Van Richten's Arsenal ?'s

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Van Richten
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Van Richten's Arsenal ?'s

Post by Van Richten »

I was just wondering why this book does not have VR's personal items he used and tale about them? At the very least it could have told about his cane. To find out about VR's items was why I purchased the book to begin with.

By the way QtR #2 Heinrich's Curiosities, Great work Jester.

Does anyone know anything about VR's cane or magic lantern?
The Wannabe
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Post by The Wannabe »

No, I don't know anything specific, but I once had him use a cane with a sliver sword blade concealed inside and filled with holy water.

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Post by Van Richten »

I have used the sword cane my self, but the Holy Water interesting ideal.
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Post by The Wannabe »

Actually, it might have been holy oil, now that I cast my mind back. The whole idea was to have the blade coated every time it was sheathed, so the first two or three blows were the most effective.
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Jester of the FoS
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Post by Jester of the FoS »

Well, the arsenal VRA spoke of had less to do with him as a person and more an arsenal for the players/heroes. And technically, most of VanRichten's 'arsenal' was knowledge, so the book was quite apt in that respect.
Don't know much about either, sorry.

Thanks for the positive feedback. Stating VanRichten was something I enjoyed doing but I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable doing it know with what I know about WotC's thoughts on fan updates. Adding the small collection of items was fun and I loved coming up with the backgrounds of them.
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Van Richten
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Post by Van Richten »

I do agree with you Jester, about VR Arsenal book, it did have lots of good stuff in it. Not a bad book at all.

But by the name of it I just thought it would have VR's personal items.
I wonder if that material could have been cut?
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Post by Kel-nage »

I think it was just following the standard naming tradition of Van Richten's X (you don't expect Van Richten to have colonies of Vampires, Created, Ghosts etc. do you?)

I guess they left out the "Guide To", Van Richten's Guide to Arsenal sounds like an English football manual and Van Richten's Guide to Weapons/anything else just doesn't describe it properly.
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Van Richten
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Post by Van Richten »

Why did the book tale the life of VR then?
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

Van Richten wrote:Why did the book tale the life of VR then?
Because there were (presumably) newbie gamers out there, who weren't involved in 2E-era Ravenloft, and had no idea who he was.
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Lord Cyclohexane
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Post by Lord Cyclohexane »

Van Richten wrote:Why did the book tale the life of VR then?
Probably because all of Van Richten's self-penned books began with his life. It's a great introduction to explain the credentials of the author and thus confirm that the author knows what (s)he's talking about. Van Richten's Arsenal continues this tradition.

I realize that having a short bio seems odd to us, real-world readers, but it would be quite helpful to the Ravenloft natives who are picking up a copy of Van Richten's Arsenal.
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Van Richten
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Post by Van Richten »

The VR bio followed by (Now let us tell you about some of VR's personal items) would have been nice to read. :lol:

Rotipher, I like your quote by the way.
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Lord Cyclohexane
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Post by Lord Cyclohexane »

Well, there was an old Dragon article describing Van Richten's herbalist shop in Mordentshire. It's been a long while since I last read it, but I remember that had a few of this things.
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Post by Van Richten »

D #260 I have been looking for a PDF of that very mag. for awhile now. Every where is out of stock. I have seen the mag on ebay afew times as well.

I was able to find the map for VR's shop though.
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Post by The Giamarga »

You can find Dragon 260 on ebay for less than $ 2.

The article lists 6 special items, each with three options for the actual magical (or quasimagical or mundane) powers. One of those options is often contrary to the supposed power. They are:

- The Chime of the Beast
A small bell from Sri Raji, made from the silver of holy symbols and from silve that was used to kill a werebeast. It supposedly tinkles when a werebeast of a certain type (the one that was killed with the silver) passes underneath.
(Options: reacts to any werebeast; activates only for infected lycanthropes of one type; activates whenever one who has killed a werebeast passes underneath )

- Fiendguard
A weather vane made of cold iron, with a pointer made from metal that was once part of a good church. It supposedly protects a building by forbidding fiends entry. It was found in the cellar by the twins and placed on the roof. Though if they knew that it must be kissed by an innocent child to function is not mentioned.
(Options: works as believed, a fiend that tries to destroy it suffers 3d10 damage; works as beleived, any fiend that physically contacts it suffers 3d10 damage; doesn't worka at all, +5% to gate in other fiends)

-Mirror of Protection
This is a silvery mirror that VR brought back fromone of his last expeditions. It's means of creation are unknown and it is unclear it if relly works at all. It supposedly reveals the true appearance (and eny mental influence) of someone standing before it. It even functions as a mirror of life trapping with the command words "vek dit uhyre" and "tilbag dit uhyre". It is hung inside the door of his shop and the twins carefully scrutinize any customer who passes it.
(Options: it only reflects vampires in addition to normal people, no other functions; it reveals polymorphed and magically influenced beings, but nothing more; no function, only mildly enchanted to a polished look )

-Amulets of Safekeeping
These unadorned steel or silver amulets on silver chains, have a tiny latch and lid which can be opened. (though some are welded shut.) Inside is a bit of fure or skin of a creature against which the amulet is supposed to protects by forbidding any physical attacks from creatures of that type on the wearer. They must be forged by a blacksmith of pure heart, using metal blessed by a good priest. Afterwards tgeymust be blessed again. So far the twins have not created any amulets, they have yet to find a qualified blacksmith.
(Options: function as believed, plus +1 to resist mindaffecting powers from the creature; work only against corporeal undead; do not protect against physical attacks but grant +2 to resist mindaffecting powers from the creature)

-Set's Ointment
A grayish salve made from rare herbs, ox grease, and ground mummy wrappings. the recipe was revealed to VR by nomads during his last visit to the Amber Wastes. The ointment supposedly protects the wearer from the harsh sun and the dreaded disease-causing touch of mummies. There's a sizable supply, but neither ofthe twins have yet brought themselves to test it.
(Options: prevents mummy rot but only for 2d4 strikes; prevents mummy rot but its smell attracts insects and hungry wild beasts; grants a save vs poison to resist mummy rot for the first 2d4 attacks)

-Hosts Revenge
These wards must be attached to a house and can take many forms. (commonly a doorknocker) Theys originate from Dementlieu and many stories circulate about their powers. they can be created from any metal but the metal must contain 13 silver pieces that were once owned by a man who was betrayed by his dearest friend. If anyone enters into a home protected by themand accepst the hospitality of a resident, any slight against those who dwell there will be visited upon the offender tenfold. For example a petty thief who accepts a lady's invitation to tea will find himself robbed of all belongings if he pinches so much as silver spoon. Guests who utter an unkind word about a host froma protected house may find their own reputations ruined. The knowcker on Van Richtens Shop is one of these wards. As of yet the twins do not know wether it works.
(Options: casts a curse on the errant guest that ranges from embarassing to lethal; works only on people who have already failed a powers check plus doubles the chance of failure on next powers check; only causes the offender to have horrible nightmares until the act is somehow rectified, after 1 week the person starts to loose 1 Con point per day from lack of sleep.)
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Van Richten
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Post by Van Richten »

Lord Cyclohexane was kind enough to send me a PDF of the article. Great article I am going to include parts of it in the Van Richten Netbook. I liked the parts telling about VR's favorite cane :D
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