The Eye of Anubis: Book Two

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Evil Genius
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Post by steveflam »

Ulsaon quietly retreats from the hubbub and commotion in the courtyard. She heads for the Temple of the Morninglord and, pushing open the door, she enters. She searches for the priestess Julsica and when she finds her approaches. Searching for the right words, Ulsaon frowns, then comes right out with it.

"Pardon me, ma'am. I hate to bother you, but I was wondering if you would be the one performing the burial ritual of my deceased friend, Allikhain? I just wanted to make sure she was properly buried is all. Though she had no faith, I would feel better if you at least performed some type of ritual on her" Ulsaon says tearfully.
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Post by The Whistler »

Curse you, late-going classes...

Otto watched Kuzan's joyful meeting with Petru and his family; Tomas gratefully soaking in the rain; Lia riding off on her horse; Andre following close behind. The memory of the past few minutes flickering back and forth through his mind--a small, distant smile on his face.

Maybe none of them *really* understand what they can do, when you come down to can debate theology, or technique, or the voice you hear in the back of your head telling you what mental string to pull. But some fundamental part of the experience...maybe some of it has to stay unknowable.

But it's what they *do* with it...

He removed his spectacles and rubbed them with a sodden handkerchief, washing off the grit and blood of the past hour. The small smile was still there, but his face was perhaps just a bit wetter than could be explained away by the rain.


The gunsmith trudged away from the square, out towards the farms that lined the north edge of the village. Green unity welling from somewhere near his heart, but tempered now by gentle conscious thought. Symbiosis. Give it time, and it might grow deeper.

He stood at the edge of a field, surveying the cottages; the spring plantings lined up in neat rows from his feet to the treeline. Calculating growth rates, projected yield, soil quality, average market price; letting them dissolve into some unspoken, organic communion...

Otto closed his eyes.

I hope this helps.

Casting Plant Growth (the agriculture-helping-out variety) on the nearby crops; maybe that'll pay for some of the damages eventually.
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Post by lostboy »

"A nice day for a little work, isn't it?" he says conversationally. "Fresh air, cool...a very pleasant day, in the end. Certainly compared to the beginning."
Taking the shovel, Khalil puts the blade away and begins to dig in earnest. "As you say my friend, this precise moment could well be the best of my time in Ravnika, yet here I am digging a grave." He replys with a wry smile.

Pausing he leans on the end of the shovel, a faraway lookk in his eye as he gazes at the ancient stones aorund them. "There are still many clouds on our horizon, and a long journey ahead of us. Besides if what Ms Mourneswaithe says is true the asp in the hat is not gone for good, and he is only one of the unpaid debts I intend to fulfil."

Khalill commences digging resolutley, adding queitly "Remember Affendi, this is not the only burial we will see this day."
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by yalenusveler »

Andre hugged Lia tightly, and actually smiled somewhat, though tears still came. "Thank you Lia...that..helps a lot more than I can find words for. I'll..need your help later, identifying a gift she gave me this morning. But for now...I need to say goodbye for now to her." He gave a weak smile, then headed out to the stones, where Charles and Khalil were.

"Were..were you both here when it happened?" He asked, a slight tremble in his voice as he walked to where Marilena's body lay on the wet earth, kneeling beside her, his tears joining the rain on the old lady's cheek, not waiting for a response before starting into just about every mourning prayer he knew, language shifting from Balok, to High Mordentish, to Vaasi. And when those tongues ran out of words, Zheresian, Sourangien, Pharazian, and Akiri joined them.

For a man so young, Andre knew far too many words for mourning.
"Sometimes, Mr.Liquor cabinet is my only friend"
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Khalill commences digging resolutley, adding queitly "Remember Affendi, this is not the only burial we will see this day."
"True," Charles says, leaning on his shovel for a moment. "Damn his eyes. We can only hope he didn't cause much mischief in the village; I suppose it can't have been truly disastrous, or M'selle Mourneswaith would have said so."
yalenusveler wrote:"Were..were you both here when it happened?"
"Yes," Charles says briefly. "She bargained away her life for the lives of the villagers, and died as soon as we three had all returned from Faerie." Turning back to the hole, Charles begins to dig again. "By the way, Professor, Pumpkin here has been left to your charge. Specific instructions from la grande dame," he adds, smiling slightly.
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia does not stiffen, protest or struggle when Andre hugs her; she is too surprised by the act, and not nearly heartless enough. And once Andre has left, there seems to be little point in it.

"My goodness me," she mutters as she starts to tidy up the little cottage. "If I don't watch out, I'll get a reputation as a woman of easy virtues ..."

Shaking her head, Lia sets everything in order. She even washes the dishes, makes another round of the house ... and leaves. If she finds any kind of keys, she locks the cottage's door, then leads her horse back to the circle. When she sees Andre, she quietly puts a hand on his shoulder for support.

'The River runs on and on,
And Life flows on the Tide.
We're carried from Cradle to Grave
And none truly know why.
Why do we pass beyond our Span
Into the Lands Beyond
Where the River runs to Ground
And those who stay are left alone.
On that far Shore now let it Shine
That Light so sweet and pure
So we find comfort when we find
What comes next, what lies beyond.'

Lia's whispered prayer sounds awkward, though sincere. When she has fallen silent, she moves over to Charles and Khalil to find Pumpkin.
"Here, sweetling," she coaxes the elderly orange cat, lifting her in her arms and shielding her from the rain inside her cloak. "There's a girl. Good girl."
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Post by yalenusveler »

Andre finished his mourning prayers, and turned, smiling up at Lia. "For one more..focused on the arcane, you pray like someone of faith. I'm..going to add that one to my repertoire, if that's alright?" he asked, his voice still catching a bit, still sad, but not crushingly so.

He found something to dig with, and joined Khailil and Charles in digging, only stopping occasionally to go over and pet the big orange cat.

"I'm still going to come back on occasion..even if I can't talk to her directly. She gave me what she did so I could come back and visit. She'll still be here at the stones, and I'll still talk, even if I'm the only one carrying the conversation." Andre said, moving to put the pendant outside of his shirt as he worked, finally relaxing in the rain that had been bought with so high a price.

"She's with her Husband now...It's been so long, I'm sure they've a great deal of catching up to do." He smiled, a true and genuine smile.
"Sometimes, Mr.Liquor cabinet is my only friend"
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"We should go now," Lia says softly. "We need to be somewhere at six, and we may need to drag the others out of town to get there in time. Coming there too soon would equal death, too late would mean remaining ignorant, and we already paid a high price for this knowledge, whatever it is. For that and for life, today."
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"Right," Charles says, handing his shovel to Andre and climbing out of the rapidly deepening hole. "You gentlemen finish here, and I'll go into town and collect the mourners."

Walking briskly to the village, Charles marvels briefly at the destruction--looks like the rain came just in time--I hope there aren't too many casualtied before collaring Burgomeister Sandaluscu.

"Burgomeister Sandaluscu, I bring sad news; your aunt has passed away. She gave her life to bring this healing rain and save the village, and we are making preparations to inter her at the Erl-stones." Looking the burgomeister in the eye, he says, "I think she would be pleased to know that you were present, and even more so if you could give a few words over the grave. Please tell as many people as you can about it; this was a great deed she did for you, and she deserves to have it remembered. Shall we say, in half an hour?"

After the burgomeister's reply, Charles makes sure to inform the Expedition members of Marilena's sacrifice and the ceremony to come, then returns to the Erl-stones with as many mourners as he can persuade to attend.

Truncated so as to make the progress of events more expeditious; if there are any surprises please say so!
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by lostboy »

After a while Khalil pauses and surveys the hole. Good enough he thinks to himself. Placing a hand on Andres shoulder he says quietly. "Enough for now Affendi, we have dug deep enough for the Venerable Mother to rest safely. Let us make ready for the burial."

He jumps lightly form the hole and dissapears into the nearby trees.

He returns shortly with full arms. Squatting back by the hole he lays the objects down for Andre and Lia to see. "Fallen wood from Oak, Ash, Rowan, Cypress, Willow and Yew, the essence of the Old Laws of this wood. Mistletoe the herb of the druids, and juniper to speed the soul on its path." he explains.

Khalil carefully places the pieces of wood in the hole, along with a good portion of Mistletoe. The juniper he builds into a small pile in the centre of the stones with some kindling. Drawing his flint and steel forth he ignites the pile sending a small column of fragrant smoke skyward. The smell is intoxicating but fresh, full of life and the smell of the earth.

Carefully he places a small bunch of mistletoe between Marilenas stiff hands. "A fitting tribute I believe." he says to the others.

Standing back in satisfaction Khalil whistles low and Karsh swoops from wherever he had been hiding to land on his arm. "Hunting again eh my friend?" he purrs quietly to the hawk.

Breathing the smell of the fragrant smoke he awaits Charles and the villagers return.
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Ravnika Village Square
April 26th, 761, 1:56 PM

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Kaitou Kage wrote:“It's all right, sir,” he said, pulling back after a moment, “Really. I'm glad they're safe.” A glint of good-natured mischief flickered in Kuzan's golden eyes. “Give me a taste of home-cooked Barovian fare before I leave Ravnika and I'll consider us even,” he added with a cheerful wink.

Kuzan gestured over his shoulder toward Tomas. “He doesn't speak Balok, but I'm going to relay your thanks to him, too,” the priest continued, “If he hadn't barreled his way through the zombies, I don't know if I could've gotten to the ghouls in time.”
"Of course, my lord priest. Till the end of days, you are welcome at Petru's table!" Petru nodded to Kuzan, bobbing his head up and down. "Thank you, thank you once more."

The Barovian farmer bows to the priest, clumsily, but from the heart, and approaches Tomas. For a moment, Petru pondered, and then reached forth to take Tomas's hand, pumping it up and down enthusiastically, a silent look of gratitude in his eyes.

Tarlyn wrote:"Pardon me, ma'am. I hate to bother you, but I was wondering if you would be the one performing the burial ritual of my deceased friend, Allikhain? I just wanted to make sure she was properly buried is all. Though she had no faith, I would feel better if you at least performed some type of ritual on her" Ulsaon says tearfully.
"She will be buried with honor, my child." Julisca's face softened. "A place of pride for her burial, and a hymn forever after in our church. After today, the Morninglord shall take pity on her, and grant her sunlight forever at his side."

"Dawnbringer Julisca, pray pardon," Andrez the Baker stepped up. The fat, normally jolly Barovian looked wan and pale, but relieved. "But we have checked the rest of the village....there are ten dead. Fyodor and his family, they are slain, all five, and Goodwife Maria and her son, and Vasilie and his wife, and also Radek the Smith."

Julisca closed her eyes at this litany of names, each one a physical blow. "Oh my poor children... that's twelve this fiend has murdered, counting your young friend and poor, foolish Stefan."

"They shall not be forgotten."

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Otto stood by, watching the fields move slightly in the rain, swaying and straining and striving to grow. It was a quiet gift, but it was nonetheless a gift.

"Hey... Otto?" The Lamordian turned to find Dieter coming up. The younger countryman still looked a bit weak, but he was walking where not an hour ago he was nearly dead.

"I just wanted to say thanks. Guy says you killed that thing on the roof. And saved my life..." Dieter looked uncomfortable for a moment, trying to put his thoughts into words. "We'd have all been dead if not for you, not if that thing burned the inn down. And Sarari won't ever admit needing to be saved by a human, but she's grateful too, I think..."

"So..." Dieter shrugged. "Thanks."


"Aunt Mari..." Sandeluscu sighed, then cursed Cavendish and the uncaring fates with a veteran's vigor. "Damn him to Iadul... We shall be there, young man, we shall be there. And we shall remember..."

And with that, Sandeluscu moved to speak to Julisca quietly, before announcing to the village their sacrifice.

"Thirteen... thirteen men and women, thirteen elders and children alike... thirteen are our dead. And we go now to honor the one who has made it thirteen, and not all of us." Suddenly Sandeluscu's facade cracked, and a tear rolled down his cheek. "We go to the Erl-Stones, and we shall remember."

"Ravnika shall remember."

The Erl-Stones
April 26th, 761, 2:39 PM


At least half the village had turned out for the funeral of Old Marilena, though it was an odd affair. The grave rested between the three standing stones, and the people, one and all, circled around it. Sandeluscu just stood there, quiet and sad, while Julisca murmurred a few words of the Morninglord's mercy over the body.

Beside Andre, Pumpkin raised a paw to tug at his pant-leg, whipping her orange, fluffy tail around. There was a certain ineffable sadness in the air, though slowly, the rain stopped.

A few rays of sunshine illuminated the Erl-Stones.
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Post by steveflam »

Shyly thanking Julsica, Ulsaon leaves the Temple of Lathander. May Lathander lay you to rest peacefully, Allikhain Gellantra. Ulsaon weeps.
She heads for the north fields of the village, sad yet encouraged because the expedition was moving on. Maybe we'll get a real chance to tale care of that fiend Cavendish, she muses to herself. She arrives at the field and awaits the rest of the expedition members.
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Post by The Whistler »

NeoTiamat wrote:"Hey... Otto?" The Lamordian turned to find Dieter coming up. The younger countryman still looked a bit weak, but he was walking where not an hour ago he was nearly dead.

"I just wanted to say thanks. Guy says you killed that thing on the roof. And saved my life..." Dieter looked uncomfortable for a moment, trying to put his thoughts into words. "We'd have all been dead if not for you, not if that thing burned the inn down. And Sarari won't ever admit needing to be saved by a human, but she's grateful too, I think..."

"So..." Dieter shrugged. "Thanks."
Otto broke out of his reverie, turning from the field to the young guard. The words came easier in Lamordian than they did in Mordentish, his body language a little more casual:

"Please. You would've done the same for me." He cracked a brief smile. "Pretty sure Sarari would've, too, if you bugged her about it for a bit."

"You know, I'm not on the trip to be a guard--well, not officially, anyway." He clapped a hand on Dieter's shoulder--not too forcefully, considering his condition. "But when we fight together, we fight as a team. You back me up; I back you up; same goes for everyone else in this with us."

He exhaled deeply, in mock-theatrical resignation. "And somehow, I feel like we'll have a lot more fighting to do..." The Burgomaster's speech echoed behind them, from the town square. "Come on. Got to pay respects to someone who deserves them more than me..."


The gunsmith simply stood straight and silent at the side of the grave, during the ceremony; head bowed. It's not whether you understand's how you use it.
Last edited by The Whistler on Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

'The past seems but a dream,' Lia sings quietly, once the priestess has spoken her words,

'when we wake to a new dawn.
It may not be a chain
that binds us to what is gone.
But the past is always here,
when we see your eyes in ours,
when we hear your voice
in our hearts.
You have passed but are still here.

The present is not what it seems.
We are adrift in a sea of illusion.
Desire, doubt and confusion.
The present is not what it seems.

The future seems but a dream.
An empty gloom when we're not together,
and though unlimited it might seem,
it seems like loneliness forever,
because you are not here.
We gaze to the distant shore,
where you stand in the Light so clear,
which we may only see with the soul.

The present is not what it seems.
We are adrift in a sea of illusion.
Desire, doubt and confusion.
The present is not what it seems.

One day may we cross the sea.
Be beyond illusion forever,
together in that Light so clean,
at peace together forever,
when we pass beyond all dream.'
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Post by yalenusveler »

Andre reached down, picking up the fat old cat, cradling the feline in his arms as he listend to Lia's song, and Julisca's words. He then stepped forward himself.

"I..I'm not accustomed to public speaking. But I feel I need to say something." He managed to get out, still cradling the old cat in his arms. "We all can be too quick to judge others. To form harsh opinions. And yet in the end, those who we think the least of.. can prove themselves capable of the most." Andre took a second to compose himself, starting to tear up again.

"I barely knew Marilena. But in one night, and one morning, I realized there was something wonderful about her. A bit frightening yes, but still wonderful. Even knowing her for only the shortest of times, I feel as if today, a member of my own family has passed."

"No matter where I go, She will be remembered. What she did for all of us gathered here is the sort of thing that should not, and can not be forgotten." He looked down towards the earth, then up towards the sky "Say Hello to Bogdan for us, Marilena. And..again...Thank you."

The young professor looked about, and fidgeted a bit, still cradling Pumpkin, then stepped back to where he was before his little speech.

OOC:Diplomacy 23 to not sound like a complete git.
"Sometimes, Mr.Liquor cabinet is my only friend"