The Graben Family Massacre

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After the formation of Nebligtode, Meredoth spent some time exploring his new domain. Eventually, he murdered the Graben Family, the rulers of Graben Island. Meredoth the reanimated them as lebendtod to rule Graben Island as his puppets and to keep the flow of corpses coming for his experiments.[1]

The Nocturnal Sea Gazetteer places this event at 672 BC. Shortly before Meredoth's mass murder, Colin Graben had murdered his uncle Danar Graben and his aunt Brynna Graben by sabotaging the riding path of their carriage. They subsequently fell to their deaths in the Südklippe. To pay off his accomplices, Colin sold some of his family's jewels, and these eventually wound up in Meredoth's hands, subsequently bringing his attention to the Graben Family. Such attention soon proved fatal for the family as Meredoth poisoned the lot of them at the funeral for Danar and Brynna.[2] Only the youngest of infants survived- those too young to be useful to Meredoth and to eat the poison. These children were later raised with no knowledge of their ancestors' transformations into undeath- or least long enough to keep the Graben Family line going for each generation.[3]
