Mist Ferryman

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Mist Ferrymen are evil, hooded skeletal-like creatures that inhabit the mists. While they are not one of the most dire threats in the Demiplane, their master and power over the mists is unique and incredible. Their penchant for carrying a wispy staff or scythe has had them confused with Grim Reapers, a creature they have no relation to.


Mist Ferrymen have sharp claws and teeth that they use to attack with, and transmits a debilitating disease -- which, if not treated, will turn the victim themselves into a Mist Ferryman. If the Mist Ferryman's opponent is more than a match, they can summon up to eight other ferrymen from the surrounded mists to their aid.


Mist Ferrymen can be either solitary or social creatures, depending on their preference. They can also be summoned by ritual bloodletting of innocents, and bid to do the wish of the summoner. Mist Ferrymen may also be coerced to guiding travelers if they were subdued in combat. They have the unique ability to unfailingly travel to any domain they wish, as well as beyond the Demiplane of Dread if they so choose -- but they are always surrounded by the mists that brings Ravenloft along with it. So far, no Mist Ferryman has been known to provide this escape.


It is not known where (or what) has granted the Mist Ferrymen their unique powers. They reside only in the mists, and their debilitating disease ensures their continued existence.

Islands of Terror
Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III
Denizens of Darkness

Islands of Terror - p94
Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p84
Denizens of Darkness - p107

Islands of Terror - p94
Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p84
Denizens of Darkness - pp107-108

Islands of Terror - p94
Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p84
Denizens of Darkness - pp107-108