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characters from different domains

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:38 pm
by Rudolf Weathermay
While I started my campaign with 4 Darkonese characters my players reached the tropical island of Souragne where they meet a new player. They guy plays an aristocratic character from the Von Schelm family. Thanks to the Guide to Souragne that everyone can download here, I gave my player the lexicon with words and terms used in Souragne. (I also allowed him to speak a bit Darkonese, which he learned from books (trading with darkonese merchants happened very occasionally)

I enjoyed the fact my new player used the words from the Lexicon and brought the feeling I wanted to create over to the other players. What is the marecage he was talking about and what the fuck is a crocrodile :p).

I was wondering if other groups with characters from different domains use those lexicons or if they just speak and understand each other without problem?

Re: characters from different domains

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:49 pm
by Zilfer
Generally my players haven't even delved that deep into the setting so most of the talk around the table seems to go just as normal talk, nothing special. Though I should probably introduce a bit more of it into my game I think.