QTR 28 errata

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QTR 28 errata

Post by Joël of the FoS »

As I did last year, I'll do in December a final version of QtR28.

If you have errata, want to add things, or point for me editing/formatting mistakes, let me know here.

Please post name of article, and tell me where the fix is needed : page, column one or two, paragraph start with ... Don't make me search the whole book :)

Then describe the fix needed.

Post them here before December 3rd?


To follow what needs to be done, I'll add a note that the correction / change / addition has been added to the book, so if you want to edit your change, make another post!
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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

In Conch Shell of Dagon there is a table missing (page 354), it was after Special (Child of Dagon) table. It is for more extreme (Cthullu-like) transformations. It was missed in
editing so I will add it here:

If a character rolls a special transformation roll on two consequent times the transformation takes a new turn as the transformative power of the Conch Shell of Dagon becomes
more extreme, slowly transforming the individual into a broken one, an amalgam of man, fish and octopus. If a second special consequent roll is rolled the character becomes a
broken one and it's descrription changes to aberration.

Roll 1d6 to see which part of the body changes first and then for the second change choose one more capability from the Broken One template.

1 One leg becomes a tentacle, the character gains a slam attack 1d4+3 but moves 5ft slower, OR +6

2 The character's body becomes soft, rubbery and pliable like a molusk's, characters can flatten their body allowing them to slip into spaces with at least a 1-inch gap, OR +6

3 One arm becomes a tentacle, character can attack for 1d4+3 damage but loses any feat that needs the use of that hand. If the tentacle hits it's target, it may immediatlely
attempt to grapple it without provoking an attack of opportunity as if having the Improved Grab (Ex) ability. If it wins the grapple it establishes a hold and may immediately
constrict the foe for damage equal to it's base tentacle attack, OR+6

4 Character's skin gains chromatophore cells that can change color based on the characters activity or surrounding gaining camouflage when standing still DC 24 spot check
to notice, +4 Hidding checks, OR+1

5 Torso grows a swarm of tentacles. They grasp and entwine around creatures within 5ft holding them fast and crushing them with great strength. Every creature attacked
must make a grapple check, opposed by the grapple check of the tentacles. Once the tentacles grapple an opponent, they may make a grapple check each round to deal
1d6+4 points of bludgeoning damage. OR+6

6 Head transforms insto a swarm of tentacles resembling an eyless illithid, the character gains blind sight. Once the tentacles grapple an opponent, they may make a grapple
check each round to deal 1d4+3 points of bludgeoning damage. OR +7

Last edited by Mephisto of the FoS on Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Falkovnian Rebels page 217 after the first paragraph "events of rebellion VladDrakov’s life and important events of rebellion." we could add the following...

Dread Possibility: False Flag Operations
Each assassination attempt described is not necessarily a historical fact, it may be a fixed event created by payed foreign provocateurs or random events that are used as a "cause" to "justify" an invasion to a neighbouring domain or an attack on the populace.

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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Abbreviations... since rock commented on having to try to find the classes referred in the Conch Shell article maybe they can be fully written.

Cedrik Paddock p.322
Trans3/ FoS1/Druid5/MoMF
Transmuter3/ Fraternity of Shadows1/ Druid5/ Master of Many Forms3 (Complete Adventurer variant, p. 58)

Douglas Danton p.330
Clr5/ AnI4
Cleric5/ Anchorite Inquisitor4 (Heroes of Light - pp14-16)

Lady Alinda Crawford p.334
Fighter4 / Blessed Defender3 (Heroes of Light p.26-28)

Dame Dominique p.344
Brd2/Ari3/Pr3/ ToD4
Bard2/ Aristocrat3/ Cleric3/ Thrall of Dagon4

Last edited by Mephisto of the FoS on Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Sins of the Father
Vigo Dragov alignment in his stats on page 205 are written (chaotic evil) that is my mistake, I forgot to correct that, he is Neutral Evil.

Spawn of the Lizard

page 226 the title of that section should be The Dragon, the Forgotten Emperor Basiliskis (it writes Basiliscus which is another character... honest mistake though)

Image relocation if possible...
page 232 the image is that of Bakiliskis but it accompanies the section titled Basilisk the Freedom Fighter and is a bit confusing. I suggest if it possible to move the image to page 231 before the Dread Possibility: An Ancient Bloodline and move the illustration with the reptilian eyes maybe to page 234 under the The testimony of Niklaus Kaiserhof, I believe it can fit there. If not maybe the reptilian eyes may fit in page 245. If that isn't possible too then if you replace the small lizard on page 236 (on the left under the Dread Possibilities) with the eyes, I am sure it fits there and and erase that small lizard from the article. Then again you can let it as it is, the portraits are obvious in the character stats anyway.

Cyclops Page 258 the quote is by ― Ira Levin, The Boys from Brazil (the "L" is missing in Brazil)

Conch Shell page 362 the adventure idea: The Shadow Kingdom is from another article (erase it :inza: ).

Overall very nice editing work. Thank you guys for all the time you've spent working on it.

Last edited by Mephisto of the FoS on Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:38 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Hell_Born »

The author naming convention for my articles needs to be standardized. Hands Stained With Shadow, A Primer to the Umbra Peoples, Judgement on Silent Wings and Students of Sylvan Sorcery should all have the author displayed as Jonathon "Hell_Born" Crawford.

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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Joël of the FoS »

Mephisto wrote:Abbreviations... since rock commented on having to try to find the classes referred in the Conch Shell article maybe they can be fully written.
I had a list of PrC abreviations somewhere, but now I can't find it.

But it's indeed a good idea to fully write the class names the first time being used in the article, then switch to the abreviation if mentioned again.
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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by tomokaicho »

Mephisto wrote:Falkovnian Rebels page 217 after the first paragraph "events of rebellion VladDrakov’s life and important events of rebellion." we could add the following...

Dread Possibility: False Flag Operations
Each assassination attempt described is not necessarily a historical fact, it may be a fixed event created by payed foreign provocateurs or random events that are used as a "cause" to "justify" an invasion to a neighbouring domain or an attack on the populace.
Or performed by the PCs. Instead of some of the attempts occuring in the past, the PCs are asked to do it. They might even be parties for a false flag.
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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

tomokaicho wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Falkovnian Rebels page 217 after the first paragraph "events of rebellion VladDrakov’s life and important events of rebellion." we could add the following...

Dread Possibility: False Flag Operations
Each assassination attempt described is not necessarily a historical fact, it may be a fixed event created by payed foreign provocateurs or random events that are used as a "cause" to "justify" an invasion to a neighbouring domain or an attack on the populace.
Or performed by the PCs. Instead of some of the attempts occuring in the past, the PCs are asked to do it. They might even be parties for a false flag.
so maybe write it as...

Falkovnian Rebels page 217 after the first paragraph's "events of rebellion VladDrakov’s life and important events of rebellion." we could add the following...

Dread Possibility: False Flag Operations
Each assassination attempt described is not necessarily a historical fact, it may be a fixed event orchestrated under Drakov's orders, to be realize by payed foreign provocateurs or τηευ μαυ βε random events that are used as a propaganda to "justify" an invasion to a neighbouring domain or an attack on the populace. Some of these may have never actually happened, being only fake news created for Drakov's own purposes but they can also be used as adventure ideas that involve the PCs.

Last edited by Mephisto of the FoS on Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:34 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Cyclops p.258 in the 2nd paragraph add the parenthesis in the text

Overseeing the projects of the ministry is Falkfuhrer Vjorn Horstmann, also known as “The Cyclops,” because of a damaged left eye (a result of a failed corporeal purifier
) that he doesn’t bother to cover.[/i]

Horstman's stats needed a rewrite...

Falkfuhrer Vjorn Horstman
Human Artificer 5/ Alchemical Philosopher 7, Medium male, (5ft.56” tall) CR 13;
HD 5d6+7d4; hp 35; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12,
flat-footed 10
Base Atk: +6; Atk +6 melee by weapon, Range Attack
+8 (vials of acid) (darts with Primal Serum); Full Atk
melee +6 (melee) by weapon
SA Cause lycanthropy; SQ Alchemical formulas, Infusions
immune to lycanthropy; AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will+13;

Str 12, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 7

Skills: Craft (alchemy) +27, Craft (poison making) +12, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Concentration +17, Decipher Script +15, Heal +20, Innuendo +7, Knowledge (shapechanger) +21, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +15 (+2), Use Magic Device +10 (+2*)(+4 scrolls), Appraise +10 (+2 potions), Search +10, Bluff +5, Intimidate +7,

Feat: Brew Potion, Spell Focus (Transmutation), Cold-Hearted, Create Device, Logical Mind, Skill Focus (Alchemy), Superior Alchemy, Laborious Training, Disable Trap, Item Creation, Scribe Scroll, Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Homunculus, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Retain Essence, Artificer Knowledge +9, Artisan bonus (+2*)

Corporeal Purifier, Emotional Purgative, Memory Coagulant, Regenerative Salve, Corporeal Purgative, Philosophical Purifier, Primal Serum

Infusions (4/4/2) DC14+spell lvl

Also add in the end of the article (the Cycop's Legacy) the following

Special thanks to tomokaicho for insight on the use of the Artificer PrC. for Vjorn Horstman.

Last edited by Mephisto of the FoS on Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:35 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Spawn of the Lizard p. 249 the last paragraph in gray (the phrases the odem uses) should have Nameless One with bold black letters instead of just Nameless

As for the Abbreviations I wrote them above...

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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Jeremy16 »

I'll throw Joel a bone and give him an easy one to fix...

In my article, "Olerick's Guide" on page 115 there is a header that isn't formatted right:

The Hive of the Whipperwelts (Sithicus)


Last edited by Jeremy16 on Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Joël of the FoS »

Jeremy16 wrote:I'll throw Jester a bone and give him an easy one to fix....
You mean me, Joël ;)
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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Mephisto wrote:Cedrik Paddock p.322
Trans3/ FoS1/Druid5/MoMF
Transmuter3/ Fraternity of Shadows1/ Druid5/ Master of Many Forms3 (Complete Adventurer variant, p. 58)
Speaking of errata, shouldn't ole C.D. have a higher score in Knowledge (Ravenloft)? I seem to recall his modifier is +3, when he's meant to have maxed-out cross-class ranks in the skill as a prerequisite for entering the FoS Prc.
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Re: QTR 28 errata

Post by Jeremy16 »

Joël of the FoS wrote:
Jeremy16 wrote:I'll throw Jester a bone and give him an easy one to fix....
You mean me, Joël ;)
Corrected! Sorry, it seems my inability to remember names extends even into the web-o-sphere!
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