The trip to Shadowdale

Rafael's and Skybolt's Online Campaign
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Post by VAN »

"I still wonder how much you two have drunk this time! Shame on you Kel, you should watch Elvira. You know how much she loves drinking".Says Renad.

"I did Renad. I did watch her drinking and I have joined her! Please lower your voice, I've had a terrible headache."Says Kel.

"What about you Brethana? I hope you are a normal elf and you don't overreact."Says Renad."?

"It's terrible drink so much... without me Elvira! You are punishing me because I chose my magic instead of you right? But you know I could not resist it. The scrolls we got from the wizards are very good and I should get them to my spellbook. Actually I'll finish only tomorrow with them. You know, now I can detect undead and make a spellcaster unable to cast spells! I love magic." Says Inividil still excited with her scrolls.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by steveflam »

Thalar just sighs at the 2 hung over companions. I'll never understand the need to drink and get drunk. At least Inovidil is happy about her scrolls and gold

"I am as normal elf as any other elf from Sithicus, Renad. I do not drink because I like to keep my head straight and be able to think and be in control of myself" Brethana answers Renad.

"Guys, turn it down a little, my head is going to explode!"Moans Elvira.

Brethana giggles as she turns to Inovidil,,,"Maybe you have a spell for this "hangover" Inovidl?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!".

Ooc: ELminster did invent a spell for that but the name escapse me LOL. It can be found in the 2nd edition Forgotten Realms hard cover book which had new spells in it.
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Post by VAN »

OOC> I knew that the old Elminister loved the "good" life!

IC> Inovidil looks Bretaha and then her two drunk companions who are trying to get over the hangover.

"I wish I could do something about them, but I can't. I don't know a spell which can handle the drinking effects and for sure I don't want to ask my parents if they have one! I have passed the same and even worse with Elvira some time ago. I had headache for more than a day."

"Thalar, how is the training goes by the way?" Asks Renad who has noticed how excited has turned Brethana.

"True, do you like Thalar as teacher Breathana? What do you think, you gonna be ranger?" Asks Inovidil paying a sideglance to Elvira.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by steveflam »

"Um I like the training yes and a Ranger sounds interesting to me. I do like Thalar's way of proceeding in the forest and how he pay sattention to very detail. It might be good for me to learn that, that way I won't be in such a rush to fight!"Brethana smiles and looks to Thalar "Might we practice some more today?These 2 need to recover anyways!"

"Yes Brethana we can practice, at the same place as yesterday. Let's go and leave these 2 to their aches and pains." He laughs then they leave for Brethana's practice.

Elvira opens her eyes and smiles crookedly at Inovidil"Oh darn they left. Yeah I do wonder if she likes him only as a teacher too!Oh my head!".

Thalar and Brethana spend the day practicing both swordplay and apprenticing Brethana as a Ranger.
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Post by VAN »

After the meal Inovidil heads up again and continues with the scrolls. Renad goes for a walk at the town and Kel goes up to sleep.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by steveflam »

Elvira does the same as Kel.
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Post by steveflam »

The next morning at breakfast, Thalar speaks as they eat. "Well I have been on this road before, and it will take several weeks to go to the next town, Soubar. We should all get supplies here now, along with some rations, but I think with Brethana and I hunting and foraging, we shall not be lacking food. Make sure the horses are ready and eat what you can now, we're off after breakfast guys".

Thalar sits back and digests the last "decent" meal he'll have for a while. Well the road for all of us isn't so bad. We'll grow to now each other even more, and Brethana will fit in even better, I think. If she keeps on as she is now, she'll become a good ranger indeed He looks at Brethana and smiles, then sits back again and relaxes.

"Many weeks on the road? That is a long time. Will we have time to practice together, Thalar? That's important to me. I enjoy learning about my new weapon and the ranger ways" she smiles shyly and continues on "Maybe Elvira can start to slowly teach me how to use 2 weapons?I don't want to bother you Elvira, but it seems like it might be a good thing if I learn this technique" she smiles at Elvira then gets back to her breakfast.

Elvira giggles then looks at Brethana "Well if you can fit me into your busy schedule with Thalar" wiggling her eyebrows at Brethana she goes on. "I'd be glad to. It can be a very effective technique, especially since you can attack two times instead of once! You might even be able to engage two opponents! That's the fun part, Brethana." Elvira gets back to her meal and devours it , ordering her 2nd breakfast while the other still eat their breakfast. "Inovidil, ya think Thalar will leave me some time with Brethana" Elvira giggles then laughs hard, almost choking on her bacon. Swallowing hard she winks at Inovidil then keeps eating.
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Post by VAN »

"I'm sure he will. The problem is if he decides to leave very much time to you two..." Says Inovidil and then continues addressing Thalar"

"Listen Thalar, you are the ranger here and it's with you that Brethana should pass more of her free time, then she will practice with Elvira. Right?"

"Leave them alone, it's not your business how they decide to spend their time."Says Renad.

"Renad, why are you bother to mess with the girls? You know that they will never listen you."Says Kel smiling to Inovidil and to the halfling.

"Oh and by the way, what was the ring we have find Ino?" Sasy Kel pointing at the witch's finger.

"Ah, it's a good one. It can protects you, it deflects the attacks. I have keeped it myself since I'm the most vulnerable here!"Says Inovidil admiring her new ring.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by VAN »

After breakfst the party get their horses and begin their trip again. After nearly a month they see in front of them the town Soubar.

"Ah, we finally arrived. I'm so tired. Let's hurry get there I need a bed and a decent food."Says Inovidil.

"Indeed, I'm starving too. The last 2 days were terrible. I was about to believe that would never stop raining. Plus, with that rain Thalar couldn't hunt and we should eat Renad's magic food. Without offence my friend, but your created food was horrible." Says Kel.

"You should thank Pelor that gave me the possibility to feed you. I know that the soup it's not the best, but it was sustient." Says Renad.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by steveflam »

"I'm hungry as well, guys and my behind is sore as well" Elvira says as she disembarks from her horse. "Let's find an Inn and rooms, I'm starved!" Thank god we are here, I dont think Ive ever been so glad to see people!

Brethana disembarks as well and stretches"I think it will actually be nice to sleep in a bed!Imagine me saying that!For some reason I'm not as hungry or tired" Looking at the ring quizzically then to Inovidil "This ring works!Maybe there is something to magic after all,but I wont accept it totally yet. It seems to cost too much money!"she laughs at that.

Thalar disembarks from his horse too. "Well let us find an Inn and have a hot meal, guys. Then relax by the fire. tomorrow we can decide what we are going to do."
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Post by VAN »

"I have told you, You should trust me more Brethana."Says Inovidil with a smile.

Afer half an hour, Inovidil says:

"Look guys, I think I saw an inn overthere. The sun is almost down, so lets hurry." Says Inovidil and heads to the inn. The others follow her in close disatnce.

"May I help you?"Asks a man over sixty, short and quite bold.

"Yes, thank you. We need two rooms. Each room with 3 beds."Says Renad politely.

The man notices the holy symbol at Renad's chest and immediately the tone of his voice has changed.

"You must be a cleric. I have 2 rooms, but unfortunately they have 4 beds. You should get them or get 3 rooms with 2 beds each. Do you care for meals too? I will do a good price to a Pelor's fellow and its friends."
Last edited by VAN on Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Post by steveflam »

Thalar answers for everyone "Yes 3 rooms will do. Might we get food as well? Have you not seen a cleric before,sir? He is a very good man incase you were wondering".....

"CAn we get food, please?I'm hungry!" Elvira's stomach grumbles so loud everyone hears it.

"Inovidil I trust you but magic is expensive" Brethana giggles. "I do like this ring though, it is pretty. I am kind of hungry myself, maybe we will get a good hot meal soon".
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Post by VAN »

The innkeeper looks the elf a bit embarashed.

"Of course I have, but it's kind rare to see one here. Well, you will have your rooms ready in about an hour. If you are hungry, you can have dinner here as you waiting. If you want to have a walk, it's better..."
He looks out of the window noticing that the sun is almost down.

"It's better wait till tomorrow. This is a big city and you might get lost." Says with a trmble at his voice.

Renad has noticed the slight change at the man's voice so he asks:

"It's everything allright sir?"

"Yes. of course... everything is ok. This way please." Says motioning them to follow him to the dinning room.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Post by steveflam »

Brethana frowns and puts her hand on the man's arm gently. "Why would it be better if we go out tomorrow?The evening is a nice time to enjoy a walk as much as the day, friend" smiling at him.

Thalar puts a hand on Brethana and pulls her back. "Let the man some room, let's not overwhelm him guys. Are you saying it is safer to be out in the day, sir?It is rare to see a cleric here, why?"

"I'm hungry guys, I'm gonna go eat" Elvira turns and goes to the dinig room and finds a table.
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Post by VAN »

"No, I haven't said that our town it's not safe the evening. I have just said that is safer during the day. You know sometimes strangers go out the night and they get lost. We never found them. As about clerics, I think it's only a coincidence. Clerics use to stay at their temples not being adventurers, like you I suppose."Says the innkeeper looking Renad.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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