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OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 11:26 pm
by Zilfer
The OCC topic of my game. More to come soon. :D

Currently going to start small with the Party coming to a village or town by a bridge and that a wall of Mist has trapped them inside this town. (hence the title a bridge to nowhere) Probably going to be a bit of undead involved and I'm still wondering where exactly I should locate this or just have it as an island of horror. Once I get some of the characters in I may change my mind however.

Going to be using the Pathfinder system as a test to see if my home game would be good using the system or if I should stick to the original system.

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 2:56 am
by VAN
Elaborate your game some more Zilfer please :)

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:24 am
by Zilfer
Edited my original post slightly

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:16 am
by Metaflux
What are the Domains of the gods in Ravenloft?

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:42 am
by Zilfer
I'll try and remember to bring the book over today ron. :D

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 12:20 am
by VAN
If you want to use many undead Darkon is a good domain to place your game but of course an island of Terror could do the job just fine.

What level will be the chars? And what edition? I don't play pathfinder so if I make a PC as 3.5 edition will be ok with you?

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 11:53 am
by Zilfer
I may except a 3.5 character. :D I have limited Internet access at the moment. Mostly from work, but I should hopefully monday have internet at home :D

There's 1 fact of Darkon that might make it not suitable for the beginning of this game. I don't know. I'm going to be doing a bit of research this week to figure out what exactly I want to do. It will involve as I stated before coming across a bridge to what seems a dead end village or town.

Got to crack my Ravenloft books out of the moving boxes! Just got done moving last weekend :D

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:17 pm
by VAN
Ok, what level should be the PC and from what domain or has to be from the domain we will play?

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:20 pm
by Zilfer
Be starting off as level 1's or 2s is the area I'm currently looking at.

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 3:59 pm
by Zilfer
I'm going to go with starting level two's and the standard roll 4d6 take out the lowest dice for stats. Still no domain limit yet. Feel free to bounce off ideas anyone that has showed an interest. Just got internet up at home (or so i'm told by my GF. I'm still at work unforunately!!!)

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 5:18 pm
by VAN
I'm thinking to take a wizard from Darkon.

Do you play with the Spell Points system of Unearthed Arcana?

How many spells should my PC have at the spellbook and how many gp for equipment?

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 6:03 pm
by Zilfer
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that system. I do however own that book, so I'll be able to give it a look over and let you know if it's acceptable. As for starting money....

It's 1,000 GP for level 2 in this case. :D

Spells you have all 0 level spells and start with 3 spells + Int Moddifer in level 1 spells. Then for second level you get another 2 'free spells'. So 5 + Int Moddifer is what a Wizard would start off with. Pathfinder btw if your interested in checking out is very similar to 3.x which only some differences and has basically all their books online due to Open Gaming License. One bonus of Pathfinder wizards is a d6 HP rather than a d4 HP.

Here's a link if your curious.... :D

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 6:34 pm
by Metaflux
Tammerin Belvelyn Elacritus IV
Lawful Good
Evangelist (Cleric Archtype) (2)
Deity: None
Holy Symbol: The Sun
Human (Dual Talent Racial Variant)
Domains: Sun
Favored Weapon: Greatsword <-----This

STR: 19
DEX: 18
CON: 17
INT: 15
WIS: 15
CHA: 12

Age: 19 (roll for age:
Height: 6'4" (roll for height:
Weight: 170 lbs. (roll for weight:

Health: 22
(roll for second hit dice:

BAB: +1
Fort: +6
Ref: +4
Will: +5
Initiative: +8
AC: 18

Class Features:
Spontaneous Casting
Public Speaker
Sermonic Performance (Evangelist)
Inspire Courage
Blinding Flash (5/day)

Power Attack
Improved Initiative

~ History - 2
~ Nobility - 2
~ Geography - 2
~ Religion - 2
Perform (Oratory) - 2

Languages: Darkonese, Mordentish, Celestial

Spells Memorized Per Day:
0 ~ ∞
1 ~ 3 + 1

~ Create Water
~ Guidance
~ Purify Food and Water
~ Mending

~ Bless
~ Proection from Evil
~ Divine Favor
~ Endure Elements

Bio: The son of deceased parents, Tammerin was accepted into a monastery of the Morninglord. His early childhood was full of lessons, books, and training so that he would become a cleric of the order. Yet, as the young Elacritus grew, traveling merchants worshiping and speaking of other gods revealed to the boy that there was more than just one deity that needed worshiping to. The clerics he lived with would get so frustrated with him when he would bring holy symbols of various pantheons into the monastery. Eventually, they just took them all away and said worshiping any but the Morninglord was heresy.

The more he was shown the feats and grandeur of these deities, Tammerin also began to question if such beings did exist. There were so many, and each individual kept telling him only their god was the true god, and that he had to worship their god if he wished to be saved. Being exposed to such a diverse and demanding society ended up breaking the boy, for at the age of 14, Tammerin abandoned the Morninglord and every other god he was exposed to. Taking a trip with minstrels across lands beyond, the boy experienced deserts, oceans, forests, plains, and everything in between. Such a time was spent with these bards that he learned his own form of storytelling, and took it up as a hobby. Not as charming an individual as the rest of the gang, Tammerin could still hold his own in tales and fables, even going so far as making up his own occasionally.

For five years, Tammerin ventured in service to these minstrels, up until a most recent night when the caravan was overrun by undead. A great many of them were slaughtered easily, but a large man stood behind the waves simply summoning more when others fell. He was a man whose immensity even Tammerin couldn't match. Sweeping through the undead like twigs to reach the summoner only fatigued him, and as he approached the giant, he was easily swatted aside and left as food for the swarm. At that instant, a great shaft of sunlight washed over Tammerin, revealing a greatsword to match Tammerin's opponent in power. The scourge screamed and writhed away from the boy as he raised himself and brought the blade to arm.

A battle of devastation wreaked havoc upon the land as slashes tore not only at the combatants' defenses, but the surrounding terrain as well. Eventually, the final blow was struck, the necromancer was slain, and the scourge with him. To Tammerin's despair, though, the minstrels were all slain, or dying, and he had nothing to heal them or save them. Eventually, the dying succumbed to disease or infection, and the boy had to watch as his friends left him, one by one. Giving each a burial within a meadow, Tammerin carved an image of the sun in the center of the burial ring, hoping that the blessing that had given him a weapon, might also lay his friends to rest.

From the grounds, Tammerin took the armor of the necromancer, which bore white scales of a size unmatched by any reptile the boy had ever seen. As he bore the armor towards the nearest town, Tammerin looked up towards the sky, where the sun shown. From hence forth, Tammerin vowed to banish darkness and shrouded mysteries from the lands, so that humanity might finally have a chance at peace.

Entertainer's Outfit
White Dragonscale Armor (Chain Shirt Equivalent)
Masterwork Greatsword
Heavy Crossbow
Heavy Steel Shield
Heavy Mace
Bolts (80)
Quivers (2 - One on each thigh)
Inkpen (10)
3 oz. of Ink

Gold: 17

"Praise the Sun!"

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 6:56 pm
by Zilfer
Guessing a Cleric/Bard Hybrid?

Re: OOC The Bridge to Nowhere

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:03 pm
by Metaflux
Pretty much. Anything you want me to change?