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Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:37 am
by Nathan of the FoS
VAN wrote:Dadarg who is still smoking, goes closer to Tarlyn and Roland.

"May I join you gentlemen? A nive talk is what we need as we waiting here. My name is Dadrag Sotris and I'm from Darkon. Have you ever been there?...Roland, right?"
OOC: don't know his name either! :lol: So much for no introductions tonight.

IC: "Darkon? No, never," Roland replies. "I was in Port-a-Lucine for a year. Roland Larouche, your servant, and yours, m'sieur," nodding politely to Tarlyn.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:48 am
by VAN
OOC> I know, but Dadarg was not far from there so he has heard hie name. :wink:

IC> "I have been to Port a Loucine a few times as well. It's a great place, the biggest port I think. But I prefer Martira Bay, I know that isn't very beatiful city and has... some criminals too, but alas it's my home and I love it. I guess that goes for you too, right?"

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:05 am
by steveflam
Tarlyn thinks a moment "I seem to remember having been to at least 2 places in Darkon. I think their name was Karg and the other escapes my memory it was near the sea though.".

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:11 am
by VAN
Dadrag's eyes flash at Tarlyn's words.

"Karg ah? Interesting city... You had a reason to be there or you just passing by?"

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 8:18 am
by steveflam
"Well as you may or may not know I am not from these lands, so I was passing through. Darkon is very different from any other place I did visit as it has the most undead I have ever seen!!" Tarlyn says with a laugh.

"I might want to visit this Richemulot place or maybe a place where there is a library some day. Any ideas?".

Tarlyn thinks a moment then his eyes light up "I think the name was Nevuchar Springs!!"

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:28 pm
by Pamela
Gertrude nodded then shook her head at Chicken Bone’s questions, then turned at the name. She looked at the young woman who appeared, and wondered to herself at the girl’s lack of attentiveness. What is the matter with her? She kept her face neutral at the request for the rooster. At least they eat it, she thought pragmatically.

She presented her hand to the voodan at his request, her heart beating a little faster at the request. Well, less likely to be possession this way, thank heavens…

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:05 pm
by VAN
"I have been to Nevuchar Springs recently, it's a slight different place than the rest of Darkon. Many elves live there. As about Richmulot, I have lived many years theer too, if you decide to go there, I can tell you a few names... you know to help you if need something. As about library I know there is one in Dementleu, probably in Port a Lousine, but I have never visited it. What are you searching by the way?"

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:14 pm
by steveflam
VAN wrote:"I have been to Nevuchar Springs recently, it's a slight different place than the rest of Darkon. Many elves live there. As about Richmulot, I have lived many years theer too, if you decide to go there, I can tell you a few names... you know to help you if need something. As about library I know there is one in Dementleu, probably in Port a Lousine, but I have never visited it. What are you searching by the way?"
Tarlyn mulls it over a moment "Well to be honest, I do not know. I can tell you one thing I am learning here and that is one important fact.KNOWLEDGE is most definitely power. Where I am from magic and gold is abundant. This is definitely not the case in these lands,Dadrag. So that being said, I am very curious about this "Ezra", about elves, about a great many things" he says, then leans in to Dadrag "And I am most curious about our "friends" up there as well as the gentleman they came to seek. Of course like you, my curiosity is piqued about our reason for being here." Tarlyn sips from his waterskin then continues "Lord Draxton mentioned some rather odd creatures from Ricemulot. These are not common where I am from, lest they belong to a guild frm what I have heard. What of you? DId you like RIchemulot and do you miss your home?".

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:25 pm
by VAN
"You are talking about wererats I suppose. They are filthy creatures that live under the cities at the sewers. They are shapechangers as werewolfs and wolfware. Richmulot would have been a great land without them." Says Dadrag and a hint of sorrow appears at his face.

"I prefer Darkon though, that's my homeland and despite I hate undead I always find a good reason to return there. Martira Bay is my town and I don't change it with any other."

Turning to Roland, Dadrag asks:

"What about Souragne? I have heard there are undead here too. Is that right? And what about Shapechangers, do you have any here?"

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:33 pm
by steveflam
Tarlyn notes the look of sorrow on Dadrag's face but says nothing So our friend Dadrag has had some previous experience or encounter with the wererats in the past. Vel'drav wun Richemulot xun izil lil Richemuleuse Usstan sieva=When in Richemulot do as the Richemuleuse I suppose. Wererat hunting sounds like a joyful task, and I'm lead to believe that Dadrag might be interested if nudged in the right way,judging by his reaction to the Wererats

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 6:46 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
VAN wrote:"What about Souragne? I have heard there are undead here too. Is that right? And what about Shapechangers, do you have any here?"
"Undead," Roland says. "You mean, the zombie?" Shaking his head, he jerks it up to indicate the tree-house above you. "Yes, we have here the zombie. In this house I have seen them. The shape-changer, you mean the loup-garou? I think we have few of them. There are tales...but I have never seen one. Or heard a story I believed."

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:05 pm
by steveflam
"Undead," Roland says. "You mean, the zombie?" Shaking his head, he jerks it up to indicate the tree-house above you. "Yes, we have here the zombie. In this house I have seen them. The shape-changer, you mean the loup-garou? I think we have few of them. There are tales...but I have never seen one. Or heard a story I believed."
Tarlyn frowns then understanding dawns.Chicken Bone deals in Zombies? So not only is he a powerful wizard but a necromancer possibly? The sooner we are out of here the better it will be for all of us I think.
Tarlyn looks at Dadrag questioningly then back to Roland,hoping Dadrag thinks like he does, and asks.
"Pardon me Roland but is this why you despise coming here, because Chicken Bone "specializes" in Zombies? Suddenly I don't feel so comfortable being near this gentleman either.You mean to say" Tarlyn looks up then back at Roland "That there are Zombies up there right now with our "friends"?". He looks at Dadrag again "Should we let them somehow know this? I don't like this".

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:37 pm
by Coan
Hiro seems somewhat annoyed by Tarlyn's comments on half breeds but does not speak. As the conversation rolls to locations he chimes in.

"I've also been to Darkon and most of the western and south lands of the continent. Each land seems to have its own rules as well as rulers." he says in reference to the creatures that plague different places.

Looking to Tarlyn from near the tree Hiro nods at the unease of a necromancer so close by. Shrugging his shoulders he leans against the trunk's bark and stretches for a possible battle.

"This is why I wanted someone to go up and scout." he remarks quietly "Shall we interrupt the meeting?"

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:47 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
tarlyn st-denfer wrote:"That there are Zombies up there right now with our "friends"?".
"Yes," Roland says. "At least...when I came...before. I saw one here."
He looks at Dadrag again "Should we let them somehow know this? I don't like this".
Looking back and forth between them, Roland asks incredulously, "You didn't know?" Pursing his lips in a silent whistle, he shakes his head again. At Dadrag's mention of interrupting the meeting, he looks alarmed--enough to reach out and touch Dadrag's arm. "No, do not! If you come while the loa is could be very bad. For everyone. The zombie, they are do you say? Not aggressive. They do only what the old gentleman says."

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 5:09 am
by steveflam
Looking back and forth between them, Roland asks incredulously, "You didn't know?" Pursing his lips in a silent whistle, he shakes his head again. At Dadrag's mention of interrupting the meeting, he looks alarmed--enough to reach out and touch Dadrag's arm. "No, do not! If you come while the loa is could be very bad. For everyone. The zombie, they are do you say? Not aggressive. They do only what the old gentleman says."
Looking at Roland Tarlyn says "Well Roland this is why I have been asking you about the gentleman upstairs. From my perspective as well as my acquaintances here, we have never heard of a zombie that is not aggressive." Tarlyn looks at both Coan and Dadrag to confirm this. "What is this 'LOA' you speak of?" he asks.