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Re: Great video games to play with a Gothic atmosphere

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 12:40 am
by High Priest Mikhal
Wiccy of the Fraternity wrote:Not sure if these games were mentioned earlier but Alan Wake and Evil Within have a strong feel to them that I believe add a gothic horror feel to them.
I mentioned The Evil Within and can heartily recommend the first game. The second game isn't necessarily bad to play, but it does come across as more of the same and crosses from Gothic horror to modern psychological horror at several points with its sometimes fantastical areas and just plain bizarre villains and setting that sometimes feels like a bad acid trip.

Re: Great video games to play with a Gothic atmosphere

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 2:45 am
by Gautsu
I know action doesn't always lend itself to Ravenloft and Gothic horror but every time I play through certain areas of soulslikes (Ds1-3, Ni-Oh 1+2, Salt and Sanctuary, Vigil The Longest Night, Blasphemy) I always ask myself why Hasbro hasn't done a Ravenloft version.

Re: Great video games to play with a Gothic atmosphere

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:56 pm
by Galm
Thanks for the recommendations, I was looking for a gothic-like game and will give the ones you named a try!

Re: Great video games to play with a Gothic atmosphere

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:56 pm
by High Priest Mikhal
Tormented Souls is an indie survival-horror game that plays like the love child of Resident Evil and Silent Hill. It's a great example of "the evils men do" mixed with distinctly supernatural horrors and tricks that wouldn't be out of place for the Mists (including two instances of time travel). The protagonist herself is even intimately tied with the events, as you'll find out while playing.

The Medium is an example of how sins in the past echo into the present, with some amazing examples of what ethereal resonance would look like.

Re: Great video games to play with a Gothic atmosphere

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 3:03 am
by alhoon
Both of those sound too... apocalyptic; non-subtle.
I would prefer Stories that start with a relative normal facade, like the peaceful village with the terrible secret or the kind old neighbor that is actually there because the ghost of his murdered wife haunts the house he left.

Re: Great video games to play with a Gothic atmosphere

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 6:41 pm
by Le Noir Faineant
Anyone tried "The Whisperer"?

Not really a great game, but I appreciated the idea: ... Whisperer/

If you have point-and-click adventure recommendations for me, I'd greatly appreciate that. You know, something simple - I just played "Lamplight City", a vaguely MotRD-y game, and I'll replay the old "Gabriel Knight" series next, as well as "The Last Door". An old man's video games, I know - but still part of the genre, I guess. :azalin:

Re: Great video games to play with a Gothic atmosphere

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 9:20 pm
by A G Thing
Not only gothic but fey inspired on folklore...

Bramble: The Mountain King

The game can get dark but still has fantasy and yet sets quite a mood.

Re: Great video games to play with a Gothic atmosphere

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 7:05 pm
by High Priest Mikhal
Now that I've had a chance to play them, Fatal Frame 4 and 5 rank up there as worthy looks. Mask of the Lunar Eclipse speaks to themes of ignorance of the truth of the supernatural and lessons learned too late as well as how what's forgotten doesn't go away and always comes back to haunt the present. In addition, it speaks to the horrors of losing yourself when your memories begin to fade--or are taken away from you.

Maiden of Dark Water is...complicated. It's hard to parse the whole thing into a simple summary because the story goes off on tangents that only come together in the end. The character Ren is an example of how the soul never forgets and what characters with the Reincarnated feat could suffer if their past life is tied to something truly potent and horrific. Yuri is a perfect example of a character with both the Ethereal Empathy and Ghostsight feats and what they suffer when the dead won't leave them alone. Miu is an example of what someone with the ability to read minds or emotions who can't control their powers would do: go beyond what is rational or sane to find one person they believe will understand them (and it's a call back to the first and third games given whom she looks for).

The overall theme of water as a symbol of life and death, especially when tainted, has given me ideas for some adventures. As has the price of one person's arrogance and madness when it leads them to destroy all those who maintain a delicate supernatural balance.