A new idea for golems

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A new idea for golems

Post by brilliantlight »

My idea about golems is that dread golems have a little piece of the soul of their creator. That as sentient beings they need a soul and their creator unwittingly provided part of theirs to the golem with the "help" of the Dark Powers. This is why the golem can read their minds. The small piece of their creator's soul links them together. It is one way because it is but a small piece of the creator's soul and any thoughts from the golem is drowned out by the creator's own thoughts. How do you think this could be worked into a game?
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Loethadai the Lurker
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Re: A new idea for golems

Post by Loethadai the Lurker »

Oh, I like that a lot. That could work very well for storyline purposes. As far as game mechanics, well, I guess that would depend on what edition your using. Regardless, I would think this could be integrated into any one of them relatively easy. Nice work! 8)
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Re: A new idea for golems

Post by brilliantlight »

Loethadai the Lurker wrote:Oh, I like that a lot. That could work very well for storyline purposes. As far as game mechanics, well, I guess that would depend on what edition your using. Regardless, I would think this could be integrated into any one of them relatively easy. Nice work! 8)
I can think of storylines but I was thinking of game mechanics in 3.5. What kind of changes, if any, do you think I should make for golems using this idea.
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Re: A new idea for golems

Post by Loethadai the Lurker »

I can think of storylines but I was thinking of game mechanics in 3.5. What kind of changes, if any, do you think I should make for golems using this idea.
I see. Unfortunately, I can't help you much there. I'm an old 2nd Edition player, and know very little about 3, and 3.5. Sorry.. I would think that not much if anything would change about the game mechanics of the golems. Outside of storyline, and the ability of ESP between the golem, and it's maker, these appear to be the only differences. Someone more versed in 3rd Edition may have a different take on it though.
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Re: A new idea for golems

Post by Baron Zamedi »

Maybe if the creator dies and you want him rezzed, you first have to destroy the golem to get the entire soul together, otherwise it fails.

Or perhaps the golem could work as a philactery(sp?) for the creator, that might be a little complex though.
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Re: A new idea for golems

Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

I believe it was Nathan who suggested, a while back, that this is exactly what happened with Adam and Mordenheim: the gods put the latter's soul into the former. Most golems' connection to their creators isn't as strong as in that instance, but their mental link is certainly suggestive of a partial (one-way?) spiritual tie of some sort.

Destroying the golem as a prerequisite for resurrecting the creator could work, except that resurrecting the dead -- at least, so they come back as living people, not undead -- is so rare in Ravenloft to begin with that it'd be pretty rare for the issue to even arise.
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Nathan of the FoS
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Re: A new idea for golems

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Yes, that was my suggestion for squaring some of Lamordia's oddities (why is Adam the darklord? Why does the domain reflect Mordenheim? Why are they both obsessed with creating flesh golems?). I'm pretty proud of it, really. It's not at all hard to envision that being a general rule for creators and their golems; what makes the golem a dread golem is a piece of the creator's soul. (In my envisioning of Adam and Mordenheim, it was Mordenheim's entire soul that was placed in Adam, but for lesser golems it makes sense to have it be just a part of the creator's soul.)

WRT your question, brilliantlight, I think the game mechanical changes of having a golem be a dread golem (Intelligence 9 or higher, always neutral evil, etc.) cover the territory pretty well. I wouldn't add anything to that except on a case-by-case basis.
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Re: A new idea for golems

Post by HuManBing »

This is a good idea. The soul-link could grant a greater degree of observational and coordinational power to the creator, but it could also open the creator up to potential dangers if bad things happen to the golem. Also, golems are conceptually a fairly similar type of construct to homuculi, and they definitely have a strong link to their makers.

(Note: It has been some time since I've used 3.5 Ed. rules so some of these could be a bit off or vague.)

To put this in game mechanic terms, you could treat the soul as synonymous with mental powers. Thus, the dread golem might have any or all of these traits in common with the creator:

1. Languages - the dread golem can understand (though not necessarily speak) all languages known to the creator.

2. Mental effects of failed powers checks - the dread golem suffers the same mental disadvantages of any failed powers checks the creator had at the time of creation. (Because the golem is a separate physical construct made with completely different genetic or inanimate material, it does not reflect purely physical effects of powers checks... unless you want it to!)

3. Shared Will save - the dread golem shares the same Will save bonus as the creator.

4. Familiar/homunculus link - if the creator has a familiar or homuculus (highly probable, given that most creators are spellcasters) the golem can also communicate silently with the familiar and vice versa. The familiar may not like this at all, depending on what the golem is. The golem cannot issue commands to the familiar; that remains the sole province of the creator.

5. Mental spell-based powers - if the creator casts spells on himself that augment perception or mental powers, the golem may be able to gain their benefit as well. If the creator had infravision, this may also be a permanent ability available to the golem. The flip side is true, too - the golem could unwittingly "transmit" back harmful effects if the golem is attacked by a mental power such as mind blast. Some creators can bypass this vulnerability entirely - liches are immune to mind-altering effects and merely having a golem around would not remove that immunity.

6. The creator can break contact with the dread golem, which is a free action, but cannot share the golem's mental input until he regains contact (this can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be - a single round of concentration may be sufficient).

These are just some ideas. Have fun with them.
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Re: A new idea for golems

Post by brass »

If you are willing to streach as far as pathfinder, the summoner is a a class with a link to a big beastie. I'd swap around a few things and you could end up with a linked pair of monster and creator.
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Re: A new idea for golems

Post by brilliantlight »

HuManBing wrote:This is a good idea. The soul-link could grant a greater degree of observational and coordinational power to the creator, but it could also open the creator up to potential dangers if bad things happen to the golem. Also, golems are conceptually a fairly similar type of construct to homuculi, and they definitely have a strong link to their makers.

(Note: It has been some time since I've used 3.5 Ed. rules so some of these could be a bit off or vague.)

To put this in game mechanic terms, you could treat the soul as synonymous with mental powers. Thus, the dread golem might have any or all of these traits in common with the creator:

1. Languages - the dread golem can understand (though not necessarily speak) all languages known to the creator.

2. Mental effects of failed powers checks - the dread golem suffers the same mental disadvantages of any failed powers checks the creator had at the time of creation. (Because the golem is a separate physical construct made with completely different genetic or inanimate material, it does not reflect purely physical effects of powers checks... unless you want it to!)

3. Shared Will save - the dread golem shares the same Will save bonus as the creator.

4. Familiar/homunculus link - if the creator has a familiar or homuculus (highly probable, given that most creators are spellcasters) the golem can also communicate silently with the familiar and vice versa. The familiar may not like this at all, depending on what the golem is. The golem cannot issue commands to the familiar; that remains the sole province of the creator.

5. Mental spell-based powers - if the creator casts spells on himself that augment perception or mental powers, the golem may be able to gain their benefit as well. If the creator had infravision, this may also be a permanent ability available to the golem. The flip side is true, too - the golem could unwittingly "transmit" back harmful effects if the golem is attacked by a mental power such as mind blast. Some creators can bypass this vulnerability entirely - liches are immune to mind-altering effects and merely having a golem around would not remove that immunity.

6. The creator can break contact with the dread golem, which is a free action, but cannot share the golem's mental input until he regains contact (this can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be - a single round of concentration may be sufficient).

These are just some ideas. Have fun with them.
All very good ideas.
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Re: A new idea for golems

Post by cure »

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