Celia Whitmoor (NPC)

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Born 717 BC, Celia Whitmoor is an afflicted lycanthrope originally from Staunton Bluffs. She now tracks Yuri Pedorov throughout Ravenloft (and especially the Core). She believes he is the progenitor lycanthrope of her line or might hold a clue to where to find it. Originally an idealistic girl before the werewolf attack that destroyed her old life, Celia now tries to control the ferocity of the beast inside of her with her better nature and the wisdom gained from years of hunting the creatures of the night.[1]

Kevin, a priest of unknown religion, was one of the first people to encounter Celia after her first transformation. This encounter happened in Darkon as Celia mauled and killed Kevin's friend, a wizard. After she was subdued, Kevin showed mercy by deciding to spare her life. She joined Kevin's adventurer band for a time, and they helped to curtail her rampages. During this time, she became attached to a 12 year old boy named Richard Bigelow (whom she nicknamed Sniff for his seeming everlasting cold) and acted as a maternal guardian for him. She also met Argent (see above). A year after joining them, most of them vanished to the Wishing Imp's foul influence.[2]

After most of their party was gone, Celia, Sniff, and Kevin remained. Kevin tried to aid Celia in finding a cure, but they failed to find one. Celia's dread disease eventually came over her again, and she mauled Kevin, infecting him with lycanthropy.[3] Returning to Staunton Bluffs, they encountered Yuri there, but he elusively claimed a great beast from Vorostokov had infected him before escaping. Worn tired by this revelation and Yuri's escape, Kevin later abandoned Celia and Sniff in 738 BC, cryptically saying he had to settle old scores.[4]

Celia Whitmoor was created by John W. Mangrum for The Book of Souls.

Following their failure to hunt down the Black Wolf that infected them, Celia and her lover Argent settled down and established the Duskpeace Lodge in Verbrek, a halfway house for fellow afflicted lycanthropes and home to the Duskpeace Outcasts. They are friendly to strangers whom are not lycanthropes, but they refuse to let normal humans stay. "S" has spoken with them and left on polite terms.[5]


2nd Edition

Lawful Good/Chaotic Evil, female human fighter 6/infected lycanthrope (werewolf)[6]

3rd Edition

Fighter 6/Moonchild 3; Lawful Good[7]


(729 BC A wandering tinker from some distant land is injured and Claude nurses him back to health. In gratitude he crreats a a silver locket with a cameo of Marie crafted from Claude's verbal description. Claude bestows the locket to Celia, and it eventually becomes Celia's most valued possession.[10]

  • 735 BC The Whitmoors are beset upon by a werewolf, Celia Whitmoor is infected with lycanthropy[11] and Thaddeus is murdered.[12] The culprit of this heinous acts is Yuri Pedorov, a boyar whom escaped Vorostokov.[13]
  • 736 BC Celia Whitmoor attacks and infects Kevin with lycanthropy.[14]
  • 737 BC or 738 BC Celia and Kevin encounter Yuri in Staunton Bluffs, but he gives them the slip.[15]
  • 738 BC Overcome by despair, Kevin abandons Celia Whitmoor and Sniff and rides out to resolve an old conflict of unknown nature.[16] Celia decides to settle down and raise Richard in a normal environment. She charges him with shackling her at night.[17]
  • 740 BC Richard leaves home, and Celia begins adventuring again.[18]
  • 750 BC Celia still has not found the werewolf who began her line of lycanthropy.[19]
  • 757 BC By this time, Celia has been rejoined by Argent. Together they have set up the Duskpeace Lodge and settled down in Verbrek. The pair encounter and have a meal with "S" at the lodge.[20]
