The Eye of Anubis: Book Two

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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

lostboy wrote:"You think perhaps Affendi, I should have warned Anubis to be careful he does not end up tending her garden in the lands beyond?" He says with a smile at Charles as he sits next to the Mathematician.
Charles grins. "I'm not sure warning him would do any good, m'sieur," he replies. "I suppose he'll have to do it until I get there, then; I promised her a boon and never delivered."

At this thought a shadow crosses his face; then, shrugging, he tips his face back to let the rain wash over it.

In the distance there is the sound of hoofbeats arriving at the cottage and coming to a halt; Charles cups his hands at his mouth and calls, "We're up here! Up at the stones!"
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by steveflam »

OOC: Sorry for the lateness as well I hit the hay early enough these days.

Ulsaon waits for her opportunity to reach the children and acts. Unfortunately for her, or fortunately, Cavendish vanishes yet again. Ulsaon reaches the chldren and farmers. "Is anyone hurt" she asks as she scans the children for any signs of harm.
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Nathan of the FoS wrote:In the distance there is the sound of hoofbeats arriving at the cottage and coming to a halt; Charles cups his hands at his mouth and calls, "We're up here! Up at the stones!"
The hoofbeats stop for a moment, then grow steadily louder. A few moments later, a rider on a heavy horse looms out of the gathering dusk.
"You must have a deathwish, doctor Arachne," a familiar, chill voice rings out as Lia dismounts. She ties the horse's halter to a tree outside the circle, then comes striding in. "For all you know, I was Cavendish, riding about looking for you after killing off the rest of the Ex ... pe ... dition ..."

When Lia sees Marilena's body, her acerbic words falter. As do her footsteps. For a moment, she just stands there, watching the old woman's body. When she moves forward again, she finishes by kneeling down next to it.
"Now that really just isn't fair, Old Mother," Lia says quietly, her voice barely audible. "Leaving before I even got a chance to properly say sorry to you? Really, that just won't do."

The Mordentish girl starts to speak out loud, her voice a monotone, her eyes on Marilena's face. "Cavendish escaped. His army of undead melted away when the rains came, but they did not seem to affect him. He fled because he was outnumbered, I think, and we may hope he is gone now. Still, I would rather not chance it. The last time he 'left', it was just a little distance away, so he could lead his army. While these rains continue, he can not raise a fresh army, but he is dangerous enough by himself."

Slowly, Lia reaches out and smoothes Marilena's hair, folds her hands on her chest.
"I can't imagine anyone else in Ravnika could have arranged for these rains," she says. "Thank you, Marilena. The village, its people, and we members of the Expedition are in your debt. Go you in peace to your just reward, if you will."

Lia heaves a sigh that seems to shake her whole frame, then rises and turns her eyes on Charles and Khalil. "As I said, Cavendish is gone for now," she tells them, her voice now pitched lower than usual, raw. "But it would be foolish to assume he has gone very far, when we lack the means to detect his presence; he proved that much when he paraded himself right under our noses in the guise of Dimitry. I suggest we take Marilena's body to the temple in town for now ... and that we search her cottage for items of power. I mean no disrespect to her memory, but I would not leave anything of significance for that worm Cavendish to snap up -- nor for any other scavenger. You can fill me in on what happened while we walk, gentlemen, if you feel up to it."
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"You must have a deathwish, doctor Arachne," a familiar, chill voice rings out as Lia dismounts. She ties the horse's halter to a tree outside the circle, then comes striding in. "For all you know, I was Cavendish, riding about looking for you after killing off the rest of the Ex ... pe ... dition ..."

"Good afternoon, M'selle Mourneswaith," Charles replies, standing and brushing at his pants before bowing. "In fact, I knew it was not Cavendish, and that the confrontation in town had ended, is raining."

Rock wrote:
Lia heaves a sigh that seems to shake her whole frame, then rises and turns her eyes on Charles and Khalil. "As I said, Cavendish is gone for now,... You can fill me in on what happened while we walk, gentlemen, if you feel up to it."
"It's all right for now," Charles replies easily. "I'm sure Cavendish doesn't like the rain. As for the rest of your suggestions, allow me to make a counteroffer. As you perceived at once, this miraculous deliverance is principally the doing of Goodwife Marilena, although M'sieur Khalil and I were privileged to help her carry it out. She has expressed a desire to be buried among these stones, and I do not wish to move her from this place. The townspeople are already gathered, ne c'est pas? I desire to bring them here and show them what has happened, so that they will know and remember how and by whom this was done. Goodwife Marilena knew herself to be unloved by these village-folk, but sacrificed herself for them anyway. I think such an act deserves a worthy tribute, and I intend to see that one is made."

Charles stops talking and pulls a few blades of grass, then says, "It would be well to thank the Stones as well, and the powers they represent; in the end they did all, and we merely made successful petition for their aid."
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"Fine and worthy suggestions, all," Lia sighs. "But Ravnika town is heavily damaged and there are multiple casualties. I doubt the Barovians will be overly eager to come out here right now, they may not even be very willing when the town is restored once more. As you say, they disliked the Old One. It seems improper to just leave Lady Marilena's body lying out in the open, in the rain, for as long as it will take us to convince them they should do proper honour to this woman."

'What time is it, anyway? I can barely tell, with the clouds eclipsing all light,' Lia thinks to herself. She briefly glances at her pocket watch and makes a disbelieving sound. 'It's still pretty early. Actually ...'

"Charles," Lia says slowly, "when and where exactly did that abominable specter, Stefan, say we could find the answer to our questions?"
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Ravnika Village Square
April 26th, 761, 1:08 PM

Image Image Image Image Image

Slowly, rubbing their eyes at the miracle before them, the villagers of Ravnika left the safety of the Chapel of the Morninglord and of Karl's Folly. Burgomeister Sandeluscu stared at the destruction to the village square, the huge craters left by Cavendish's spells, and shook his head in quiet amazement. Count Strahd was going to be getting some very odd requests for funds soon.

"KATYA!" Marku burst from the Chapel, enfolding his sister in a bear hug that lifted her off her feet. Katya gave him a brave smile, even as she tried to breathe. The Barovian acolyte let his sister go, slightly. "I thought you were dead! Father and Mother and Michael have been worried to death!"

"It's alright, really it is," Katya mumbled in Balok into her brother's shoulder, "Now let go of me, you big ox."

Meanwhile, Petru managed to tear himself away from his family long enough to approach Kuzan. The farmer wiped tears of gratitude from his eyes, clasping the priest's hand in his own callused fingers.

"My lord priest, you have my gratitude, and of my family, I can never repay you." Petru babbled on from sheer relief. "I worship you, milord, I am thankful to you a thousand times, I kiss your hands, I kiss your feet, you have saved my children...."

Petru caught his breath for a moment, then continued, almost formally, "My family is in your debt, forever."

[OOC: Alrighty... only thing you guys have left to do that you actually *ought* to do is be at the field north of the village at 6 PM, wherein we have a bit of a wrap-up to all the intrigues here. Otherwise, feel free to discuss, wander around, recieve the obeisance of a greatful village, and party like it's 699.]
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"So we have until six o'clock, and it is now somewhat past one," Lia says grimly, untying the horse. "If either of you would care to join me, I am going to - carefully - search Marilena's home. Any magic items there should be gathered and secured for her family, if any of them would have them. They should not be left to be picked over by Cavendish or looters."

Unless either Khalil or Charles complains very loudly and/or convincingly, Lia makes her way to the cottage, where she casts Detect Magic and spends an hour looking the place over extremely carefully.

(Detect Magic spell and taking 20 on top of a Search check of 17.)
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Post by lostboy »

Having remained silent throughout Lia's abrupt visit, Khalil turns to Charles with a shrug. "Whatever we do Affendi we have a promise to keep, I too am disinclined to remove the venerable mother from her place of rest, what care has she for the Morninglord anyhow?"

Squinting up at the sky he continues "I am also not happy with the idea of leaving her here. We have a few hours of light left, perhaps you would assist me in digging a grave for the good woman? I am sure her hut holds some kind of tools we can use."

Khalil pulls a curved knife from behind him and begins to cut the turf between the stones, carefully laying it aside so it can be replaced without damage.
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by yalenusveler »

It took several moments for Andre to snap out of his fuge, and when he did, there was still a slight tremble. I didn't bring the's probably beyond Julisca or Marku...Kuzan didn't...doubt Tomas or Li...Marilena! The idea clicked in his head, snapping him out of things quite nicely...and setting him off running. "I'm going to check on Marilena!" He shouts, making his way out of the village, hoping on the way he doesn't run into Cavendish. And if he does, that Cavendish is screaming in agony as the slightest touch of light burns him. Right now, that would be a comforting thought.
"Sometimes, Mr.Liquor cabinet is my only friend"
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"Yes," Charles say. "Let us leave her here. If you wouldn't mind taking the role of guard of honor, M'sieur Khalil, I will go with the importunate M'selle Mourneswaith to the cottage and fetch us up spades...and bring Pumpkin to pay his respects, as well."

Charles and Lia return to the cottage; Charles is uncharacteristically quiet, looking around him with an air of quiet satisfaction. Upon arriving at the cottage he re-picks the lock and swings the door wide. "After you, m'selle," he says. "Pumpkin? Pumpkin, I know that cats are notoriously unsentimental, but I hope you will come to pay your respects to your late mistress." Leaving Lia to examine the cottage, he looks for the tools the skeletal gardeners had used for their yard-work.

After a few minutes' rummage Charles returns back up the hill, two spades and a pick under one arm and Pumpkin at his heels. Handing a shovel to Khalil and taking off his jacket, he begins to dig. "A nice day for a little work, isn't it?" he says conversationally. "Fresh air, cool...a very pleasant day, in the end. Certainly compared to the beginning."
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by yalenusveler »

Andre reached the cottage, and found Lia looking about. The young scholar was out of breath, having apparently ran most of the way there, a level of physical activity he was most un used to.

"Where is she?" he managed to gasp out between breaths, looking around the cottage as if in a panic. "Where's Marilena? Is she ok? I know she's the only one who could've brought the rain..." his face was creased with worry, not the sort of worry one reserved for casual acquaintances, but the sort one had for family and the closest of friends.

And as if to highlight that worry...his hair, formerly dark, had started to show a few grey hairs, nothing of sublime importance, but the sort of thing one would curse the mirror for noticing in the morning.
"Sometimes, Mr.Liquor cabinet is my only friend"
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia gives Andre a ... strange look before she replies. It is a look that seems to be measuring him, weighing him carefully.
"Lady Marilena is gone from this mortal coil," she finally replies. "Her body is up at the ring of stones. Charles and Khalil are seeing to her -- to it, I should say. And yes, she brought the rain, with their help. I gather it was a bargain which cost her her life ..."
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Post by yalenusveler »

If Andre were to be measured right now, he would be small. The tears that started to fall from his eyes came almost immediately, his voice catching in his throat as he spoke. "I..i was supposed to tell her stories when we got back. I was..i was going to tell her about Phiraz, and the desert, and what it was like." His voice was weak, words catching in his throat, struggling to escape between sobs. "I was going to bring treats for Pumpkin...she..she helped save..saved them all, and they'll still call her a witch..."
"Sometimes, Mr.Liquor cabinet is my only friend"
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"You have not broken your word, Andre," Lia calmly replies, her voice unusually kind and gentle. "We make our plans, other people make their plans, and then the world moves. Fate, cause and effect, coincidence, destiny, chaos, all becomes part of the whole, of that which is. You couldn't help that, could never have helped that. As for your stories and Pumpkin, she is up at the stone circle right now. Go to her. Tell her your stories and care for her, to honour Marilena's memory, if you feel up to the challenge. If Marilena watches this world from the Beyond, surely she will look to see how Pumpkin is doing, and she will hear your tales as well."

Lia walks to Andre and briefly rests her hand on his shoulder. "We will tell them all," she promises the professor. "All the people of Ravnika will hear what Marilena did for them. And even if they choose to remain blind and deaf to her deeds, we of the Expedition are not. We will carry the truth of her actions, her honour, with us. We will make mention of her when we return to the University of Dementlieu, and see her entered into the archives of the faculty of history as the Hero of Ravnika. I will speak to professor Carter about it, and you will lend your support. She will be remembered and honoured. Now go see Pumpkin ... and Marilena's mortal shell."
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

After Kuzan actually realized what Petru was saying, the priest chuckled warmly. The storm priest pulled the farmer in and wrapped his arms around him, patting the Barovian on the back.

“It's all right, sir,” he said, pulling back after a moment, “Really. I'm glad they're safe.” A glint of good-natured mischief flickered in Kuzan's golden eyes. “Give me a taste of home-cooked Barovian fare before I leave Ravnika and I'll consider us even,” he added with a cheerful wink.

The priest looked past Petru, to the man's wife and children, smiling warmly at them. “I'm glad you're all right,” he said. He approached slowly, ruffling the hair of the youngest and patting the eldest on the shoulder. “I'm glad I could make it in time.”

Kuzan gestured over his shoulder toward Tomas. “He doesn't speak Balok, but I'm going to relay your thanks to him, too,” the priest continued, “If he hadn't barreled his way through the zombies, I don't know if I could've gotten to the ghouls in time.”

He paused again, then the priest's smile widened. "I'm really glad he did."