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Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:16 pm
by ewancummins
ewancummins wrote: ... kScene.jpg

OOC All credit to the creator.

THE PARTY hustles down the road. At times the afternoon streets are clogged with traffic, but most of it is headed away from danger, and the adventurers meet no armed or forceful resistance on their southward course through the Municipal District and the Market plazas.

As they enter the Warehouse District, Damien spots an overturned wagon on Bay Road. GERTIE checks it out.
" Ugh, it stinks!"
She pokes about in an busted cask and then sniffs her fingertips.
"Whale oil."

Further south, just past a row of long, low warehouses, they can all see smoke rising and can hear people shouting.

Damien and GERTIE leave two casks of oil with the others, and then scout ahead...

They come back a couple of minutes later and describe chaos on the waterfront. Pirates are looting warehouses, small shops, even food stalls.
Small fires, but nothing big here; further off to the east a ship burns on the open bay.
The small ships and boats in this area are not burning. ... kScene.jpg

GERTIE sticks her head around the corner of the pub to peek again at the wharf, and then jerks back.
"They're coming!"

Pirates leap and run into the street from the direction of the wharves.

A swordsman in sailor's garb dashes round a building corner on the right and slashes at Fild.

Damien scraps with a thug armed with a big wooden peg.

A bare-chested reaver jumps down from the pub's roof and hacks at Titus with a hatchet. The cleric raises his shield in time to deflect the blow, but his assailant keeps up the attack, pressing Titus closer to Fild in the street.

Two bravoes accost Gertie, dodging past her cracking whip and grabbing at her clothes.
" Ye're comin' with us, girlie!"

Fild steps back and fires his iron tube full into the pirate. A flash, a loud crash, and the swordsman falls backward through gunsmoke.
The gnome has downed his target with one shot.

Titus goes on the offensive, knocking the hatchet aside with his shield and clobbering the shirtless buccaneer with his mace. Thunk. The man drops in his tracks, blood oozing from his scalp where the iron flanges struck.

Seeing their comrades fall, the others break off the attack and run for their lives.

GERTIE cracks her whip at their backsides.
"You'd better run!"

(The enemy have not engaged Tom, Alfonse, or Lowen. Not yet.)


Party is at the map edge and off it, upper left hand. See the pub? Behind that, away from direct view of the water and ships.


TOM shoots a pirate through the buttocks as the man dashes down the alley toward the water and turns left (right side of map).
The man falls, screaming.

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:19 pm
by Adam
Alfonse creeps ahead, looks about, and returns to the others.

"It appears they're loading their goods onto a ship in the harbor with a dog's head banner. Seems our target is clear." He hefts his sling. "Shall we?"

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:24 pm
by Varrus the Ethical
Titus glances at the blood on his mace and shivers a little, feeling a little queasy that he just struck a man in combat.

"Well, uh, that was exciting, I suppose."

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:31 pm
by VAN
Tom looks at the others and says:

"I'm ready when you are. So what is the plan? I can climb to a roof nearby. With a flamable arrow I can try to get the ship's veil so it cannot sail. If we manage to get the whale oil near the ship I can try to light that with an arrow as well."

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 7:58 pm
by alhoon
Adam wrote:Alfonse creeps ahead, looks about, and returns to the others.

"It appears they're loading their goods onto a ship in the harbor with a dog's head banner. Seems our target is clear." He hefts his sling. "Shall we?"
Fild is loading his arquebus as he replies.
"More or less. Let me load the arquebus first. Should someone with a bow climb on a roof or something to provide cover for us? Perhaps Gertie if she's good with a bow?"

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:17 pm
by ewancummins
GERTIE looks down the alley.
She says,
"The last one's getting away!"

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:21 pm
by Metaflux
So much had happened in such little time that Lowen had hardly a moment before he was thrown into combat. Barely paying attention to the now accelerating pace of the group, the mage had to think fast, or else he would be left behind.

Pulling out his sling, the mage launched a stone from his pouch with as much force he could muster.

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:53 pm
by ewancummins

Metaflux wrote:So much had happened in such little time that Lowen had hardly a moment before he was thrown into combat. Barely paying attention to the now accelerating pace of the group, the mage had to think fast, or else he would be left behind.

Pulling out his sling, the mage launched a stone from his pouch with as much force he could muster.

Much force, but little accuracy!

The stone richochets off an round section of alley wall and comes flying back at Lowen.
He saves himself from being hit by diving to the ground.
Right into a horse-pie.

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:01 pm
by Metaflux
Rising out of the muck, and wiping off what little he could from his face, Lowen walked over to a nearby rain barrel and proceeded to use it.

Once finished, which only took a few moments since he knew he'd have to wait to clean his beard, the mage said, "I have a torch, some flint and steel, and a flask of oil. I suggest someone ascends the building alongside Gertie, Gertie dips her arrows in the oil, while the other lights the torch. From there, rain fire for your own amusement."

Lowen promptly rummaged out the required equipment, placed them on a nearby barrel, and then added, "Gertie, you might attract attention. Before you go up, let me cast a defensive spell upon you. You might need it." Rolling up his sleeves, the mage prepped himself through the smell of manure.

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:03 pm
by ewancummins
Metaflux wrote:Rising out of the muck, and wiping off what little he could from his face, Lowen walked over to a nearby rain barrel and proceeded to use it.

Once finished, which only took a few moments since he knew he'd have to wait to clean his beard, the mage said, "I have a torch, some flint and steel, and a flask of oil. I suggest someone ascends the building alongside Gertie, Gertie dips her arrows in the oil, while the other lights the torch. From there, rain fire for your own amusement."

Lowen promptly rummaged out the required equipment, placed them on a nearby barrel, and then added, "Gertie, you might attract attention. Before you go up, let me cast a defensive spell upon you. You might need it." Rolling up his sleeves, the mage prepped himself through the smell of manure.

Damien nods, listening to Lowen.

He whispers to Fild,
"This guy sounds smart."

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:06 pm
by alhoon
Metaflux wrote:Once finished, which only took a few moments since he knew he'd have to wait to clean his beard, the mage said, "I have a torch, some flint and steel, and a flask of oil. I suggest someone ascends the building alongside Gertie, Gertie dips her arrows in the oil, while the other lights the torch. From there, rain fire for your own amusement."
"Where's that casket with whale-oil that the Gertie and Damien found? That would come very handy."

To Damien he replies "Book-people tend to be smart. We're lucky to have two of them and a priest."

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:19 pm
by Metaflux
alhoon wrote:
Metaflux wrote:Once finished, which only took a few moments since he knew he'd have to wait to clean his beard, the mage said, "I have a torch, some flint and steel, and a flask of oil. I suggest someone ascends the building alongside Gertie, Gertie dips her arrows in the oil, while the other lights the torch. From there, rain fire for your own amusement."
"Where's that casket with whale-oil that the Gertie and Damien found? That would come very handy."
Having difficulty with the slime and water and cloth mixing together, Lowen relinquished himself to his own fate, and replied, "how might you get said casket up that wall? A waterskin sized flask will suffice. Now, Gertie, come on over, though, do keep clear. You don't want any of this in your face."

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:04 am
by alhoon
"We won't get it over the wall... We will roll it, aflame, and crush it on the ship. Or just roll it over to the ship and then set it on fire.
Oil flasks are fine too, in case we miss or something goes wrong, but it would make more of a point that we mean business and have a much greater chance to set the ship on flame than an oil-skin.
In any case, I think it's best we all get a bit of whale oil to douse the ship so that Gertie can set it alight from afar. "

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:15 am
by Lord Skybolt
SIXT steps over the goon he just knocked out.
He opens the chest the shirtless stranger had been looting, the box where the pubmaster kept guest's armor. After hastily donning the brigandine he grabs his broadsword and glances across the deserted shambles of the common room, at the open door.
He sees smoke and hears noises.
A fight?
That was likely either a cannon far off or a smaller gonne fired nearby.

When he investigates...
Sixt moves to see what that was .

Re: POVERO Chapter Nine

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:19 am
by ewancummins

Coming round the back of the public house, SIXT sees a man dressed as a sailor running past him.
The man doesn't stop to talk, but dashes toward the waterfront.
Glancing that way, SIXT sees that men from a ship are looting shops and storehouses.
Looks like a pirate raid.

Moving behind the pub, SIXT sees an armed group standing over defeated foes (the downed men look much like the pirates at the wharf, in clothes and gear).

The group's lookout has spotted him. That man whistles to the others.