Caleb Wicks

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Only but 11 years of age, Caleb Wicks is nonetheless the darklord of Wayward. The son of Ornette Wicks and Carolina Wicks, Caleb was a hellion child seemingly immune to punishment. Only his brother Horatio Wicks could make him behave with horrible stories of Black Hat the Swordslinger. Traveling through the Bone Sands desert, the family was hit with a sandstorm, destroying the cart and direly wounding Horatio. Lost and stranded (as Horatio's condition prevented moving him), the family survived on the meat from their horses. Caleb eavesdropped on his parents talking about waiting for Horatio to die and then using his meat to get them through the desert. He taunted Horatio with this fate, and Horatio responded with panic. Caleb stabbed Horatio in order to silence him with a cooking knife. Ornette and Carolina discovered this horror, but they found nothing to be done at this point. The family consumed Horatio as originally planned.[1]

As the Wicks were settling down for the night, another sandstorm rose up, cutting off Caleb from his parents. He wandered the desert for enough time to drive him nearly mad for food and water before stumbling into the town of Wayward. The town crier happened upon Caleb and approached to help him. Caleb caught the man off guard, gutted him, and feasted upon his flesh. He immediately hid, and after the townspeople had found the body, told the gruesome stories of Black Hat his brother had told him. Such a villain was the cause of the crier's death. The people believed him, and they took him in as one of their own. He endeared himself to them and even assumed the role of the man he killed. Of course, what he enjoyed the most was inserting himself into everything without admonishment.[2]

Caleb's darkest moment came when a group of gnome refugees from Rumbleton came to Wayward seeking shelter. The townspeople granted the gnomes this favor, and the gnomes settled in. However, resources became thin, and s period of famine (the Lean Times ensued. Caleb used this opportunity to sew discord between the humans and the gnomes and make them turn on each other. He ultimately instigated the humans massacring the gnomes and then feasting upon their flesh. With this act of mass murder and cannibalism, Wayward was turned into an Island of Terror. Its townspeople became no longer human but rather quevari.[3]

Caleb and the other Waywarders now sleep most of the time, until strangers come into town. Caleb awakens and rushes to make sure everybody else is up. Everything seems normal to strangers until night fall, when the Waywarders turn vicious.bloodthirsty, and worst of all, hungry.[4]

Caleb enjoys immense, if informal, power over his domain. Though Caleb has very little of his own, the other townspeople provide for all he needs and then some. Although Mayor Jeduthun Loomis holds official power, Caleb pulls the strings of power in town. All of the town will come to his defense.[5] In fact, he as a magic dinner bell that can summon quevari to assist him. Caleb's knife has acquired a dread magical nature due to the influence of the Dark Powers and his own cruel murders.[6]

Despite his power, Caleb is still a vulnerable child. The Black Hat still frightens him so much that he may flee any confrontation where it is mentioned.[5]


male Quevari rogue 5, Chaotic Evil[5]
