The Eye of Anubis: Book Six

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Post by NeoTiamat »

Kermanshah, The Kermanevar, Sebua
June 25th, 761, 7:24 AM; Day 100 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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Kaitou Kage wrote:"Excuse me, Charles, Mary," Kuzan said quietly as he approached, "Regarding your position, is there anyone I can have a message sent to that you know will be able to get you out? I have a few contacts in places closer to the Core that I can send messages to instantly. They may be able to relay something to someone that can help you."
"Hello Mr... Kuzan? Did I pronounce that right?" Mary asked a little nervously, curtseying again as she did so. You did notice that she gave Charles a look which said most emphatically This conversation is not over. "I've... thought about it, a good deal actually, and I'm afraid there's not much father can do to get me out of this bloody mess. I suppose I'll take the first caravan I can find that goes somewhere, though how I'll pay for it I don't even want to think about."
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

Kuzan nodded. "Should I have a message sent to him to let him know you're alive?"

Maybe, just maybe they could convince Sam.

Then again, maybe not.
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Post by yalenusveler »

"Duly noted Otto, Tomas. Glad to have you both along." Andre thought a moment, and then turned back from his walk back to camp, heading over to Miss Collins, Charles, and Kuzan, greeting both expedition mates with a nod, and Mary with a far more polite one.

"Terribly sorry to interrupt, But Miss Collins, we are heading back towards Har'Akir. We're well provisioned and prepared. I can't guarantee ours would be the most uneventful of journeys, but we would be heading back to the mainland eventually. If you would rather wait though, that's entirely your prerogative."
"Sometimes, Mr.Liquor cabinet is my only friend"
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Kermanshah, The Kermanevar, Sebua
June 25th, 761, 7:26 AM; Day 100 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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Kaitou Kage wrote:Kuzan nodded. "Should I have a message sent to him to let him know you're alive?"
"Could you? That would be.... wonderful." Mary's words came out a little quickly, as from great emotion. "Mr. John Collins of Harborwatch Lane, Mordentshire. Please tell Father not to worry, I'll get out of this on my own, somehow or other."
YalenusVeler wrote:"Terribly sorry to interrupt, But Miss Collins, we are heading back towards Har'Akir. We're well provisioned and prepared. I can't guarantee ours would be the most uneventful of journeys, but we would be heading back to the mainland eventually. If you would rather wait though, that's entirely your prerogative."
"You'd do th-- I mean, you're ser--," Mary stopped for a moment, flustered and overawed. The young Mordentishwoman seemed to count to ten, regaining control of her emotions. "I would be very grateful if you would take me. I think I'll go mad if I have to stay here and wait for another three months, which is how often Javed says caravans come through."

"I'll be useful, I swear." Mary said, a new enthusiasm in her voice. "I know how to sew and cook and balance books....and...."

Mary trailed off, and you had a vague suspicion that the young Mordentishwoman probably wasn't quite so qualified as she seemed. Mind you, she'd traversed a desert which had claimed a number of sailors with her, so she presumably had some skills, if only bloody-minded stubbornness and survivability.

Now for the hard part.... convincing Samael and Professor Pelletier.

[OOC: Alright, a vote: All for letting Mary join up with the Expedition?]
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by yalenusveler »

"Oh, and Kuzan...before I forget." Andre said, as he was about to head off for the second time. "I'd..appreciate it if you came along with me when I do my bit of exploration. I know I don't always express it well..or at all. But I do value your opinion, even if I don't always agree with it."
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

Kuzan looked startled and for a while, his face changed. It seemed like he was trying to decide if this was genuine or not. After a time, he nodded.

"All right," he said quietly, "I'll be glad to go with you."
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Expedition Camp, The Kermanevar, Sebua
June 25th, 761, 9:47 AM; Day 100 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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"....Are you out of your mind!?!"

Maleagant was in rare form. Most of the time, Samael handled the various egos of the Expedition with a cool, pleasant approach, a necessity in such a group. Sometimes, however, it was good to be able to simply stare at someone wide-eyed and inquire if they've been hit a few too many times over the head last night.

"Andre, correct me if I am wrong, but do we not have, at last count, homicidal cultists, a psychopathic necromancer, armies of undead, giant ethereal-jumping spiders, the entire armed forces of Phiraz, a demon, undead, and random shadow-constructs after our blood?"

"What about the previous statement makes taking Miss Collins alonga good idea?!?!"

Mary was standing behind Professor Theroux and the others, looking nervous and rubbing her hands a little, as Samael continued on his rant. It occurred to you that whatever else, Mary was a big girl, and a good bit bigger then Samael. Then again, so was just about everybody else.

"I am sorry, Miss Collins, but it is simply out of the question." Samael turned to the young Mordentishwoman, bowing stiffly. "People have been killed on this Expedition, and I can't have that on my conscience. We'll be glad to loan you some funds you can use to fund your return, but it's simply too dangerous."

"Oh... I'm....sorry to intrude... " Mary began, even as Professor Jean-Jacques Pelletier emerged from his tent to see just what the commotion was all about. The good Professor was still a powerful, assured figure, though he seemed to have aged a decade in the last month, and walked slowly, and with a cane.

"Would someone be so kind as to explain the cause of all this infernal shouting?" The Professor said frostily, tapping his cane against the ground twice for silence. "Good morning Mademouselle. Is there some sort of problem?"

There was a brief pause as multiple people tried to explain the cause of Ms. Mary Collins's misfortune, and the proposal of Andre's to bring her along. Professor Pelletier listened to all of this calmly, saying nothing for several moments as his hazel eyes moved from Andre's face to Mary's to Samael's.

"Well..." Pelletier said at length, letting the silence stretch for a moment. "Of course you can come with us, Ms. Collins. We certainly can't leave a lone Mordentishwoman in the depths of Sebua. It would be a violation of our Ezran duty. Mr. Maleagant, see to it."

"Bu--" Samael looked ready to protest.

"Is there a problem Mr. Maleagant?" Professor Pelletier said frostily. There was a brief pause before Maleagant shook his head, sighing.

And that, as they say, was that.

Expedition Camp, The Kermanevar, Sebua
June 26th, 761, 8:19 AM; Day 101 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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All good hings must come to an end, and so it was with the Expedition's short stay in Kermanshah. Maleagant had agreed to stay in Kermanshah one day more, but the there was a sense of urgency now. No one wanted to still be in the desert when autumn arrived, and the autumn winds raised up sandstorms only slightly smaller than the God-Storm of Pharazia's border.

So it was on an early morning in late June that the Expedition was packing up its camp to depart. The morning had yet to heat up to the usual wretched dessication of the Sebuan desert, and spirits were high. Fassahd was explaining to Samael and Edmund the best route to go by to reach the Jackal's Ruse and its attendant pocket of civilization, how to avoid the worst winds and salt flats and so-forth. Guy was giving Loup a good trimming, shearing away most of the fur off the Alsatian, which while it helped keep the canine cool, also meant he vaguely resembled a man-eating poodle at the moment. Lily was taking her impressions of the Kermanevar down for the last time, while Remy fiddled around with a camera to do the same.

So it was that no one noticed the old woman approaching the camp until quite a bit later than they were supposed to. She was an aged, decrepit crone, withered away till there seemed nothing but skins stretched over bones. Only her dark, liquid eyes hinted at life, albeit a sad one. She came bearing a box, a length of cloth, and a sheathed weapon of some sort wrapped in a shawl.

"Good Morn, honored sir, but I have a gift for Mistress Mournswaithe from a gentleman, and a gift for Master Al-Atim, from a lady. And a token for Master Martel, from myself." She said to Michel, who was on guard duty. The Dementlieuse man looked askance at the old woman, feeling a little damp around the collar even if he couldn't know exactly why. Shrugging, he called the rest of you over.

Those darkling eyes were rather familiar.
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"What's that, Michel? A lady for me?" Charles says quizzically. "Well, of course." He wasn't expecting any such thing, but, well, can't keep a lady waiting, it's not the done thing.

He stops dead in his tracks, however, when his gaze meets those dark eyes. After a long pause, he steps forward and bows. "I understand you wish to speak to me, madame?" he says politely. A classical tag from a long-ago lesson in Draconic rings somewhere in his mind: Timo Danaos et dona ferentis.
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia has been keeping very much to herself the last few days, going off alone and sticking to her tent when she's at the camp at all. When she is called forth to meet the visitor, it is possibly the first time anyone in the Expedition has seen the new 'wardrobe' she has collected in Kermanevar.

Dead black desert robes.

Lia has retained the mouldy-looking grey cloak she has worn since that first night at the University, as well as her grey felt mask, but the rest of her is cloaked entirely in black. And she has stopped wearing the hood. Snow-white hair falls freely across her shoulders as she ghosts through camp to face the old woman, eyeing her briefly up and down.

Wordless, she holds her hands out to receive what has been sent to her.
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Post by lostboy »

Khalil also approaches at Michel's call, still holding the stirrup he was adjusting, and he absently continues to work the leather as he looks at the woman for a moment, sopmething twingling slightly in his mind.

Warily he speaks up "I am Khalil Al-atim, how may I be of service?"
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Expedition Camp, The Kermanevar, Sebua
June 26th, 761, 8:19 AM; Day 101 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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The decrepit crone's black-brown eyes swept over the three members of the Expedition, before giving them a toothless smile, weathered by time and sorrows. Straining a bit below the heavy load she bore, the old woman picked up he box of sandalwood, passing it to Lia.

"A gift from a nobleman, if not the most noble one." The old hag gave Lia a half-smile. "A spoken request granted, an unspoken one fulfilled, and a token of appreciation from his own self, that you not be so far apart."

The sandalwood box was about a foot by a foot on the sides and perhaps six inches tall. The lid opened easily, without a single sound, and within it were three things. On the surface was a mask, a beautiful, and rather disturbing-looking construction of ebony, a cruel amalgam of two creatures. It has the pointed snout and ears of a fox, and a fox's sly, crooked eyes, but it is not all fox. The mask has the strong jaws of a hyena, and the lower cheeks and throat are marked with silvery stains, much like a hyena's spots.

Below this mask is a manuscript, bound in simple leather, with words in golden lettering upon the title-page. The Masks, it proclaimed itself to the world. However, when opened, the manuscript reveals page after page of.... sheet music. Not a single word written in the entire book, aside from the title. All else is musical symbols and notes and marks. At a rough glance, it was nearly a symphony in length and extent, but with extended solos for a woodwind instrument.

Accompanying that, was a simple envelope.


"As for yonder tempest-smote fellow," The old crone turned to Khalil, "I've a present from a young lady, who bids him remember that though the wind dies, it always returns..."

The old woman passed Khalil the length of cloth, holding it up to the light in the process. It was a cloak, a long, whitish-grey length of fabric that was cool to the touch. It fluttered very slightly in the air, though as near as you could tell there was not a single breath of air.

"Wear it well."


"And for the last..... my beautiful man...." The aged woman looked at Charles with dark eyes, strange in their intensity. "A gift of my own hand, who's meaning I think you'll take on its own."

It was a sheathed sword, a slender rapier, if one wished to be precise. The hilt was wrapped in black leather, while the pommel was a single large, round piece of black jet. The blade itself was long and slender, and beautifully chaised in silver, though there was something about the raised and lowered indentations in the blade that made at least half the sword seem swathed in shadows, however it was turned.

Of course, the most disturbing part of the blade was the guard, which consisted of two perfectly normal wings of silver-covered steel, but had what seemed to be a precise representation of a human finger resting lightly on the blade, carved in silver and studded in jet. Or if one wishes to be more precise, Charles's index finger.

Written in elegant lettering upon the blade is a word. Shadowfinger.
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia gazes at all three items briefly. The envelope, she tucks into her bodice. The manuscript, she seals back into the box, which she momentarily places at her feet. And the mask ... she lifts up and places on her face.

Taking the box back into her hands, the Wizard nods to the old woman. "The Featherflute's sending," she says, "has been received, Lorelei. Good day to you."

Without further comment to the old woman, Lia turns and walks to Michel. "We must have words," she tells him, her voice slightly altered by the new mask. "And if possible, in the company of Miss D'Envers. Before we leave, if possible." Glancing in Lily's direction, Lia nods to the box. "A matter of interest," she says, "to all three of us."
Last edited by Rock of the Fraternity on Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lostboy »

Khalil winces slightly at the memory of being tempest-smote, but still manages to politly accept the cloak from the old woman.

"I thank you for your delivery of this gift, not that I would expect any such gift from the young lady in question. Still I shall wear it well and perhaps hope for a better outcome the next time the wind blows..."

He stands back looking at the cloth with interest.
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Only a lifetime of suppressing one's natural reactions allows Charles to look interested, bow politely, and take the gift from the Lorelei's hands. "A princely gift, madame," he says, bowing deeply. "I thank you. I shall certainly always remember the occasion of its giving."
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Post by DocBeard »

"Man, Kahlil, Charles, you dogs!" Tomas chuckles, lightly ribbing the pair and throwing his arms around their shoulders in the manner of jocular fraternity brothers everywhere. ...goodness, that's probably how he sees this whole thing, doesn't he? One giant field trip.

Then: Crone time!

"...well, still a shake better luck with women than I've had on this trip." Tomas offers, perhaps as consolation.