The Eye of Anubis: Book Eight

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The Eye of Anubis: Book Eight

Post by NeoTiamat »

Entry Hall, The Monastery of Stilled Nightmares, Sebua
July 16th, 761, 4:14 AM; Day 121 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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Up ahead, on the path, the small, iron-bound doors of the Monastery of Stilled Nightmares opened, their hinges creaking loudly in the pre-dawn gloom. They were surprisingly small, actually, given the imposing bulk of the Monastery building, more a postern gate through which a few sneaking skulkers could escape through than the huge, intimidating gates that marked public buildings in Dementlieu.

"Come. The Abbot waits." Ianthe whispered into the silence, motioning for her fellow monks to come along and gesturing towards the fight somewhat behind the group. It seemed that the Devourer and its pet Smiler were winning. "I do not wish to be here when they are done."

That wasn't really a sentiment you could argue with.


The Monastery of Stilled Nightmares itself was a rather unusual building. It was a huge, ramshackle pile of wood and stone, composed largely, as near you could tell, from chunks of ship wreckage that had been dragged to the rocky outcropping and piled atop one another. This gave the entire Monastery a wierdly organic look to it, as the smooth walls bulged with lengths of ship's hull, and occasionalls spars and masts poked out of the building at peculiar angles.

Originally, it seemed, the building had been a pair of large ships, galleons of some sort, which had fallen onto the side of the rocky hill in a kind of V-shape. Since then, they had been expanded upon and built over and in a few cases, cannibalized for building material. For all that, though, there was a kind of pleasing style to the Monastery, a vaguely comfortable feeling that made you want to run your hand along the wall and marvel at the close-planked wooden walls, and how well they stood the test of time.


Sadly, there wasn't time for much more sight-seeing, as the small group was bustled up the carved stone steps and into the first antechamber of the Monastery of Stilled Nightmares. Jervis brought up the rear, looking vaguely annoyed with the world at having only managed to secure a single, reasonably undamaged Bodak-skin out of this entire endeavor.

Ianthe spoke to her fellow monks in quick bursts of Vechorite, and it occurred to you that many of the other Monks also had the small, delicate epsilon tattooed on their foreheads. Others looked to be Vaasi or Darkonian, but even they understood Ianthe.

A pair of younger monks, a tall Vechorite man and a Darkonian woman, came up, and a brief exchange followed. The rest of the still confused and anemic monks were led off by the two monks, somewhere into the depths of the Monastery.

This left the ten of you, and Ianthe, alone in the antechamber of the Monastery. The room was fairly small, but pleasantly decorated with numerous swirling patterns carved into the walls and various sea-creatures hung in frames, seashells and molluscs of different sorts.

Our foreign guests have arrived. The dry, rustling voice seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once, a shifting of dried leaves in an autumn wind that sounded somewhere in your middle ear. And Acolyte Ianthe. We are ever in your debts, travelers.

The old, dark-varnished door to a side-room opened, and the Abbot entered the antechamber. He did not look like the traditional images of a hermit-abbot.

To begin with, the Abbot was well past six feet in height, a slim, slender figure that was of a height with Edmund, easily, and overtopped any of you by several inches. He was clad in flowing black robes and a grey mantle inscribed with a simple geometric design, but even this didn't quite attract the eye as much as his face did. Or rather, his lack of a face.

For the Abbot wore a burnished bronze mask, polished brightly to cover a strangely malformed face, all forehead and with almost no chin. Two crystalline lenses of dark glass covered the eye-slots of the mask, and a hood of black cloth was pulled up over the rest of the Abbot's head. A high collar ringed the back of his neck, spined and curled and with material between the spikes almost like a cobweb.

I admit, I had begun to despair over the last few weeks. But it seems that Dame Fortuna has smiled upon us once more. There was no movement from the bronze mask or the glittering black lenses as the Abbot spoke, though there was a small shifting under the grey mantle, roughly in the area of the Abbot's throat. Please, if there is anything you require, you have but ask. Our home is yours. It's really the least we can do.

Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Seeing that nobody else is stepping forward (and really, there's no one better suited for this sort of thing, peculiar as it is to think) Charles steps forward and bows. "Your Reverence, we are pleased to accept your hospitality, and to have rid your doorstep of so inconvenient an encumbrance. We thank all of you for your assistance--yours personally, that of your monks, and in particular that of Acolyte Ianthe--and are glad we could offer ours to you. I am your humble servant, Charles Martel; my companions will introduce themselves. Have you an infirmary? I think some of us are a bit the worse for wear, and would profit from medical attention."
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"Right now," Lia says, "I would settle for a chair."

The Wizard stubbornly walked into the Monastery under her own power, but her gait became more erratic as she went. Right now, she is leaning rather heavily on her cane, but still carrying herself grimly erect.

"I mean no offense," she rasps at the Abbot. "My name is Mournswaithe. I am glad we drove that scut Cavendish away from here, and am deeply grateful for your hospitality. But I am ... a little tired just now."

If the Abbot's appearance has startled Lia, she seems to be doing a fine job of hiding it. Or perhaps she is simply content to let someone else wear whatever masks they please. She does it herself, after all.
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Re: The Eye of Anubis: Book Eight

Post by NeoTiamat »

Entry Hall, The Monastery of Stilled Nightmares, Sebua
July 16th, 761, 4:16 AM; Day 121 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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Nathan of the FoS wrote:"Have you an infirmary? I think some of us are a bit the worse for wear, and would profit from medical attention."
Of course. We maintain a fairly well stocked infirmary, given the tendency of undead to spring into existence in the Ruse. The Abbot opened a door and gestured for you to follow, leading the way through a rather labyrinthine assortment of rooms and short corridors. The premises are well warded, but there are periodic troubles with ghosts and such on our salvaging operations. We buy scrolls of healing wholesale from a Pharazian merchant, a one-eyed man.
Rock wrote:"I mean no offense," Lia rasps at the Abbot. "My name is Mournswaithe. I am glad we drove that scut Cavendish away from here, and am deeply grateful for your hospitality. But I am ... a little tired just now."
Of course, you must stay the night. The Abbot moved a thin, black-gloved hand dismissively. With you in your present condition, I hope you would consider staying with us until you are well. It would give me a chance to properly display the Monastery's gratitude.

We have guests frequently, but usually the debts of gratitude are reversed.
The Abbot noted dryly, the whispery voice in your mind even softer.
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Kaitou Kage
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

Kuzan followed quietly, the unnerving appearance of the abbot replaced by a fascination at how the monastery was built. Here and there he saw so many different ship parts all mixed up in an incredible conglomerate building that included a little of this, a little of that, and a lot of ingenuity.

Oh, right, scrolls, healing, an infirmary.

"May I look at your scrolls?" the priest asked, finally getting up the motivation to speak, "Ah, sorry, I should introduce myself first. I am Kuzan, Sri Rajian priest of Varuna. If it's all right, I'd like to use some scrolls to restore the lost strength of some of my fellows."
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Post by The Whistler »

Otto ran his hand along the corridor wall exploratorily as the group walked towards wherever it was they were going.

Not an architecture guy, so you wouldn't be qualified to comment regardless, but guess there's no knocking the organic look so long as all the parts fit together cohesively. Flowing lines, functional layout despite itself...looks like these guys stumbled onto a coherent aesthetic vision by accident. Leaving aside that they have to make do with what they scrounge up, I know a Dementlieuse or two that'd kill to have this as gallery space.

...For that matter, bet they get great acoustics during all-night meditative chanting sessions. Or whatever. This'd be a good time to accept that committed Deists haven't a clue what monks do with their downtime.

"Otto Schultheiss, of Schultheiss Firearms, in Lamordia." The gunsmith perked up momentarily, having just made a mental connection. "You purchase arcane supply from One-Eyed Faruq?"

A pause. Another realization.

"...And you negotiated a wholesale rate?"

Another pause. Whatever vague attitudes the Lamordian had previously held about monks coalesced into something much more respectful.

The gunsmith shook his head slightly, shifting mental gears. "We are the most grateful for your hospitality, Herr Abbot; for this group, such has been rare of late. If indeed your offer is taken up upon--Kuzan, you should probably be contacting Samael when it is of convenience. I would not presume to impress the remainder of our group on a travel across the ruse, of course; however, if we are to be here for some time, then a notification of our condition should be made."
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Post by lostboy »

With the doors closed and the sounds of undead fighting receeding Khalil sheathes his blades. As he does so his shoulder slump as the exertion of the last few hours hits home.

The abbots voice causes him to look up but the desert guide is simply too tired to be bothered by the general weirdness of the masked apparition. As the other introduce themsleves he adds his own voice. "Khalil Al-atim" he says simply with the nearest he can manage to a polite nod.

"I thankyou for your hospitality, I too would be most agreeable to a few hours rest."
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by DocBeard »

Tomas...wobbles, for lack of a better word. Cavendish's curse of weakness is still leaching the...well, the Tomas out of Tomas, as the swordsman leans on Ivorsen as a crutch, his face a deep shade of red from the humiliation of it all.

He gives the abbot a respectful nod, not trusting himself to bow at the moment, but otherwise lets the others take the lead. There is one thing that helps, however: The look on Cavendish's face when Tomas slammed into the evil wizard's side is still something Eisenwald can relish...
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Re: The Eye of Anubis: Book Eight

Post by NeoTiamat »

Entry Hall, The Monastery of Stilled Nightmares, Sebua
July 16th, 761, 4:25 AM; Day 121 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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Kaitou Kage wrote:"May I look at your scrolls?" the priest asked, finally getting up the motivation to speak, "Ah, sorry, I should introduce myself first. I am Kuzan, Sri Rajian priest of Varuna. If it's all right, I'd like to use some scrolls to restore the lost strength of some of my fellows."
Varuna... Varuna... I may have met one of your fellows some years ago. The Abbot noted, shuffling through the years of memory. The masked figure moves with an elegant, casual grace, stalking like a cat through the ramshackle Monastery. A... Murali, I believe his name was. He did not stay with us, but I do not know if he ever returned to his land.

So few do.
There was a somber note in the Abbot's mind-voice.

Regardless, the infirmary has many scrolls of divine magic, you should be able to use them without trouble.
Whistler wrote:"Otto Schultheiss, of Schultheiss Firearms, in Lamordia." The gunsmith perked up momentarily, having just made a mental connection. "You purchase arcane supply from One-Eyed Faruq?"

A pause. Another realization.

"...And you negotiated a wholesale rate?"
We have our ways... The Abbot said mysteriously. You had the vague feeling that if the Abbot spoke, he'd be chuckling now. Ianthe was certainly smiling.

The Abbot opened another door, and walked down a few steps into a rather imposing cloister. It was... quite a view. Our little vanity.

The cloister consisted of an open area, surrounded by covered collonnades and with a stout prayer hall in the center. Tiled walkways of irregular geometric designs wandered this way and that, meandering between small beds of desert flowers, little red and blue and yellow flowers. The columns themselves you recognized as old wooden masts from a plethora of ships, polished smooth. A monk was meditating in one of the open areas, eyes closed and breathing deep.

Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by yalenusveler »

Andre was trying to enjoy the architecture and the relative calm of the monastery, but it was rather difficult when one felt like crap warmed over and just came from a fight won by luck and high explosives.

"I thank you for your hospitality, Goddess only knows we could use it." Andre said with a tired smile. "But..did you see the city that appeared when the circle collapsed? Have you any idea what...or when that city was?"

Andre shuddered, wiping sweat from his brow. "Is it just me..or is it getting cold ?"
"Sometimes, Mr.Liquor cabinet is my only friend"
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"It is quite lovely," Lia mutters, body swaying slightly as she leans on her cane. She coughs once, then looks at Andre. "Are you quite alright? You seem ... less than fit." 'Big talk,' she admits to herself, 'from someone barely clinging to consciousness. No. Control.'
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Post by The Whistler »

Hm. Guess they do meditate after all. Count it a learning experience...wouldn't hurt you to calm your mind by proxy while you're here, for that matter.

You wanna say something to my face, Tubby?

...Case in point.
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

Kuzan mulled the name over in his head. "Murali," his head bobbed slowly, "I've heard of him. He supposedly disappeared thirty years ago, er, before, before I was born." Oops. That didn't work so well. It's hard to say "before you were born" when you were born a thousand years ago.

The priest's golden eyes surveyed the others, especially those clearly more hurt or drained.

"I'll look at each of you when we get to the infirmary and see what I can do to help."
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"Oh, very handsome," Charles says, nodding. "Almost like an oasis, isn't it? the monastery built around an oasis? I suppose you have to have a water supply of some kind. It's interesting that you have so many Vechorites among your it just that they sail the Nocturnal Sea more than others? Or are they more likely to stay than those of other nations?"
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Re: The Eye of Anubis: Book Eight

Post by NeoTiamat »

Entry Hall, The Monastery of Stilled Nightmares, Sebua
July 16th, 761, 4:38 AM; Day 121 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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Nathan of the FoS wrote:"Oh, very handsome," Charles says, nodding. "Almost like an oasis, isn't it? the monastery built around an oasis? I suppose you have to have a water supply of some kind.
There's a well underneath the kitchen area, and our predecessors in this place established quite a pulley system for water collection. The Abbot explained, almost chatty. The black-robed and bronze-masked figure gestured towards the prayer hall as you passed through the cloisters. There is also a fountain within the prayer hall, but it is forbidden to drink from it.
Nathan of the FoS wrote:It's interesting that you have so many Vechorites among your it just that they sail the Nocturnal Sea more than others? Or are they more likely to stay than those of other nations?"
"It is the one and it is the other." Ianthe explained as you exited the cloister and into the catacomb-like tunnels of the inner Monastery. It was rather dark here, actually, especially after the brilliantly sunlit paths around the prayer hall. "My countrymen, we fish near the Ruse, sometimes we get caught. I was such one."

"And later... Vechor is far, and this place is not so bad a home." Ianthe smiled a little. "It is not so strange a place, and the Abbot is a kinder lord than King Easan."

I am no man's lord, Ianthe. The Abbot chided mildly.
YalenusVeler wrote:"I thank you for your hospitality, Goddess only knows we could use it." Andre said with a tired smile. "But..did you see the city that appeared when the circle collapsed? Have you any idea what...or when that city was?"
The Abbot fell silent for the better part of a minute, only the slight rustling beneath his robes and the soft sound of his footsteps breaking the silence.

Here in the center of the Monastery of Stilled Nightmares, away from the cloister and its open sky, you realized just how dark the entire place was. Brief spots of life and light amidst a claustrophobic labyrinth of passageways and enclosed areas, with the only light coming from oil candles spaced far too distantly from one another.

Soundlessly, the Abbot began to recite, the eloquent, dry words forming in your mind, accompanied by a low keening at the very back of consciousness.

  • Along the sand the nightmares snake,
    The twin god lives behind the break,
    The shadows lengthen in Kamarn-Quse.

    Strange is the night where black stars rise,
    And strange moons circle through the skies
    But stranger still is Great Kamarn-Quse.

    Songs that the priest-lords shall sing,
    To bloody virtues of the King,
    Must die unheard in Bright Kamarn-Quse.

    Song of my soul, my voice is dead;
    Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed
    Shall dry and die in Dread Kamarn-Quse.
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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