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Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:28 am
by Moral Machivelli
Buchvold is looking interested. He had always been interested in the exotic, and recognises how unusurall the experiance would be.

Besides, it may be relevant

"Is it only one of us who is to receive this sign?" Buchvold inquieres of the Voudan.

"If not, prehaps it would be best if we all recieve it. We came here as a group, we seak answers as a group, so we may as well pay as a group. Surely, that is only fair?"

OOC And it avoids arguments, and makes sure no one person can get up to anything in the interim.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:32 am
by steveflam
Nathan of the FoS wrote: Roland accepts the skin and drinks, passing it back to Tarlyn. "Of course, m'sieur. We all would hope for the benefit of the doubt, I suppose."
Tarlyn smiles as he takes back the skin.
Tarlyn thinks a moment "Yes we can always hope, but this is not always the case, Sir, judging by your first reaction of me. I did not take it any way as an offense, I have grown accustomed to such in these lands. You seem to have more of an open mind than most I have encountered".

"Do you guide many people here to the gentleman upstairs or do you prefer to not visit this place?" Tarlyn asks.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:40 am
by Nathan of the FoS
tarlyn st-denfer wrote:
Nathan of the FoS wrote: Roland accepts the skin and drinks, passing it back to Tarlyn. "Of course, m'sieur. We all would hope for the benefit of the doubt, I suppose."
Tarlyn thinks a moment "Yes we can always hope, but this is not always the case, Sir, judging by your first reaction of me. I did not take it any way as an offense, I have grown accustomed to such in these lands. You seem to have more of an open mind than most I have encountered."

"Do you guide many people here to the gentleman upstairs or do you prefer to not visit this place?" Tarlyn asks.
Roland is quiet for so long that Tarlyn thinks at first that either he didn't understand or he refuses to answer; at last, he says, "It is the second time I come here. Ezra willing, there will be no third."

Sloshing to the boat, he steps in and seats himself at the center.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:42 am
by steveflam
Tarlyn think a moment then approaches, Roland "Mind if I join you?Might we continue our conversation?"

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:04 am
by Nathan of the FoS
tarlyn st-denfer wrote:Tarlyn think a moment then approaches, Roland "Mind if I join you?Might we continue our conversation?"
"On another subject, m'sieur," Roland says, shaking himself and glancing up at the light overhead. "Any other subject. Where is your homeland, then? Are there no..." Roland pauses, as if trying to find the right word, then continues weakly, "...humans there?"

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:19 am
by steveflam
This Chicken Bone inspires fear then. He must be a powerful wizard then indeed. I just question his choice of abodes, if he is indeed as powerful as Roland suggests by his attitude and comments

"Lord Rivtoff are you there? I just wanted to check in with you and say how things are going and if I may, ask a question"

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but curiosity got the better of me.I have heard so much of this gentleman as we all have. Well in my homeland, there are humans, elves,halflings,dwarves as well as half elves and half orcs. It has been a while since I was last in my homeland,almost 4 years ago. I got here from the mists as I am sure you have heard of this from other travellers." Tarlyn stops.

"What of you and your home? What do you do in Souragne? What skills have you besides a guide?" Tarlyn asks as he offers his wineskin again to Roland. "My name is Tarlyn by the way, Seaven is just a name I sometimes use, I am not being too forward in having noticed that yours is Roland I hope.It is nice to make your acquaintance,Roland. Back home we say Well Met".

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:41 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Moral Machivelli wrote:Buchvold is looking interested. He had always been interested in the exotic, and recognises how unusurall the experiance would be.

Besides, it may be relevant

"Is it only one of us who is to receive this sign?" Buchvold inquieres of the Voudan.

"If not, prehaps it would be best if we all recieve it. We came here as a group, we seak answers as a group, so we may as well pay as a group. Surely, that is only fair?"
Chicken Bone looks around the assembled Fraternity members to see if there will be any dissent. "So den. All pay, all get de sign. Yes?"

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 1:15 pm
by Pamela
Gertrude nodded in agreement, mouth dry at the coming prospect. Which loa will it be?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:40 pm
by Rotipher of the FoS
For all that he'd prefer to learn much more, the VRS spy, too, mutely nods his acquiescence. Since Lechberg, his mission has become a never-ending series of risky bargains; were he prone to quail from such, he'd never have made it this far.

Still, Crow cannot suppress a shiver at the implications of the 'sign' he now agrees to bear. Try as he might, he can't convince himself in the slightest that the aged voodan's communion will be with the comedic likes of Longears, nor the benevolent Swamp-Maiden of folklore...

...and (so the bard believes) far too much darkness has already lived within his skin.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:54 am
by alhoon
Draxton shaked his head and with a not-so-happy grimace shruged and turned to the others "I can't see any way bypassing this. I believe we have to take the deal as we were meant to do when we were sent here. I admit that I'm curious about the whole ordeal although it pangs with some hints of danger in my mind"

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 5:29 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
alhoon wrote:Draxton shaked his head and with a not-so-happy grimace shruged and turned to the others "I can't see any way bypassing this. I believe we have to take the deal as we were meant to do when we were sent here. I admit that I'm curious about the whole ordeal although it pangs with some hints of danger in my mind"
Chicken Bone looks at all of you, one by one, and says, "So! All togeder den, yes? It is good omen, dis begin', to have five. You be de stranger here, you come wit' no present for de loa, no? Marie!"

The rice curtain is pushed aside by a dark, slender hand, and a young woman--perhaps in her late teens--comes into the room, slow and silent, her eyes distant. "Marie, apporte un coq noir et bouteille de le rhum.*"

Turning, she leaves as silently as she came. Nodding, Chicken Bone continues, "M'sieurs, madame, now you stan' in your place. All you hold out de han'." As he speaks he steps to one of the altars; reaching behind it, he brings out a knife made of some weird material--white stone or bone. "All give de blood a little, so de loa know you when he come."

*Marie, bring a black rooster and a bottle of rum.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:13 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
tarlyn st-denfer wrote: "Lord Rivtoff are you there? I just wanted to check in with you and say how things are going and if I may, ask a question"
OOC: Actually, you don't have any way to contact Rivtoff telepathically; he borrowed a crystal ball with telepathy to contact you, but there's no permanent telepathic link between you.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but curiosity got the better of me.I have heard so much of this gentleman as we all have. Well in my homeland, there are humans, elves,halflings,dwarves as well as half elves and half orcs. It has been a while since I was last in my homeland,almost 4 years ago. I got here from the mists as I am sure you have heard of this from other travellers." Tarlyn stops.
"You are from...outside?" Roland says. "I've never met anyone from the Borderlands before. What are these races you speak of--half-things?"
"What of you and your home? What do you do in Souragne? What skills have you besides a guide?" Tarlyn asks as he offers his wineskin again to Roland. "My name is Tarlyn by the way, Seaven is just a name I sometimes use, I am not being too forward in having noticed that yours is Roland I hope.It is nice to make your acquaintance,Roland. Back home we say Well Met".
"Well met, then," Roland says. A puzzled expression crosses his face for a moment*; shrugging, he accepts the wineskin. "I am not a guide at all, m'sieur. I am a siegneur**--at least, here in my own land. In Port-a-Lucine perhaps not so much."

*OOC: I don't think anyone has mentioned Roland's name in Tarlyn's presence--Gertrude certainly didn't when she introduced him to the group.

**In this context, siegneur=nobleman.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:29 pm
by steveflam
Ooc>Nathan, You are right it is just because he's been mentioned a few times. When Tarlyn presents himself then, would he perhaps introduce himself then?
"I am not a guide at all, m'sieur. I am a siegneur**--at least, here in my own land. In Port-a-Lucine perhaps not so much."
Tarlyn ponders that a moment "What is a seigneur then? And why does a seigneur come all the way out here, if I might ask" Tarlyn asks with a reassuring smile.
"You are from...outside?" Roland says. "I've never met anyone from the Borderlands before. What are these races you speak of--half-things?"
"Yes I am from outside these lands.I have visited a few of the "provinces" here in these lands though. I arrived here via the mists.
Maybe you have heard of this phenomenon? I am positive the gentleman upstairs has. As to half-things it is something I find incomprehensable, but that is just my opinion of course. It means basically that a human and an elf mate and of their union comes a halfbreed so to speak" Tarlyn crinkles his nose. "There are also other types but those are not worth talking about.Some people approve where I am from. It is called Faerun by the way. Others think the children of these unions are abominations. I rather not say my opinion on the matter as we are being civil" Tarlyn winks at Roland. "Have you any family?"

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:04 am
by VAN
Dadarg who is still smoking, goes closer to Tarlyn and Roland.

"May I join you gentlemen? A nive talk is what we need as we waiting here. My name is Dadrag Sotris and I'm from Darkon. Have you ever been there?...Roland, right?"

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:05 am
by steveflam
Tarlyn looks at Dadrag and nods, moving over to make place for him if need be.