritual as it took everything the pair had and more. The strain proved too much, the power too foreign, or perhaps the will of its creator called out for it to fail. The circle on the floor began to dissolve, burning out rune by rune as power coursed through its broken form.

  • Thierri keeps working on the ritual, succeeds on his check. Despite this, insufficient successes in total, and the ritual continues to go out of control.

    Saves: Thierri fails his save against Daze.


The Mist: Any living creature entering or beginning it's turn within the mist takes 10 Necrotic Damage. Living creatures cannot spend Healing Surges while within the Mist. The Mist currently covers the old squares of the pool, I-J-K, 12-13-14

Rubble: The patches of black (as opposed to the greyish walls) are rubble. It is Difficult Terrain.

Green Square: This is Kerrian's Burst-Zone. All allies within it get a +1 to attack rolls.

Red Squares
: Seething Whispers Aura, deafened creatures are immune; any enemy in the aura at the start of its turn takes 5 psychic damage and is dazed until the start of its next turn.


Cyrus Isfahani (C): Dazed (Save Ends), Argent Mantle
25/64; --Bloodied +2 to all Saves.
AC 18, F 18, R 17, W 19, Resist 5 Cold, Insubstantial

Darius Isfahani (D):
31/66 -- Bloodied
AC 23-2, F 17-2, R 19-2, W 19-4, Resist 5 Cold

Mr. Agale (A): Armor (+2 saves, AC while bloodied), Dazed (Save Ends)
10/48; -- Bloodied, Regen 2 if Bloodied, Resist 5 Cold, Second Wind (+2 to all)
AC 18+4, F 16+2, R 19+2, W 21+2

Nicolas Etienne de Castaigne (Nc): Dazed (Save Ends), Ongoing 5 Cold Damage
35/61; Regen 2 if Bloodied
AC 22, F 18, R 20, W 21-2

Tomas Eisenwald (T): Resist All/1 , Dazed (Save Ends), -2 to Will (Save Ends)
17/65 -- Bloodied
AC 25, F 18, R 18, W 20-2, Resist 5 Cold

Prof. Lia Mournswaithe (L): Ongoing 5 Cold Damage (Save Ends), Dazed (Save Ends)
23/54; Regen 2 if Bloodied
AC 20, F 16, R 18, W 17

Kerrian Mauganson (K): Dazed
33/58; Regen 2 if Bloodied, Resist 5 Cold
AC 18, F 19, R 16, W 20

Kerrian's Spirit (Wolfish Outline) Dazed (Save Ends) (??? Is this even possible ???)
AC 18, F 19, R 16, W 20

Celeste Viardot (Cv): Dazed (Save Ends)
39/55; Regen 2 if Bloodied, Chaotic Defense (+2)
AC 17+2, F 17+2, R 18+2, W 20+2, Resist 5 Cold


Katharina Zweibach (Green K)
-23 HP; Regen 2 if Bloodied
AC 25, F 22, R 21, W 21

Thierri Boucher (Green T) Dazed (Save Ends)
-30 HP, Regen 2 if Bloodied
AC 22, F 20, R 22, W 20



Grave Weird


Ash Elemental - 1 -DEAD
Ash Elemental - 2 Recharging Ashen Cloud, Divine Sanction (Tomas)
-49 HP -- Bloodied
AC 19, F 18, R 17, W 15

Frightful Wraith - 1, Recharging Frightful Moan
-22 -- Bloodied
Frightful Wraith - 2, Marked (Katja)
-28 -- Bloodied
Frightful Wraith - 3, Recharging Frightful Moan,
-22 -- Bloodied
AC 20, F 17, R 21, W 18 - Insubstantial

New Enemies

Seething Wraith - S1 Divine Sanction (Tomas), Recharging Touch of Chaos.
-13 HP, Aura De-Activated for this round.
Seething Wraith - S2 Divine Sanction (Tomas)
AC 19, F 16, R 19, W 18 -- Insubstantial

Moon Wraith - M1
Moon Wraith - M2 Divine Sanction (Tomas), Recharging Crescent Arc
-3 HP
AC 21, F 19, R 20, W 18 -- Insubstantial

Ice Wraith - 1 Divine Sanction (Tomas)
Ice Wraith - 2 Divine Sanction (Tomas)
Ice Wraith - 3 - DEAD
Ice Wraith - 4 - DEAD
AC 19, F 20, R 18, W 19 -- Insubstantial, Minion


Dr. Nicole Poincare (P):
Last edited by NeoTiamat on Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by yalenusveler »

Kerrian patently ignored the wraith next to him, and the voice howling for his death. When you're trying to restitch the fabric of life and death back together, channeling forces which would most likely be considered WAY above your pay scale, little things like an angry wraith next to you really become sort of inconsequential.

Low Mordentish"I died before I was born, my price to see what is real. After I die, I will live again within the world, waiting to die again." His fingers continued to move as he spoke, trying to hold things together, knitting and knotting invisible threads.

"You all lack this privilege. You are no longer of the world, and your death and life have already come. Go back to the outside, where that which is not real is supposed to be."

OOC:30 on a Nature check.
"Sometimes, Mr.Liquor cabinet is my only friend"
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Darius snarls in triumph as the gauntlet of force closes around Anne-Marie and crushes her into nothingness. He had been so intent on the struggle that takes him a moment to re-focus himself on other events--like the vortex of necromantic energy now welling out of the pool and threatening to engulf the room.

Glancing at Cyrus, he sees his twin is about as well as can be expected, and not in any immediate danger. He salutes him with a flourish of his sword in recognition of their triumph, and then turns to the circle. It takes him a moment to understand what Thierri and Kerrian are doing, and he makes a false start with the Rebuke against unclean spirits before realizing it won't mesh with their efforts. It does at least have the salutary effect of distracting the spirit who's interfering with those performing the ritual.

Move to K11, Standard to fail a Religion check to contain the Evil Mist (tm) with a 17, Minor to Mark the Moon Wraith M1.
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena: