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The Journal of Dr. Aubrey Lockheart

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:16 am
by DoctorMoreau
I have recently started a Victorian Ravenloft campaign, it may be inaccurate to call it a Red Death campaign since I am not using the Red Death per say but more of the Ravenloft elements that I'm fond of (the Dark Powers, the Mists, etc).

Anyway though, since it is sent in 1891 in Victorian England and involves a team of investigators, assembled by Dr. VanHelsing and his associates. One of the players has collected a journal that recounts her fall into all of this and the adventures we have had so far. It is extremely well written, and from a characters perspective, I recommend it highly for reading.

The Dr. Moreau she mentions is a character from a game of mine, originally set in Modern day, but in this Victorian campaign he is the son (instead of great grandson) of the Dr. Moreau of novel fame. A mad genius in his own right.

As with any livejournal, to read to current start with the bottom article.