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Resonance of Twilight: Player Poll

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:17 pm
by Desertrising
Hey some people have already gotten me chars and backgrounds, I love to run "intro" stories and was wondering how the rest of you feel about me doing this. I would just go ahead with it but I don't want anyone to feel like I am leaving them behind as they get characters ready.

Please answer the poll and feel free to leave comments.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:41 pm
by Strahdsbuddy
I say give it a week, see who is in. So...who's in?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:17 pm
by Desertrising
Yeah I am leaning that way, I just had a bit of a sudden fiend attack to get going. Don't worry it is calming down.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:16 am
by HuManBing
I'm in the middle of moving house but I promise I will get my character data to you tonight before midnight. I will do this by email and also post my data on the OOC thread. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:21 am
by Desertrising
No problem, I am patient, know it does not appear that way, but I really am patient.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:21 pm
by WolfKook
HuManBing wrote:I'm in the middle of moving house but I promise I will get my character data to you tonight before midnight. I will do this by email and also post my data on the OOC thread. :)
Same here. I'm still deciding what character I'm gonna play (I'm between an old human blacksmith with a tortured past who hears the call of the paladin after losing his son, a young half-elf trying to conceal her heritage who just happens to discover her sorcerous powers, and a misterious and manipulative human aristocrat with interests in the occult. If you favor anyone of them over the others, please help me decide :wink:). I promise I'll make my mind and send you the completed character tonight.

However, I voted "go ahead". I'm not against you starting introductions right away and catching up later.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:50 pm
by HuManBing
"Master Florian Reinhardt"
Male Lamordian (?) Rogue 1
Str 8
Dex 16
Con 10
Int 14
Wis 12
Cha 16

F/R/W: 0/2/0 (+ 0/3/1) = 0/5/1

Special: Sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding

Skills: Points to spend 40

Appraise 1
Balance 1
Bluff 4
Climb 1
Dec Script 1
Diplomacy 2
Disguise 3
Esc Artist 1
Forgery 4
Gath Info 4
Intimidate 2
Listen 1
Move Sil 1
Open Lock 1
Perform 4
S Motive 4
SoHand 4
Tumble 1

Dementlieuvian, Lamordian, Mordentish

Weapon finesse


Florian Reinhardt is the classical neglected youngest son of a noble family - tall, well-groomed, and easy on the eyes, with an air of effortless courtesy about him. He is actually a card shark and a dice cheat, earning his living through fleecing the rich and foolish. However, he is also a good "face" man to have in a party, and he has been known to develop attachments of loyalty to friends.

He learned to fence as a young man, but only uses his rapier in emergencies or in duels. He much prefers to let his words do the talking, charming people into doing as he wishes.

Florian has spent enough time in taverns and lowlife houses to blend in reasonably well with them. This gives him a good source of information to gather.

Florian likes strawberries. He also likes women. But for fundamentally different things.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:19 pm
by Desertrising
Looks good, should be an interesting character. Any chance you can send him to my PMB? that way I don't have to wade through piles of threads if I need to look something up?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:26 pm
by Strahdsbuddy
Guess i should post here as well:

Human Expert , 1st Level.

STR 8 -1
DEX 13 +1
CON 8 -1
INT 17 +3
WIS 14 +2
CHA 15 +2

REF +1

Skills 6+INTx10 (Experts select 10 skills to be "class skills")
Class Skills: Knowledge, Diplomacy, Profession, Bluff, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Appraise, Gather information, Decipher Script, Perform

Simple Weapons, Light armor, no shields

Languages: Mordentish, Balok, Darkonese, Falkovnian (Skill), Vaasi (Skill)

Knowledge (history) 4
Knowledge (geography) 4
Gather Information 4
Sense Motive 4
Perform 4
Profession: Writer 2
Decipher Script 2
Bluff 4
Appraise 2
Diplomacy 4
Speak Language-Falkovnian
Speak Language-Vaasi

Feats: University Education, Eidetic Memory (Both from Heroes of Light)

Possessions: Light Crossbow, Dagger, Leather armor, Traveller's clothes, Scholar's Clothes, Backpack, 25' Hemp rope, 6 Scrollcases, 50 sheets parchment, 20 candles, 2 vials of ink, quill, featherduster, 20 GP.

Mortimer is the son of modest fishermen from the southern Mordent coast. His grandfather moved from Barovia to Mordent when his cousin, Felix, founded the Lawful Good sect of the Church of Ezra. The Wachters lived a quiet, pious life in Glenwich. Mortimer was a helpful youth, but it was obvious to his family that the sea did not hold his fortune. His parents and brother pooled their resources and called on the charity of the Church in order to send him to University in Port-a-Lucine.

Mortimer was a fast study, and a lover of history, including the folk tales that made up the majority of some realms' history. Studying maps and written records made him a bright light in the relatively difficult field of the Core's history. His flair for writing made his treatises not only informative, but also a good read. He supplemented his study with writing for the stage, achieving middling success and mild fame in the theatre circles.

It was here he met Phaedra, a young actress and fellow student. They had a torrid romance, which she abruptly cut short. Mortimer pressed her for a reason, but she gave none. Mortimer suspected her of having another lover, and tried for months to discover who it was. After a long search, he finally realized that Phaedra was trying to protect him. Her "lover" was none other than Dominc d'Honaire, and though she was repulsed by him, she also feared him and what he may do to Mortimer if she were to rebuke him. So she took on her most harrowing role, she began playing the part of someone that no longer loved Mortimer, and was receptive to Dominic. It was a dangerous game, and once Mortimer understood his place in it, he left Dementlieu and prayed to the Guardian that Phaedra knew what she was doing.

Mortimer has recently arrived in Mordentshire. He presented himself to Jules Weathermay and has offered to work as his biographer. Mortimer spends his time between Heather House and the Mordent Cartographic Society, as well as the Chapel of Pure Hearts. He has built a lot of fast friendships in town in the few months he has been back. He is known to spend time at the Blackard inn and the Beached Mermaid, trying to find clues on the goings-on of Port-a-Lucine, hoping to hear something of his dear Phaedra.

Mortimer is likeable and intelligent. He makes friends easily and has a tendancy to learn more about new acquaintances than he reveals to them. He had one encounter with d'Honaire before he left, and had Phaedra not intervened, he may very well have been destroyed. Still, Mortimer feels like he made an impression. In fact, while Mortimer is afraid of d'Honaire, he feels like the pendulum swings both ways.

Mortimer's one true fear is intrigue. He has discovered how deeply intwined Dominic is in Port-a-Lucine, and it has shattered his trust to the core. He over-thinks people's motivations. He second-guesses himself, afraid that even when he feels he is making the right decision, he is playing into the hands of some mastermind's plots.

Mortimer has contacts in Dementlieu's scholarly and theatre circles, as well as a few friends in Societie d'Legerdemaine. The Weathermays have accepted him as a part of the family, entertaining his interviews for the purpose of their patriarch's biography. He is a member of the Church of Ezra, as well as a popular storyteller in Mordent's taverns.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:49 pm
by Desertrising
Okay I have three out of five chars, I have contacted the two that are still out and as soon as I know what is up we will get started.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:57 pm
by WolfKook
Melissa Verity Crawford
Human Aristocrat Level 1, True Neutral
Black Hair, Blue Eyes, Fair Skin
Orphan, Atheist

Strength 10 ( - )
Dexterity 16 (+3)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 16 (+3)
Wisdom 8 (-1)
Charisma 12 (+1)

Size M Speed 30 HP 10 Init +3
AC 15 (Touch 13, FF 12)
BAB +0 (+0 Melee, +3 Missile)
STs Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +1

Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, all kinds of armors and shields.
Skills: Diplomacy +3, Gather Information +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Knowledge (Local) +7, Listen +3, Ride +5, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft 5, Spot 3.
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms), Weapon Finesse
Equipment: Pistol (10 bullets), Whip, Rapier, Dagger, Leather Armor (She has rather quick access to other equipment, as needed, within logic -I promise not to abuse this, and hope you allow).

Melissa is a young, slender woman, of about 20 years, with fair skin, raven black hair and beautiful blue eyes. She has an ample wardrobe, and tries to vary it as much as possible, but in her adventure usually wears riding pants and boots, and a white blouse under a simple leather armor made to fit her figure. She usually ties her hair when in such conditions, sometimes using also a riding hat.
Background: Melissa's parents -members of a prominent and wealthy Mordentish family -died in a terrible accident when she was very young, leaving her and her brother Roderick (Who was older by almost a decade) in the hands of their uncle, a relatively young but somehow oblivious and distant man who barely spent time with his younger relatives, always making trips or spending time alone in his office. In the meantime, however, Melissa and her brother had everything they could ask for, as soon as they asked, and Melissa grew up as a spoiled child.
But things changed suddenly when, at her 12th birthday, her uncle died a sudden and horrible death, leaving her and her brother alone just a month before he turned 30. In the funeral, they overheard something about a family curse, but paid little heed to it. They went on with their lives, helped by their uncle's faithful butler, and her brother began taking care of business. Life continued as usual, and both became oblivious of the curse for several years. But then Roderick began behaving oddly, and Melissa became concerned with him.
He told her that he had discovered a secret library of their uncle's a couple of years ago, and had found there a lot of information about their genealogy, and found out that the stories about the family curse seemed to be true: For at least 7 generations, no man or woman bearing the Crawford name had survived to see their 30th birthday. Their uncle also seemed to have been obsessed with occult lore, having delved in the natures of curses, in vistani lore, magic and the nature of the world.
As Roderick neared his 28th birthday, he became so obsessed with these things (Which Melissa prefered not to believe), that she had to stay with him to take care of him, as he immersed more and more in his delusions. Two years passed, and one day Roderick disappeared from his room. He was found two weeks later, dead, after a horrible accident. It was then when Melissa started to see things a little more seriously.
Current Sketch: Melissa is young and naive, and just a little arrogant and proud. She believes people are just meant to fulfill her wishes, not because she is mean, but because she was raised that way. However, she's now alone in this world: Jules, her uncle's faithful butler, remains her only company, and she has begun to act a little more respectful of him and her other servants. In the last months, after being recognized for her common public appearances, she has secluded herself, and started devouring every bit of information from her uncle's library. She has gained a lot of useful information from it, and from her recent visits to Van Richten's shop, but she hasn't found what she's looking for. She fears the curse, even if it's more than 10 years ahead of her, and she wants to discover its origins, and what can she do to stop it before it catches her. And she would do anything in her power to get that Damocles's sword off her head. On recomendation of the Weathermay twins (Who had always find her a little spoiled and annoying, but had agreed to help her with books and information on her quest), she has started training against the creatures of the night, but she's undecided yet if it would be the path of the sword or the arcane path she will end up following on her quest. She doesn't give away too much information on what she knows or about her family's curse right away: She has found it's often useful to pretend to be less smart than she is.

The good thing: I see obvious relationship with the other characters, judging from their concepts :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:20 pm
by Desertrising
Yeah, this is looking like a pretty solid group. Even if the other two don't show, I think the three of you will make a fine party of adventurers. My mind is already swirling with all the rich backgrounds and I am most certainly going to be pulling on them (hope you all don't mind).

Wow I am really getting psyched for this campaign, I think you guys are going to really make telling this story easy as well as add in your own touches. I feel blessed to have such a group.

Anyway got to get back too work exploring the fascinating world of scrap metal (freelancing sounded so much more posh before I started doing it)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:36 pm
by Strahdsbuddy
With the CHarisma scores of Mortimer and Florian we'll be running the Mordentshire social circles for months. We are the WILD and CRAZY GUYS!

(Sorry, couldn't help it)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:59 pm
by HuManBing
Pssst... wanna help out with a little... *ahem* "charitable scheme" I'm running?

I hear the Duc du Lussac will be holding a soirée at his chateau three weeks hence. I happen to know of a girl in his employ, and after some... cajoling... she volunteered that his Lordship is very fond of Valley Wines.

What luck, then, that Kristian at the vintner owes me a favor for catching the eye of Elouise for him during that market fayre three months ago. He has promised me a superb Batard-Montrachet at a fraction of the price. Just perfect for the Duc.

Of course, I'll need somebody to give it to him at the party. I hope you wouldn't mind, good Mortimer? The man shares your passion for knowledge and would relish any conversation about the alkalinity levels in the leewards hillfaces and why it reduces the astringency of the d'Entavis brews.

You wouldn't mind just... keeping him entertained? I'd love to speak to him myself, only I'm down to meet Lady Elga Lussac in her parlor for a business proposal, and then a round of bridge later...

(Vote Cthulhu for President! Solve the border problem once and for all!)

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:01 am
by Desertrising

This is definitely going to be a very interesting and good game. I look forward to it.

(Solve our population crisis. Vote Cuthulhu!