Ezekiel Preston

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Ezekiel Preston (alias: Terrance Sinclair)[1] began life with all that a man could wish for: love, health, and wealth. However, Preston developed an addiction to gambling, and since then, all that he's done has in one way or another centered around his horrible habit. Preston committed patricide for the inheritance to pay off his debts. After witnessing the innocence of Amalia Wright, Preston decided to marry her with the intent of using her innate goodness to purge him of his inner demons. [2]

Wright's family gave their blessings for the marriage, but Amalia herself already cared for Willem Tyson. Preston challenged him to a duel and decidedly slew him. Soon after that, Amalia Wright died of heartache. Preston had Wright buried on the Preston Estate rather than with Willem as she had requested. By himself, Preston soon fell back into his wanton ways and died in the freezing cold a pauper. After a lifetime of clawing and scraping to get and an oath to not let death claim him, Preston arose as a powerful Fourth Magnitude Ghost.[3]

Amalia Wright and Willem Tyson have also become ghosts.[4] They seek to be reunited in death, but Ezekiel does all he can to prevent this [5]


male human Fourth Magnitude Ghost, Lawful Evil[2]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Children of the Night: Ghosts

Children of the Night: Ghosts - p92

Children of the Night: Ghosts - p92

Children of the Night: Ghosts - pp92-96

Terrance Sinclair