Conte Aerik D’Eauberville

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Conte Aerik D'Eauberville (real name Erick Doberfeld) is the caliban son of an inbred mix of commoner and Yvoire Family blood. Like other members of the Doberfeld Family, Erick was a tenant farmer for the Yyvoire family. His deformities made him an outcast, and from there he developed into a violent bully.[1]

As several murders took place, he was the first suspect. Some adventurers intervened and found the real culprits: ghouls. Erick learned about ghoulish necrology in acting as a guide for the adventurers. After the matter was settled, Erick took some ghoul blood used it to create a Ghoul Blood Concoction, a poison that weakens the body and infects it with Ravenous Fever. Killed victims rise as ghouls. Erick proceeded to poison his own family with it, and then he set them upon the Yyvoire Family. Most of the Yyvoire Family were subsequently infected, destroyed or transformed into ghouls.[2]

Following the massacre, Erick assumed lordship of the Yyvoire Estate with the name of Conte Aerik D’Eauberville. He is almost entirely selfish. The only other person he cares for is Acquilina Yvoire, whom he has forced to marry him.[3]

For her part, Ivana Boritsi is largely indfferent to Erick's takeover. The Yvoire family was one of such little power that they are of no consequence to her. However, she seeks to make Acquilina an Ermordenung, and she hopes to use Conte Aerik as a way to instill enough misandry in in Acquilina to enable the Emordenung transformation to occur.[4]

During the massacre of the Yyvoire family, Erick was bitten by Xavier Yvoire and infected with Ravenous Fever. Conte Aerik is now slowly taking on the traits of a ghoul lord. As of now, he is still among the living and lacks the ghoul lord's miasma power.[5]

Conte Aerik is featured in the adventure Family Dinner.[6]


Male caliban living ghoul lord Commoner5/Expert1/Aristocrat1; Neutral Evil[7]


  1. Children of the Night X, QtR19 p.149-150
  2. p.150-153
  3. p.152
  4. 152
  5. 152-153
  6. 153-160
  7. p.149